HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1988-2-4 ~~ PERMIT # T..RS, T' JOB LOCATION LANE COUNTY PERMIT Acreage or Lot Si7" Contractor's 0 .S. # Partitioning # '. ( .) Completed Subdivision Lot . J Block APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDR"''''' OWNER'S NAME AND ADD RES" . CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRES" Mail permit to ( i ) Applicant ( ) Owner ,. '> .' Phone Phone~ Phon" (owner, etc.) when ready. . a' '~ (j ) Contractor. )'Prefer to pick up. CalL STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY _ . .IS PERMIT IS FOR '. --_________.....c._____ .. ... , . ;. . ',' =; 8mROOMS~_F PLUMBING CONNECTIOf\iS--<---+- '. WATER SUPPLY. SEWAGE DISPOSAL . ~, ~. ~ S.l. # l~ THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MILE OF THE CITY OF , / .... PLUMBmG BY .. ~" #- ~.~ p" I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the following legal interest in the property: _owner of record; contract purchaser; _ potential buyer; _ realtor or agent. I further certify that (if not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of record, and that said owner is aware and approves of this action. I hereby agree to comply with all applicable Codes rel~ting to this permit. Fee Paid $ ) NEW ADDRESS ( SANITATION Signature' Date ), FACILITY PERMIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT.__ (~ J SPECIAL PMT~ AREA. MIN. ELEVATION: ~ments: Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallonsl Drainfield Required. Lineal Feet Maximum Depth BUILDING Type of Construction r,roup , 'se Classification Fire Zone Comments: - ~ ," SP5&8 '. 7 l By: Date: By: Date: PLANNING REQUIREMENTS SATISFIED. By: ~ Date: Date Issued: ZONE: SETBACKS: FRONT SIDE FACING STREET (FROM CIL) INT. SIDE YARD. REAR . . .- ,--- LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVE., EUGENE, OREGON 97401 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE , (F ROM P/L) :~. PHONE: 687-4394 055-13 BLDG. PERMIT - WHITE; BUILDING - GREEN; PLUMBING - CANAR.....: SANITATION - GOLDENROD: OFFICE CO;:>Y _ \'VHlTE 4.' " ~ . . SITE I NSPECTI ON ApPROVED C1 DISAPPROVED C1 DATE INSPECTOR REMARK 5 FOUNDATION INSPECTION ApPROVEO 1--1 D'SAPPROVEO ~ DATE INSP(CTOR REMARK S FRAMING INSPECTION ApPROVEO / / O'SAPPROVEO C1 DATE INSPLCTOR REMARK S LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION ApPROVEO L-I 0' SAPPROVEO L-I DATE INSPECTOR REMARK S rI NAL I NSP;C~7 !/ud1ULt 'c... e... ApPROVEO 0' SAPPRovro C1 OATr "2- ...J-?? J" I NsprCTOR~ REMARK S CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE C1 NOT READY TO IS~UE C1 DATE INSPECTOR REMARK S . ~ ~v; ~7~44;a '\l:"C? f:f fffq(J~7Y (PI '2l,~ ~!(2#1 C f f B oldo Off 0 0 I nternatlona on erence 0 UI mg ICla 5 fj RE5EAR[H [OmmITTEE RE[OmmERDATlOn CIIINOOK MODEL FSS.24. i5 FIREPLACE STOVE PEERLESS PORTABLE METAL BtlILDlNG, INC. 1100 FAIR AVENUE SANTA CBUZ, CALIFORNIA 950GO~" I. Subject: Chinook ~fodel FSS.24-75 Firc}llace Stove, 0 ~~D II. nt'~cription: (;('IH'rnl: The fin'place stove is a fr('('~t:lI11lill.'t .'oolid flld.lmming fil'l:1'1acc of n'dangular dl~sign for me: in one- !iIOTY CIm.~lructinll. The unit hns an overall height of 27 % inchcs;~ width of 32 inches and a depth of 28 ~1 inches. The firebox open- ing is 24 ~2 inches wide and 1314 inches hi~h and ha.~ a two-piece, hinged metal door with a fireplace screen \lcrmanently ntlachcd. Till: unit is n triple.wall aS~(,l1lhl)" of wclt cd COIl~tr\lcliOIl, The l'xlerinr _~1l('1I, middle walls :lI1tl hntlnm of the firepbcc :He No, 14 cal1g:t~ hlack shed Illdal. The fin:hO'( is ,\up!lnrled 4 inclll~s above Ih.,: f10nr <l,~d h c,.,mpl,.tdy !illrrnnllll,~d .bl. I ~4 -inch thick. firebrick \\'1111 an Ii Illch hIgh, No. :!2 gauge sl:J1ll e.'s -"It'd fire ."'Held liner on thl' imiJc, The flrehrick c"nf{)rm.~ to V.B.C. St<lnd<lrd No, 37-1. TI1(: rear <lntl part of the -"ides :He in:-ulah'd with mineral ro<;:k wool. In ndditinn to air being Sllpjllic<! throllgh Ih(' I1Il'plnl'e o(lrninJ:. eoml.lU:-tioll air is supplil'J through n chamber thut channels the .. I. 16"_1 r MIN.1 WALL . .. .-0 .l, -l -l ex: 3: it Report No, 3222 May, 1976 air from a rear opening, under the firebox into the front of the fire chnmher, )( The unit shnll be used ani)' with nn S.incll diameter approved low.heat :lppliance chimne)' connected directly to the flue collar on top of the I1n'place with two I! .inch diamC'ter stO\"l~ bolts. )C. The Aoor immediately below the unit and the hearth ('.\tension is of material described in Seclion 3iOi (I) of the Cnifonn Building Cndf'. C]I':Hance to combustible wall... and size of hearth extension are shown in i"'i~urc No. l. Identificntion: Each firepbce unit !'hnll bear a metal label con- tainin~ the following information: ~IRnl1factureis name and ad. dress, model and serial number. III. Evidence Submitted: Fire test report. drawings Rnd installa. tion instructions are submitted. Recommendation IV. Recommendation: That lhe Chinook ~Iodel FSS-24.i5 as manufactured hy Peerless Portable ~Ietal Building is a satisfactory freestanding Ilreplace prO\,'ided it is installed in accordance with this report and the manufncturer's instructions, This recommendation is subject (0 nnnunl re-examination. WALL -l -l ex: ~ ~. ;C;;J T ~ ~ FLOOR ~ ;%: MOUNT // // TABS -/; ~ -4 PROVIDED ~ . ~ 8" :;/:;: ~.MIN. ~EARTH'EXTENSION ,/:~ / . . . ,. ." - '"/7:)- ~ Ml/ST EXTEND 16" IN Fr.ONT AND 8"1lJ <"\ A -;. 0 SIDES OF t:~RE CHAAfOER OPENINiT /~ 0 OR8"INhONTOFBASE. FIG.l ~ %: ~ ~ 3t-;o7tc )~-,..~ C'-v1 ~-tJ CM-r~'~~!l-~-&- ., ~ H~,~~k' 1~;{o-I"~, ~~ ~. 4-'a t,LJ 3:.J;;J.:;~ ~}4{(~'~' ~'~-~~~~ ~~ Page 1 of 1