HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Septic Tank 2010-9-14 .... [(PM 1~IO J () 10(1 tj)'1 ?6 ~ J,f. Ready Rooter & Thompson Septic ~ii~' DEQ # 38408 CCB # 092524 Licensed . Bonded . Insured (541) 746-4224 90557 Link Road, Eugene, OR 97402 INVOICE NO. P 52492 Billing Address Name Phone ~. . "iIII-, Job Address Phone Nama ') (")J .. .c Address "7('J ~ ~6' .,J Address DATE TIME IN /SEPTiCfANK ----- ~ " \ ~ SERVICEMAN TIME OUT HOLDING TANK P.O. # ORDERED BY GREASE TRAP SEPTIC TANK CONDITION Solids % Scum Sludge Fluid Depth Water Level High Normal Low ~ 8amaqecf't Baffles: Inlet Ok Missing Damaged Outlet Ok Missing ----- Type: Concrete Plastic Other Opening: Inlet Center Outlet ~ Location Of Tank: .-/ Description Quantity Rate Total ./7 /, ." " /./ '- ,.d c... ...-/ a.l'n 7'" 'iI 7 ;;h..c>) , I. Jill)'" '0 <"'I ,..~v.,(} '-rJ .. I f Acceptance of work performed: I tind the service'performed and materials installed in connection with the above work, to have been completed in accordance with this contract and in a satisfactory manner. I agree that the amount set forth on this contract in the space Sub-Total labeled "TOTAL" to be correct. I agree to pay a service charge 011 1/2% per month on the unpaid balance if the account is not paid in full at the time completion or before the agreed due dale. The minimum service charge will be $5.00 per month. I agree to pay reasonable oIlomey', fee, 00' "'"" 00'" io the e"eo! of leg" "tioo. I hm 'e~' oopy ofthi, oo,~~:Od"di09 Ih, W""oty. Nolice to customer and other.provisi :5::zrse sid~e to ay a processing fee of $35.00 for II returned payment dGJ. JL instruments. q ~ TOTAL Acceptance Slanature -- Date I V / iJ /':?eo, No. - , '-" , / Cash $ Credit Card: VISA 1 Master Card Auth No. RRTS INVOICE.XLS Accounling - White Copy; Inventory - Yellow Copy: Customer _ Pink Copy .. ' - / SJo:WAGE SPILLS/SOILING: Ready Rooter & Thompson Septic will do it's best to avoid sewagcspillslsoiling. When a spill or soiling is an integral part of solving a s~\\'~r or Sl:ptic probl~nl, it is Ih.: r.:sponsibility o1'lh..: propc'rt)' 0\\11..:r or his d.:sigllutcd ag":llt Lo pay lor the dean up. Rcady Rool..:r & lllompson Septic is not n:spousibk for property damage resulting from sewage overflowing while property is not under our control. r,ANDSCAPING: In order for Ready Rooter & Thompson Septic to do its work, the landscaping may be disturbed at tim(..'S. The cost of restoring landscaping is the responsibility of the property owner or his designated agent. SEPTIC PUMPI;-\G: Onto;: customer n:pr~L'llts that the mato..'Tial pumpcd do...-s not conLain an)' hazardous wast...'S as ddincd by 40CFR 2GI or by the Cil)' of Eugcnc Waste Water Treatment Plant. When a disposal site does not a~"Pt a septic tank the customer aclX1'ts responsibility fOr all costs associated with testing, treating, transporting. storing, and disposing of the non<onfonning wastes. The L'OSt a<;sociatL-d with disposal of non-confonning wastes is not limited by any agreed maximum bid amount wrinen or vemal. Ready Rooter & Thompson Septic warranties that all material removed will be disposed of at a properly licensed disposal site. LIMITED SERVICE WARRANTY NEW PRODUCTS: One (1) year for materials & labor in<;tal1ed unless other wise stated in writing on the invoice, REPAIRS: Thirty (30) days for labor and materials installed at the time of the repair unless otht,'f wise stated in writing on the invoice, DR-\lN CLEAi\"I:\"G: Work dOIl~ on a {>I:r drain basis is warranh:d lor 30 days only wh~1l il is llol.:d onlh.: in\"Oi~c that lh.: \\ork is sp.:cilkally warrankd, Work don~ by the hour is not warranted except for the unused portion of the initial billed quantity. LINE LOCATING: Ready Rooter & Thompson Septic warranties that a location is as indicated only when it receives clear null zone responses on all three dimensions from a miniature transmitter located in the pipe being located. Tolerance is within 12 inches under these conditions. When a location is determined by any other means, no warrant)" is pla.:ed on the lo~atiolls illdicat.:d. 'Illis WUfT"J.llly is limited to th.: lo.:atillg j~~ paid. It is th.: .:ustomcn; n:spolIsibili()" to Illaintailllh~ llX'al~ marks \\'I: pUI down, READY- ROOTER & THOMPSON SEPTIC'S LIABILITY under this warranty is limited to repair, replacement, re-cleaning or refund ofpurchac;er's money at Ready Rooter & Thompson Septic's sole disl..Tetion, ll1is warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other right<; which vary from state to state, Ready Rooter & Thompson Septic warranty does not apply when any of the following occur: accident outside of Ready Rooter & Thompson Septic COI1trol~ Customer abuse, neglect, misapplication; alteration. modification or service by anyone other than a Ready Rooter & Thompson Septic repair person; or damage that is attrihutable to acts of God, INFORMATION NOTICE TO OWJ'Iro'ER ABOUT CONSTRUCTION IJENS TIllS IS NOT A LIEN. It is provided to you by yourcontrnctor to advise you about construction lien laws_ Art InJormation Notice is not a rellection upon the integrity or credit'standing of your contractor. This information notice explains the construction lien law and how you can protect your property. A:; a homeowner, yOu should read lhis Inlormatlon Notice carefully, This Information Notice is required to be given if you contract for residential construction Of remodeling Of if you are buying a new home. IfyoUI contractor doe:; not pay subcontractors, laborers, or rental equipment or material suppliers or doe:; not make other legally required payments, those who are owed money can look to your property for payment. You han' the nnal responsibility ror st'eing that all bills are paid even ir ~'ou hal'e paid your contractor in rull. Under Oregon law. your contractor Ilnd others who may provide labor, materials, equipment or services to your proiect may be able to claim payment from your property ifthev have not been paid. Thm claim is (.I (,'O'lSlructivn lien. Persons who supply materials, labor, equipment or ser...ices ordered by YOUT contractor are ~rmined by law to record a lien against YOUT property only if they have senl you a timely Notice of Right to II Lien (which is different from thi~ Information Notice) hefnre or during con~truction. rfynu enter into a contract to huy 11 newly.huilt or a newly.remodeled home. a lien may he claimed evt."fl though you have not received a Notice of KIght to a Lme, COMMON QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ADmIT CONSTRUCTION lJto:NS Can someone record It construction lien el'en if I pay my contractor? Y~. Anyone who has not been paid for labor. material. equipment. or services on your project and has provided you with a valId Notice of Right (Q a LIen ~ the righL to record a construction hne. What ill a Notice or Right to a I..ien? Persons with whom you do not ha...e a contract are required to send you a Notice of Right to II Lien iftht."Y intend to protect thcir construction lien rights agalnSl your proJ<-"Cl. Ii IS sem to you lOr your protC:Cllon. It IS not a t.'OnstrUCllon lme. Whitt ~hould I do when I r~eive 8 Notice or Righi to It Lien? Don't ignore it. Find out what arrnngcmenl~ .1re heing made to pay the sender of the Notice of Right to a Lien. When do construction liens need lo be rNonJed'! [n vr<-"gon. (.:on.__trucuon liens generally neoo to be reoord<.:J wilhm 15 Jays Ii-om th~ date the prOJa:l was substantially completed or 15 Jays irom the date that the lien claimant ceased to provide labor, material. equipment or services, whiche...er is earlier. To enforce a lien. the lien holder must file a lawsuit in a proper coun within ]20 days of the date the lien wu." recorded. HOW TO rROn:CI' ....OUKSEL.F When you pay your controctof lor materials, labor, equipment or service. you should consider making your checks payab1ejvint{v to the contnll:tor and whomever senl you a Notice of Right to a Lien. You can ask for a statemlo':nt of the reasonable value of the materials. labor. equipment or services provided tOyOUT p~iect lrom everyone wllo sends you a Notice of Right 10 a Line. !fthe iniormalion is not proviu<.:d In a Hmcly manner, the senut':f of tht': NOlice of RIght 10 a Llt':1l may sllll be able to fecord a constructIon hne, but is not entitled LO atloffit':Y lces. Consider using the services of an escrow agent to protect your interesl", Consult YOUT attorney to find out whether your escrow agent will protect you against liens when disbursing payments, Contact a title eompany about obtamrng a utle policy that WIll protect you Ii-om consLruclton llt':n chum:; Ask your contmctor lending institutuion and architect what precautions. if any. tht.")' will take to protect your project from construction liens, Gel cvidcnct': that your contractor and those who have st:nt you a NotLc<.: of ktgrll 10 a LIen have het:n paId or have walveU all their construclion line nghts. Have a written controct with your contractor, ^ .....Titten controct is r.:quired lor projects greater than $2,500. Review the Summary of Oregon homebuilder's Laws which your contractor must providlo': to you before work is begun on your residential project. Call the Construction Contractors Board (CCB) and confirm that your contractor i~ registered. The law requires all controctors to be registered. Should you have a dispute with your controctnr, you may be able to lile II claim with the CeB and be reimbursed from the contractor's board. (The bond. however may be insutlicient to reimburse you in fulL) For more details about help availllble through the agency, write to the CCB at P.O. Box 141-iO, Salt:m, OR 913iJ} or call them at 31li-4621. Consult an attoml..)'. If you do not haw un attorney. consider contacting the Oregon State Bar n:ferrnl service at (503) 684-3763 Of 1-800-452-7636. Acceptance signature on reverse side of this notice indicated only that you have rmewed it. Your signature doe; not, in any way, give your contractor or those who provide materillllabor, equipment or services any additional right to place a lien on your property. ,