HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-6-3 (2) Lane clnty Authorization !r: tlrirl'dltnu +0 l/'lta ~ - - ( J roW'SHIP I'T I RAllG03 -.: I sB4.N4, z I. Tlcr6rPOUT OF sOBoT*-,,,?1(1Lld~f~i:t6eV c?nrum Hob I IDT/P Rm- r B~K wc2Z?Z~11 nr;E~ '3Yc2.L~, . Cli);J 0 l;JP ()~Mn gT4 7T STrTU-RE~~ ~~R~ c7:fr. ~- - F2 () '-" I uI~~L lO'm~ P/t,'I~~l-A~ouD- ~ 'r t U ,a:?<1 f0 _d~JY\.- I()"'-~ IU Sd. 7trtO ,J l1111 "~J..L -6:J - .% :H I )J n. Yo . ('J)lQ.. bloc.t. ~,J ) nj) -t OE(jMii-l~ w~ 7jfEC ct.~ L 1?r ~l I DECIJ<RED S VALUE - /J.41. ~ ~ ()~ ~~ a Emhng o;'rs rm ;p Jl~D"Pt, I I n~ 1~tJl1~EI~1 CONT:1TOR'S NAME AN9zz;: ~~ ~ I TEUptONE NUMBER P.=;RNIT TO BE MAILED TO (NAME AND ADDRE~ 11 ~nroQlcl,( ~.074-r1 I TELEPHONE NUMBER . - "-\ I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE CCMPLETED APPLICATION FOR P RMIT, and. 0 ti l.Jy certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and that I have tho following logal interest in the property;r;;(owner of record; Ocontrdct pllrchaser;Oauthorized agent ..:.__.. _~.___. _: _____~___. _____m~. I f'.:.rthcr certify that a,y and all work performed ~l be done in accotdanclO with thtl Ot"dinances of Lane County and the Laws of tho State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and thAt NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without the permission of ~he Building Division. I fur- ther certify that regiatration with the Builder's Board is in full force and,effect as required by ORS 70t.055, that if exempt the basi. for exemption is notod horeon, and that only subcontractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I HAVE READ AND CH::?~P;;~RO#6'd~ ~~~~'?---L-- rra/ If) ~ NAME \ple... prInt' SIGNATURE I lit ca' rr'J..(Y7 6-<1 ( FOR OFFICE f?fC-K y'JJ USE ONL'Y , Application/) .::? // '7_ c:---- Perml.t i /...:/7t?('. d0 P~~D USE OF PROPERTY LYResidential D Industrial o Commercial 0 Public, ~vm~CAREFULL't\r"YYR, AUTHORIZATION gAS ~~E6~N~~~O~L~NG CONDITIONS: Ol^., lID ^ o PLANNIN/,ZON1:NG; zon~~ Partition" Parcel" Parcel Siz~J ~ Minim~t'iGk", (}:., front hlE-()+cL. sid. inte~ior ( ~tJ:s-+-rear ~ ,...1 '-\-11f ~ ~.l.sY'0\. K .. .. )(0 P ~. ~l ~ U ., < ,-c",..\X...p r J. )'... "h-\ ~'C 5:..l~ - r 0 ". 9 f\ Se..l. \:V-. 0\/0 \~\u \\eo~ \ '{ \ c.. -.-7' /')~S--- Ot~ &...'0 C!..'v.' . ,:.,' ncs "\I ~ SANITATION: S. J.Y ~ B. P. .. 2~~ -G:,t-, Installation Record Issued? 0 Yes 0 No Installation Gallon Lineal Feet Maximwn Depth :::::::~::;;:I' 'lJAA) ~>nJ {O~ ~ _ ~:;ad ~ At~ ~;:~ I d Date, (J :)- .7 i{ ..f'!1 ~ Group R-, Use MI//7 / :ff// " Date, 6hK , -, C8 If PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL/DESIGNEE roer OR!'1.~ ~~~ "20' LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687-4061, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION ~ PLANS EXAMINATION, Type COMHENTS, (firL ~ j/AJ ~/~;-,,,,,,.n n J C 14-25 R84- " , . . SETB,-.CKS A~D OTHER CO::OITIO::S OF APPROVAL ~lUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATIO~ CA~ ReSULT IN REVQ- C;,:'10;, OF THIS PERHll, errATIC:: u:mER I'ROVISIQ:-<S OF L;';';E COLi::TY'::; IN"FRACTION OROI:;A~CE. AND/OR OTHER REMEDIES ALLOWED BY LAW. \-'"HEN READY FOR I~SPr.:CTION. CAL:' 687-~065. A mNH1U~1 OF AT LEAST 24 flOURS .'\D'll'!l;:;E NOTICE FOR INSPEC- 'iIO;, Kt:QLt:S7S ;';liST Ell:: GIVC~. !-Ia'le tne tollowing inf'ormation ready: rcrmit number, job address, type of in5pec~ion, when'it will be ready. your name and ?hor.~ number, and any special directions to site. BUILDING DIVISION: REOUIRE~ I~SPECTIONS: L Foundation Inspection: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when all materlals lor the toundation arc delivered on the job. Where concrete from a central mixing plant (commonly .termed "transit; mixed") is to be used, materials n.eed not be on the job. Concrete ~ ~ Under-?loor Inspection: T~ be made after al~ in-slab ~r unde:-floor bu~lding serVl~e e~Ulpment, conoult, pIpIng accessorIes, and other ancIllary eqUIpment Items are In place but befo;c any conc!ete ~s poured or floor sheath~ng install~d, inclu~ing the s~bfloor. ~raminq , Insulation Inspections: To be made after the roof, all framing: fire blocking, and raCIng are In place and all pIpes, fireplaces, chimneys, and vents arc complete and all rough olectrical and plumbing are approved. _All wall insulation and vapor barrier are in place. 2. 3. 4. Lath and/or Cypsum Board Inspection: To be made after all lathing and 9ypsum board, ~.nterior ana-extcrlOr, IS In-prac~ but,bctore any plastering is applied a~d before gypsum boa~d j?i~ts and fasteners are taped and fInished. ......,...... S. final Insoection: To be made after the building is complete and before occupancy. APPROVAL REQUIRED. ~o work shall be done on any part of the building or ~tructure beyond-th~ point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the building official. Such approval shall b& given only after an inspection shall have been made of each successive step in the construction as indicated by each of the inspections requirec. NOTE: All building permits require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not limited to: A. Block wall: TO be mace afte~ reinforcing is in,place, but before any grout is poured. This InSPectIon is required for each bond beam pour. There will be no approval until the plumbinq and electrical inspections have been made and approved. - B._ l~oodStove: To be made after completion of masonry (if applicable) and'when installation is co~plete. Installation shall be in accordance with an approved, nation~lly recognized testing agency and the manufacturer's installation instructions. C. Mobile~: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approved sewer or septic system for setback requirements, blocking, footing connection, tiedowns, skirting, and plumbing connections. 1, footings and piers to comply with State foundation requirements for mobile homes or as recommended by the manufacturer_ 2. ~obile home minimum finish floor elevation shall be certified when required by a flood- plain management l~tter.' 3. Mobile home tiedowns. when required, and. skirting shall be installed and ready for inspec- tion within at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shall be installed per enclosure. D. SWlmmln9 Pool. Below grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Abovc grade wnen pool~lnstallcd. APPROVED PLANS ~UST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WQRKINC HOURS. THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE THAN 180 DAYS. SUSPSNSION OR REVOCATION }~Y OCCUR IF THIS PE&~IT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF.INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INF'ORMATION.. -, A~NYONE PROCEEDING P,~ST .THE POP:T C?r REQUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN _RISK. SUBSURFACE ~ ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: 1. Pcrmi~ shall be effective for one year from the'date of issuance. 2, Upon completing the construction for which_a permit has been issued, the permit holder shall notify the ~ne County Department_of Planning'and Community Development by submitting the installation record form. The Department sh~ll inspect the construction to determine if it complies with the rules contained in this division. If the construction does comply with such rules, the Department shall issue Il certificate of satisfactory completion to the permit. holder. If the construction docs not comply with such rules, the Department shall notify the permit holder and shall require satisfactory completion before issuing the certificate. F~ilure to meet the requirements for sati~fpctory completion within a reasonable time constitutes ~ vio- lation of QRS 454.605 to 454.745 and this rule, . Setback~ - Subsurface Fr~m:: S~wa'Je Disposal Septic 10' 10' " 50' " ~ Drilinfield 10' 10' lD' 100i. Intcri;r property lines Edge 9t road rlqht-of-way Buildinq foundation ~Glls, other Kater source5 '.. .- " , , . .... , , ....,. I ';'11':- (~(llIN-]-V DI"I"-I- 1""\.'_ MC--j- I--'E:-(-~I::--Il::'-]- -,,- -< -'_A':>-:)"-- 1)-;-]-1::- ',-),.~" C)- ...I"II~... \~_.l I .... . ...l~ 1 ........_ . .U'l",;}"....t..> (.'1... \:::>~..f~..) ,,-,"F'PI...ICf.INT HUBBAI~D_, GROV[I;: ,~,DDF: 2272 D,"PHNE ST., SF'f(INGFIE:I...D, OI\E:GON"_I'__ . rl.._~:'\ 70:524420, '100 SUBDIV 1 ST ,~,DDITION TO VERNON F'LAT LOT 004 \:ll..l< 0. ~EW BLDG TYPE - USE R BDI\MS 4 UNITS 001 STOI\IES ~BLDGS 001 F'HON[ 689 1221 OWNER NME HUBBARD, GROVER ADDR 2272 DAPHNE ST., SPRINGFIELD, OREGON . CODE M'F'L NO ACTION DE:SCfnF'THlN SQ FT UNIT COST _ VALUATION FTE _- - !),"Y.'-' BP ADDITION 288 34~29 9875 _~(! EIP "'.-HF' ., - r-: liP .. .. ~ - BF' ~.BF' ~ PI M .," , t'\FCH- ].S,i,,: . PCI< " - :: SDS ~J DI.- :;11 ~ "". Y: CATG: :~ <:E-Q'll: .. ,...~ .. ~eT('\I<[N , , , o V . . "r;" it j :....- . .- . . ~ ~. . - ~;fi ~ , ~. ~ ~ . @ 0'. ~I ;. ~ - .!1 ~u D l. , , v . Jj . LC 1 34::.~tl::; F~{~,D ::: F::I)(TUJ~ES: ,~F'F' 1 BY_ f(I..H !'(," .' ,s'I) (.l I"} , , SlOl\: FP FT.- lOTI;:: MECI--II,NICAI.. FTT ST(~TE SUf(CHf.,I\GE 1"'1...1)(1 CHECI( FEE -' SDS .2 SI I"CI( EST. COMF'LETION DATE . --t . ? 9t:~7~) FT ,_ I\AIN :. 4",' . h. 65% OTH ISS 3 TOT,"L FEE-'Hl / D0" ~:><1 F-T. , 3.:U ~:>:t.. 33 - 10.00 . . . fIr! . . '. . rr': . . . . , . . . liP . . . i ~:) 146. O~i CI< . fll . . TRS/TAXLOT i7 - o~ OHNER c;~.lU./ Irlu~ APPLICANT ~MIi. (IF DIFFERENT) JOB ADDRESS 7ttJ/kJt- VALUATION . . . . . . . . . qa:;'Ztf,17,e ~7tI- ~~- REVISIONS CALCULATED BY: DATE: . 24.4- '2. /11_ ~i?1} APPLICATION # 1?42-.6S 2Z'2Z- ~ ~. ~I'f'o, G.e:fi-IZZ-I ADDRESS PHON~ ADDRESS REVISED - IC/~ [ ] Addition Dd Correcti on Bldg. 9z.. ~ Invest/ Dbl Fee -- Mech, - Plmb. Fi xtures SHR FT IHR FT RAI N FT PCK Surcharge Sidewalk - Fldpl n 5DS DEQ _ Other ..-- --- - -- --- x,Z.? "'3~ / /' /' /' /' \O~ ,/ TOTAL I?~'~ MC~IJ/J0~ , 0/~ PHON~ PRIOR Cf870 [ ] Refund [ ] Dep. OnlY ~ Amt. Due P;o~ ./ -- ---- --- .-' ---- &32 ~,;: ':?~ f /' /' '/" / I () DS!- , 14-~ .tJ'G IO!i. (AMT. PAID) (AMT. DUE) .... . . ',," 1 _ - ~ - .- . . .~ .- . . o~ ;1 , , :j. , -, ~. .. " Q '1. ~I ~e " c_ ~i' I I s. ~ " . . . ~~ r- . . . "1'1 . e . '. ~. II n . . . . . LANE COUNTY DEPT ENV MGT RECEIPT I 134285 DATE 060385 . ,~I:'PUCANT GROVERi, HUBBARD ",DDR 2222 DiiF'HNE ST., SF'R.INGFIELD, OREGON. TU:' 1703~,44201 't00 Sur.'DIV LOT Bl..I< ~EW BLDG ~YPE USE -R BDRMS 0~NITS 001 STORIES IBLDGS 001 P~ONE 689 1221':r e OI,.,INE::F( NME GFWVEf<, - HUr<BAt<D !,DDF( 2222 DAPHNE ST.. SPRINGFIE:LD. DF<EGON. . COPE APPL NO ACTION DESCRIPTION- SQ FT UNIT COST VALUATION FEE DAY~ JP eBP IW 'I E<'F' ~ e IlF' ~ . BF' rl Pl.. ieMECH ;, SUI;: M t PCI< ,- ,~. 1 €I 11. ~I C "'A-rG - I,~... ;r . e ' SEQU: jeTA1(EN BY ~. , . o u . LC 1 :\42fJ5 SUPP :~: FIXTUF~[S': API" o RI.._I-I RI~ SI,.,IF( : 'FT _' \HI'<: rIECI-I(-,NICAI.. FEE STrnE SURCl-lr~I'<GE: PI._,~N C 1-1 E:C 1< FEE FP SI PCI<- SDS EST. COMPLET10N DATE FT. F(AIN: 4"1 - .. 6~>% (ITI-I ISS o TOTAL FE:El[)[ . 6.00, . FT . 0,24 . 3. ';>0 :' ~. , '. . 10.14 CI< . e '\/'- e ; AceVITY INFORMATIO' SHEET .klne courty ., ~I. <---' COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED I . ~ 1 /iv-ouet-- +h~6/IVCY( PERSON MAKING REQUEST &i).~ brto{~-L-> MAILING ADDRESS ~D-4J:. t2kf'> - CITY STATE ZIP COOE hmtJ-cv-+Lbh~ PROPERTY OW,NER , . MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE ~ -1;Ld-j BUSINESS TELEPHONE # HOME TELEPHONE # BUSINESS TELEPHONE # HOME TELEPHONE # 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT FROM MAILING AODRESS) 3 MAP & PARCEL NUMBER. (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation (REOUIRED INFORf4ATION) or from tax statement) . _ /7-03-:...:;4- 4d--. (V r:r :OWNSHIP RANGE SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION f~ /9"0 TAX LOTlS) OR PARCEL # ZONING TAX LOTlS) OR PARCEL # ZONING TOWNSHIP ~ SECTION TAX LOTlS) OR PARCEL # ZONING ACRES TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: 4 SUBOIVISION (if applicable) LOT BLOCK . 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do) Add - ~Lj ~ /2, (, fle,(!)-~ ;Iy ~ 1. /l.~-.J . c.'\-erJ I : 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE: J/1+f-(ck/1 tJhdM _ -Ie /'J'Tisl -;;;;/L. ..;,,_J-I- -L'f!ow Pd. ~ J/sI &- 1U~,J k--C..{ ~ fflocL 129 jj ~ ~D/..~ **;FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** - -- NUMBER DATE .., '~'I }f .,,' ZONE/LAND USE: BY: DATE: TIME IN: OUT: ", LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION / 125 E. 8th AVE., EUGENE, OR 97401 / 687-4061 . . HOLD . SLIP ~ne county - ..... APPLICATION # 1342-85 LOCATI ON 2222 Daphne St., Springfield Grover Hubbard NAME 2222 Daphne St., ADDRESS Springfield, Oregon 97477 ZIP CODE" The above application is being held for the following reasons: 1) Please clarify the apparent confusioQ ahout your proposed addition. a) Plans have been subm ted for an addition that show conventional framing. b) Plans have heen submit d showing an addition that is a solar unit with overhead glazing. Please advise this office as to w rev:l.ew for buJ.lding permit. 2) Provide a sketch plan of the existing dwelling floor plan(including sizes) showing what the use of the rooms on t e existing plan are. Include the location and size of any and all openings that clrrently exist between or on the wall that will be between the new addition a the existing dwelling. Ind:l.cate what changes in the openings :I.n the existing wlU loIith the construct:lon of the addition. Show location and sizes. ..---- ptJ110' tJ~ RnQPT Mr.Gut".kin SI GNATURE AVAILABLE BY APPOINTMENT ONLY OS-28-8,) DATE 687-4061 PHONE ( HOURS This application will be held until On-11-85 . If the information required above has not been furnished by that date your application will be cancelled. RETURN THIS SLIP WITH THE ABOVE REQUESTED INFORMATION. BUILDING PROGRAM / LAND MANAGEMENT DIV./PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. 125 East 8th Avenue / Public Service Building / Eugene, Oregon 97401 / (503)687-4061