HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-4-6 . .. RESIDENTlAL-- AFPLI~A",ION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Spr-;r~field, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-J75J SPRINCFlEl.C 9r;. q 1(,,)~ Q\AIlQ J ~ \"rk~f & \ T= r;,. 6 Ol lOrn }1~_ ti< c{ i?roA ~1l.J . (' ~w q ~ ct f.illA^~ (~ . Phone: '7;<f(r 'i It:i 'i/ \-r ! LfJ . Zi?: Gn '1 '77 Job !..oc:::i:m: ASQ.800l"3 .'.!.:zp /I Subdi,.:,atC11: ~'71~": Adti"eu: Ci.:y: 1]<, n A&:~ tiC" nR~lIZ n ..!(Jb--:'le;~Gr.I:J ~oJQ L.I.LD-~l( Dat~ .of .tpplica:icn ~n:N:C:Ol"B G.m4ra ~ Plumbing Etdctr;cal .'.fil:Nzr.ic::l Corurtl"".le~::trI Describe r{Ol'k: ~~ Va!u. 'fJ c:;/ sO Add.-es3 )<J4a:z..,.;.. &:.tit n(~ me! ~Il.l.l~ Wtttt:q <t /Jl,' 1,,,,,1) tender ~........ . "co.;,. ; p,f.. 77 (I ~.~ /Cl,OO <(if! 0 . If (:) ltIo, ttD Siar.ed: Date: tv q,L.<;'1 Lise., E=oircs PJronc /1' " Y-/.L.I/7., ?'l~- glzL !: u, th. rUFonai.biZi:y .of eM perr.rit iU)Ldszo eo Bee that aH i7U1pflctial1S are r..a.U at: th. propu time, t.1-.at ~h =ddrS88 ia r.~~. .lrcm CM streBt, end that the permit card is L.xated at tJ:e front .of the property. -;t&i!.di!'"4 :>ivi.:i.o!': 9~rot:Bd pl<:n sr..c~l rcma-::rl on th6 Eu-:.Zdin? ;:.to; at aLL t:imss. .P.'?OC~!)UP.S F'O" r:"SP!t:'!'I~N R!"~lI!'ST:CAll 726-3769 (recorder) state your City .:ie$igr.a.t~d job nur.:ber, job at!.:i.rcss, tYFe of i~pll::~icn rgques~cd ~.d ~~en you ~LL ae ready Jor ir~pcction, Contractors or ~~~S ~~e and ~hor.8 nu~cr. ECqu~S:B receivBd esfer. 7:00 ~ :.'iLl. b. rtr::.a"e t}u: Bame Cc:-~, reques:s :nc:ie cft;;r 1:00 C'l"/ r.ri.ZL b:z made the net :.JOrkin; dtr~.. " _:1l!m!i..pl'l_ 1'''~-''''!t:ir."'J''t D. sr;~ I,"lS?!C:O.'!: To be rrr:.c.e aj:er I Ji?:::::~:C:':I::C:t:,:::,;:? i of I I~CH).UCA[': ';0 be made be;ol"tl lZ11.y lJOric is ':o1Jc:>ed. o .t'(XJ'!'r:;c ~ :OU:!D.1TIC"': To be r.r:.c.e aj":er :rencit8B arB a.::cC%)at~d erA f~s c:l"e erec~Jd, but prwr :c pourir~ c~ncret.. !r.,'!)~C.~lr..'D ?!.t:HJ::lO. S~~R. ;"r.l':'!.::', DHAI:I':"C2:fo be r.c.:;.e pr-';'or ;0 J-'i.i.- l.i.r..g :rer.cr..zs. o o (J,'ICE.'f:!!'!.t:CR !'!tJ,~~r::C ~ ,'~::C!A.vrC:'!.: 'I'o be Il':l:%de pMA:r :0 in3:.:iz..:zt::CH't of J7,cOl' ir.suZaticn or cUci<ir.g. O ?')Sf A,'I!) 3E).U: To be I:'4CC pr-;"'l" to ; in.a:aE..::icn. of {'!.oor ir",,:.:la:ior. or eric,,'''!;. I iiOr,,:,,";: ~~!..~':f,..,r. :-"~"~l?:CA~ i NEe.Y- t-. ":Nj~.i.;:,:.. .'io'":~":,~ -ia",:o -'~ cOL'~!'ec ur.=~L :~cs~ ~r~Dec:~cr.s ~~V9 ~eer. maie :.a =??r'~e'::. O Fr.~E:?!.~~!: _~;or:o ?z.c..:.:.r.; f'c::ir..g mc:~ria'4 ar-d before fr~r4 inepec- tier." D FPA~!.'lr;: lVu3: be reC"J.~3:O!d aJ-.:~r C?f'rcu.:!. of r:7Ugh plWc':'ir.g~ J~ec:J"":':. ca.L & r.:ec;..a7l.i.::J.~. At! roof~7t1 brac:-ir.g 4 cizi.mn~ys~ .to:. ,'::"'..tBt be comol.r:cd" ;'/0 'XIr< is :0 be ::'C7t- "c4C..!~ tmcil :J:i~ inscec't'iC71 ;..as "bc~ ma.i~ aru: c:;;proL'ed" ~ rOW' City. Cesigr.a.tad Job ,vumbQ" 13: O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRI'ZR If'!S?:.'CTION: To be r.nds after aLL insul.::ti..?n cr'.d . rcqu::.red vaDor l:a:!"!""'i.ers are in place . Cu"t l:efozoe any lath, gypsur.r beard or wz.l covering is appUsd, and bsfol's any iroC'"J.Lation ~s concealed. O DR:!'''/ALr. rNS?::CTTO,'I: To be ,~.a.de after an dr:l'~LL is in place, but prior to any tap":'ng. . O MASONRY: Staal. beam::;, grou ting accordance wi:h 241$, O 'IOODSTO'r,;: Afl:er cc:rrpl.a:€d. .,. location~ botui or vertic.:: La in (J. B. C. Section installation is g<!02S-0 IOe!-:OLI'l'IO,'! OR ,~:O~; 3UILDI;iCS :=J Sani:a:ro;/ s~..)er ca;;ped ~t F..opt:rt'i Zi:o:. =:J Septi:: t:c:nk p-.Jr.?t:d tr."-d tilZJ~ L1ith ;n~8~ ~ P&u:.L - :/Ium ~-ve ite:::s arB C::m1l"t~::! . J ,., "~ ar~ when ~~l~~r. ~s campLetB or sw.~~. ture movea an::: pr~Jes cLtlQUl::! up. I NobiLe Hc.-r:es :=J Block.ing and SJ:":.tp :=J Plwr.bi~ connBc:-ians .- tJc.Jer and lJa:"r ---, electric:! Ccnr..c~~on - Blockir4, 88t-U? ---1 and pLumbing con".Qctions /Jl"..:st c. a;?r~L'z:! before requQ8:~r4 8!ec:~aaL ir~?c=io~ :J Acaessol'3' Buiz.::~ng --, Fi1"..:1L - 11ft:r ;~rcr:IZS~ s1dl't';r.g~ de::y.s~ --.J etc. are c~;'B:.d" o Fr.':A;,. P!.:.J.'.,1J!::C ALL pro;ec: cor.di:ians, ~uc~ cs the ins=JLlet';~n of s:raet :rBes. ~~~!at~~n of :hs required Zaru:i3cC?i"..q~ etc, # :rouse- be sa:is!,iad. 0.;j"o1'6 1;;'06 3IJ;r.::I::C fI:!AJ.. :oan "8 rzqu.ut.:d. =:J ~, :=J ,:=J Ft,'I':"(. ....'E~,u.A..'rCAJ.. '\0 :='I,'/AJ.. 3:JIE.D1,'lG: 17:e F-:.naL SuiLdir.q Ir:s?ection .o:o::.uJe be !'eque~tad =r":8r :1:8 Fi.n.:1t p'!.ur.:biTlJ E'~ec~ri~aL~ and Nscha:o:~c~l Ir.s?ec:{,:;m~ ;:avo been" maC.0l a.nd cpprov~d. F1::":r.. FUC':.r:;rC:'r.. o CVR!] ~ APPIU)ACP. A?_~N: Afte..... form.s are .arec~ed but prio't' to POUl"";ng ~n.:l'ete . SIDgr.lALK d :JRr,.T..JA?: For aU con- creto!' paving lJi thin s erect right- oj'-r..x:.y" :0 be ma:iEl a;.tO!.l' an e:rca- vatir~ completa & ;O~ work. & ~ub- base materiaL in place. 'A;,L; :.!:...'IECE.FS AND Cl.SANClITS ,'f(jS: 9& A.C:!SS:~['E'# .4.D.n.'sr:!!:.":' :0 9:: :-~1C! :~:" ::0 :=sr ':'? CI':! ,~,.,..,! of 2 o o ITNCE: When camp l.te -- Provid. gates or .7I.olJabL. secti.cns through. P.(J,Z. . o I JOB NO, <7r.t.f D ~.'SO ! Z:O:o!: SOLA.CESS ('e::'"J.=C7!~.J ';:"':"..4:;): r"'''' '''yo::" ..l.... ...... l:.oe Sq. F"-;. ~ ", !.:;c C':1J'Jl"C~: I ~ of St"r-;.s I. . ! " . '. ..o..a ...r",gr... Topogra;:hy I::!JI I.'I:~" r~.-:~a I.:.:.r:'cl'"~ 1.4c~c:Js"~.J I::,.. :-'"r. _.'. .u ~T..g v,:,!.l/e , . .P'::.encl'" COz-,!e:" ?anio.t:."Idl.a Cr...t..de-sac x 'laLu.~ I, Is.D.c. 1:"C":.&6:) J,5 = Bu.ildir4 Per:r.i.t Stata Sur:iurce Totel C1-A.~ge3 I I'I'!.\f I ,','0. I FEE I :'i...."'"":t:res I p.e.s-:4#7ltial !1 bath} I Sani.t.:::z-.J Se-..Jer 1~(:tL'" I PlOlmlr;ng Perr.d. t Stat. SW"cr..:zr-;, " 1'~ta~ ~!1.8 I ::E.'./ ., .'t?es. So. F~a. I :iO'1 I I I NQJ/E--tllJ'ld Cire-..des Tertf'?Crary Suuice Et.s:::rncal Permit st:ts Sur:haroe Tot.2l O.c:r-:es I IT!.'.! If't~..:c~ ='!'lj'S I E:::hoI..t HOO<! I :IQ'I I I I I Verlt F=n ;'~dsttrJe Perr.ri.t [:;su::nca .'fsd".anic::! Pe~e Sta~e Sur:~e "'o-:::l. ~~"S -- i..lC.=.:ACH,'.!E:r: -.. 'SBG-..u-;e-J !J:=o3it I Stor=Cfl 1.~1tte'l"..!:7"~a Ip=ri' I Tc~r,:l W..1:MCS I CUr';C"..l~ Si.:!e..lal< .~r!"''::e I !7..u::r":.c~r , ! .Vobi!.J j{~. 1..=,;Ql I ~7.AL .:..!O~,\,,! CUE:' :'r;":' CEA..~GE C.::';_=:Cc I , I I I , I I I I I I CH).i?~S I I I I I I /0,00 I .<./0 , I 10.<t0 I I ?=~;! 2 . L-COG~ REQ.- -::;=eIC;,...s~: I !.ot; ?~ce3 - ~ . . '. ':;o1:::'1'::I':S 3<li!-~or.:s : I ! ::"!.~r':t'.J S""J."~p.s II I II II II r:J~B ;:"ea= I 2.r.. Itlor:tt IEcs~ /S",..:;' IWest 120"...;;,; I I I I Access. :::.;rc:oe ",./C.";21' 1Jt>....-:;:J... Rance :-::reD~ace iloaa:; :OL'e PaBS I I I , I I I I. Building Value & Permit This pernr:.t i:J granted on the e:rpl'tJ88 condition that the said. :onstruct!on~;: shaZl, in '1n respects, conform to the O'rdirtar.ce =deFt'': fiy the :~til of' '. Spr'..ngti.et.:i, :.n.c~ud!ng ~s Zon.!ng Crd.!71ar.CB, regulc.::.r.g ;;hs ccr.st!""..l::icn. I, c:r.d use of :,uiLdings, ar.d m::y be suopended or revcr..-i at c.r.y :-::'~e !.l?cr. vie- Lation of any pr~vi3ior.s oj saic Ordi,.~es. ./ Ip~" Ch.ck Fe.: I Cate: Pa*!: IR.c,ipt 6: ISig>:ed: 1 :~ Plumbing Permit No person DhaZl. construct.. inst.::Z!, a~ter or ciumgs any 1'.szJ or e--ustir.g plumbing or drainage system in ~hole or'in part, unless suah ~erson is tr~ I "gal possessor of a vaLid plumber's licenss" UCllpt tra a pll:'Son rr.a;J' do plLanbing wcrk to proper't'::I lJmch is CLJrUUi.. tsased or opsl"ated !J1I tits a;;p.'Z.i- cant. // ,. j '. , ',. . I I I I I. Electrical Permit murre State La1.J requires tr.at the elect1'ical work be acns b.y an SleetricaL Contractor, the elsctroi.cal forti.on of ~his permit shall r.ot be valid until ths label haa b.en signed by the E:tecmcal Contractor. '. Mechanical Permit .,' Pl.an. G=m.ner l/C;~ I RAV'e CAREFULLY EXA.'aNED ths conrpZolted application for ;~rmi.:, ~ de hereby cet'tify that all i....fo:'r.".ation ;...sreon is trufl an:i correc:. and r f.a>tr.er cer-:ij1i t;..a.t any an!. aLl !.:Ork. Fsrf"ormed 3hall be do:'UI in acear- danc. :J'i:h tita Ordin:::ncss of tr..Q City oj" Spl"'ingfic!.a.. and t~ !.c:..:a oj" tr.a .. Stats of Oreg~n. p.zr~ining to tr.e wor,ic CllsCl"";bcd herein.. c:nd :r.a:: ,VO QCC:}- PI':ICl '.JilZ 0.:1 rrr.t.d.e ot any 3truCt'.uoil lJi.tho:.<.t p3rmis3io~ ;)1" th8 3ui.Zdin{l Of.- uision. I fu.r~her eel't...!:; t;'~t cr.1ly eontraatol's w.d e.~~Y8es r.:;...o ere in ~Liance :.nth CRS 701. 05$ !.JiLL oe used 0/1 this projzct L_ ' ~-~~~~ fD.'tf()I. .~ ~ !/A~rJ*