HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-3-11 .. RE.ENTlAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 Yorth 5th Street svri~~fieZd, Oregon 97477 . .. BuiZding Division 726-3753 !?PRINGFlELD . q7~ ~~- \ (l 0'6 d f") ~ I Tcz wt # Job (.cc~tio": AsaesGoJ"'$ ,\/ap ,/# Suhdi.:.n.sicn: rfJRO{ ) C '-i ~~1 Aaa...eS3: 971$ Da.../p-HtD 00<:'_ Ci.-.: .c;,uz,-,,,h,/d t<)s> ) C:.."71er: Le/n.",d 0 , ~~., n n n Add-=' tic" RemodeL ~o-ff .$ - iI- <33 ,'!oof.!i! .1omeJ [.'a:6 of AppLiaaticn :,;"n:;rcctors GeneraL PLumbing Elect~cat Nrlchar.ic:: L - 6-u.J--vuA ~ Conser~ction Lc~er PI-"",,, '1~ -77.1;/) Zip' Q '7 477 Describe irol'k: 1~~ ~. ~"J va,uev15 .Lfq 9 Addres3 . .=?cce";:}t ,it In o:5(nU 1..00' '" cP ~t~ 0", ..ok .,J is. CJ 0 ~ t;1u - .,/) J S. ~ () .60 &~o Siqr.ed: Da~e" ole 2-11-1.3 l.iac.'; Phone I j J J J Ex:;ir'cs It. is the J"'flspontribiti:y of ehs permit holder to 886 :00: at! incpactions are ~.adB at the propel' :imc~ :.t-.at ~ch .::ddrfl83 is rea..::a..;:i1 lrom cits street, and that the pCl'l':'lit card i.s l.acated at the [rent of t1w property. ~ ..9ui.!.ai....g .:r~:.I1:=io~ c:p;rot:ed ;l.an s;...=U remain on ~r.a Bu-:.tding Sit::: at ~U timss. P.'?OCSDu.r~S fon INSPECTIon RE'OUEST:CALL 726-3769 (~ccorde:t') state your City desigr.:zted J'oc number, job acc:.rcss, typB of in3pec~icn l'aquestcd a~..:i when you lJiZ-l be :oeady for inspection, Contractors or Ct.."ne:-s r.ane .::r.d Fho11e nur.Wcr. Requssts recBit:ild cefcr. 7:00 c=:: ;,,'ill. os made the same tic.y, requests mGde aftwo 7:00 a'IJ will. 03 made the m::ct :.JOrkin:; day. '?eO".J.iT'f?d rl'tS1:'ttctic?'!.<l O SiTS I:lS?!C:':ON: To be r.rzds a1t:er e:rcavation, but prier to set up of forms. 01 UND~.~SL~e P!.;,.','.f9I,VG. EL2C';'RIt;,1!. ~ XECH~,'JiC:"i-: To be maa.a !Je:o~6 any work is ~ovcred. n ~ FCOTI:1G ~ FOU,'lDAT:C:I: To be ,~B after 'trencnes ~8 ~c~Jated ard f~rms are arec:ed, !Jut prior to pourir4 conc:oet.. [] U.~ID'ZRG:~OU.'!!) P~UM'3r:;G. S!:.rt.~. W.1T!,'q, /)RAJ.~'AGE: !'O be ~e prior :0 fil..- l.ir.g crer.cr.az. o U.1JDERF!.OOR P!.W.-SI:IG ~ ,v.:;t;HA.VICAL: ro ::6 maCa prier :0 -::n3tal..~t-::on of [Zoor -:.nsulat'ion or decking. P'JST .4ND 3tAU: To.;e rr:cde p:-;01' :c ir03t:a~l.;;::icn of floor imJt':La:icn or deakins_ o o .'qonG'-! ?':.r.r.~a!:}G. :r.ECTF!!C~!. .~ .'.fEC::!- ANiC,J.!.: .';0 :Jor.": :,3 :0 oe cOI:crea ~t~l :r.es~ :r~cec:-:.or.s h=v~ !J~er. made c:r'.d zppr'J"Je.:. FI:~ryLACE: Prier:o p'lc.cir.g ~ccinc mctariaLs and bo:[or6 frar.rir.g in3p6c- tior.. o o FR.4..'~I.'Ir;: Mu.st ~6 requeoted af";ar C?prov..;.~ of rough ;:~w:-.bing, az.ect:-;- ool. j rr:ecr.ani.:aZ.. At! 1'00j:.r.g brccir.g :!j chimno:us, llt.:. .':':"'..l8C be . completed. .'10 -.;01"< is to be cOrt- - cQaiold ur.:it :his insoec:icn r.as . bsen mad.e end appl'Ot.'ed. Your City. Desigr.atcd Job Nwnbuo 10: U INSU[,AT10N/VAPO.rf aARRIE.~ IHSF::C'!'IOtl: To be mads after aLl insul..:;tian w.d . rae-Mired Val:;'or carriers are in .., lace . but before any lath, gypsum boarc or !nl.l. covering is appLied. t::nd before any insulation is concealed. o D.rr:r..tAL[, INSPECTION: Tc be made af;6r a~Z. Grdwcll. is in place, but prior to any taping. MASONRY: SteeZ z.ocation, bond beam3, grouting or vertical.s in (UJcor.'" s r.r';eh U. a. c. Section 24 ._ 9, "3 / ;ZCo () DE:.tOr.ITIOH OR gOY::; 3UILOIiiGS ~ Sanitar;;/ stl"..Jer ca:;rped ::t ~')p.rt-i 1.ir:s ~ Septi~ tank ~~~~d ~ f~Z.Z~~ ~th ;Ta~sZ ::J Pinal. - rflten abcvB ite:::s (D'S cc.-m;,,,etcG ar~ ~hen i~Z.itior. is comp~~ta 01' st~..l~- Curs moved ar.c. pro:::ri.JBS cz.ean.ea up. Nobile Hc~es =:J Blockir~ and Sat-~p =:J Plumbing connec~ians -- S~6r ar~ water ~ Electrical Ccn~ect:.on - Sl.oaking, SBt-U? --.J and p~wnbing conr.ections r.r...st =6 C?prol.:ed before reque8t~ng 6Zec~rical ins?ec:io~ =:J Acces30"d' 3u.iZi.f.r.g ::J Fin.:.:l. - Aft:;r ;:;1'cr.6s, etc. are c~la;~d. skirting, deci--.3, o Aftar instaZ.lation is o All. project conditions, auc~ as ehe ins=alZa~io" of street ~des, :~~Zo~ion of =~ required landsccpir.g, etc. J :m~8t ~e sat:islied oc;"ore tr.a BUI!.DD'(; F[::;"[, :;ocn be l'aqusse.zd. 0, . FIlIAL PLW.f8I:1G CJ. Fj:IAl..;'.[E~HA:IICA~ o ::'I.'1AL EI-EC:RIC.i.:' o o PINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspection ,~t: 09 requ6Qced =..rter cr.a :"ir.al rlwr:bir.g Eleccri.:al, and Nechar.icc.i inspecticnQ have' been made and approv.;!d. o CURB & APPRCACH APRON: Afta:o forr./s are erecr:ad but pr"'';or to pco..u"";ng ,umcrete. SIDWA[,j( & DRr.'tJv'A'!: For all. can- crece paving wir:hin street right- ol-I..:c.~, to be made attar aU e::ca- vatina comv"et6 & jO~ ~~rk & $ub~ base ~terial in place. 'ALC NANHCU;S AND CLEANOUT5 ,'fUST BE .4C~ESSI3['EJ A[)J~'S'i7S:;T TO BE :.~,tiiE :!T !:O -:::0$':' T~ CI':'J I ?~~., of ~ D o PENCE: :/her. cO:1rpl.te -- Provide gates or m~ovable aecticns through P.U.E. D I JOB r'\ ~31 ,;)~O SOLAR A.SS CC'C"...~anc~ GrO'..l=-:- NO. I i Zcr.e: I wt Sq. Ftg. j: ;)~ ::; ~~eraq~ ," oJ ':;",0r:.88 I ~ t 1 :J . . .0 C... ..~1.Cl'lt 1 " I Topogropny I l.OT T'!P:: Ir.terwr Cozt71er Pc:nhandla Ci.J.1.-de-saa I !TE:1 I".lain I SQ. FTC x l'aZue 1~.':c2 I ! Car=Qr'~ I. f :tC.:leS3or:J TOTA!. ;!ALUS S.D.C. l UC"Uo;) 1.5::: Euitding ?e'l":1:"'~t; State SUI'cnarge ~o:al (;r.arge3 I I~~.'1 I F'i-.-;;woes I Resid~tial [1 bath) I Sc=n:i.t:I1'"j Sewer I ;';c=er I I NO. ; I I I :~~ C2ARG~ PZ:.unbing Pem t State Surcr.a.rqe TQtal C1u::!'ces I !TE,'1 l.r?es. Sa. rta. 1.'10.1 I I I C.1J._=?Gi: N3.W/Extend Circuits Tempcrc::ry Service Electrical Permit St:::te SU1't:harae Total O.a.rces I "~'.I ?:.Lrr..:zCIZ ?TU' S I E:.=htms t Hood l Vent Pan I . I ilQoastoue ....c. t CHARCE I $. DO Permit I3su::nca Me:::r.anic::l Permi t State Surchcr!1e ,too I~. L:,O Tote t CJ.-:-::,,~:,_ E,'/C.~CACHX::;',1T 10 '. D . l~e~"'~J"'u 2~31.t I Stor~ce I ,'-!a-:.ntcnc:r.::e I Parmit I I CurbC"J.= I Side:JaZ~ I?""e I El.zct't'icaZ I ! ,\fobi Za Heme TotaZ C'rta'l''Jcs [.cbeZ 'TOTAL ANOU:lT DUt:" I II> is. bD P::.qe 2 REQ.- ~ L-COG~ I I I I I I I I II T;,',Oe/Cor.8'C: 3edr,or.:s: I wt :aces . I I P.C. ,North lEast South I;;est Setbacks I ,'O"Be Ceraoe I 1 2n2't'ou Sou.r'::es I I .'ieat I Aace3S. I j ';.Ic.r;e't'::lu,-~;?'t' I I Range I i .':'ir€oi..ace I 1 r,.,'ooa;;to:;e II 'l:.J::e Pees Building Value & Permit This pernit ia granted on the e=prttss (:ondition that the sa'id. cons'Cruc:ion sh~ZZ, in all resp~cts, confc~ =0 the Ordinance ::.dopted by tha cie~,vf SpPir.gf:.eZd, :.nc~u.ding the :oning Crdinar.ce, 'l'egu.ktil~g th.e ccnstr:,,~~:..;r. ~~ ~;;e of buildir.gs, c.r~ ~::.y be Ju;;perned or revoked at cr.~ time u;~r. uic- la~ion of ar.y ?r~Vi3ior.s'of said Ordir~nces. I , I I ] . !PZan Check I Cat, Paid: /Reo<ipt #: IS,;g,:ed: Fee: Plumbing Permit No ?ereon chaZZ construct, instalZ, aZter or' change any T'~W cr e=is:ing plumbing or drainage syst~~ in uhole or in part, unless such person is the legal ?ossessor of a vaZid plumoer's license, e=ce?t tr~t a ?e~son ma? do plumbing :Jork to pI'opert'~ which is otJr:ed, leas.zd or-operated by the appZi- aant. I I. Electrical Permit Where State LazJ l'equires tr.at the elect1""';caZ work be done by an Electrical Con~ctor, the eZect1""';cal por~ion of this ?e~it shall r~t be vaLid until the label has bCBn signed by the Elect:rical ~ontractol'. Mechanical Permit P~an Z=""''ilt.r!er t.!a:.J I I I. I I I I j I I HAVE CAREFULLY ~XA!tfI:lC;D t,Iuz corr:pteted a~pticat:ion for ?ermit, end do hereby certify that aLL info~a:~on hereon is true ard cor'l'ect, ar4 I f.J.l'-;her certi.fy that any cr.d all :.:ork perlo'f':7:ed ahalZ. be do~e i:: ::.c~or- dance ~th :ne Ordin::::nces of the City Qf' Springfield, and the La-..;" oj" th3 St.:J.te of Orec.:m D,zZ't.:linin.c to tke tJOr.lc desc'!"ibcd herein, end =na~ :vo OCC!J- pl!ler:.tiLt b~ rrade oj" c:nyVatruct::u'3 without ?~l"mi.s3io:,; of the 3uiZdif:g 0-;.. vision. I further ~eZ'tif2' t;'.at onLy contractors and ~Z':;Y6es who ere in c~pLiance with CRS 701.055 wilZ be used en this prQjact ~~ D ({'.;f-- ..3-/ I -e~ Da:e