HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 9/2/2010 ':::, " :City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street" Springfield, OR 97477 . . Development Issues Meeting (DIM) Prospective Applicant Name: Glenwood Op LLC Icompany: !Address: I I Prospective Applicant's Rep.: Carole Knapel Icompany: ~Address: I Property Owne~: Glenwood op LLC ICompany: IAddress: I lASS. ES' SOR'S M. AP NO: 17-03-34-31, 17-0'\-:\4-14 I Property Address: none I Size of-Property: 74,823 I ., I Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: Development ofa Medical Offic Building. . I Existing Use: vacant 1# of Lots/Parcels: two I Phone: 541-686-9160 KPFF Consulting Engineers I c/o Frank Gibson, Hutchinson, Cox, Coons, DuPriest, Orr and Sherlock r.c. 777 High SI. Eugene OR 97401 I J I' I I I I I I I I I I , I I I Fax: 541-343-8693 Glenwood op LLC Phone: 541-684-4902 Fax: 541-684-4909 1201 Oak SI. Eugene OR 97401 Glenwood Op LLC I Phone: IFax: 54 L686-9160 541-343-8693 c/o Frank Gibson, Hutchinson, Cox, Coons, DuPriest, Orr and Sherlock r.c 777 High SI. Eugene OR 97401 , I 00900 TAX LOT NO{S): 00101 Acres D Square Feet ~ IAV9. Lot/Parcel Size: 37,411 sf I Density: none duJacre Prospective Applicant: s;C1:!:f-- ~~ GVA(~ ~/PJ Print \ Date: ~d a 2', 261(1, . . Application Fee: $ Case No.;Yre-/O - OOOOL I Date: 'It/-2.- /10 ITechnical Fee: $0, !postage Fee: $0 I PROJECf)I!lUMlMi~ived: Reviewed by: ~~ TOTAL FEES: $ 52.-( S 2-1_ ()\) ~:# 2--C( q 4 {~ SEP' -.2 2010 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian Original Submittal 1 of 3 . . Questions for Glenwood Op LLC 1. What options are available for a connection from the site to a sanitary sewer and what issues may be associated with these alternatives? .2. The project plans to use the access to 14th Street as a secondary access. Can this occur and are there any additional public improvements that will be required along 14th Street? 3. What is the existing conveyance system for storm water from the site and vicinity and how can this site best address its stormwater runoff? . "\ 4. Can the site be accessed from Franklin Blvd. via the driveway entrance at the east side of the property as well as, or instead of, the shared driveway at the west boundary? Are these permitted access points and are there any issues that would prevent onestrict access from these existing points, 5, The City is currently updating the Glenwood Refinement Plan. Are there projected modifications to Franklin Blvd or other transportation routes that may impact the proposed project and how and when might these modifications occur? Date Received: SEP - 2 2010 Original Submittal \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ;.- \ \ \ \ . f- Z W =i:::;: 013 O::::J <I: Zw :::;~ "'f- Zz <I:w ::;::::;: I lu U ...J<I: '!lo (fIO:: (flU Oz (LW ~ W ~ W>- Cl<I: 0::3; <I:~ -' - zO:: WO \ ,1,\ \ \ >- 0- \ 8 >- 'f- 0:: f- , 0-1 Z w(/) 1"-0... a::WI-<( \ 0 (L 0.:::;: Z L , I:J ,,-IW' O-(fI 'J uu(, \ . .2-:11 '0 C3 I~ n::n:::^~! uw.'"" <( z -.J"l, I \ ZwCO.l': w -) U (J) LI '(fI (fI 3; o. w" I ewoo-CJ!~ . 0::: (J). =r. 'W'-.f- <I: 0::'0 0 ' ';;: is Q I U Z to 3;~ \ 3; F :::;:i" W ::J 0 Z 0:: :::;: Zf-c"..-. I (fI::': f-<I:W O::::W<:(!~ 0:::2 _0....; \ 0 I- W,W 0 <( 0.... 0 0 t/i ~ g:'~ .5= ::;: 2!::i [: '" \,"j 't.. . 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