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Permit Correction Notice 2010-8-17 (2)
~~..;.'~~?J4>,~~l<'i/i'I~~IWI'.,;",.,l.jIj""'M"~Jio<1it""'*"""'''''''Jll1irlIlM't.'Wi1~~~\''''Ii;(~,,,,,,,"f!l'~\~~l.\$~",~ City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street Ii 0" ~lllj' Date: 3 I J2/ /6 Job# ~~,..zaQ 0 f>O 31 Address:_tlJZ 3'1.t" ,1. TO: (fJUJI1&V Inspection Type:Elfd"/~ (e.II/~';: ilfL-2~,5"~: AkeJ Z".{ Uyou",) Rod JV75/G,/II'.1 Jlt'~sf to 4"...;- lvovVI 11-.1'.. //lEe IN, '3 /5: A/~d ajj;f/~"'.t I1IY1-h r /a."';P f'''' #10 ~I/a...,;c\ ,yEt.- ; I//u/ 1:;0 <;ecJ /k;v /)J1ev1 hall'. ,;"oV1cl05lAoV? . - . - v - "j. - . A..fi& f/JJ1 t;~~:If: l1/(eJ lanel /)J~rj<J",/ P,.~) ;1.jJ'/'n~j Eft'dYH'j hYff1J", \ " . I Iwt{'<~/()Y\ I c, lavhJ ok.. o/(Cy If~ Corrections and reinspection request shall be m~e within, q-- r calendar days. 0 Call for reinspection ~yes DNo InspectorJ~vYa 111 j.{ /c/"'t,l n.!c/Jv1 _Date: 0 -/7-/0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Call for inspection 726-3769~~~~~~~~~~~Questions 726-3759~~~~~~~~~