HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-5-11 (2) I ~ .lob Locati:m: .. RESID.E.NTlAl" APPLICA.N/PERMIT 225 Nopth 5th Stpeet SpPingfieZd, Opegon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 ' 72}.r _u/r7S'-f N \ f )Oc{OS ?A- A8ceaDor~ Map SubdiJJisi~n: I hr Tex Lot U nRrrn -:? I . M~P;th ~& , #/U."S rAJnep: ~ I c I+A(lO rJ S(Vt 1M Addmo: 722f 1>A1iv SPr'LtNt,fJ&w/~;L. Zip: jr-Y-~ m/<<; "V,c-r> n ~"'., j8:t;~" L ~^ ~n Addition -O.!'- ~..Y~J..l~:~' 'v Remode'L ~ n !lobile Hom~ City: Date of Application 1/17 III Contractors /JUJ~f;-Il- General Owrvt[L. , Plumbing I' ~lechan:ical Electrical I Super'V-.!~ing___Elec t r.i c i,l n Phone: 7'2h - z10d Cf7l.(7J '5 rc;, bt'/ <::> t Value 3~ dlfD Receipt .'1 J ;z,P;f p;;.., j ~ '--" G~ y(5j _~~(m~ ,c1.,-{ ( ~'?J4 I ~. Date: EXDires PI"onp Acldress ,u-t l>kdY' Lise. II Bldrs Board Re~. It is the reaponaibi'Lity of the permit ho~ep ,to 8ee that aL~ inope~tion8 are made at the propop time~ that Dach ~68D is pcadab:~ fN)f'fl ths 8trect~ and that the PCl'nrit card i8 located at the front of the property. . '.. ~Bui!di~ Lr;vi~io~ approved plan 3]~l'L remain on the Bu~'Lding Sit~ at all times. PtlOCSDURE FOR INSPECTTOll RE:QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your city designated job nwr.ber, job ad6oc88, type of in~pac;icli :raqucstcd a~d lJ.l:en you. /Jal be ready for inapcction, C011tl'QctOl'S or CUners name and phone number. Requests 1'8ceit;ed cefol'e 7:00 a-.; :,.'ill be lMde the same day~ requests made after 7:00 am lJiU b.::; ~de the next :.x>l'k~ng. day. Reauired rnsv(!cticnB i y I SITE INSPECTION: To be roode ,r' excavation, but prior to set forms. o after up of UNDERSLAB PLUI1BING. ELECTRIC,lL & MECHANICAL: To be made baJin.e any work is covered. o FOOTING j FOUNDATION: To be "",de after tre1lches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring ccncret.;. UNDERGROUND PLUMBINC; SSIYER. r/:1TER. DHAINACE: To be rode priolo to fil- lir.g trenchec. [2] [Z] UIIDERFWOR PLWBING & MrCHAIIICAL: To be made prior to inatal'Lation of 11001' inoutation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instal'Latioll of flool' insl~lation. 01' deckirl{;. ' ROUGH PT.U.'!BT!!G. ET.ECTRTCAL ,P, MECH- ANICAL: No ~rk is to be ~oVerea until these inspectior.s have beer. made. and-approve~. FIREPLACE: PrioT' to plc.cir.(J facing mc.tel'ials and before fr'GTning inspec- tior.. FRA"~INr:: Must be requeated aftel' approval of rough plwrhing, electri- cal & mechanical. AU roofing bracing & chirrmcys, etc. rrr.wt be . completed. No W.?rk is to be con- : coa'Led until thi::: inspection has . been made and appl'Ot-'cd. o [2] ~ ~ Your City Deoigr.ated Job Number 10: 690.::5'2-::> . I ~ i",W'I."l,~"\"''I!'I'' ',It "\"'~!'I.:~M,',f!!.; Jtt ""-'l'lfUIj,u.t.,\_'/t-Il. "'1 rif1 INSULATIONIVAPO.r? BARRIER INSPECTION: I DEUOLITION OR. MOVED. BUILDIiiGS." r, I , ~ To be made after all inBulati~n a~~ rcquired vapol' barl'ierB are in place ,. ::JSanitary .Bm;er qaP1?6p p.t p~oP<Zl'tIi but beforc any lath, gypSwr1 board or ' - wall covering is applied, and beforo CUlY inauZation ia concealed. r)lI DRYI/ALL IIISPECTION: To be "",de L.:J altol' aU dryLX1ll iD in p'laco~ but priol' to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location, bond beama, gl'Outing 01' verticals in accordance L>ith V.B.C. Section 2415. O I/OODSTOVE: ccmploted. After installation is 'At),,1l' " lir.e ~ ~ePti~ tank V~cd and fillad with gra~eZ I Final - When above ita.":'fs are cc::rpleted ~ and when demolition is complote 01' 8t~~- tur6 moved and.Pl'CmiSBS c'Leanod up. . Mobile Hcmes :==J Blocking and Sat-up :==J Plumbing connections -- sewel' and water ~ Electrical Connection - Blocking, 8et-u~ ~ and plumbing conncction8 nr~st to appr~~ad before l'eque8ting Blec~r>ical in8pec~io~ =:J Accescory Building --, Final - After p~l'c1:e8, 8kirting, decks, ~ etc. are completed. o A'Ll pr>o.jaet eor:ditions, :JUch a3 the 'Z.,nstallation of 8tl'oet tl'oes~ co.":'1plati:'n of t;IC roql4ired land:lCr..pir:a~ etc., must be satisfied before the BUIWINC FINAL can be r3qucDt~d. [Z] FIliAL PLUMBI/IG ~ PINAL ME(''!IANIC/ll, ~ FINAL nECT.9ICAL ~D o CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte:, forms are (Jl'ccted but pllior to pouring COMrete. SIDErIAf.K ,~DRIl'EWAY: For alZ. con-" crete paving within stl'eet right-' of-!..'JCY, to be made aftel' all exca- JJating complete & form work & sub~ .base,material.in place. ;/V\ 'C../ PIN/ll. BUILD[NC: The Final Building Inapcctiol1 must ba roquoated after the 'Final Plwnbi,l{J Electriaal, and Meahar:ical Inspeatiol1D hava been made and approved. ,0 '0 !'ENce.. When co:npl~te -- Provide gates 01' movable sectionD thr:ougJ: P.U.E. .' ~ J'i)a!1a~l of 2 o *AU, MANHOLES AND CLEANDU'FS nUST m: ACCESSIBLE, ADJVSTHENT TO BE NlIDE AT NO COST TO "CITY . , .. . , . .__.'.~-- r.ast South I"eat L-COC"'" Type/Cor.st: /.1. 8l~dl'Oor.:S: Enel'l7Y SOW'COG . Setbacks Heat Hou.se r.araqe Access, I 1 Ivatm' .rim tm' II Rallfio 1 Fireplace I I Wood:; tOl,;13 II TUDe I JOB NO. SQ()3!)'}SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- IZona: / z>R. OcCtloonc" Gl'Ol<'.-"3' Lot Sq. Ft.. Z ~f tot Coverag& ,q of Stories Total Height Topography I I ITEN SQ. FTG IMain I GcJ'aGe I Carport I 'l;;;ca~;;6'S? f'Y6 f2 ~ TOTAL VALUE Is. D.C. COO(..UC} 1.5 x Building Permit State Surcharge Total Chal"gea lITEM j Futures I Re8identia~ (1 bath) I Sanitary SeLJer I Water NO., FEE g ;?.s-e:> 'S/A'1~ ~..vA':;:6,' Plumbing Permi t State SU1'cr.a.rge To to l Charaes I ITEM I Rell. Sa. . NO.' FEE, fto. NQW/Extend Circuits ;&'~~ Temporary Servico roT TYPE Interior' Corner Panhand'Le CUL-de-sac x Value 1 3-S:~.~ --::</"5": t> 0 I /0.781 12::i&,- ~,g I- CHARGE: I '2-;?-r5"P I I I I 2&9. -.:0 y~. S-o 7./5 tJfI.63 - CHARGE "'=l :::?:<=> . ' ~-1'r~;5 2 Z>~ ~~..- Eleatpiaal Permit t6 7.S.::::> Stat. Surcharge 3.32> Total Chargee 7':::>.88 - I ITSM NO. . FEE: I/fEW#6ff ~p / Furnace !!TU' S Exhau.s t Hood Vent Fan I WoodstoiJe Permit Issuance Me::hanical Permit ~Jl.I~ State SUrcharae Tota'L Charaeo -- ENCROACHMENT -- I Seco..lrit.1I Deposit I Storage I Main tenanae I Parmi t Total C'haraos 1 CU1'bCtl~ I Sidewalk 1,l?cn.::e I Elea trica l Labe l I Mobi le Home I, L r TOTAL A~IOUNT DUE:- CIIARCE .t:.~ 7- /<':'"'C -'/S PD-:7:S:- - 1 1 '1 'I S5f1.~ I- I Lot Facee - I I P.L. Nortll Fees Building Value & Permit This permit in granted on the exprens conditi;n tJUli tile D.aid. conlltruation shall, in all respectG, conform to the Ordinar.ce adoptad hy tile City of Springfie'Ld. inaZudin!1 the Zoning Crdil101we, l'egu.'Lc.til:g the CCllDtructicn and une of bui'Ldings, and may be sUDpended or reJJoked at c,~ time upon vie. lation of miy pr:)J)isiorw of naid, Ordinance:;, - \1 .'1 " Ip~an Cheak Fee: I~O.P'S Catc Paid: t(y'/-~;' I Recdpt N: / -:;' '>"?""'" I Signed: ~~~, ~iV Plumbing Permit No person Dhall construct, ins~lZ, aZter or cha,~e cny new or e=tsting plumbing or drainage syste~ in whole or in part, un 'Less such parDon is the legal possesRor of a valid plumber's license. except that a person may do plUr.1bing lJork to property which is ow/ted" leased 01' opcl'ated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permi t Where State Law requires tr.at the electrical /Jork be done by all Ele~trica1. Contractor. the electrical portion of this permit shalL not be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit ./7 "7-->/.7 ~~---..d----"'~.7 ~ p}*'fr............1-ner ( ~ - 5'...&-89 uate I- 1 I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA10JINED the comp'Leted application for permit, and do he~eby certify that all info~tion hereon is true and correct, and I fUrther certify that any arn al'L work perfo~ed shall be do~e in accor- dance with tha Ordinances of the city of Springfield, and th~ Ur~a of tho State of Oregon p$rtaining to the work described hcre:"l, end that NO OCCU- PANCY wil'L be made of any structure without permis3ion of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that o~'Ly contra::tOl'lJ a;;d e:llp'L.:;yees who are in compliance LJith CRS 701.05S will be used on this proj$ct 4~ ~f~ '- - tV 51/1(JCJ Date ~ Signed