HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-11-3 (3) \~ . .. RESIDENTIAL'. APPLI~A~IQN/PERMIT 225 ~orth 5th Street Sp~;r.gfieZdJ O~egon 97477 auiZd~ng V-;vis~on 726-3753 '7'" aLl Job !.oc~:i()n.. ~ -, n \'<'1 (')';' ..tS.16SaON .'1:zp 11 . I IJ 0. ,-.( Y __ ",' I -:-~~, . "~\ ":"'V'''' / ,., \ ) I Sobdi,isic": at c/,(ci... Z I ., Tc= Lot # /-1- ( ( I <( g (.{ V}<..e:tf- Addrm: '7).... C( 11 t7c;t l'S; Y I I' Ci"J: ~".. h J,\.q'Tt e. \ n. I' :Jescribe !lork: '-.. ~~. ~ N--t..v _' ,', ~ I ~~ ~. /6 -2-6 - f!; 2 Value $7. '1tJ'1 .-.r C"....'7'Ier: si.e....\J e n n ,..." Ac!di :icn ~R.zn:OdBl n..;....., ':1 3 ..OiJ...e ,.~ Dcrt;: of ..t,?plicc::icn ~":r::.:':O:"8 Phone: 7:2-'" -S""I'tM? Zip: c['7?/ /( Add....es3 C"".""L '~'_.f) 41 '\1\ ~ y-- Ftumi>ir.g tl VII'- ...........vv\ tt...:t ~.t<:."A. ~lectrical ( f Mechar.ic::l I , Const~~cti~ ~~qr l\ ",. .~o:ce:?: '" Bfo/Cf Cj<j n ,,~~ q,~ 1.8 \~ lY ..~.. lo,q \\. tl S { ~ Sigr..d: Date: Iv /J.g'i<< Liac.:' E=:;irocs Phone I ~ .! It i4 ths respcmDibiZity of' ehB per'r.'ri: itoUd!" tc see that aU inDpectiortB are r.:ade at the ;;roper timc# t}-.at &:.cn ::d.t:1Jo6S8 is l"Ba.::.a,;:" frcnr eM streat, c:nd that ths pC1':'lTi.e ccrrd 1.8 t...x!J.ted at the front of the =,roperty. "~ui.!.di!"..g J:.vi=i.o:-: 9F:ro!:ed Fl..an sr.c!.Z. rer.t:l:::n on t~ Su";Wing $f.t~ at aLl' times. ?'!?OC~!)Op.~ FOR !,'.'SP!C':'I'll R!'CUES7':CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City desigr..:zted J.ol; nur.:bel'~ job adC.zocss~ type of in.3pe:::icn Z03q'LUl's'Cca a......d :.I.::8'n i'ou :.1i.l.l. be ready for ir.apc::ction, Cont:7"ac:crs or Ot..'ne::'"S 11Cme end phone number. Requ.i:8~8 r6ceit.:.a cs;czot:J 7:00 (:':": :..~LL be rrcae the same dt::f, reques:s m~ afta' 7: 00 ~ wn:n be r.nde t.1te nat :Je1'kin.; day. <33 'Z....- \ "1 3 .~2C'U.i"'D,f T,.s~.,et~C""!~ _. . . [2j~ ,""~'C" T"~"'-~"""'I' "......~o ' '._ ./ _.I.._ _, ~t"':"'_:J.'. "._ e-maae-ar..c". r e:cavae~",..."ut-pMcp.to.se:~u?'oJ 13rmS. o WlDE:.'9S..A3 ?!..L','f9I.'IC, E:['2C":'.OIC.:!. l ,'.tECH.~.:I;C,J"i.o' ':'0 be meas :,e;'o1'+4 c:.ny wr< ::s .:ovcrea. o .:OCO':'!.';C ; FOV:!D.tTIC:lo' To:,e r:cds af:er crenches =re a:~atdd ar~ ferms are lrec:~d~ but pri.vr eo pc:J.rirJ] cC7lcre t.. [J V.'.ID?:iG.~'JIJ.'!() P:.t.;\CI::':, DRA.;.-:IAG2o' ;o:;e r.r:.;e lir..g :rllr.c;....e. c:~-="o ~_.._.. , ;J.l~!'.~. ?r"~or =0 /i.. i:~ o um:ER:~cC.q ?~,:','.~r.:G ,'1!."CH).NIC:,:,: To be ~e J~ZO :0 ~r.3~~L~t~cn ~f floor ir.suz.C:icn or deckir.g. PQST .J.,vD 3EA.r.'1: To be r.".aCc pr-:..?r ea instaL':':ti.cn of l'1oor ir.st;l.a:::on: or dec<i"t; . :=J n.....~:;''''_ft;f::' ?!.~~f3!'.'G. ~"-Z~P!~:'~ oj .'.(!C7!- l..!J ..idrc..:.r.o' :/0 '.JO:"O: ia ;0 :,C a~n:e:"~a ~=i~ =r.C$~ ~r~~ec=i$r.s ~~U€ =~er. made ;;r.d ~?!""J"ed. O F;~2?U.CZo' ?!o--;or ~ ?k~;"'.; .~::.r..g mc=03!""~i.d ~r.d :,cjore lr~r4 ir.spec- ::ior.. / ; ~r F~~~I5r.: ~~3: ~~ re'f~~~:2d af:03zo . ! G?pro:J"::~ of rou~11 ,?LLtr.'';)t.r.IJ~ ~t2C::t"':.~ caL & ~ec;..:v:~aL. AL!. ,:,oo....ir..; br:z.C"';roo] ~ c;rur:TU;YS~ et..:. .~st .;e coI'f'1DL.a::cd. :.'0 '.Jar< is :0 oe ccn- . cea'!~ un::iL :l:i3 1.nsr:ecticn r.as . been .~~ and apPl"'JTled. ,/ :71 '.....IA' pr'I~<I:Ir"G I .I.. w .."'..U~., lour City.Desigr~tcd Job lVumb~ Ioo' 0"1NSi..TLri'!'ION/VAPOR 8A.QRIZP. I.~'SP::CTIONo' To be !T.ade after aLL insuL.::::i."n ct"'..a . _ required tJapor bar!'iers are in p lacs Cut befors any Lath. gypfl'l.4r.J board or wLZ. covering is C?pli.ed~ and befol'B ar..y inculation fa conceaLed. r::I,,'ORY".JALI; nlS?::CTIi);I: Tc be roods L:::::J aft€l' .aZL dl';{wal.Z is in pLace~ but prior to any tapir.g. O NASONt?Y: SteeL location~ boiui beam3~ arou;-ina or vezo~icc.!s in ac~o~ce with V.B.C. Section 2415. ~ODSTOV::o' Aftezo instaLlation i8 ccmpZ.at~d...,. o o CURB & n'PROACP. AP.~N: After' forms are ere~ted but ?M.or to POU1"";ng .::on::reta. SIDEr'ALK & JRnT'tt"A:!o' For all ccn- ~ete pavi~ wit~in ~trect right- oI-wcy~ to O~ ma~e a;tar aZ! e:ca- vati.r.Q' ocrrrotete ,j ;"'o~ work & ZuD- base .::.:cte~;aL in pla::e. I02.'-.'Qc".iTIO!! OR .~:Ov=; 3UI:'DI:J.CS ~ Sani ~ Be'..Jer capped ::: r:.opo:rt-~. Li:-:e , ~ Septi~ ~k ;r.J?d a:-.d f~Lla.d vieh ~;"J~ :J Pin;:L - :IJum ~~e -::~e.':'lS ar~ C::$.~t.tcd ar~ ~hen d~l~t~or. t.a c~~.te or st~~~- ture movea and pr~3es cle~r.ed ~? I NobiZe Hc.-r:es ~ alocki~.g and Sat-:J.p ~ PLumbing connections B&Wer and wa;-.r ~ ElectricaL Ccnr.ection - BLockir4~ set-up ---1 and ~Z.W1lbir.c ccnr.ections nr..:st =8 Q~r~l.'.c before l'equest~r.g e!ec:JM;c!J.l. ir.B?ec:io~ =:J Ac::essoro:,. sui !ding ] Fi~..:1.L -' ~1ft~-r ;:;rcr.es ~ etc. .are c~ple;.d. skirtir.g~ ~ec;".s. o o ITIVC'2: Wher. c::ompL.t€ -- Provida gates or movabLe sections through P.U.;;. o / -;:1 :;or'", ~ ...."'- ALL project cor.di=ions~ auc~ as :he ~r.s:a~Zct~on of street :rees. ca~!at::o" ~f :hs required :.an:::.'3oc:pir.q~ etc. ~ must :;e saci.sliad bo::jol'Q :r... 3UIL::INC FI:!AL ::an !;e r.2lf'.l6st:d. o ...fE:Hri:1IC,tr.. g--1. ';'T' ~ , ... r.. . ~. . :...l.4.1.; ~VIl.D....C. 'I1:~ F-:na~ ~Lacc~~aLJ and Necna~~c~~ Sui~ir4 :napea:ion .~.lst be !"equ6Gtad af:ar :r.a F::nal ?!~~illJ Ir.spec::i.ona ;~a been mad~ and cpprou~i. ---.:;]....-:',.. :~ :....AL !;E=:RIC:':' ~? ....- '.""Rl"'r::-<:" I'VD C'"AVQU'f'~ "V". 3" 'C....:-S.-3L:- ''''J''S':'''''<:;-''''' ""03" "1C::- .'~ "0 ^'ST .. rr""v I ::I...... ..,...w'.....I....__w...1 ......1 __.._. c.."i..._..... _~.-IL..(.,..._.... ....._.......~ ..oI~._ __: of 2 ~'.,:~-' :~~---~~~7~7-~"~~" '- ,'k:i"ten--r~fl Pa.~t I I I C'"ao';C"..C: Is'" " r t.ae:Jat..o( I :en=e I I !!ec~ric~Z ! .'tfobi Z. ({~e '!'a-:,=Z O.a"t'?CS i:..=.be~ I~;';" J~:Ji~~ :".'-1OU.," CUE::.t /'- ., \,,:..,.../ I I I I I I I 2>_~_ \ ~_ -.._._...._.~." "'l;J"""-;')'II'I'''''''''--;:;~~~''1'''-:''!',~-T"",,r'-~.,.... . .:. '. ~ ' . -'" : -<.r,". , ;!1''' . '.~'111 (~I " ,/ I I I. I I I l I I i I ,i.'I' I HAVE CAiiE~I;'VU,Y EXA.'1L'IED t.~ compZeted appu'catw" f01" ?eZ"mi:~ c:nd do hereoy certi.fy thet al.Z. in,""o:'r.'"ation hereon. is true ar.d CCl"!'CC:, and I I f.JJ'tl:er oer<ij"y tl:at any ar.d aLl ,,;ark perfo=ed shaLl b. do"e i" co'or- '~ danc9 :.rith ena Ordin....'7tCes of' ths City of Spl"";n.gfid.d~ and tit: La-..;s oj th3 ; j St.:lta of Oreg"" p~r':.::ining to the work desC'!""~bcd hel'ein~ a'.d ;r.a::: .va OCC:1- 'Ii P.~!I~l :.1iU o.a ,~.:e of W:Yf. 3t:uCt"'..tr~ !J7ithou.t parmi3J~Cn "L the ::1J.~Zding r::- f;.t ~~~~~nc; ~~~ '~~Sc~~~~O~/~~ft~BYU~~~t~~:;~: ~oj~ ~yee3 ~r~ ere U~ \: f,i I' , '\ Ii ~cAiH-- //-j'-!V J Si~r.3d Data . .. RESIDENTIAL'. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-5753 Job !.oc",ion: 72- e:r A f) IA /'.( V A....om Xap N \1 ('{) ~~ ~L.\' SzdJdioi.icn: fU c/.cJ'1 Z I .p -I-/. I i I. <: f SPRINCFlEl.C . Rece";:;)t .ii B&/C? C/q : Ta: Lot 6 ? u,(Y') ",~-n..: S i -L\.Je g lA. V K.-e..t+ Addrm: '/).. "( ~ yJ oU~ y I I' City: ~/'n "K;.-fl e. let> Describe r-'ork: ......... ~~. n.o~. ~ I ~/~_..,~ ~~ ~~ IrJ-;u, -~2 Value 417. 7"1 .-r n n "1......1 At!d~:iCl1 ~RGmOdllt n ....z ' ,.ao.... II ..O~3 Dccell of A?plicaticn (;o7l:raC:O:'8 Pr.one: 7-;;"~ -S''1tbR' Zip: cr '7Q'1 ') Add."'es3 GcrntraZ ~ ~1) l() 111 ~ y-- PZumbing /).11 fI.~ t,c;( ~~ ~ Electrica l { ( ",'a"hm:ic" Z I / CO'lStl'"'..IctiC?t !.~tl7' o~j,,&~ ,qL\q \j \\'~ t\ f; to ~ Siqr,ed: Dato: Iv 1/. ~~S<< Liac..ii E--:iircs PhOl1~ !~ is ':h8 r8sponaibilit:y of ehs pe~t: holde to 886 that aLZ i1U1pections are r.:adfil at ;hs proper ;i.m~, that ~c;, .::ddres8 is r5'a.:::a.;~" ,li*cm eM serest, end that the permit card is z.xated at the frene of ells property. .3ui!.dir'.q jit)'i=w~ ~p1"O'I;ed plan sr.c.H l'ma-::n on tho Buf.Zding Sit:; at all times. P.WCED('P.~ ?,OR INSPEC'!'I~" REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) stata your City iesigr.:J.ted job 1t"~berJ job wid:!'css, typs of in.7pi'c:icn 1"':JqUs8ted a......d :.;::en you :.;iLl be ready foro ir.spcction, Contractcrs at' Q.,'nsrs ncms av1. ~hone rru.wa. Requ.~8:8 receil;llfi ce,;cre 7:00 c:: :.'iZl. be rraao the sarr:s deb requests mt:de afta' 7:00 an wizz. b:z r.ru18 t.":e n='t ~rkin.; da-:j. <631..-.\"13 ~Rm!i~P1 T~~~~~~~~~ r:-:::y"SITE !!lSP!~IO:l: To-b.-ncd_ -J.'..... ~ ~~~,-~u~.p~0?~.8e~.up.of f:mns. O UNDERSr.AB ?!.l','.{BI.'IG, ZLZC":.'?IC,lL 1 j'{ECHA:IICAL: To be made beJortl any 1J01",lc is .;ovcred. o FOOTING ~ .:'OU:!DATIC.'I: To be ."rade aftsr :renc~e3 ~9 e:cavat~d ar~ ferm:; a.re erectad, but pz-:..vl' to pcurir.g ccncret~. o U."!OS?iG.'o/JU.'.'D P:,r..;,\f3I;'l~. S-U"F:R, ;.T.l?'!'.=:', fJRA....-.'JAGE: 7'0 ae r:r:.is ?ri.or :0 /i~- l.ir.g :rencr..8s. O UNDtRF!.CC.q P!U.'.S~:G ~ :'.fECHANIC:o!.: To be mads prier =0 in3t.=l.Zat-:;on of J100r insui:cticn or dtlcking. D PaST AND 3E:AN: To be r.-.aCc P"r"';Ol' to ; instaLl-aticn of j"7.oor ir.sz.:Lation 01' deckin,;. I. .Jt~r.'-'CH ?'!.~~f3!.'}C_ ?1:EC"':'_l?!C;'~ ~ .'.fEe.!/.- ., ANTO.r.: ;'10 '.JO!''': ia :0 bc cOt.'e:oea ~:~~ thcs~ :r~~ec:icr.s h=v~ =eer. r.:aCB iInd =??:O:i"Jed. D F_".'."". ['C_".' .""". '-r '. _ _M .......... ?tc:i"'.g tc.C";r.g ma:aMai.d :1ro.d b&f'orB frcr.ri.r.g inspec- tiol':. [2]~l).ur'Ir.. ',,",_... 1.a -ac:".'-ed a:' r . t1I" ...:."Io.~. ... ,.,........ >J . -.... J ",Ol i approv.::! of rough p1.L.r.-.bing, Ollecer-i.- cal & mechanical. All !'Oofing braain.g & ch~ys, et.;. .':T'..St .!iB caf1TD lated. ;':0 '..JOric ~8 to os con- . cBc:ZQd un:-=: l this insoec:icn r.as 'b40e'1 madQ a.nd approved. ~I.'.r p'U'<Dr"G ~ ~.~~ w '~~_;' ~!:IAL NE':EA.'IICAL ~~AL ![.EC':'RICAr. lOW" City. Dssigr.ated Job Numb...'" In: r:;:t"1'NSULATIO.Y/VAPOR BA.qRIER INSP-=CTIOlI: ~ To be rr.ad.a (lfter aL1. insul.;;,ti."n w.a '. l'cqu~red vapor ca:1"1""';ers are in p lacs cu,t before any lath. gyptr.ml bccrrd or r..t:lz,z covering is applied, and befors any irwuZation fa conceaZed. r-::I--'DR.Y"....ALl; INSP::C'!IO,'/: Ta eft ,"!!ade l!:J after aLL Cr;/lJaLL is in place, but prior to c:ny tapir.g. O ''!ASONRY: 5:0:8l location~ bcmd. oeam3, grou..~ng or verticcls in accordance with (j. 3. C. Section 241$. WOODSTO"IE: After installation is acmplet€d. .... D o CURB & APPROACH AP'=!f)rl: After' forms are erected but prior to pouring .::on.crete. SIDEr/ALK & [JRI'/Ffr'A"!: Fo'!' all con-. crete owing !Jithin street nah:- o[->.Xy: to be mads a;~ter aU e:.ca- vatir.g ct71TpZeta & fo~ t.XJ'!'k & ,nw- base :~teri.al. in p~e. r DEt.1OLITIOH OR .~:QV=; 3UILD!iiGS =:J Sarti:ary 86"..1er ::a:pP6C .::t ;n:.opcrt'i ti!';Q :=J Septi~ tank ~~.d ~~ f~1.lad wieh ;r=~J~ =:J F-:.nal - :l'um c.Xve ite.":'ls are cc-"m:Ilatcc . .J '.' '. 4 ~. ~ ar~ when _e.~c1.~..~on ~8 coept..s..e or s...~~- turs mouea and pr~3ss c1.Qanea U? Nobi. 1.6 Hc:":,;es ~ alocking and Sat-~p ~ Plumbing connecticns sC:Jsr and watOlr ~ Electrical Canr.ection - Blocking, set-u; ..-J and rJlumbina connections m-~st cs o~rct:.c befo~c request~r.g s1.ec:M.cal ir.SPBC"::io~ =:J Accesso:r:,.' 3uit.d~ng ---, fir~l ....t.ft~'I' ;''I'e~es, ~ etc. are c~le:.d. skirting, decy.s, D D :'E,'VCE:: When aomp1..te ...- Provida gates or movable sectui71s through P.U.E. D All project aor.di:ions, JUC~ cs :he ~ns=a~Lct-:.on of s=1'eet :rees. ac-~Za;~~n of ehe required landscc;piro4, ~tc., must ;;e sat-:.sfied oO!jore t;..6 3[,1ILDING FI:!~L ~an be rZq'.Isse.:d. D ~'1Ar. ~:JILDING:. Th~ F~na~ Buil.ding !ns?eation ,':;Ust be requ.Qnted c:.t":ar ehe Final nur:bing 'C.J !lecc'M.cal, ana NQcnar:....cat.. Inspecti.::ma hava besn made and approved. , ,~ 10-... . -.. "A;C NANHCLES AND CLeANOUT5 ,'tUST 3e ACCSSS:3LE, ..tD,jt/S7'::~:I'!' :0 Be ".~1CS :tT .':0 :-:ST 'I") CI'J'! of 2 I JOB NO~~?\'l"5 1,O>':e: V-t. ILet Sq. F"d. : ,jf l..:;;t; C.:roerc:qi: .~ of StOl""';es Total .:IeiGht I Topoqra;:hy jif"'lr;''.J I~~:~ I S~. F~G l~aC'R I I Car:,cl'~ I .' I 1.-lCCCSS.:J!'''.J 'Ill!.:l'~\\ "~"'0Cl. <:>",I.Jl. \~-:>-. I TOT.~L VALUE Is. D.C. II.'Ct.;.U;) 1.5 = Sui 'Ldir.g p~ t State Sla'charge Total cr;,a.:"ge3 I 17I.~ . !'i--r:ures I ReswantiaZ f1 beth) I Sanit~ry Se'lJel' I ;';c:.tu It>.f\c\'~\r" \\:>.\ ~ PliJl1fbing Pe1'r.':i t State Surcr.a...~e T~tal. C1u='!'oes ~ :'1'::.\1 .~es. Sa. fto. Ncw/E:::tend CirC"J.its Temporary Service '. I Ele~triaa! Permit State Surcilarae Total O.arces I ITI.~ F'urr..::tCB ETU'S E=haust Hood. I V07tt F:::n I . I iloodsto:JB Mecr.anic.::.l Permi t State Swocht:::!'ai; '!'nt;(':l Chz!o'U!s SOLAR aESS OCC"J.::ar.C:J G~J.=': '\) - b x I NO. , I I I FIT LCT:'fP~ /, . ~ .r.:en.cr Corner Panhandle CUl-ae-sac Value j I I I I I I I. \.-\~\. CO I \. '1<0 I I....\~."\U> ,. C;':AR.GE I \ I\(),CP I \D. CO I\D.CO 1 .L..\[) I \().40 I.va., FII I 1\~.dJ I \S. cC I I I I 1\ I I -- 2tJCRCACHNE::T -- I ;Ie. i ?SS I \ I~!=O I I '~~\-'t'lI., 1\ 1(0,00 I (" .00 I ~~\\}\\<to\llI\J)>IlIli,\- IO.llOl r \C).DO I "-\t> I \C\ . L\C:> I ! Sec.cI"";tlJ IStort:.qrz Da=:03i t Maintenar...:11il P~t To"tal. C'''.al'~CS I C'..a-,;c-.l: I side!Ja.l~ I :cn:::e I I Elea~l'ica l r.;.oe z. ! :>lobi Ze Home I Z'QTAt ANOU.'lT DU~:" CHARGe \~.OD ,(.,0 \'::\. bb CHAR.;JE ':\ .00 I I ~?'~ REQ~=~e~. ~. I ~. T:r:JeICo~.st: ~- '" Eec.roorr:s: ~ Cot Foces . ~ ~,\ \?r.\'T" - I r Iner""" 5our=ese~ Of" r Setb:2cks I J .~'ea: I House I Caraae I A.ccess. ! I /lateI' 111'_'1":;0.'" I I Range I 1 I F~l'eolc.ce I : : Wooaooo"e L -CO G";: I I I P,L If/ol'tit IEasr; S01O.tn West Tu-:.e Fees Building Value & Permit This perm-:.t i3 gran.ted on the express condition tr.a.: the said, constl'Uction shall. in all 1'8S?CCtS3 conjcnm to the Ordinance ~dopted by the C~ty of Spr>";.,...afield. inc!ud--:'na the Zonina Crd::.nance. l'eaiilc.:ir:a =r:8 ccr.str'~~c::cn and u;~ of buiZdingsJ~and m~y ~e~suopended or r~vokac ~t cr.y ti~e upon vie- lation ot' any pl'ovi:sions ol said Ordir.ances. I Plan Check I Date Paid: IReceipt #: !Sig>:ed: Plumbing 7~ G.. C\C1 IC'~ IO\C\().~ (' h, Permit Fee: No person shall construct, instalZ, a!ter or ehangs GnY r~ cr e--istir.g plumbing or dr~inage system in ~hole or in part, ur.less su~h ~erson is tr~ legal possessor of a valid plumber's licenss, except tr~t a pe~son may do plumbing work to proper"t":I which is owned, LQa8~d. or operated :,y thQ appli- cant. .'1 1 , . I I I I I I I I, Electrical Perm it Where State La:LJ requires tr.at the eLectrical work be dene by an SZectrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this p8~t shaLL r~t be valid untiL the labeL has been signed by the Eleetrical ~ontractor. Mechanical Permit , ~\t)~~\~\.~ Pt..i::m ';;Xcr.rLrzer . \\-?-<o~ ua;:e I I. I I I I HAt/!" CAREFULLY EXA.I1IN~D the completed application fol' ?e~i~. C?Ui do hereby certify that aLl. i,-;fo;"r.'.ation hel'eon is true and C01"1'cct, and I fother certi{y that any ar.d all I;;ork perf'omred shaLL be do718 in ac~or- dan.c9 :.lith the Ordin:;maes of ths City of Springfield, and t:h~ Lc..,:s of tr.a State of Oregon psr~ining to the :.x:lrk desc:-;bcd herein, c:nd :r.a:; .vo OCC:J- P.~;'lCl :..rill be ,~.:ie of any st:-uctuz>e without parmisJion. of the 3ui.!ding Di- vision. I fu:t'"';her cel'tif~ th.at o:-t~y ~ontra~;or8 ar.d e:::p?..;yees r.:r.o ars in ~Z~nce with cns 101.055 wiZl be used on this projzct _~cU#-. // -j'-!V Sigr.zd Data