HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2003-11-24 11/24/03 MON 16:35 FAX 503 736 9789 .~ . NIW 21 '~: 09:'50=f'l A.TAX r "'R UK MECHANICAL SALES INC. ~002 P. VI ~: . AJAX BOILER INC. i 52-5 M/L--'- "'6t s.....u Bh-4. . SIMa All.. CA m.w . ""* (714)""'~ . FAX (114) .u'~ .1ItIp1J. .IIIelknaC-ClOllll Solarc Engineers and Architects Eugene, Oregon . A1T: Mr. Jack Yousey RE: AJax HRN-8 Boiler I Combustion Air Dear Mr. Yousey. Regarding the HRN.& boiler and Its requirements for combustion 81r. perhaps. some clarification is needed in regards to the actual requirements and what Is . mentioned in our installation and operation manual. Ajax 8sks that .U installations be completed per anY' local, Federal or insurance standards that may apply to a specific local Installation. You can understend that there may be loeal jurisdictional requirements that we may not be aware of. As such, we list a requirement of 1" of free opening per 1,000 BTU/HR Input as acceptable. But in addition, we also reference the requirements of the National Fuel Ga5 Code. If your specific Installation is completed in accordance with the National Fuel Gas Code, NFPA.&4, 2002 Edition, which references 1" per 4,000 BTU/HR input (In paragraph · wh.... two openings are used directly communicating with the outdoors), this is acceptable to us. . Thank you for Interest in Ajax boilers. feel free to contact us directly If you have any questions or need further information. . Since....y. Aj~x B",'.r, Inc.' '/~{~i0 . Bret ~.n ACE BOILER INC. 17nJ 50 BaBor 81114. .. Sa~ra A's. C/Io 9l71U. ....DM ('1.) 413'1..lJDSO. FAX ('714) 437-9060. ""P'-..boileriac.~lll \([1 ..... t:~~ \ f.j t! r" ;" ~ .V -' "11' ,'",' :.' :1. '. : .'C.. ' .' \ ;, JUL -~l-<..'\:ll~U Perlllit Ap.cation for Boiler/Pressure Vessel: . ~ Jn~tallation 0 Alteration o Repair 0 Welded 0 No,,~ WeillI'd \, / TJepanm~nt of COf1som~r & Business Scrv1c:t" ~'- , fiuiJdlng Codes Divi..~on . Boller Sl'ction 1535 Edr.ewa1t:r NW. Salem, P.O. BOll 14.i70, Sakrn OR 97JOQ-()M).i (503) 373.7499, Fax: (503) 378.4101. Try: (503) 173-1358 www.orcgonbcd.org 5 2 1:, leA-II L-: " . .L:fD,.../ INSTRUCTIONS: Compll"<' ;111 s('ct\on.c; ~Ild .=r~ r~t1Jrn appliadion by fax to DoBer Secti1m., chief . in3peelor, (503) 378.4101. f-1.A.~I.~ PJea~ rend ('NOTE'" on thf' h:lrkoflhi.c; (pnlL which (~'l/)tnim; lmport'slrIt inrommtion and Ihl' tl'lllliremrots found in ORS 480.6.10 -1 .jn'nc;inJ: and certirt(JJlion of ptrsons instJ'lUin~, II Itrrl"r.. or n.-pnirlnlt hoil/'f's or f' <~"re ~~tSj ~minotifln; f~. .. ..' , rcrmil 'H)~I7G 18135 .'P ACU'Plt'd DRtr.iLuj!2~~_- Ry: '-:iI :J l>t-ni('d ~~,~ico.J ~C1() \~.\Jt\.- AI.X.,; Adrl,."...< ~ F ...u..Q.e...n e- u.,---'O ()~ Swt ".0 ..LI n -. '. ""Itrr'J." Roiler/pTessure ve..<;~l cnntl'octOr Ccm~tJ'ICTion ConIDctOK ; Phonr-: burin('~~ license no.: '\:>5?c.JDJ.-3- Board rttis1r.1tiO'l'J n,).: '?JI () 1...1i,Q~:.L. '_'_ (5<./1) {!:,'6,3-.3JJ S R ~t.:Imp no.: 0 etnifiCAte n6.: En: :X-{.~~,._c__.__ LSLll'tL~B:L::1.Gk3 :{ Li.~llhfo oamc(j) Il.Dd On:/loo liccn.~c numhcr(K) o( all CllL"~ [ dllOlleh Cill~s r) mllcl1l11l1cl: who will renCTm work C'Il this proiect: (AtI&d. ..-1dibonAJ Ih....-t if """"'''''''Y.) N>UDt': L1cc,n.~c: no ~Y""~~1c-r I J..Lu.(J~( N IUD.C: CZ2pR.\Y'CoC'-'c::.1d &~. ~ 19 Address ~d ve~OCl1hon: PdMI'l""I'\ 'l:.1h ~~. It Is tJ';;PI'IiUfff/'S responsihility 10 ob;;'in ~I'-"r()vnifrt>;ff rht Qu/JlOrrzcd inspl:cLor prior It;nC()mm''ncill;:~:;;~ Appl;,:"',', '""'" (.rlnl) f J,n.ruf / -=-C.' . ';. .;~':, J tl:: ~ , ~ P1ulne. \ _ -.i5.l..\ I) '12(0' - 3/- ~t C Chy: Type of boller/~~Jre vc:.ud 10 hi:: inmlkdirt:pru.,..d/~ltNt'd (if altered, submir dfjlwil1/ts and c~cullltiom): --=tJ-\ ~)(' HtZh(',\- IC:> l!:.l\0\J.ecn~~ Sko.n, ~:l'~ Sin: and 1CT1i1h of plplne 10 he in<;'~II~d: I II' ,.. a:l q-) b ~~.) De~be Mture O( rer-qir (/llrach l\&firtOMI.!1 'eelS it nece~~lll)'): ~J..~.~ ~ ciOJ..,-.. QCCL~t (l~~~(Lt{'cLt-&~ .......~--- AlIThorized in~ctor- Depory/SJX!-CiJiJ : '-.-- '~~- -' ,.--, Completion (!aIC: ~~~~ E' -r:::::-=. :-::~ A"tnoriZed Inspeoor. STATE OF OREGON BOB GRAHAM 5/11-915-4505 r,1 \: .Y11.Q) 7 .71:,.\ 1.1 M/).'_'iI)2 nIOIICCM) . IV'. '- I .U1 JUL -22-20('::' 1-1 . 35 see 37[1 ,118 J ':'7:-: ~.~' ,