HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-8-7 . .. RESIDE.IAl" APPLICATION /PERIUT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 I I I , . Job l.oo~tion.. j 3 D~ \) 1=\ \ ~::) Aeaee.ore Nap # I) 0,;). fi 3Lf' Subdivision: Q.mcr: 3Vh'll l-=3 oC1 '7 p(:'{) \() /2...+=\-:' c.. ~ 0+\ \ 7j Address: Cit':f: n n n n llf"D paz l.ot # C:f3306 Phone: 7?-1o' D~I.f9, Zip: Doscribfl II'ark: y~~~ -=r:~ Addi ticn Rer.:odeZ .'fob:. Zl1 Homa Data of Application Cf, - ,- 9,lL, :.:om;:r.:::.:::=o~'S GeneraL Ptu'7lbir.q Zl.c~trical {,!eei-=io"t - ()\..\.J'(\'t.{ Const~~cticn -Lender Lu~ t'a!ue J..cici.""CS:; .cce::lt .1iI I,? 6b"Ci .PI Ir OJ Ol( Siqr.ed: ~ ~'h- j-L::>I.,... Date: Lise. ,~ G:::i1..l';1S i-.-:or:c 1: is th,. responaibility of eiuJ pCm/it holder to see the: al! inspections are made at .the proper timf:~ tJ:at c::.ch .::ddres3 is rea::a.;:.. from the street, and that the permit card is located at the front of the property. ~3u==!di~:g I>i.vi=io!': approL'ed plan siu:.Zl. l~er::airl or: t}u; BuiZdinp Sits at aU times. ;~:':~C:::;!)~'PE FOR ItlSP2r:TIOll REel/EST:CALL 726-3769 (1'c~o1'de1') state yOUI' City desigr..:ned .iob nw:7ber~ ~~au~s;ca a~d u~en you ~iLL DC reaay Jar ir.~pcction~ Contractors 01' ~wnel'S ncme cr.d ~~~r.~ n~cI'. '.'iZZ. De made the same dGY~ requests mc.de cft~r 7.:00 a:n lJiZZ D,z made tl-.e nc.:r:t :.JOrkir..; d.c.:.'. _;f?mJ;_Ylr,~ Tr.~nro("":~r.r,~ ] :J SI?2 I.75?-2::':::):.': To be made after excauation~ but prior tc set up of forms. U,"lOERSLAB pU':.!3I1JG, ELECTRIC,if. t :':~:Ci-!X!IC;.:.: To De rr.aae before any work is cov~red. ] FCDTn:c !: FOUND,1TIOll.: To be made aite;" trencnes are excavated and form;] are erected, but prior to pourf.-r.g ccncret~. ] U!.'DSRC.WU:.'O P:'U.'..'!1IllG. DR:'I11AC2: To De made Zir.g trencnes. SE:liER, h~1TER, prior ~o fi 1.- ] ] U!.'DE.9FLOOR ?LU.'~E1G & MECHANICAL.: To be mace prior 'to inataLlation of floo~ insuLation 01' decking. POST AND BEAN.: To be rr.adc prior to installation of f~r ins~Lation or decking. ROUCH PLlP.~BI::C_ ELECT!?!CA!.. t. lfECH- AiiICAL: ito :JOrk is to OC cOI.."ered ur.tiZ these inspectior.s have beer. made and .approve.::. FI.r::E:PLACE.: Prior to placir.g facing materiaLs and before framing inspec- tior.. F~'~InG: MU~t be ~eque~ted after approv.-:;.l of rough plwr.bin(J~ electri- cal & mech.:micaL. Al! roofing bracing ~ chimncys~ et:::. nr.lSt be ,completed. !Jo LJ:Jrk is to be con- ;; ceGLed until thitl inspection has 'been made and approved. ] ] ] Your ~ity Decigr4ted Job Number Ie.: o IiiSi.'LATIONIVAPC.r:! PARRIER I.'!SF!XTIC,',:.: To be rr~de after al~ insuZ~ti~n ~-d rcqu'~red vapor carriers are in place l:ut cefore any lath~ gypsum DoCU'd 01' wll coverino is ar:JDlied~ and Defore any inauZat~n is conceaZed. .. DHY!IALL ItlSPE:CTION.: To be made after aLL eroywaLZ. is in place~ but prior to any taping. MAsonRY.: Steel location~ bond bc:ar.w. aroutina or verticals in accol'aance with U.S.c. Section 241E. job accrcss~ tv?e of ir.3pcc:icr. Reques~s recei~ed ce;cru 7.:0~ ~ ~b055D ~E.'.~QLI,],:():'} CR ,~:JVE:: E:.JILD::;~S :=J Sanitar:t se".Jer ~ap?ed ::.t p:.op~rt;y lir.e I I ~ Sep~i~ tank 1T~~~d ~~ f~l~ed with ~~~~Z ] ] Pind - 'iher. aiJ=ve it..". are co"?!e"<,, I a~d when i~OL~t~Or. is c~Lete or st~~~- , tu.Yle moved ani ?r~3eS cl.e.-:;.nei up. Nobile Hcr.:es =:J Blocking and Set-~p =:J Plumbir~ connections s~cr ar.c: watsr ---, Electrical Ccnnection - Blockir~~ sct-u= --.J and plumbing car.r.ections m-..:st t~ appro..'::' before request~ng electrical ir.spec:io~ ~ Accescory Build~ng ] Fin:zl - After p:JrcJ:es~ etc. are comple:~d. skirting~ decks~ o o ~ WOODSTm1E: After installation is ccmpl.eted. o All project conditions~ euch as the instaLlation of street trees. c~~La:ion of tne required landscc:pir.g~ etc., must be satisfied before the BlJILDIl,'C FI!/AL can be raqus8t=d. ] FIlIAL PLUt.!BIllG ] FIliAL /fE:t:HANICAL ] FINAL ELECTRICAL ::J o FINAL BUILDING.: Thc"Final Building Inspection must be reque3tcd cltel' the Pinal PZwr.biltJ ElectricaL~ and Mechar.ical InspectiontJ hava been made and approv2d. D CURB & APPROACH AP.r::oN.: Afte:o forms a:re ere=ted but prior to pOuring '. aon.:::z'ete. EIDEfI'ALK & DRIFErvAY.: For all con-' crete paving within street right- of-lX:y~ to be made after all e.rca- vatir.g compLete & fo~ wol'k & aub- base mc.terial in pl..ace. -ALL UM,'HCLES AND CLEANOlnS UUST BE ACCES$IBLE~ ADJUST:!!,'/T TO BE /-~1DE I.T !.'O (,~S1" TO C1':r I P~F~ ! of 2 o o !'E!l=E:: When co:npl~te -- Provide gates' or movable soctions through P.U.E'. o Zone: 'fylD550' SOLAR ACCESS Oecupaneu crou. LeT TYPE .JOB NO. :,at Sq. F!;g. : ~f lot Caverag~ ,~ of Stories :'otal Height Topogra;:hy :':'::.'.1 I SQ. FTC :'.lain .'Jcroaae ,::ar=crt :-l.ccr.ssoru I ~~l S.D.C. TOTAL VALUE I vc.t.uc) 1.5:: Bui7.ding Permit State Surcha:rge Total Cha....ges lnteriol' Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac x Value I I I I I 1''''100] I, I, I )c:;,O D 1 I I 1/5.00 I, ''''':'.'.' , NO. Cr:AF.C:: ?i=":"..aoes ~esid2ntial (1 bath) _:cr.i-:::::r:.J Se4'er ",i.:.te:!' Plu.'t:bir:g Perr.:i t Btata S;rrcr.aJ"fle T::tc.! C'r;~'!'c{Js .:'. I::,..... i ~~S. ~:J. f-::::. ;~~/E=tend Cir~~its -~$rary S~rvice Ele~trical Pe~it St=te Surcharae Total Cr.::::>ces 77'. , ;"':. ! ]a-r..:2ce ETU' S :::iurust Hood cnt Fan :;odsto:Je Permit lssuanca Mechanic::l Permit State SurcharGe Total Cn.arq::p___ 67.'CROACH1.1E:.'T FEE I -I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I n I ' REQ,- L-COC.,Jj, . BeCJ.oor.:s: '~;::-..--'_':' TypeICor.st: I Lot Faces - ) I Ener('f:J Sources T;,,,(' I Sethacks I I .'ieat I P.L. I HOi4se I Caraae I t.ccess. I I Water .4rater INorth i i Hanpc lEast I I I I I Fircolacc IS,",th I I I I I Wcod::tot:e IWest I I I I I Fees -- Building Value & Permit This permit io granted on the express condition that the s.did. construction shall, in all respects, confo~ to the Ordinance adopted by the City of I Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnst~~cticn and use of buildings3.and m:1.Y be suapended or revoked at cr.y time upon ute- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. \ I Plan. Chee k Date Paid: IReodpt #: I Sig"ed: Fe~: Plumbing Permit No per~on shall construct, instal!, alter or change any new cr c=istir:g plu~bir4 01' drainage syste~ in whole or in part, unless such person is the, I legal possessor of a valid pZumber's license, except tr~ta pe~son ma~ de ?Z~bing work to property which is owned3 leased or operated by the a~pZi- cant. Electrical Perm it h'nere State Law requires tr~t the electrical work he done by an EZe~tric=Z Contractor, the eZectrical por~ior. of this pe~it sr~ll r:Ot be v~ZiC u1::it the Label r~s been Dignec by the Elcc~ical Contr~c;or. Mechanical Permit ;C"~ri tu D~Do:;i t ;ol"aoe :intt9nan~~ :~t Total C'ncroncs L....~c:ut :de',.)al.k 'n=:c .cctriea l Label ~bile Home 'TAL ANOU,'rr DUE:' ., I 1 I j I ul , ' I I 1 I. I I I I ' " Is,OD Plan t:XC1T/1.ner t..'atc I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED t.w completed application for permit, end do hereby certify that alt i~fo~ation hereon is true ar~ correct, and I further certify that any ar.d all !Jork performed shall be dO:1e 1'.'!'I necor- dance mth the Ordinances of tha City of Springfield, and th,r: Lr:..:s of tr.~ State of Oregan p~rtaining to the work described herein, and ti~t ~o occ~- p;,ncy will be made of any structure without parmissio:1 of the Building Di- vision. I further eel'tifa that O:1l.y contra=:tors a::d C.'npl.;)yecs who are i;-: c~pliance with CBS 701.05~ will be used on this projzct ~0'~-,__~ ~2d IS- /, 8z5 fute