HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-3-31 (2) -' ,:, .. RESIDENTIAL" COMBINATION APPLICMION!PEP.MIT 225 North 5th Street Springfiel.d, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 728-3753 ~ ASDS800rs Map , 7309 Daisy Street, Sprinqfield, OR 17-02-35-34 Ta Lot # McKenzie Hills - Lot 34 97477 3300 .rob f,oc:z.t1.an: SUbdiviaion: _sr: Ha 1 Isenberg Addrs..: 7309 Daisy Street City: Spri ngfi e 1 d, OR Qy~, Lx x I Additicn n Remodd n ,'!obi1.a 80ma Phorrs: 726-1599 Zip: 97477 Ducrib. Work: Add 16 X 20 storage addition to existing house. Dats of Appti<>zticn :;an:ra.crora 3-30-82 c.m.rat Fox Hollow Buildina PLumbing E;tsctricat Own e r Nacitar.i.c.::L Conatruatic71 LII71dno Vatu. $6.000.00 . ".', ,1 . .. I AtidzoG88 Rees,;,t" A ~s~ II) Bui 1 di ng Pennit 4 % Electrical Permit 4 % Electrical Label '35' z. a $36.00 1.44 15.00 .60 .20 $53.24 Si.{rr.sd: Dato: ~ ~- ~/-.f 2- Lise. II E=a:'r~8 Phone It is :h. l"flaponoibi.7.i.ty of tM p8l'mit hotdco t;ct ... that aLl inspilC'tions aro madtz. at ~hs prcpar time, tJo.a't each, ,;dd;rSS8 is rsadab!. frcm tho str..t, and that th4 p_ t aard is ~sd at th4 [rant of tho !'J'OP""ty. 'Buildi.ng (}t;l1icior. awr01:sd plan shaLl. NIllIa'in 07'1 ths Building Sit~ at aU t'i.mfls. . 12./r;:'7(,,4 PftOCEDURE POR -411~~r..L.4rON REQUEST: CaZ-t _ u _ ~) stat. yuwo City dssigrurt:ati job 1UDI".ber, job at!dzocss, eyp. of il13p.cticn , 1'6qU#stll4 ar.a 1J...sn you ~l1.~ b. rflGdy for inspcct'".:on, Can... _.......... or Cl.Jrun"8 nc:ms and phtm8 number. R.~8t8 rectli.:uui tsfOf'fl 7:00 cr.l , "';LL b<I nruis tho lKlIIIe dc;J. ~sts nruis at- 7:00 Gm "';LL bs nruis tho ..- =~ day. ~~""'"Y.fl'_""''''~:r.7'I'' . 0- : 'SIT~ mmrf:ro,v: To b. nad.- afUr' ~ but prior to S" "l' of fonrra. '0 UNDP:1lSLAB PWJf!URC. ELECTRICAL .f MECHANICAL: To o. naa. oafor8 a7IfI work is ~dl'ad. ~ o .0 FOOTrNG ! FOUNDATION: To bs nruis aftllr trtmahDs arB crctDXltlUi and forms aN ,reot4Jd. but pJ*'iar 1:0 pouring ccncrd.. UND!:RCFlOU."!D P!.UJeINC, ~'''' rJ'.1TE.~. D.ruIHAGE:: To bB nrz.:t8 prtcP to f'%.1.- hr.g trfmcMS. ~ UND~FLOOR rLWSrNG & 'IOC!lANICAL: To b. mr:u:s PzoWl' to t-n3tal.l.a:t:t.On of fl.oo'r ......lation or dseking. POST AND BEAN: To bfJ trr:Uk pM.cro to instal.l.att.cn of f1.oor" insulation OJ' dsoki."'J. ~ _~~,r~:,.I'~\~ .W;CH- APICAL: Nc '..JOrk ~"- ~_ _ t. _')t:~cd. lD':t'L Z. thcBe insp.a~ haria bfltm nruis and _"". ' FIPZPl.AC!:' PM.or to pl=ir.g facinq _......La and bsfors fr'ami.1UJ i.nSPDC- e:ior.. g o [ill PRMaYC: Mu:J'f: ba 1'tIt1tUlDtflti af~U' approval of :rough- pl.Wr.bing. ~lBCt1'"'i- cat of mschaniaaL. All roofing bracing ~ ch"imrwy.. ,t~. m-..:.t b. compLeted. ,va toXn"k is t;o b. con- a4U:Lw:l IDI'tiZ thi.a inst'BOticn has b.." nruis and _.d. r""" CiCli Dong.aud Job _"" Is: ~ INSULATION/VAPOR g~I!R msP!:C':'IOll: ~ To b. nruis af_ aLL ......t..-tion """ ~-Hd uapmo b~ ar. in place but bsfors any lath. gyp.... beard or LDz,z OOUt1M.ng is appl.i<<l. and b.for. any insulation is ctmCflaz..d. o DRYllAI.L mSPl!:CT'!ON: Ta b<I nruis ~ a,ttU' aLl. ~n i:s in pLaCIIJ but prior to any tapilUJ. O NASON1!Y: St..t l.oa4tion, bond . bcm3J gr'C1U:i.11g 01' verticals in aaaordarrcs "';th U.B. C. S.ati.on 241~. O ;/oODSTOV8: Aft"" inlltatlation ';s acmp~Bt~.. O CURB & APPROACH AP__~N,: AftB':' 'forms CI:N "Noted but p!"'ior to pouring .:on...'"Nu. O SIDEflALX & DRIVF.1IA!: For aU con- crete paving ~chin strect right- Of-WC1b to be mad. aftt1l' all 6%Ca- tnrting c~Lst. d l~ !.Xlrk & zub- bas. nctCl"iaL in plaae. O E'ENC!:: """" camp"'t. -- ProviC.s gat;; or :novabLB sscticns thrtough P.U.E. o 820264 DC1<r!WTIO.Y OR .'<<ll-,;) 3VrL,,:/GS :J Sam.:ary 8111JC' :::::;pee. ::t ~C"t":I Lv.41 :J Saptw tank. p-.;mplld a:"''': fi't'Z<<i :J1:-th Jra:Jst :J PinaL.. .r-.'1um c:b..-ve it:.':'ts are ccr.rpZBt.d ar.d 1J}urn dsr.tC'Z.it-!.or: is cG:r.:?14ts or struc- tur. movad and prcria.6 .:~~ up. Nobile Rems. ~ Bl.ooking and S,t...;,l? :J P1.wrtbing conMct-::ana -- 8D.U"1" ard wt;Sl" --, Elcotr<caL C,,""Bcticn - Btackir4, ".t-up ---.J and pLumbing conr.8ct-wns m-..;3t .:. a;r;rrovIlG b~forc l"fIqtUIstf.ng eZ8.l:rica~ ir.spao:ion =:], Ao.::'..co~' 8ui:.di~ ] (wI. ... I.ft..l'4?:JrCr.8.. sJdni~, decks, Btc. area carrp:.~t.d. o All. projBc:e conditions. sue!: as the inataLZat-.:on of S:Nst trellB, c~lJ~ of :iw r..qu:i.-ztt8d l.a:ndscc=pir.g, etc., must b. satisfiad bOrON :J-.. BIlIWI.'"::; Fr:!AL :an :. l'3qussc:zd. '0 FIliAL PWNBIl/G o FI.VAL I~NICAL [ill FI.VAL ELECTl/ICAL ,0 @ FINAL aUILDINe: Thll FinaL Building !nspsction must ba requllotQ:! c:.f-:ar ~;'.II Pin.2L ?!wr.bing EZ-lla'tr'i-caL~ and .'1echar:iaaL 11'I8psctiono kava be6Y't mt%c:UJ and apprcvad. "AU MANHOLES AND CLEAllOUTS UUST BE AC:ESSIBLE, ADJUST!fENT TO SE M/1DE'I.T NO COS': TO :r:y I F::';8' af.2 , -, "_.,,"-,-~;:b.:~;";-.: ,..-.'-:-_-,- I Job llumber: , ;Zane: 820264 R 1 I ,Lot Sq. Ftg. : ; ~ of !at Coverago l,f of Storiee ! TotaZ sm.uht !Topography lITEM I I,',bin I'Caraaa j Caroort IAcceB80l"t1 SQ.FTG 320 S.D.C. TOTAL VALUE {vc.I.U~1 1.5 ::: Building Permit State _oharge TotaZ Charue. I ITEM NO. J Fiztures I ResidsntiaZ (1 bath) Isanita.ry StllAJ8r IlIatR!" I PZumbing Permit StatB Su:rcr.a:rgs Total CharaeB I ITEM NO. Res. Sa. fw. Nw/E:r:tend Cirelli t. 2 Te:mporoary SeruiCB I ElB:ltro1.cal permi t Statll Sureharqfl Total Chazocll. IlTEM NO. t F"urn::I:Cd F!TU'S I E:::haust Hood I Vent Fan I I Woodsto1JS -I I Permit I3BUa11Cll MS:lhanic::l permit State Surcha:rae 7hta l Chtrral'flJ -- ENCROACHMENT -- lsa~~t~ Dsnosit I Storage I Maint~e Ipcrrrrit I Total Charoaos I Curbcut I SidBw Zk IF~S l Electl'ical Label l MobilQ HomQ I i I ,I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:- . OcCUOO7lCW Group: R3 LOT TYPE -A. Interi<Jr COl"IIer PanhandZe CuZ-de-eac X VaZue 18.75 $6.000.00 I 1$6,000.00 NA I FEE FEE FEE 35~ B. t'n.nn 1.44 $37.44 CHARGE CHARGE $1s,nn $15.00 .60 $1S.fin C!IARCS I I- I 1 1 ?n I I I I $53.24 I- ." .,." _'_.__' ____u- Page 2 Reference Numbers: . L-COG #: I Lot Faces - I 'I-,jpe/Cor.JJt: V-N I I Access. j : I II II Bedrooms: Enerau Sou.rees Heat Watel" ,q"'.at~ro Range Firep lace Wooa3tove T"/'De P.L. rlorth F:ast: South ,West Setbacks I Hou.e Caraoe ..- Fees I I I 1 I. I- I I ,- Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the e:z:press condition that ths said construction' shaz:z.~ in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield~ including ths Zoning Crdinance, regulating the construction and use of bui'Ldings~ and rrrzy bs BUBpmuied or revoksd at cny t":.me upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordir.ancB8. Plan Check Fee: ~ 1 n Rn Date Paid:,_ ,n-R? RBc&ipt #: I Signed: Dan I I I I I- I I I I I 1 I I- I I I I I I Plumbing Permit No person shaz:z. construct, i1lBtaz:z.~ az.ter or change any 7ZA1 or uiating plumbing or tbuinage syste:71 in 'wholQ or in part, unless such person is ths legal. possessor of a valid plumber's license~ BZCept that a person my do plumbing work to 1'~ ...1'.... :":J' which is mmsd~ lsased or operatsd by the appli- 'oant. Elect.r:.lS91 Permi t lIhere State La>t require. that the eZecmco.L work be done by an EZsctrico.Z Contractor, the electrical por-tion of this permit shal.l roOt be valid until the ZabeZ has been .igngd by the EZectricaZ Contractor. ' Mechanical Permit j - p~ EiJA~ 3-31-82 Vate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED tha completed apptication for permit, and do hsreby cwtify that all inf0rm2.tion hereon is true and cozrrect~ and I fUrther certify that any ar.d aZZ work perfor:ned .han be done in accor- dance with the Ordinances of ths City of Springfield, and the La:Ns of tha State of Oregon per~ning to the l<<)rk described her~n, c:nd that NO OCCU- PANCY will. be ro.de of any structure withcr.lt parmission of the Building l)i- vision. I further certify that rm.ly contractors and e:rrpli;yees wht? arB in compliance ~~th CRS 701.055 will be used on this project ~1~Jl~. ~jj,~ fute ,