HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Compliance Report 2010-8-26 Aug 26 to 09:06p Corp 5417469585 p.t " fiiiJJ !fl'; fI."F:.I; /1! IL~ J I ~~!Jjf..);1 =t ej'N__ . D~VELOPME'lT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FlFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 PHONE (541)726-3753 FAX (541)726-3689 v......w. r;i.springfie/d.or" us SPRINGFIELD . Itl/v - 8;2/;~ HIGH-EFFICIENCY LIGHTING SYSTEMS OREGON RESIDENTIAL SPECIALTY CODE (ORSC) Permit No.: ('Of' z.oltJ'--2---)~ Jurisdiction Site Address: 752-- ".0 &b (4 ~ 'S(' Su bdivision/Lot: and/or Map and Tax Lot: By my signature below, I certify that a minimum oMfifty (50) percent, *0 seventy-five (75) percent, of the permanemly installed lighting fixtures in the ab~e mentioned building have been installed with compact or linear fluorescent, or a lighting source that has a minimum efficacy of 40 lumens per input watt (Oregon ResideLltial Specialty Code NIl 07 .2) 1 * Check the 75% box if the additional measur s~lected to comply with ORSC Nl 101. 1 and Table NlI0LI(2)reqUlreS75~of\Jg~xtu s obaveenergyefficientlamps. .' Signed: l/fA/tU. Date: gjUhD O'....ner/Gcneral Contractor/Authorized Agent 6L/W~sjtJf Print Name: /VI ( k6 Contractor's CCB # -1 fer!/(p .Expiration Date: ((1/20IL . ] ORSC Section NIl Q7.2. High-Efficiency Lighting Systems. A minimum of fifty (50) percent of the permanently insraIled lightiDg fixtures, seventy-five (75%) percent, if the selected additional energy code measures in the Table ~11 01.1 (2) requires grenter lig]:ting efficiency, shall be installed with cornpact or linear fbOIcsccnr, or ~ lighting source thath~s a minimum efficacy of 40 lumens pet' input watt. S~rcw-jn compact fluorescent lan:ps comply with this requirement. Tne Buildi;lg ofJicial shall be notified in writing ar the final immeclioCl that a minimum of the requiTed percentage of the perm~ncntly installed lighting fixtures are compact or linear fluore:'icent. or a minimum efficacy of 4D lumens per input watt, l:\Hil!h-Efficicl:CV Inler.dcc