HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2003-8-29 225 FIFTH STREET. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 · PH:(541)726-3753 · FAX: (541)726-3M89 ~'/l; 0 .~ ELEcl KlCALf\Ptf?RMI'[A.ffLICATION l~ City Job Number b'Do[Y)'J"\ Date ~ Q lJ-" 1. LOCATIONOF.INSL.:ALI.ATION 3. COMPLETEFEESClfEDU:C . OW ~.I); . \QCAf~. \'fuID.)~! ,.. . .. ,. . , L~GA~~E~..E,TI'pN !V\l(] 11.. A. New Residcntial- Single or Multi-Family perdwcHing unit. \ '(){} U. )':>6"\ I U oW Service Included ~~I~; X~~O'k;S ~~~o~~l~:o:e:, 0' not started within 1 days of issuance or if work is Modular Dwelling Service or Suspended for 180 days. Feeder $106.00 $ 19.00 $50.00 . . . :CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION,ONLY 2. Electrical Contractor The MurPhv...~l~ CompanyOO Amps or less -4' filS p[, C; 20 I Amps to 400 Amps Address 149 9th streetl')_Ulf!n?~l'v;lrSIi 401 Amps to 600 Amps .4~~I14IWEM'<[D UIV, ~LL Ell Amps to 1000 Amps City Sprinqfield Phone 73iBd!ilfJ f1R'DEfll/i, VS(1)>9Q.AmPsNolts ~ Y p[, IS 1/8 ~t1t~f~ RIOD, Y-IlVqO/l;, IV/IllS /;. OR/(. . . 4~ LlS c. ~e'fJiJifi6ff.. ~~ifes or F~e.dE:rs loll (DLI B. Sen;icesor Feeders .c.Jnstallation, Alterations or. Relocation:. $ 63.00 $ 75.00 $125.00 $163.00 $375.00 $ 50.00 Supervisor License Number Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 Amps or less $ 50.00 20-474 C 201 Amps to 400 Amps $ 69.00 1 ~ ATn::: .._ 401 Amps to 600 Amps $100.00 I. 0 I ();'\1 :lI~::V!N 1~~/~~~!\1:.of@~Ul~9El\~PS or !9_0.~.~~It-:s_see "~" above. . OtHics. I' :'1'-'';' Cl:; D.JfABlillntb:tfttduifS'j~ ' ,,:,' -::. .' , in 0 '.'Jf \ l' ," 'M~ ':..n -Yuu".,. .1, '\ -. ~ . '" 1,"_.' '. :[-. - . It::: ';:Jr'; - ~ 'lV'.-'- - -- r.-.....~,-..~'" 4"*", '('''' . ..:;.'O('".../r.. 0090 ,'.:J'-'r-" 0',. .r\....N~~ A:Iter!!~I~g 9,r' ExtensiQ]1 Per Panel . fal' rb_ '. J{,"""I+4,"'\r.", --..;v.(~rJ/t".~ "'~if' ~. II,.:,.! '):-- ....One CU'CUlt1 '11- J "'-'I :Q: ~~_~";JIiY ;. \-, ';~r ."::-Eicii~cfditio~aI:Cit2tii20L~ith - "* ... 1'\ I ......., ! , $ 300 l ~,' ,{>.~ ~." 'SerVice:.onF,sederPeriil'its . ")~... t_ J.z,9'C"1' ~,. :J......... J3!~~.",,, . '$rlt)1~Mis~;~l%~~;~~~~i~~d~~~~t~~I~;_~)~~E~.~~_t~s~~~a~io~ - < .' Expiration Date Constr. Contr. Number Expiration Date Sigo:23=P~ncrnn \:.j--V OAA c- \ \:' Own= N,me \. ~~1.~Uj\ Addrer 1., Sw $ 43.00 City Phone Pump or irrigation $ 50.00 Sign/Outline Lighting $ 50.00 Limited Energy/Residential $ 25.00 Limited Energy/Commercial $ 45.00 Minimum Electric Permit Inspection Fee is $45.00 + Surcharges OWNER INST ALLA nON Owners Signature: The installation is being made on property I own which is not intended for sale, lease or rent. ~~~o Inspect;on Reqnest: 726-3769 J}!. ~ .W.(}\. .~~; -:.',", ~". :~.7r>r:~~ .~. .:~<;:+. ."'. "~7. ~~,::f;Y~;:':~ ~;~:~ 4. '_~~~?'-~.-e~~~VE~:"' 7% State Surcharge I O%' Administrative Fee TOTAL Shared Drive(T:)/Building FormslElectrical Permit Application l-03.doc '~;: HUU-~j~~~~~ ~~.~( t-'.\;:Jl/1::31 '-. +- - - - - - - - ~ EntitY/Address/License Screen - - - - - - _ LICENSE NVMBER: 20-474C ENTITY NAME: THE MURPHY HARRIS COMPANY ADDRESS ONE: PO BOX 7632 ADDRESS TWO: CITY: TELEPHONE: . SECTION CODE: . LICENSE TYPE: ~ LICENSE STATUS: : VALIDATION DATE: ENDORSEMENTS: EMPLOYERS: RECIPROCAL LIC: CCB NO: 142410 AB EXAM DATE: , EXAM DATE: : COMMENTS: INACTIVE FROM 7/14/03 TO 8/29/03 ~ S$=40945 : CC HOURS TAKEN: 0 : CR HOURS TAKEN: 0 : NSF CHECK RISK: - + EUGENE (541) 736-7292 PRINT ELENTITY TYPE: DBA C - ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR ACTIVE ISSUE .DATE: 09/16/02 09/16/02 VALIDATION NO: 0137354 COUNTY: LANE STATE: OR ZIPCODE: 97401- DATE: 09/23/02 PRINT FLAG ('f/N): N FIRST LICENSED: 11/08/01 EXPIRATION DATE: 10/01/03 AMOUNT PAID: $125.00 CERTIFICATION LEVEL: START: END: SUPERVSR SIGN DATE: EXAM SCORE: DUE TO LACK OF 5S: CC HOURS REQUIRED: CR HOURS REQUIRED: MULTI EMPLOYER? o o SENT TO PHOTO 10: LAST RENEWAL SENT: 08/09/03 LAST UPDATE: 08/29/03 - DAVI . : I I +- - - - - - :WindowlEnter :Sv - - - - - - +------+------+----------------------------------------~~-~---------~----------: :SoftKeysl - - - - - - - - - - +. : Collector I . I .: Ed Off: FILTER: : Daviscl :August 29, 2003. : Levell: TRUE copy OF ~~~~~~g CODES DIVISION UCENSE ~ORD~ . 8'i I'--*~:v;~ . OATE-. . TOTAL P.01 -.. CCB#14241O @./"..r_"~r. .-i"'.'mtn""" . . ~ ' . . The Murphy Harris COlnpany PHONE (541) 736-1292 FAX (541) 736-1273 P.O. Box 7632 Eugene, OR. 97401 Building Codes Division Issue Date: 09/191.200.1 Expire Date: +0/01/2004 License No: "40945 :_"'f~~\ } GeneraISup~~Qr ....: . .,' .-:......... ....:. .'~ GEISLER STEVEN R 37026 HILLSCR RD SPRING~'IELb, OR 97478 ,/ ~ ~- / . !ffi I, ..~ . ~;.') o~ .: SCOfIELD ELECTRIC co Fax:54168S8696 ** Transmit Conf_Repor~ ** P. 1 Jul 14 2003 12:46 Fax/Phone Number Start Mode Time Page Result Note 1503~782322 NORMAL 14,12:46 0'29'" o K JUL~14-2G03 09:~0 Signing Supervisor Registration P.la2 Dep.nment of Consumer &. Business Se("iccs IIhaUdb.gCodes DI.ision. IS)$6d&l!:I6Ialc:{ t<fW, Salem, OR Mailing address; p,O. 90.1 14470..Sllcm, OR. 9"1)09 ()U.l) JlJ.."IQQ, fu; (SOjr-3'18-2JZ-2,''fT~(5el>>H-lnS ,-. .. '. -.-- . \I<"fW .orego"~d. org "----- -- - - -. .. -. ip:l~!~;1;i.i\~ti~:~~~;r~;~;;I;!:~=~t~p~;i:~}~~'-1!~~~S\ ~:~:,~~~~,~';l:~~t~::.,!".~ .~}\,~~~:~;,X~~,\ .;..,!,~\:~~.. ' :')0'.:' ,,;.f~ .~'. ~~}~.~,:,' ~:,,~~~:t. :~ ~~' t:! ~;J~~,:r,~\:~.~.~~~k~~~1: ?~;~t;7?:~}:?5i~ tv~iffi~~~;:?~l:~~ ~~2::'~:.;:l~ l. lhe undersigned,u of , ..in ICNe .,6 ( ''In'n:) (4aacl {Please check OllC}: a lice~sed ge...~1 supervisor electrician o Limited joumtyman sign electrician a Limited energy electrician fOf (CO",p~I\Y n~mc) Company address: City/Sl:ltelZIP: Compa"" license no~: Phone: ( ) I ~jJl ~,gn all label eppAic;uions and countersign all labels. As supervisor,l will berespo~ible fer ensuring [hat all eJccll;c.rllllflstanations mecr minimum safety Standards and thai all s~h installs,ions .-,i\l be made: in compliance \Iotlh ORS 479.510..8'0. Signature:: . QuaJifyine signer's hcen1e non' Toe.- ~sJ...: -L- ( name) the undersigned, as of "] - 1"# . f)'::> .' viU nOt ~ Jigning (diu:) for ~ VV/ y.-~ --I J..k,,:~ Company.1ddress: Po (.b.>I.. 76 3 Z Cily/Sr3IeIZJP:, h~-,-i:-;~". ((f') . ; . (c:vmplI")' ".one) 77<k> l . Phone: ( St/1 ) 7 J/a -/ 27>L Compan}' Jict;ns -icf . ~ Slgnall.lTe' ~./~ -r- Qualifying signer's license no.:J6h 'l So ~:~t.;"~t-;~~j~~;~~;'~~[;~':i~1~~~) ;!fr;~~~i~~~~~~~}~~b~{~~"T 4~ ~ "-a. I . . J~~~14-2003 09:40 Signing Supervisor Registration P.02 ~pi"1ment of Consumer &. Business SCl'fices Building CiJdes Dj"isioD . 1535 &fgelb2lt:r NW, Salem, OR Mailing address: P.O. Box 14470, Salem. OR 97309 . (S03) 373-1268. Fu: (503) 318-2322, TTY: (S03) 373-13S8 VlWW ,o~gonbtd.org f. . the undersigned. as of , wil1 sem:_, (nl1fne) (dale) (Please <:heck one): o Licensed general supel'\'isor elec(rician o Limited journeyman sign electrician Q UmirecJ energy electrician .-for . '0' -.... --':'-- - -, "._- -'.. (company name) Company address: Ci~)'/S~atelZIP: Company license no.: . Phone: ( ) I will sign all label applicalions and countersign all labels. As supervisor. I will be: responsible for ensuring (hat all electrical installations meet minimum safely st8fldards and that all such install.,ions will be made in compliance with ORS 479.510-.850. Signature: Qualifying signer's license no.:, '~l. --, ~ ~~ 'J for ~ 111~.J..; '"'" )(' / ' O~' 0 Company address: J . (') (nat'I'IC) J.JcD;"'~ . C (0 ; the undersigned, IU of ) ~ ./1I- f) ~_ . will not be signing (dim:) City/Slate/ZIP; (t.'Omp8ny name) (.bx /b ~ '<- ~~ ,~~,. i7CJo( or . cr Company lieens nO.: ~ Signature' . _ -:e-- 4L) _~_ Phone: ( S'J J 7.fk - J ;??L Qu~tifying signer's license no.;...J6h 'LS o Employer nOfified Date: By Comment: (initiAlS) 1mr~ ' 44().U~~ ('7f02ICOM\ TOTAl.. ~. a;>