HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Compliance Report 2010-8-19 :'....~ SPRINGFIELD ~;;.;:L:!ti " D r;;:' ... . .. -qli{~ T r;'f '1./_-'" ..' r&jt!!ft'4(olii{.1;;tUllCJitl ; #..i; =ISl.I1 ~ ~, ~Jj;ilik-2,:ih,a;i:i,t;, DEVELOPl\,'IENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT - ,~ _ ~b~,_ H,,/ 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD. OR 974f7 PHONE (541)726-3753 FAX (541)726-3689 www..ci.springfield.or.us HIGH-EFFICIENCY LIGHTING SYSTEMS OREGON RESIDENTIAL SPECIALTY CODE (ORSC) Permit No.: (-/0 -ooG;.;lq Jurisdiction Site Address: t!;<:;{ < - LI"it.. s+ Su bdivision/Lot: Lo.J- 1:.2 andlor Map and Tax Lot: I ,--,<,'St w\\..,"L~ By my signature below, I certify that a minimum of D fifty (50) percent, *,lQ seventy-five (75) percent, of the permanently ins tailed lighting fixtmes in the above mentioned building have been installed with compact or linear fluorescent, or a lighting source that has a minimum efficacy bf 40 lumens per input watt. (Oregon Residential Specialty Code NIl 07.2) I * Check the 75% box if the additional measure selected to comply with ORSC NIIOI.I and Table NIl 01.1 (2) requires 75% of lighting fixtures to have energy efficient lamps. Signed: ~/:J.d/~ Owner/Genera] Contractor/Authorized Agent Date: f:- ("f- 2-l!J Print NatTIe: 71.-'\.. Ilrr"' Ie .....0.,. I Contractor's CCB # ~ 17.2.5' 7.u Expiration Date: <c -.2Lf-/7.... I ORSC Section N 11 07.2. High-Efficiency Lighting Systems. ^ minimum of fifty (SO) percent of thE' fJermanently installed lighting fixtures, seventy-five (75%) percent, if the selected a~1ditiona] energy code measures in the: Table N 110 1.1 (2) requires ", grc,:ttel. lighting efficiency, shull be Il1stailed wilh corn'pact or linear f1uorescent, or a Jightinl! ':ource that has a minimum efficacy or' .:10 lumens per ill]Jut wall. Screw-in compact fluorescent lamps comply \\'\l11 this requir'..:ment. The Building olTICi;:Jl skill be notified in writing at the lllln] insDEclioIl t]1(I'-_ <l minimum of the required percentage orthe ., "" ..' ,- _~, _.. \:._,,_.. jl,,~,._~,.,.._; _._ ~ ._~;.,;"~,,.,, ."rr;''',rp cd' ,1f11,,,,,,,,,,C' ,,,,~,. ;l1n,,1.,,'<111