HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 2005-5-13 ,-~~~;~",,~~I~~j:,_,,_. ~;'".,' , \ ~I ' . I;~ 1\ Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone , 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line ~. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ,j. Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2005-00321 ISSUED: 05/13/2005 APPLIED: 03/22/2005 EXPIRES: 11/13/2005 VALUE: SITE ADDRESS: 100 MILL ST ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 1703353204100 Springfield TYPE OF WORK: Single Family Residence TYPE OF USE:, Move PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Move Residence to 1259 South 2nd Street May 15, 2005 Residential Owner: JEFF & JULIE WISDOM Address: 924 E STREET SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 Phone Number: 541-747-4177 I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I Contractor Type General Contractor SCHOAP INC Phone 541-344-8833 # of Units: Primary Occupancy Group: Secondary Occupancy Group: Primary Construction Type Secondary Construction Type: # of Bedrooms: Front yard Setback: Side 1 Setback: Side 2 Setback: Rearyard Setback: Solar Setbacks: Street Improvements: Storm Sewer Available: Special Instruction: Notes: Description License 32039 Expiration Date 04/28/2006 I BUILDING INFORMATION I . e on law requires you. ~o ATTENT#Q~t9il~~d b the Oregon Utility Lot Size: R-3 follOW ~uJM~caP "gg~lfules are set forth Sq Ft 1st Floor: Notificat\ory~8flfftla :through OAR 952-001- Sq Ft 2nd Floor: VN \n OAR 9ai1R~~t~ co ies of the rules by Sq Ft Basement: 0090. YoB.a1liV *~n p. the telephone Sq Ft Garage/Carport camng&~M3lPlfth: (Not~etility Notification Sq Ft Other: numb~~~~agEilli\. _2344).n/a Occupant Load: ~....t..a: :-:- 1 _Rnn-. 32 I DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION I REQUIRED PARKING Overlay Dist: # Street Trees Rqd: Paved Drive Rqd: % of Lot Coverage: Total: Handicapped: Compact: N O'H~~BLIC IMPROVEMm THIS PERMIT SHALL EXP HE ~~ ~~Ik Type: , ED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS ~ u I AUTHORIZ S ABANDONED Fffi.\'wnspoutslDrains: COMMENCED OR I , . ANY 180 DAY PERIOD. I Valuation Description I $ Per Sq Ft or multiplier Square Footage or Bid Amount Type of Construction Value Date Calculated Pa2;e 1 of5 --~r~~.\'l)l"fii,E1.I!t~,,/:,.,,;,,~-.,.," .. {- ~ Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspectio", Line ,. Fee Description + 10% Administrative Fee + 7% State Surcharge Move Building Structure Sanitary or Storm Sewer Cap Total Amount Paid Initial Review CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2005-00321 ISSUED: 05/13/2005 APPLIED: 03/22/2005 EXPIRES: 11/13/2005 VALUE: Total Value of Project ~ Amount Paid Date Paid Receipt Number $27.70 5/13/05 1200500000000000624 $3.15 5/13/05 1200500000000000624 $232.00 5/13/05 1200500000000000624 $45.00 5/13/05 1200500000000000624 $307.85 I Plan Reviews I 03/22/2005 03/22/2005 APP LLH Structure is being moved from 100 Mill Street to 1259 South 2nd Street, Springfield. Move is proposed to occur on Sunday, April 10, 2005, beginning at 6:00 a.m. and is scheduled to be completed by 8:00 a.m. on that same date. The structure is a single family home and the moving length is 50', the moving height is 26', the moving width is 30' and the number of sections being moved is one (1). Beginning at the current location, the structure will cross Main Street just west of Mill Street and enter Mill Street between Main and South A and travel South on Mill. Then the structure will turn east on South A Street to South Second Street, turning South on South 2nd Street, traveling South to site (1259 South 2nd Street). The Contractor must provide the City with a copy of the State, and if applicable, County moving permits prior to the move beginning on April 10,2005. See attached documents for memo sent to emergency services and other agencies notifying them of this move, Pae:e 2 of 5 -_~~~IJ,!~,~I,~~:er.;C"AI~!._", CITY'OF SPRINGFIELD' t g' 1'/ Building/Combination Permit Status Issued PERMIT NO: COM2005-00321 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR ISSUED: 05/13/2005 541-726-3753 Phone APPLIED: 03/22/2005 541-726-3676 Fax EXPIRES: 11/13/2005 ,. 541-726-3769 Inspection Line VALUE: Initial Review 04/05/2005 04/05/2005 DEN LLH Move is postponed. New date has not been determined Initial Review 05/09/2005 05/09/2005 APP LLH Moving date has been changed to May 15, 2005. Structure is being moved from 100 Mill Street to 1259 South 2nd Street, Springfield. Move is proposed to occur on Sunday, May 15, 2005, beginning at 6:00 a.m. and is scheduled to be completed by 8:00 a.m. on that same date. The structure is a single family home and the moving length is 50', the moving height is 26', the moving width is 30' and the number of sections being moved is one (I). Beginning at the current location, the structure will cross Main Street just west of Mill Street and enter Mill Street between Main and South A and travel South on Mill. Then the structure will turn east on South A Street to South Second Street, turning South on South 2nd Street, traveling South to site (1259 South 2nd Street). The Contractor must provide the City with a copy of the State, and if applicable, County moving permits prior to the move beginning on May 15, 2005. See attached documents for memo sent to emergency services and other agencies notifying them of this move, Plannin2 Review 03/22/2005 03/22/2005 APP KMG Not on Historical Register Pa2e 3 of 5 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2005-00321 ISSUED: 05/1312005 APPLIED: 03/22/2005 EXPIRES: 11/13/2005 VALUE: -_~@!~9~!~ "' - \ ' !: ~, Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Public Works Review 03/22/2005 03/23/2005 APP DRB Public Works Review 03/22/2005 03/22/2005 APP EW Structural Review 05/09/2005 05/09/2005 APP RJB "Contractor shall be responsible for any and all damage to public facilities as a result of the structure moving operation. Contractor shall monitor the operation of all traffic signals during and after moving through all signalized intersections. If the contractor damages a traffic signal or interrupts the signal timing cycle ('Flash' or' No Cycle' mode) the contractor will immediately contact the City of Springfield Signal Electrician for emergency repair work." Rick Klohn - ( 541-954-0914) or Shawn Scott - (541-954-8921) All damage incurred to private or public property shall be restored to as good or better condition promptly. Should damage occur to public property, contact Art Ireland at Springfield Maintenance at 935-3428. The contractor is responsible to repair or replace any damage to public improvements. Foundation permit submitted under job number COM2005-00316. Held for numerous items. Received septic approval 5/912005 To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspection requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. Ul-eouiredJnsnections . House Move Complete: After structure has been moved and all required conditions have been met. Sanitary Sewer Cap: Capped within five (5) feet of the property line and capped with an approved material as required by the code. Paee 4 of 5 -_ ~~~UlJ~~fi'.fJ;eI'" .~ ~t I,., ~.- Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2005-00321 ISSUED: 05/13/2005 APPLIED: 03/22/2005 EXPIRES: 11/13/2005 VALUE: 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times dUrin7J<<if-). (; jJ/~ ~ ~~ I I Owner or Contractors -&__ature Date Pae:e 5 of 5 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-:3759 Phone r'ity of Springfield Official Receipt ~velopment Services Department Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 1200500000000000624 Date: 05/13/2005 2:33:57PM Job/Journal Number COM2005-00321 COM2005-00321 COM2005-00321 COM2005-00321 Description Move Building Structure Sanitary or Storm Sewer Cap + 7% State Surcharge + 10% Administrative Fee Payments: Type of Payment Paid By Check CHRIS SCHOAP BLDG MOVERS Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received djb 5320 In Person Amount Due 232.00 45.00 3.15 27.70 $307.85 Amount Paid $307.85 Payment Total: $307.85 '( 5/13/2005 Page 1 of 1 OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 644 'A' STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 PHONE: (541) 726-2552 . FAX: (541) 726-2579 DISTRICT 5 PERMITS DEPARTMENT HAS REVIEWED THE SUBMITTED TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN(S). THE PLAN(S) HAVE BEEN: ~PPROVED, AS SUBMITTED o APPROVED, AS NOTED. o NOT APPROVED, PLEASE REVISE & RESUBMIT. APPROVED BY: ~ M L. STUCKRATH -1!Z:.r-. ~ Inn ~ o M. WILBUR - WORK IS BEING COMPLETED UNDER: iji(' PERMIT # 05M38 (EXPIRES ON: A ~ 9S" o MAINTENANCE: , . THESE SIGN STANDS ARE ILLEGAL PER ODOT STANDARDS AND SHALL NOT BE USED ON STATE HIGHWAYS. DATE: fij 17\)fi';\ ~ Iii' 'llfjr'J~' :;o.r"~: : '/I ", .' TOTAL NUMBER OF SHEETS: ;0 RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS: ')'( THIS TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN IS TO BE ON-SITE ALONG WITH THE ISSUED ODOT PERMIT AND ATTACHMENTS WHILE WORKING WITHIN ODOT RIGHT OF WAY (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ABOVE). * ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL CONDUCTED ON STATE HIGHWAYS MUST MEET ODOT REQ U I REME NTS /S PECI FICA TIONS. ')'( APPLICANT MUST CALL FOR UTILITY LOCATES BEFORE DIGGING (1-800-332-2344). YOU MAY BE HELD LIABLE FOR DAMAGES. CAL( FOR UTILITY LOCATES. PRE-MARKING OF EXCAVATION AREA IS REQUIRED. APPLICANT SHALL CALL DAVE PHILLIPS (541-510-9955) FOR ELECTRICAL LOCATES WITHIN ODOT R/W. * APPLICANT MUST PROVIDE 48 HOUR NOTICE PRIOR TO WORKING WITHIN ODOT R/W. * NO WORK ON HOLIDAY WEEKENDS. * RESTRICTED HOURS: MONDAY - THURSDAY: Jl u.. F R I DAY: n_~_____________ -=SA~R DA y-i-s UN DA y~1d(l~IE5~~_-~ COMMENTS - FOR ODOT USE ONLY NOTE: APPROVED T.C. PLANS ARE INDIVIDUALLY ODOT STAMPED. "03!1~!2005 13:28 ~ .; SCHOAPBUILDIN '/ER 54134<; PAGE 04 BUILDER REGISTRATION No. 5W--S \ NAME &. AD~S~~r APP. LlCANT: Clf;<' j :::CU UN 1W f LU/A.; b -ID~ '() x;:n (,3 ,z:(J~a-. ~ ~ 'I n L ~ PROPOSED MOVE DATE: 4 /1 cJ /0)- , PROPOSED MOVE TIME: -6J', ,.. \;. :-. _ . WILL YOU BE STOPPINO AT & ABIDING BY TRAFFIC SIGNALS? y' ~S ._ If NO, DESCRIBE HOW TRAFFIC WILL BE CONTROLLED. LEGEND .. RAFFIC CONTROL PLAN HOUSE MOVE VEHICLE (SEE APPLICATION FOR DIMENSIONS) ~ PILOT VEHICLB(S) J.. MOVrNG SUPPLYITRAFFIC VEHICI.E(S) ONE W A V TRAFFIC ON A TWO LANE ROAD ..... .,. .~~--_._. ....... ONE WAY TRAFFIC ON A fOUR LANE ROAD -. ---~~------------------------~-_.._-_._-~-_._~--------- ---+ --'_._---~------~-----------------------------._------ -~----~---- ......... .-~-----~----~---~. --. TWO WAY TRAFFIC ON A FOUR LANE ROAD WITH CENTER TURN LANE I ' ! I +-. ~--~-------------------------------.-----_~__a__.____. +-- .,'.... -+ ~ i~~ h~C(. ~UJ< ~a..J u. u-C/)a.. 0 01--1 ....~O cg z a: Uja::1- ~~6 ' a:1.{)() w ~t3S2 ~ UJ-LL il: Qg:~ ZC/)a:: 0-1- <-,0 W ~ o j, 'I" .....' ',......"'r SPECIAL TRANSPORTATION PERMIT FOR HOUSE MOVES I ~(tl'~ 3 8 3 ~ f PERMITTEE NAME TELEPHONE CHRIS SCHOAP BLD MOVERS (541 )954-8866 OWNER NAME JEFF WISDOM ADDRESS P.O. BOX 2768 ADDRESS CITY. STATE ANDZIP EUGENE OR. 97402 CITY. STATE AND ZIP 41, / SIGNAatd J PERMIT FEE 8.00 BUILDER REGISTRATION NUMBER 32039 PERMIT INSPECTION DEPOSIT N/A CHECK NUMBER N/A COMMODITY LENGTH' WIDTH' 1 50' 1 34' 12 2 , 3 3 NO, OF SECTIONS PILOT VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS 2 LANE: D NONE [R] FRONT [R] REAR 4 LANE D NONE [R] FRONT [R] REAR YEAR AND MAKE OF EQUIPMENT 67 FWD. BEGINNING ADDRESS MILL STREET @ MAIN STREET SPRINGFIELD,OR. ID NO, N17606 PUC NO, YCPJ631 TELEPHONE DATE CHECK NUMBER 551~ HEIGHT' MAY 0 It 2005 OVERALL LENGTH 1 2 3 26';' ,7' 86' 12 13 DESTINATION ADDRESS SOUTH A STREET@ SECOND STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR. LICENSE NO, COMP, NO, ROUTE MP TO MP AGENCY 1.50 SOUTH A STREET 1.50 ODOT & CITY MCKENZIE HWY OF SPRINGFIELD 1.50 PIONE:ER PARKWAY W. 1.57 ODOT & CITY OF SPRINGFIELD STREET / HWY FROM MAIN STREET/ MILL STREET MCKENZIE HWY, SOUTH A STREET MILL STREET SHOULD A PRO,LEM ARISE DURING HOUSE MOVE ..,PHONE ODbT DISPAfCH AT 503.378.2299 HIGHWAY TYPE OF PAVEMENT WIDTH OF PAVEMEN-' ~ LOWEST USABLI: ROADWAY OVERHEAD SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR SPECIAL PROVISIONS I' HA~L1NG HOURS RE~TRICTED TO , 12.00 AM.- 10.00 AM. HAV.L1f.iG.Q~YS RE,STFjICTERJ:o sr.)j,~t)j.~\ .'r \~A f 1 5 t. ~:.~j05 ~X.~I'iAJ!QN DATE '.)/ 1 :;:::/t);) * SEE PAGE 2 FOR SPECIAL PROVISIONS * THE PERMITTEE SHALL NOTIFY THE DISTRICT MANAGER, OR THEIR REPRESENTATIVE, OF THE MOVE AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE MOVE. TELEPHONE 541-726-2552 NOTIFY l YNN STUCKR )XJE / O:;Z DISTRICT MANAGER DEAN FULLER GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. ROAD & WEATIIER Movement is not permitted when road surfaces are hazardous due to ice, snow or frosl or when visibility is restricled to less than 500 feet by fog, smoke, or other atmospheric conditions if the width is in excess of8 feet or if the overall length is in excess of 80 feet 2, POSTED LOAD LIMITS The posting of any highway or structure to reduce limits of weigh Is or dimensions shall be to that extent a modification of the weights or dimensions allowed under this permit 3. CONVOY MOVEMENT Unless otherwise endorsed hereon the convoy movement of two or more overwidth and/or overlengtb vehicles and lor combinations of vehicles operating under authority of this pennit is strictly prohibited, 4. HOLIDAYS No movement shall be allowed on the following holidays: Christmas day, New Year day, Memorial day, Independence day, Laborday, and Thanksgiving day. Whenever any of the said holidays fall on a Sunday then the following Monday shall be deemed the holiday, 5, PILOT VEHICLES Unless olherwise specified herein a pilot vehicle may be an automobile, pickup, or solo truck oflegal size and weight. Combination of vehicles nOI authorized, 6, Pll.OT VEHICLE OPERATOR DU1IES It shall be the duty of the pilot vehicle operator to warn approaching or overtaking traffic as the case may be of the hazard occasioned by the movement by the use of approved signaling devices or flags and signs. Pilot vehicles shall, on IUral highways, maintain a dislance ahead and behind the movement of not less than 300 feet nor more than 500 feet, In cities or in congested areas where traffic is controlled by signals this dislance shall be reduced as may be required to protect the traveling public, . 7. W ARNlNG SIGNS Pilot vehicles shall display appropriately to the front or rear slandard signs bearing the words "OVERSIZE LOAD", The signs shall be 5 feet wide by 10 inch,es high with black letters 8 inches high with I inch blUsh stroke in accordance with Federal Highway Administration series B on highway yellow background, Oversize loads and towing or hauling vehicles shall display to the fronl and rear standard signs bearing the words "OVERSIZE LOAD", Signs shall be 7 feet wide by 18 inches high with black letters 10 inches high with 1-5/8 inch blUsh stroke in accordance with Federal Highway Administration series C on highway yellow background, AU such signs shall be displayed only during the course of the movement of the oversize load and shall be removed or retracted at all other times, 8. IMPAIRED CLEARANCE Full responsibility for the detennination of adequate clearance both vertical and horizonlal, is hereby imposed upon the penninee and the driver of equipment having a width and/or height in excess of the legal limit When Ihe vertical or horizontal clearance of any bridge or structure is impaired to the extent that full two-way traffic cannot be maintained the permittee shall provide a pilot vehicle whose duty shall be to prevent approaching vehicles from ente,ring the bridge or structure while il is impaired by the movement covered by this pennit. The cutting or trimming of trees or shrubs on Highway right-of-way is strictly prohibited, 9. HIGHWAY DAMAGE - BOND The permittee shall be held responsible and liable for any and all damage 10, or destruction of any highway or any highway structure occasioned by the movement over said highways, and hereby agrees to reimburse the State Highway Division for cosl or expense of repairing or restoring any highway structure damaged or destroyed, such reimbursement to be made by the permittee within 10 days after being billed for the same ?y the State Highway Division. (05M383~6 When requested to do so, pennittee shall furnish the State either a certified check or a surety bond, in any amonnt to be specified by the Division to guarantee the payinent of claim for damages which may result flom the movement. 10, INSURANCE A Certificate and Endorsement ofhlsurance (Form 734- 1852) shall be on file in the District Office issuing this permit. Tins pennit shall automatically tenninate, and be of no force and effect in the event that any insurance filed lmder this provision is canceled or is allowed to lapse, , I 1. COUNTY ROADS & CITY STREETS This pennit does not authorize operation over county roads or city streets, To operate over a county road a pennit must be obtained from the county court having jurisdiction over the road; likewise, to operate over a city street other than a state highway route, a penn it must be obtained from the proper city authority. 12, CANCELLATION This pennit may be canceled at any time by the granting authority upon proof satisfactory to it that tile permittee has violated any ofthc tenns of the permit, or that the permit was obtained through misrepresentation in the application therefor, or when in the judgment of tile granting autIlOrity the public interest requires cancellation, 13. INTENT This pemiit is intended only to peront movement of the commodity and/or vehicle(s) described herein and must be carried at all times in the cab of the power unit and shall be available for inspection by any police officer, any representative of the State Highway Division or the Public Utility Commissioner. Tins pennit is subject to the tenns illld conditions attached hereto and made a part hereof pursuant to tile provisions ofORS CHAPTER 818 14, ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS The receipt of this permit by the pemnttee and initiation of any movement authorized thereby shall be deemed acceptance by him of all descriptions, ternls, and conditions herein, 15. REAR VIEW MIRRORS Vehicles or combinations of vehicles towing or transporting overwidtb vehicles, maclnnes or loads under authority ofthis permit must be equipped with rear view mirrors capable of affording the operator a view to tlle rear of tlle vehicle and or combination of vehicles. Such mirrors may exceed width anthorized herein by 5 inches on either side, but must be retracted to legal width when vehicle or combination ofvelncles andlor load is oflegal \\~dth, 16. HIGHWAY BLOCKAGE Normally, movements must be of a size which will allow highway trallic to proceed ~hithout delay; however, short movements of a'",~dth which will block the lnghway to two way traffic may be permitted providing turn-outs or widened areas are available for use in allowing traffic to clear. In no case shall the complete blocking of traffic be permitted for a period longer thlrn 10 minutes illld this will only be allowed in unllSUal circumstances as may be deemed appropriate by the state Inghway representative and with consideration given to tile volume oflnghway traffic. 17. FIRE DEPARTMENTS Tile pennittee shall give timely notice of the movement to the local Fire Department having jurisdiction in the area(s) of the move. 18. GRANT OF MOVEMENT No building or structure shall be moved onto the Inghway right-of-way until all conditions specified herein have been satisfied illld autllOrity to proceeu has been granted by tIle local representative oftlle State Highway Engineer. t;-,...,.;..._ .. )AG"'" "'," '0- t,.. L,......_~,~, ',': ~ sz