HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1985-7-29 . . bne county .. "I BUilDING AND SANITATION SOLAR SYSTEM INSTAllATIONS CHECK LIST .~ Applicant: SUNDANCE SOLAR , Site Address: 2223 OTTO, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON, 97477 Application Number: a418-B5 Installer: SUNDANCE SOLAR 3 Number of collectors ( absorbtion, evaporative, solar panels, etc.) o Number of pumps (any pump used to convey any heat transfer fluid or potable' water) Number of tanks (any solar heated storage tank, drain down or drain back tank or expansion tank) (4 Total number of components) THE FOllOWING INFORMATION IS REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED FOR A CONSTRUCTION PERMIT TO BE ISSUED I . .' . 1. A floor plan locating the new and/or existing storage tanks. Identify the space in which it is installed by name. 2. A framing plan of the roof, showing the size, spacing and spans of the roof support system. 3. Installation details of the panel support~ anchorage, connections and bracing system. 4. The maximum surface temperature of the panel. 5. A schematic diagram of the proposed piping system, showing all gate, check and pressure valves, location of air vents, location of pumps and location of any other components .of the system. PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT/BUILDING & SANITATION DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING/125 E. 8TH AVE/EUGENE, OR. 97401/PHONE 687':""4061 4093 W. 11th Avenue Eugene, OR 97402 )44-1594 INSTAllATION AGREEMENT " SUNDANCE !hlS Contract valid as of the dale of acceptance between SOLAR herein termed "Contractor" and Name E DIU A '~ Pi o"P) a~T ::JC).w kJS (:'\ N Address 2-;z..;;L..3 'O'1TO :5 T CltySPKIAJ& 'Fttd_D St~te O,I-,\E;,(9tJlUzIP C174~77 Oale of Ihe' Contract ~ /:;t-ti I <r c; .' . . / . / -- . Contractor agrees, sUbJect to the terms and condlllons hereof. to furnish labor and matenals necessary to erecl the following One (.1 ) completely i~stalled solar hot water healing system t "- . .' ~ . herein termed "Buyer," Telephone -, 2-((: -0 S- lJ ~ ! , Buyer agrees to pay the followlngpnce Cash price 5.~ q q G~{)O $ 4--0('), 00 ~ '\ (~'f....." ~"l 0 S "'--.J '..... !\,'l e t ,j Down payment ;~ ' ,r;:..t ,." I'l '(') - ;:::)A -/- l! ..... "'" ,,- i"l //1'0 ~, C.;-;(~O( 00 V d"Ii'l l) f;:~} , E I (.A .,.!L'~; <" f~f"\Ti) Balance "NOTICE TO BUYER" 1. The complete terms and conditions of this contract are printed on the reverse side of the original and the cus- tomer's copy of this contract and constitute the entire contract between the parties. 2. The buyer's signature is conclusiv,e evidence that he had read the entire contract before affixing his signature and acknowledges the receipt of a copy of this contract. S EL~L x=: 'R (},) I L L-. t--' Rl) \J ~ [) C ", t:.: t-:, .~) {/\ A' i" I" i "",Dr.:: (' -r//.:.;t , ~ r I , "'.1 . 1\ <....; I ~,-' "_ . J 5r~-Ll.~R L{)II-t, JG1BtiY}/r ~'lt;J7!i Itl~ 4PPL.tl_,frr;C/U AA.JiJ ..11 ~., ~ i ,-' ..' Buyer acknowledges receipt of a copy of this agreement. F'ne!l. ,7 If r:;:: h)r:=~:1/rr:E'. /.:H-:r'Y-.I (f'~ ~ Fri." f':f') R .vtLC- P E-" r:~/''f! (r: ..-;, . _' r I I,' '''.j ,,./""...., COr.lt'ractor (Seller) 'I r ' 1 . ; ;:'./'"r l.f'A B:y , kiCA. t l- . SiI'':: sq'c. son JI' J IJ /I.. /J , ;1 I I , 1;10.1 7' u, , /.',) 1/1 /J, ."" r/ {,/ ,,' ..1.. l. . "./i\L.,t' J /,'_ ' .,' "'<. Acceplec. bv ConlraClor Selle. Title own?:: (Buyer) /oj l 'ij'i ':' 0/J ~t r t' . Y /, . \ L ", '. J f'1 ':./1 . () II 1o..,)\.."c {L ( .. v (.- lV"M:.r"'Y.. j 21" T. h 11_' Owri~r.Buver Slgnill~r~-l ' t1 IDalel fr .Ii '...Pi / l' IAtAA d d. t Jti,-JA A~.1./J-Y7 Owner.Buyer sogrialurp.1v " r , J . {; ~ '-"J till 1. c'A "-}., J '5 DalE- Dill/! I ERMS AND CONDITIONS ~ ~:( ,. Guarantees and Warranties T ' ' . halthe solar energy ~ystem. :lny componenl, or aSsembly IS free Irom delects In workmanship, matellals or InstallaHon " 4 I Thatlhe Conlr aClor shall remedy the syslem or componentlncludmQ I' necessary, repau or replaceme('l at the site, wllhoul charge a~ within a reasona. be lime In InSlances of delects In malellals. workmanship or mSlallallon whlr:h become eVldenl wllh.n( 1 Jyear 01 the date ollnstal':jltlon complellon Thallhe Contractor shall prOVide lor tleld InspecHon 01 the syslem or components lor a pellod 01 one year from tne date ot rnstallallon'completlon WIthout charge to lhe rela.1 buyer, 10 vellly lallure. establish probable cause, and determine what correcllve acllon IS reqUired All manufactured eQuipment or appliances InSlalled as prOVided tor In thiS Contrael shall carry the mallulaclurer's warranty only The above warranlle~ are Iomlled 10 delects In malellals and workmanship The above warranlles are valtd (,nly II the eQulpmenl has been used and main. lalned In accordance With the Instrucllon contained In lh~ owr.er's manual Except as otherwise sellorth herein, the above warranties are given In lieu of .11 warr~ntles, ellpress ,)r implied, including without limitation, the warranty of merchantabUily and the warranty of suitability for a particular pur- pose, h IS expressly agreed that contractor assumes no IIl1bilily tor any consequential damages arising out of the breach of thl. contract such.. those that may be caused by leakage, loss 01 use, scls 01 God. unusual natural conditions, owner's abuse, Inconvenience or other damage to real or personal property, Buyer's remedy shall be limited 10 repair or reptacement 01 the defective parts a8 described above. 2. Contracts and Specllications . ThiS Conlr aCI r;onSIlII,tes the entire Contract. and Ihe panles are nol bound by any oral ~xpresSlon or represenlatlon by any agent of either party purport. Ing 10 aCI for or on behalf ot either party or by any comnllfmenl or arrangement not speCified In lhe Conlract An'( plans and Olher ddtillurnlshed'wlth lhls CONraC! af(: desCllphve ot the speclhcallolls and terms and condlhons contained herein. and In case of con. Il.ct between the orOvISlon5 slated.n the plan~ and olher dala and the terms 01 thiS ConlraClthe terms 01 the Contract shall prevail Any action for Ihe breach of this conlract, including warranties arising from it, musl be commenced within one (1) year aner the cause of action accrues, J, Additional Work No addlllonal work snail be dOlle wllhoullhe p::or Wllnen aUIn'.)r,: allon of BU'Ier.Any such .1Ull'Ofl, allon shall be on a change'O/der lorm approved by both parties which shall become a part of thiS ConlraCI 4. ResponSibilities 01 Seller - Condilionllnd limitations ContraClor agrees 10 do all work prOVIded III thiS Contract In a good and workmanhke manner, OUI shall not be rcsponslbl~'19r delay. or lal!ure to perform work when such delay or lallure IS due to Ac:s 01 God, war. f101S or other Clv.1 disturbances. str"'es. government prohlb.lIon, non'lssuance of all requued per. mlts alleclIng construcllon. or reasons beyond .ts control 5. Responsibilities and Representationll 01 Buyer . Unless otherwise speclhed. the contract pllce IS based upon Buyer's reprt:;scntahon Ihatlhere are no cqndlllons preventing Contractor Irom proceeding With uSuill.nstallat,on procedures. thai the r90' and root support and all eXlSllng elecHlcal and plumh.ng work comply With apphcable buildIng code requlle- menls, and are capable 01 carrYing the exlraHoad caused by the work to be ~er1ormed by ConlraclOr Any electflcal or gas meler charges reQulled by pubhe autholllles or utility companIes are nOllncluded In Ihe pllce of thiS Contracl. unless InCluded In the speclllcallons It elliSllng conditions are not as rp.presented, Buyer assumes all respunSlbllity for the Installahon and any damages Ilowlng Iherefrom _ _ Any change In speclllcallons or Installallon necessary 10 conlorm to eXISllng or tuture bUilding codes, lOlling laws, or regulallons ol,nspecllOg publIC authofllles shall be conSIdered addlhonal work to be paid tor by Buyer 6. Default In even! 01 delaull by Buyer 01 any provlSlon,ollhlS Conlr act, Buyer agrees to pay all coilecllon C051S .nleresllrom the dale 01 default and reasonable anar. ney S I"es III Ihe evenl 01 delault 01 any Installment payment. Conlractor atl\s opllon may declare the enllre balance 01 the Conlract Immecl1ale1y due and payable ConlractOI retains ail Ioen roghls prOl/lded unller Or~gon law 7, Alliignment Conlractor may a~Slgn or subcontract all or any porllon ollhe work 10 be done Ih'!relJndcr 8, Placement ContraClor wllI'be the sOle determinant Cllhp. plar.emenl 01 the I.JOII II Buyer reQuesls olher plClcemen!. Contraclo"s released trom any claims regarding elloc.ency ot unll Buy>!' has requested a Change In p1acp.ment :lnll a.:knowl~dges respons.bllll'( , Buyer 9, Certilicate 01 Completion Buyer agrees upon comp1ellon ol,nSI'al,at'cn 10 ~'g(\ (;ontrac:or S certllicate 01 r;Qmpleloon upon reQue:.1. . 10. Entirtlty.:>1 Agreement ,'. ThiS wrollen Contracl constitutes the entire agre'1rnp.nt tetween the ~ar1'es .elallve 10 th.S trensaCllon Buyer. by Signature hereto. warrants that no repre- sentallon5, warranties, conSldp.ratlon or promlSP'S ha\ie tep.n IT.ade or given 0'" Conlractor or ItS agents or relied upon by Buyer excepl those contaIned In thllS wllnen Conlract Any subsequent agreement relerenced het ~IO shall be b'-rolling only I' In w,,"ng and Signed by the parties No agent. salesperson. represenl.- live or other employee of ContraCIor, dealer or an~' ot"''!r p>!lson IS aulhollleo to make an'( represenlallon. statement. guarantee o~ warranty other than.those spec.Iocally prOVided 10' here.n Conlractor and Buyer v,all not be bound by any stalement or promIse nol embodied herein BUYERS RIGHT TO CANCEL: If this agreemenl was 10'lIclted at . residence other than th81 of the Miler and you do not .ant the goods snd services, you may cancel this agreement without penalty. CIIncellatlon fee or other financial obligation by m.lllng a notice to the seller. This notice must say thai you do 1'101 want the goods or services and must be mailed before 12:00 midnight of the third business dew oIIfter you Ilgn this agreement. This notice must be mailed to: Sundance Solar 4093 w. 11 th. EuP::ene Ore. 9~02. However, you may not cancel If you have requ..ted the seller to provIde good. or ..rvlce. wl1houf""delay because of an emergency, and (1) the seller In g,'\od faith makes a lub.tanUal bet'n,,'ng of performance of the contract before you give notice of cancellation, and (2) In the case of goods, the goods can not be returned to the seller VII'esl In .ubltantlally a. good a condl110n .. when received by the buyer. .? ,{ . . ACTIVITY INFORMATION SHEET kme coorty ., - .....~-~-~ , COMPLETE'THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED! 1 SUNDANCE SOLAR PERSON MAKING REQUEST. RoRER'T Al\ln FnllJ..A lnHNsnJ\l PROPERTY OWNER 4093 West 11th Avenue ----'--..---MAnTNG7fDbRES-S-'-..-~.- -.-..--.-. . ,,' 2223 OTTO .,.--,.-------MAl LING Aif(fRE"SS-'.-------'-'-------,. Eugene, Oregon 97402 CITY STATE ZI P CODE S P R T I'i.G.f T fin CITY n Ili..G.D N q 7 11 L 7. STATE ZIP CODE' 344-1594 BUSINESS TELEPHONE # HOME TELEPHONE # BUSINESS TELEPHONE # 726-0535 HOME TELEPHONE # 2 PROPERTY. ADDRESS 2223 OTTO, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON, 97477 (IF DIFFERENT FROM MAILING ADDRESS) 3 MAl=' Q PARCBL 'NUMBER (REQUIRED INFORMATION) (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation or from tax statement) , , TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION' "TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: ,4 SUBDIVISION (if applicable) 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do) LOT ACRES BLOCK Install Domestic Solar Hot Wat~t .Heatihg System. 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE: I-105 E TO 19th/ MOHAWK N Tn VDl,Al\lnA F Tn rnRRAI C; Tn IlI..I.n E TO SITE . , ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** NUMBER DATE . ~ ~ ZONE/LAND USE: BY: DATE: w ..... ~ TIME IN: OUT: LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION / 125 E. ~th AVE., EUGENE, OR 97401 / 687-4061