HomeMy WebLinkAboutStudies APPLICANT 3/5/2010 (2) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Investigation Report For East Side Baptist Church Proposed Sanctuary Building 4045 Commercial Avenue Springfield, OR 97477 Prepared by Branch Engineering, Inc. 31 0 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-746-0637 June 4, 2009 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D MAR Ii 2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Branch Engineering, Inc. 310 5th Street. Springfield, Oregon 97477 . (541) 746-0637 . FAX (541) 746-0389 147 Commercial Street NE #10' Salem, Oregon 97301' PH/FAX (503) 779-2577 June 4, 2009 Branch Engineering Project No. 09-060 PRINCIPALS: James A. Branch, P.E., P.LS. Rene' Fabricant, P.E., S.E. Michael Lane Branch, P.E. Damien Gilbert, P.E. Renee C. Clough, P.E., P.LS. Ronald J. Derrick, P.E. Mr. Len Arnie East Side Baptist Church 4045 Commercial A venue Springfield, Oregon 97477 Subject: GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION REPORT PROPOSED SANCTUARY BUILDING 4045 COMMERCIAL AVENUE SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Dear Mr. Arnie: Branch Engineering Inc. (BEl) has conducted a site investigation to assess the geotechnical engineering properties of the subsurface conditions at the subject site for the proposed building construction. The accompanying report presents the results of our site research, field exploration, testing, and data analyses, as well as our conclusions and recommended geotechnical design parameters for the project. Based on the results of our study, the site is suitable for the planned development, provided that the recommendations of this report are implemented in the design and construction of the project. If you have any questions regarding this report please contact the undersigned at your convemence. Sincerely . Branch Engineering Inc, PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D MAR 5 2010 EXPIRES: DECEMBER 31, 2009 Ronald J. Derrick, P.E. Principal Geotechnical Engineer CIVIL TRANSPORTATION SURVEYING GEOTECHNICAL STRUCTURAL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION .......... ...................................................................................:.......1 1.1 Project and Site Description...............................................................................................................1 1.2 Scope of Work .....................................................................................................................................2 1.3 Site Information Resources................................................................................................................2 2.0 FIELD AND LABORATORY TEST RESULTS ........................................................3 3.0 SITE SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS.......................................................................4 3.1 Ground Water.......................................................................................................................................4 4.0 GEOLOGIC SETTING .............................................................................................4 4.1 Regional Geology ................................................................................................................................4 4.2 Site Geology .........................................................................................................................................5 5.0 CONCLUSIONS ....................................................................................... ...............5 5.1 Seismic Design ....................................................................................................................................5 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ...........................................................................................6 Site Preparation, Earthwork, and Foundation Subgrade Requirements ...............................................6 Fill/Cut Slopes.............................................................................................................................................. 7 Excavations.................................................................................................................................................. 7 Drainage ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 Soil Bearing Capacity ..................................................................................................................................8 Slabs-On-Grade ...........................................................................................................................................9 Settlement....................................................................................................................................................9 Pavement Design.........................................................................................................................................9 7.0 REPORT LIMIT A TrONS .......................................,..................................................9 PRE-SUBMITIl\l REC'D MAR 5 2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION REPORT EAST SIDE BAPTIST CHURCH 4045 COMMERCIAL AVENUE SPRINGFIELD, OREGON BRANCH ENGINEERING INC. PROJECT No. 09-060 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results and findings of Branch Engineering, Inc. (BEl) field observations, testing, and research for the subject site. The site, located at 4045 Commercial Avenue in Springfield, Oregon is an irregular shaped parcel. The site is in Section 31 of Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian. The site is currently occupied by two, single-story, wood-frame buildings configured into a "L"- shape, paved parking facilities, and a fenced baseball diamond. The purpose of our investigation was to evaluate subsurface soil and geologic conditions at the site and provide geotechnical recommendations for the design and construction of the proposed site development. 1.1 Project and Site Description The proposed project consists of constructing a two-story, steel rigid-frame sanctuary building with a footprint of approximately 11,500 square feet and associated new parking area of about 102 spaces. The expected building column and wall loads are not expected to exceed 50 kips and 4 kif, respectively. The floor of the building is expected to be concrete slab-on-grade. Other than the existing buildings and parking areas, the majority of the approximately four acre site is covered with mowed grass with few trees. A developed baseball diamond with a fenced perimeter and dugouts is located in the approximate center of the property. The site is relatively flat and the site can be accessed from either Commercial Avenue or 41st Street. It is our understanding that the southwest corner of the existing building experienced about four inches of settlement and was releveled in 2008 using helical piers installed to depths of 8- to 13-feet. An area of isofated soft fill material was detected off the corner of the existing building as indicated by Boring 3 summary log, which likely explains the cause of the settlement. No other fill material was encountered in our site borings. The initial site building on the north side was constructed sometime between 1952 and 1960 with the second building added before 1968. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAR 5 2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Investigation Report East Side Baptist Church Springfield, Oregon Page 2 1.2 Scope of Work Our scope of work included a site visit on April 9, 2009 to observe site conditions and to direct and log the advancement of five (5) exploratory borings to depths of 10- and 15- feet below the existing ground surface. Field log summaries are presented in Appendix A, along with copies of nearby well logs from the Oregon Department of Water Resources on-line database and on-line soil survey information. The depth of the borings were advanced using a Model 6600 truck-mounted Geoprobe hydraulic boring machine to collect near continuous, 1.5-inch diameter subsurface samples. Representative samples were collected for additional visual inspection and laboratory in-situ moisture determination and shrink/swell potential. The test pit soil stratigraphy was visually classified in accordance with the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) Method 0-2488. In-situ field testing consisted of pocket penetrometer readings to assess unconfined compressive strength of the fine- grain soils, vane shear testing, dry strength and dilatency testing. 1.3 Site Information Resources The following site investigation activities were performed and literature resources were reviewed for pertinent site information: . Review of the United States Department of the Interior Geological Survey (USGS) on-line Quadrangle Map, 7/1/1986. · Review of University of Oregon aerial photographs from 1936 to 2000. . Five exploratory borings were advanced on site at the approximate locations shown on Figure 1. . Review of the Lane County area Web Soil Survey, United States Department of Agricultural (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) . Review of the USGS Geologic Map of Oregon, USGS 1991 · Review of Oregon Department of Water Resources Well Logs (attached in Appendix A) PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D MAR 5 2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Investigation Report East Side Baptist Church Springfield, Oregon Page 3 2.0 FIELD AND LABORATORY TEST RESULTS In addition to the field visual-manual methods for soil classification, in-situ vane shear testing was conducted to assess soil strength. Results of the vane shear tests are included on the test pit summary logs and summarized below with the calculated shear strength. Table 1: In-Situ Vane Shear Testing Results and Calculated Shear Strength Location Depth of Soil Type Field Torque Bjerrum's (1972) Calculated Test (ft) (ft-Ib) Correction Shear Strength Factor (lbIW) B-1 3 Silty Clay 30 0.83 3,300 B-2 3 Silty Clay 25 0.83 2,750 B-3 3 Clay Fill 15 0.83 1,650 B-4 2 Silty Clay 18 0.83 1,980 B-5 2 Silty Clay 19 0.83 2,090 Representative samples of the near surface soils were also collected to measure the in- situ moisture content and free swell potential of the soil. Results of these laboratory tests are summarized in the following Table 2. Table 2: In-Situ Moisture Content and Free Swell Potential Location Depth (ft) Soil Type In-Situ Free Swell (%) Moisture (%) B-1 3 Silty Clay 45.6 15 B-2 3 Silty Clay 28.9 30 B-5 2 Silty Clay 29.7 20 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAR 5 2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Investigation Report East Side Baptist Church Springfield, Oregon Page 4 . 3.0 SITE SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The near surface soils within the project area consist of Pleistocene age unconsolidated to semi-consolidated alluvial terrace deposits of clay, silt, sand and gravel from lacustrine and fluvial environments. The NRCS Web Soil Survey maps the east side of the site as part of the Oxley-Urban land complex and the west side as Awbrig-Urban land complex, both of which are described as poorly drained silty clay loam with gravel in the Oxley complex. The site borings indicate silty clay overlying dense sandy gravel deposits commonly referred to as "Bar-Run" material at depths between 2.5- and 8-feet below the ground surface. The fine-grain alluvial soils are generally moist to very moist, soft in the upper 1- to 2-feet grading to stiff. The sandy gravel deposit, Bar-Run, is moist and dense. Based on nearby well logs, the Bar-Run is generally encountered with the upper 20 feet of the surface and extends to depths of over 50 feet. . 3.1 Ground Water A static ground water level was encountered between 4.5- and 6-feet below the ground surface in those borings within the building site. Nearby well logs indicate a static ground water levels between 9 and 17 feet below ground surface. The water level below the site will be influenced by seasonal precipitation changes and the water level of the McKenzie River located less than 1 mile north of the site. Ground water is not anticipated to adversely affect the proposed site development; however, some utility trench dewatering may be required. 4.0 GEOLOGIC SETTING The following sections described the regional and local site geology. Our field findings are consistent with the geologic mapping of the site area by the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (Walker & MacLeod, 1991). 4.1 Regional Geology The subject site lies within the southern portion of the Willamette Valley Geomorphic Province (WVGP), east of the Coast Range and west of the Cascade Mountains Provinces. The WVGP is a regional lowland that extends from just south of Eugene, Oregon to Vancouver, British Columbia. In Oregon, this alluvial plain is approximately 130 miles long and 20- to 40-miles wide (Orr and Orr, 1996). The WVGP is drained by the north flowing Willamette River. The bedrock of the Willamette River Valley in the area of the subject site is believed to be part of the Fisher-Eugene Formations that are PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAR 5 2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Investigation Report East Side Baptist Church Springfield, Oregon Page 5 described as marine sedimentary rocks from the Oligocene and Eocene epochs (approximately 35 million years ago). Deposits of silt and clay from fluvial and lacustrine environments covered the bedrock to various depths during the presence of low energy streams and lakes in the southern Willamette Valley. Compression forces, along with uplifting of the Cascade and Coast Range Mountains, during the Miocene and Pliocene epochs depressed the Willamette River Valley and caused gentle folding of the Fisher-Eugene Formations. The rapid uplift of the Cascade and Coast Range mountains steepened stream gradients causing increased erosion of the mountains and resulting deposition of thick gravel layers incised within the fluvial and lacustrine deposits. Approximately 13,500 years ago the Willamette Valley was cyclically flooded by catastrophic breaks in the ice dams of Lake Missoula. These flood events filled the valley to a depth of about 350 feet before retreating, causing sequences of upward fining deposits of silt and clay. 4.2 Site Geology The observed site conditions are consistent with the mapped geology of the site and that of the general geologic setting described above. Silt and clay overlay sand zones atop the gravel Bar-Run material that that may contain cobbles to 8 inches in diameter. The Bar-Run in this area has a matrix of sand and silt. The gravel/cobbles are anticipated to extend to a depth over 100 feet with bedrock being several hundred feet below ground surface. 5.0 CONCLUSIONS Based on our field observations, subsurface explorations, and data analyses, we conclude that the site is geotechnically suitable for the proposed development provided that the recommendations of the report are incorporated into the design and construction of the project. The primary impedance to site development will be the removal of the upper 1- to 2-feet of soft, silty clay soil to expose a firm foundation subgrade. 5.1 Seismic Design Based on our site reconnaissance, subsurface observations, review of nearby well logs, and our general knowledge of the site geology, the potential site hazards resulting from a seismic event are negligible. The site topography is flat; therefore, there is no hazard from slope instability or lateral spreading since there are no mapped fault lines within the vicinity of the site. Although not specifically encountered in our investigation, the presence of saturated sand lenses below the site is likely; however, the potential for adverse impacts to site development due to liquefaction occurring is negligible because PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAR 5 2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Investigation Report East Side Baptist Church Springfield, Oregon Page 6 the sand lenses would be at a depth greater than 5 feet below surface grade and are likely in a dense condition. 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS The following sections present general recommendations for site preparation and grading, drainage, foundations, pavement design, and utility excavations. ~ Site Preparation and Earthwork The following recommendations are for earthwork in the building pad area. Specific recommendations for roadway subgrade and base rock sections are provided in the subsequent Pavement Design section of this report. Earthwork shall be performed in general accordance with the standard of practice as generally described in Appendix J of the 2007 International Building Code. All areas of fill intended to directly or laterally support structures or road/parking areas shall be stripped of vegetation, organic soil, undocumented fill, or other deleterious material. These strippings shall either be removed from the site or used in nonstructural areas. The Geotechnical Engineer shall observe and approve subgrade soils prior to placing fills, base rock, or foundation forms. Areas of fill placement will require excavation of the surface topsoil to a depth of about 24-inches below existing surface grade. Additional excavation may be required in areas to remove debris or minor fill from site leveling. Should soft areas or areas of distinct soil color variation be discovered, this office shall be notified to perform site observation. Imported material is expected to comprise site fills, if constructed. BEl recommends the use of nonexpansive, granular material for structural fill areas. On site or imported fine-grain soil may be used for fill with approval from the Geotechnical Engineer prior to delivery to the site. Soil fill may require moisture conditioning (drying or addition of water), specific compaction equipment, and field observation and testing to achieve the required compaction standard herein. All material shall be approved by the Geotechnical Engineer prior to delivery to the site. Should soil fill be used, it is recommended that the site be graded so that all building pad areas are underlain with at least 24-inches of consistent material type, whether it is structural fill or native material. The native soils have a moderate shrink/swell potential, therefore, it is recommended that the upper 8-inches of all building pads be comprised of compacted 3/4" or 1"-0 crushed aggregate to mitigate soil moisture fluctuations. If on site soil is used for fill, it is recommended that work be performed during the dry season when site soil moisture content is more easily controlled for compaction. Currently, the native soils appear to be 6% to 18% over optimum moisture content. PRE.SUBMiTIAl REC'D MAR 5 2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Investigation Report East Side Baptist Church Springfield, Oregon Page 7 Native soil shall be compacted to at least 90% of the material's maximum dry density as determined by ASTM Method D-1557. The fine grain soils are moisture sensitive and will soften with exposure to prolonged rainfall. It is recommended that earthwork be performed during the dry season, generally May through October. Should earthwork be conducted during the wet season, additional project costs will likely be incurred, such as additional soil excavation, use of geotextiles or soil amendments for subgrade support, and moisture control of the fill materials. An option is to use imported fill material, within 8-inches of the final grade, consisting of 3"-0 crushed, well graded rock with less than 10% of the material passing the No. 200 sieve. The 3"-0 rock shall be capped with at least 8-inches of 3/4" or 1"-0 crushed aggregate. All imported granular material shall be compacted to at least 95% of the material's maximum dry density as determined by ASTM Method D-1557, and tested to measure compliance. Granular fill materials not suitable for standard field density testing shall be proof-rolled every 12-inches in thickness with a loaded 10 cubic yard dump-truck or equivalent piece of equipment. Fill/Cut Slopes Although not anticipated, and fill and/or cut slopes shall be constructed no steeper than 2:1 (horizontal:vertical) and shall be compacted to their outer edge by either back rolling or being over built and cut to grade. All slopes shall be protected with erosion control measures and surface water shall not be allowed to drain over the top of a slope. Foundations shall be placed such that there is at least 5 lateral feet from the face of slope or outside a 1:1 plane projected from the toe of slope, whichever is greater. Excavations Utility excavations in the fine grain soils should stand near vertical up to 4 feet in depth. These soils may be classified as OSHA Type A Excavations into the expected underlying sand/gravel zone will be prone to caving and are designated as an OSHA Type B soil. Drainage A complete site drainage system is expected to be engineered; drainage from and onto adjacent properties should be considered in the design, particularly if existing elevations are altered. Foundations constructed below grade may require footing drains and shall be determined in the field. On-site disposal of storm water runoff may be feasible; however, site infiltration testing was not included in our work scope. The near surface fine grain soils are expected to have a low rate of infiltration, which should increase near the Bar-Run. PRE-SUBMiTTAL REC'D MAR 5 2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Investigation Report East Side Baptist Church Springfield, Oregon Page 8 Soil Bearing Capacity Based on the site observations, conventional spread footings are expected to be constructed for the proposed site building. After conformance with the subgrade preparation recommendations herein, foundation areas shall be covered with a separation fabric (woven geotextile meeting AASHTO M288-00 or equivalent) and at least 8-inches compacted crushed aggregate. The fabric and aggregate cap shall extend at least 12-inches beyond all sides of the footings. The aggregate shall consist of a crushed 1.5"-0 or 3/4"-0 aggregate compacted to at least 95% of the material's maximum dry density at determined by ASTM Method 0-1557. The allowable soil bearing capacity of the soil subgrade at least 2-feet below existing surface grade and prepared as described herein is 1,500 psf, and may be increased 500 psffor short-term wind and seismic loading. The coefficient of friction for concrete poured neat against native soil is 0.35 and 0.50 for crushed aggregate layers at least 8- inches thick. Perimeter landscape grades shall be sloped away from all foundations and water should not be allowed to pond near footings. The following recommendations shall be implemented in the design and construction of the project. Periodic site observations by a geotechnical representative of BEl is recommended during the construction of the project; the specific phases of construction that should be observed are: Table 3: Recommended Construction Phases to be Observed by the Geotechnical Engineer At completion of building pad excavation On-site observation of subgrade soil before aggregate placement Imported fill material Observation of material or information on material type and source Placement.or Compaction of fill material Observation by geotechnical engineer or test results by qualified testing agency PRE-SUBMITTAL RECID MAR 5 2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Investigation Report Proposed Hotel Site - Crescent Av & Suzanne Way Eugene, Oregon BEl Project No. 07-259 Page 9 Slab-On-Grade The subgrade areas to be overlain by load bearing concrete slabs shall be prepared as described for foundation areas except that the slabs shall be underlain by at least 12- inches of compacted crushed aggregate. The concrete slabs shall be designed using a modulus of subgrade reaction (k) of 150 Ib/in3. The use of a vapor barrier below interior concrete slabs is at the discretion of the designer, and generally based on the ,use of the room above the slab andlor the floor covering material. Settlement Specific building foundation loading was not available at the time of this report, but loads are not expected to exceed 3 kif for walls loads or 50 kips for column loads. Site specific consolidation testing was not performed; however, based on field testing and observations, the estimated total settlement is not expected to exceed 3/4-inch and differential settlement is not expected to exceed 1/2-inch over spans of 20 feet. A portion of the settlement is expected to occur during the construction phase of the project; however, due to the fine-grain soils below the site settlement will occur over a longer time period as pore water migrates due to additional loading on the soil. Pavement Design The parking lot area and driveway are expected to be generally subjected to light vehicle traffic; however, the following design considers occasional equipment delivery and service vehicles, as well as emergency vehicles up to 80,000 pounds. Based on this criteria and a 20-year design life with a 75% reliability, and incorporating the 2003 revised Asphalt Pavement Design Guide (Asphalt Pavement Association of Oregon) and AASHTO design methods, BEl recommends a nominal thickness of 3 inches of asphalt concrete over 8 inches of crushed aqqreqate in parkinq areas and 3.5 inches of asphalt concrete over 10 inches of crushed aqqreqate in driveways. The crushed aggregate base shall be compacted to 95% of the materials maximum dry density as determined by ASTM Method D 1557. A woven geotextile separation fabric, meeting AASHTO M288-00 or equivalent, shall be placed between soil subgrade and the base aggregate. The geotextile fabric may be waived and the base rock thickness reduced should subgrade excavation reveal bar-run material. Such a decision shall be made by the field engineer at the time of excavation activities. 7.0 REPORT LIMITATIONS This report has presented BEl's site observations and research, subsurface explorations, geotechnical engineering analyses, and recommendations for the C PRE-SUBMiTTAL RE '0. MAR 5 2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Investigation Report Proposed Hotel Site - Crescent Av & Suzanne Way Eugene, Oregon BEl Project No. 07-259 Page 10 proposed site development. The conclusions in this report are based on the conditions described in this report and are intended for the exclusive use of the East Side Baptist Church and their representatives for use in design and construction of the development described herein. The analysis and recommendations may not be suitable for other structures or purposes. Services performed by the geotechnical engineer for this project have been conducted with the level of care and skill exercised by other current geotechnical professionals in this area under similar budget and time constraints. No warranty is herein expressed or implied. The conclusions in this report are based on the site conditions as they currently exist and it is assumed that the limited site locations that were physically investigated generally represent the subsurface conditions at the site. Should site development or site conditions change, or if a substantial amount of time goes by between our site investigation and site development, we reserve the right to review this report for its applicability. If you have any questions regarding the contents of this report, or if we can be of further assistance, please contact our office. PRE-SUBMiITAl REC'D MAR I) 2010 I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I o i 6 J g - ~ , , - EGl " , , .. , , , " , , , ,. .~ , , FIGURE 1 SITE PLAN FOR EAST SIDE BAPTIST CHURCH S.E. 1/4. N.E. 1/4. SEC. 31. T.17S.. R.2"... lY.M. 4045 COMMERCIAL BLVD. SPRINGFIELD. OREGON MAY 1. 2009 " .0 , " , , , , , , , . " , , , l8) APPRO.xDlATE LOCATION OF B-1 EXPLORATORY BORING , " , , \. LEGEND l8) B-4 40 r---"-J..-..,.., o 80 SCALE: 1" = 80' AY .1 jl~ /0 '" "- I '" - ~.....'I> ~ ",. PRE-SUBMIITAl REC'D MAR 5 2010 =@Branch Engineering, Inc. 310 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541)746-0637 FAX (541)746-0389 branchadmin@branchengineering.com Civil. Structures. Transportation. Surveying .-.: ", .@ ., "', ~ TAX MAP /7-02-3/-/-4, TAX LOT 4000 PROJECT No.09-060 ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX A BORJNG LOG SUMMARJES, NEAItBY WELL LOGS, & WEB SOIL SUit VEY ~<. ~~'~.~ .' ~'.'4::. ,., "~:I~;:'4:': '1' ~ .f~',,~~~.i>;. ~~ ~ " ;l'.;~~:: ~;ki~'~~~;;:-it:Z:~~ :;'''''.:': ~:J}:~ '''. ; \ :j.; "~ ~~~,,,,i,i1"li~~~~,,,,,,,,,~".~f : '. '" - .~"""'.'3. .~,..-.;:ao::..'_. _.." - _ e-=;;; . 'fI.i ,,">,~ .. ."....,.,~" ,_ _.,. _'",:" ' ,_' . . . . . . . '. - ~'~~-.' PRE-SUBMiTTAL REC'O MAR 5 2010 I I SOIL CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA AND TERMINOLOGY I I Classification of Terms and Content USCS Grain Size NAME: MINOR Constituents (12-50%); MAJOR .' Fines <11200 (.075 mm) Constituents (>50"'<'); Slightly (5-12%) Sand Fine #200 - 1140 (.425 me Relative Density or ConsistencY Medium 1140 - #10 (2 mm) Color Coarse #10 - 114 (4.75) . Moisture Content Gravel Fine 114 - 0.75 nell PlasUdty Coarse 0.75 inch - 3 inrnes Trace Constituents (O~5%) Cobbles 3 to 12 indles; Other: Grain Shape, Approximate gradation, scattered <15% esl. Organics, Cement, Structure, Odor.... numerous >15% est Geologic Name or F-ormation: (Fill, Willamette Silt, Till, BOldders > 12 inches Alluvium.._.) Relative Density_ or Consistency Granular Material Fine-Grainedjcohesivel Materials. SPT SPT T orvane tst Pocket Pen (sf Manual Penetration Test - N-Value Den'silL N-Value Shear Strength Unconfined Consfsteng <2 <0.13 >0.25 Very Soft Easy several inches by fist 0-4 VeryLoos. 2-4 0.13 - 0.25 0.25 - 0.50 Soft Easy several inches ~y thumb 4 -10 Loose 4-B 0.25 - 0.50 -- 0.50 -1.00 Medium Stiff Moderate several inches by thumb 10-30 Medium Dense B -15 0.50 -1.00 1.00 - 2.00 Stiff Readily indented by thumb 30 - 50 Dense 15-30 1.00 - 2.00 2.00 - 4.00 Very Stiff Readily lndcnled by thumbnail >50 Very Dense >30 >2.00 >4.00 Hard Difficult ~y thumbnail Moisture Content Structure Dry: Absence of fI:lOislure. d.usiY, dry to the touch Stratified:' Altemating layers of material orOJlor >6 mrri thick- Damp: Some moisture but leaves no moisture on hand Laminated: Alternating layers < 6 mm. thick Moist Leaves moisture on hand . . F~sured: Breaks along definate fr.3cture planes Wet Visible free Water, likeJjfrom below water table Sfickensided:' Striated, p'6{ished, or glossy fracture planes Plasticity Dry Strength Dilatancy Toughness BJocky: Cohesive soillhat can be broken down into small angular lumps lNhidl resisl further breakdo\"ffl '. Ml Non to Low Non to Low Slow to Rapid Low, can't roll lenses: Has small pockets of different soils, note Ulickness.. Cl Low to Med. Mcd1um to High None 10 Slow Medium Homogeneous: Same color and appearance throughout MH Med to High Low to Medjum None to Slow Low to Medium CH Med to High High to V. High None High Unified 'Soil Classification Chart (Visual-Manual Procedure) jSimilar to ASTM Designation '0-2488) Major- Divisions Gf"OUP Typical Names Symbols Ccarse Gravels: 50% Clean GW Well QlCIded_Qravels and ora vel-sand mixtures little or no fines Grained or-.more Gravels GP PooQy-graded --.9lC1vels and.gr~3Vel-sand mixtures, little or no fines Soils: retained on Gravels GM Silty gravels, gravel-sand-silt mixtures More than . the No.4 sieve with Fines GC . Davey QfCIvelsLfIravel-sand-day mixtures 50% retained Sands: more Clean SW Well-graded sands and oravelly sands, litl1e or no fines . on No. 200 than 50% Sands SP PoorfJ.:graded sands and Gravelly sands, lilUe Of" no fines sieve passing (he Sands SM Silty sands, sand-silt mixtures No.4 Sieve with Roes SC Clayey sands, sand-clay mixtures FlCle--Grained Silt and Clays ML In.Qffianic sills rock flour clayey sills Soils: Cl In~nic d~of low to medium plastidty, gravelly days, sandY days, Jean days SOOIo or more low Plasticity Fines Ol . Oroanic silt and oroanic silty dayS of low plasticity. Passes No. Silt a'od Clays MH Inorganic silts, clayey silts 200 Sie.....e CH Inorganic days of high plasticity, fat days High Plasticity Fines OH OrQanic, days of medium 10 high plasticity Highly Orqanic Soils PT Peal, muck, and other highly organic soils I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PRE.SUBMiTTAl REC'D MAR 5'2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I " ,',. BORING lOG No. 1 Project Name: ESSe Project No. 09-060 Date of log: 4-9-09 logged by: RJD ~ Br-anCh Engineering. Inc. Depth Sample In-situ Free USCS Soil Description by ASTM 02488 Methods (Ft) Type Moisture Swell Content (%) (%) 0 Continuous o to 12" Topsoil Drive Very moist, dark brown silty clay 1 Probe 12" to 60" Alluvium IQs) 2 Moist, brown silty Clay 45.6 15 Pocket penetrometer = 1.5tsf 3 Vane Shear = 30 ft-Ib 4 5 T Ground water @ 5.5' ..... Gravels to 1.5" diameter 6 7 Sandy gravels, dense, wet 8 9 10 11 Med-grain sand Jense l' thick 12 13 Saturated sand lense l' thick 14 15 16 Total Depth = 15 feet 17 Ground Water Level at 5.5' 18 19 20 21 PRE.SUBMiTTAl RE MAR fi ?nln Page 10f 1 :'0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BORING LOG No. 2 Project Name: ESSe Project No. 09-060 Date of Log: 4-9-09 Logged by: RJD ~ BranCh Engineering, Inc. Depth Sample In-situ Free USCS Soil Description by ASTM 02488 Methods (Ft) Type Moisture Swell Content (%) (%) 0 Continuous o to 30" Topsoil Drive Very moist, dark brown silty clay 1 Probe 2 30" to 96" Alluvium (Os) 3 28.9 30 Moist, brown silty Clay mottled with grey 4 Pocket penetrometer = 1.5tsf Vane Shear = 25 fHb 5 6 V' Ground water @ 6' ~ 7 8 Fine - Med grain sand 9 Rounded gravels to 1" diameter Very moist, dense 10 11 Fine grain sand 12 Gravels 13 14 15 16 Total Depth = 15 feet Ground Water Level at 6' 17 18 19 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D 20 MAR 52010 21 Page 10f 1 . . '. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BORING LOG No. 3 Project Name: ESSe Project No. 09-060 Date of Log: 4-9-09 Logged by: RJD ---r@ BranCh Engineering, Inc. Depth Sample In-situ Free USCS Soil Description by ASTM 02488 Methods (Ft) Type Moisture Swell Content (%) ('Yo) 0 Continuous o to 72" Fill Drive Black, soft, wet silt with some organics 1 Probe 2 'V' Ground water @ 3' ..... 3 Vane Shear ~ 15 ft-Ib 4 5 6 Os Brown, moist, stiff Clay 7 8 Dense gravels 9 10 6" thick sand lense at 11' 11 12 Fine to Coarse Sand lense 13 14 15 16 T olal Depth = 15 feet Ground Water Level at 3' 17 18 19 PRE-SUBMIllAl REC'D 20 MAR 52010 21 Page 10f 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BORING LOG No. 5 Project Name: ESSe Project No. 09-060 Date of Log: 4-9-09 Logged by: RJD ~ BranCh Engineering. Inc. Depth Sample In-situ Free USCS Soil Description by ASTM 02488 Methods (Ft) Type Moisture Swell Content ("!o) ) ("!o) 0 Continuous o to 20" Topsoil Drive Moist, brown, stiff clay 1 Probe 12" to 24" Alluvium (Os) 2 29.7 20 Slightly moist, light brown silty Clay Pocket penetrometer = 1.5tsl 3 Vane Shear = 19 ft-Ib 4 Rounded sandy gravels Slightly moist, dense 5 T Ground water @ 4.5' - 6 7 8 9 10 11 Total Depth = 10 leet Ground Water Level at 4.5' 12 13 14 15 , 16 17 18 19 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'I) 20 MAR 5 Z010 21 Page 1011 - 44' 3' 1" -0 ;;;01 m . ;;::c.n -<:"":'"': ..-'44'2'54''", ;;0 -~ s:: ~ r- ;;:0 rn (") d USDA ::..~ .ii CT1 I'V = = - - - - - - _ So__Lan_ty Ar_gon_ (East Side Bapti't Church) - - - - - 502440 502470 502500 502530 502560 502590 502e20 502650 502680 502710 o ~ ~ ~ . . 8 . ~ ~ o ~ 2 ~ o ~ ~ ~ . ~ M ~ . g N ~ ~ . " Map Scale: 1:1,490 Ifprlntl3C1 anA sl:z:e (8.5" X 11") sheet. ill Meiers 120 N ~ N A 200 Feel 300 o 20 40 50 100 80 o Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey 2.1 National Cooperative Soil Survey 4/8/2009 Page 1 of 3 - - 44'3'1" o ~ ~ . . o ;; ~ . 44'2'54" I Soil Map-Larie County Area, Oregon East Side Baptist Church I I Map Unit Legend I Lane County Area, Oregon (OR637) Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI 6 Awbrig-Urban land complex 1.6 20.0% 101 Oxtey-Urban land complex 6.4 80.0% T atals fOT Area of Interest 8.0 100.0% I I I I I I I I I I I I I USDA ~ Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey 2.1 National Cooperative Soil Survey 4/8/2009 PRE.SUBMITIAL RECDe 3 013 MAR 5 2010 I I I Map Unit Description: Awbrig-Urban land complex-Lane County Area, Oregon East Side Baptist Church I I Lane County Area, Oregon 6-Awbrig-Urban land complex I Map Unit Setting Elevation: 90 to 1,300 feet Mean annual precipilation: 30 to 60 inches Mean annual air lemperature: 50 to 55 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to 235 days I I Map Unit Composition Awbrig and similar soils: 55 percent Urban land: 30 percent Minor components: 8 percent I Description of Awbrig Setting Landform: Stream terraces Landform position (three-dimensional): Tread Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Linear Parent material: Silty and clayey alluvium derived from mixed sources I I I Properties and qualities Slope: 0 to 2 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Drainage class: Poorly drained Capacity of the most Iimiling layer to transmil water (Ksat): Very low .to moderately low (0.00 to 0_06 in/hr) Depth to water table: About 0 to 11 inches Frequency of flooding: Rare Frequency of ponding: None Availabte water capacity: Moderate (about 8_1 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): 4w Land capability (nonirrigated): 4w Typical profile o to 7 inches: Silty clay loam 7 to 29 inches: Clay 29 to 60 inches: Silty clay loam I I I I I Description of Urban land Interpretive groups Land capability (nonirrigated): 8 I Minor Components Bashaw Percent of map unit: 4 percent I I !::,SDA --, Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey 2.1 National Cooperative Soil Survey PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAR 5 2010 4/8/2009 Page 10f2 I I Map Unit Description: OxIey-Urban land complex-Lane County Area, Oregon East Side Baptist Church I I Lane County Area, Oregon 101-0xley-Urban land complex I I Map Unit Setting Elevation: 170 to 800 feet Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 60 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 54 degrees F Frost-free period: 165 to 210 days I Map Unit Composition Oxley and similar soils: 45 percent Urban land: 40 percent Minor components: 5 percent I I Description of Oxley Setting Landform: Terraces Landform position (three-dimensional): Tread Down-slope shape: Concave Across-slope shape: Concave Parent material: Mixed gravelly alluvium Properties and qualities Slope: 0 to 3 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Drainage class: Somewhat poorly drained Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmiJ water (Ksat): Moderately high (0.20 to 0.57 in/hr) Depth to water table: About 6 to 18 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water capacity: Moderate (about 6.6 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (inigated): 3w Land capability (noninigated): 3w Typical profile o to 17 inches: Gravelly silt loam 17 to 23 inches: Gravelly clay loam 23 to 41 inches: Very gravelly clay loam 41 to 60 inches: Extremely gravelly sandy loam I I I I I I I Description of Urban Land Interpretive groups Land capability (nonilTigated): 8 I Minor Components Courtney Percent of map unit: 5 percent I USDA ~ Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey 2_1 National Cooperative Soil Survey 4/8/2009 Page 1 of2 PRE-SUBMiITAl REC'() MAR 5 2010 I I I Map Unit Description: OxleywUrban land complex-Lane County Area, Oregon East Side Baptist Church I I Landform: Depressions Data Source Information I Soil Survey Area: Lane County Area, Oregon Survey Area Data: Version 6, Dee 22, 2006 I I I I I I I I I I I I I USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Swvey 2.1 p, . E U 'ITAl P. _@,4/8/2009 I ""~ Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey ;,~ -5 BMI . ,1:P~ge2of2 MAR 5 ZDW I I - I . STATE. OF OREGON GEOTECHNICAL HOLE REPORT (as required by OAR 690.240-035) L-Jt (IJ ):; SD~~ (1) OWNERlPROJECT: N=e WEYERHAEUSER CORP Add,,:ss 785 N 42ND ST C,ty SPRINGFIELD (2) TYPE OF WORK IX] New 0 Deepening 0 Alteration (repair/recondition) [JCt>..bandonmem (3) CONSTRUCTION: o Rocary Air 0 Hand Auger o ROlary Mud 0 Cable Tool (4) TYPE OF HOLE: I I I iXI Uncased Temporary ~ 0 Uncased Permanenl . '(5) USE OF HOLE: I Hole Numbe, Of' - "1 State OR Z;p 97477 DHollow Stem Auger [)Crush Probe DOlhec o Cased Permanent o Slope Stability 0 Other SOIL & WATER SAMPLE (6) BORE HOLE CONSTRUCTION: Special Construction approval 0 Yes lJt-fo Deplh of Completed Hole ~t. ~\ I HOLE Diameter From To I I SEAL Material From To Sack$ or pounds I Backfill placed from ---..t:::L ft. to ~ fr. Filter Pack placed from _ fc to fL Material BENTONIT Size of pack (7) CASING/SCREEN: Diameter From ~ Casing" I Screen: Slot size t (8) WELL TES'!: - 0 Pump 0 Bailer I PerrneabililY Conductivity TemperalUTC of water Was water analysis done? 0 Yes I By whom? Depth of strata analyzed. From Rem3Iks: I Material Descri (ion #8 BENTONITE Gauge Steel Plastic Welded Threaded 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Date staned '3 -IS SIr, T. z OAir Yield o Flowing Artesian GPM ,. , (9) LOCA nON OF HOLE by legal description: County LANE Latitude Longilude 17 S 31 Townshi~ Section 2 W NE 1/4 PH SO <V: DNo Depth aneslan flow found N or S Range NE 1/4 Block E or W. WM. ft. to Tax Lot Lot Subdivision Street Address orWell (or nearest address) SAME Map with location identified must be attached (10) STATIC WATER LEVEL: . 'fa <(4' fl. below land surface. Date 3 -/~7'c. Dale Artesian pressure (11) SUBSURFACE LOG: lb. per square inch. Ground Elevation Material Descri tion From To CLAYS & GRAVELS WATER RESOURCES DEFT. SALEM OREGON Dale Started 3 -I J- " Date Completed 30-1,5""-9<:.,. (12) ABANDONMENT LOG: From To Sacks or Pounds o e~ Date Completed B-1 S- -7,- Professional Certification (to be signed by a licensed water supply or monitoring well conStructor. or registered geologist or civil engineer). ft. I accepuesponsibility for the construction. alteration. or abandonment work per!"orme~ o.n du:i~g the co~structi<?n dates reported above. All work performed dunng thiS Ume IS III compliance With Oregon geotechnical hole construction standards_ This report is true to the best of my knowledge and belieL ft. License or Registration Number 10347 Sig~ ~ Date tj~f-9" I/</L-- I ORIGINAL & FIRST COPY~WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT SECOND COPY~CONSTRUcroR THIRD COPY~CJMJiMER5 2010 InstrucUons for completing this report 81"& on the last page of thle form. We" No. (61 LOCATION OF WELL By leffal description Co Job No. 3977 County Township I STATE OF OREGON ~ONITORING WELL REPORT LANE s required by QRS 537.785 & OAR 690.240-095) Name . I GREAT WESTERN CHEMICAL CO.; ZIMMERLI, LE treet'808 SW15TH AVE . City PORTLAND Stete OR Zip 97205 1Ll' TYPE OF WORK ~ New ConstructJon 0 Alter (Recondition) 0 Alter (Repalrl Conversion [] Deepening 0 Abandonment o Rotary Air 0 Rotary Mud ~ Hollow Stem Auger U Cable Other - Special Standard'D ~Dlame~~~ 10. . lault o ft. 1 TO lonumen~ It. TO 19 ft Depth or completed well T01~ Begin End Depth Depth Material Amount Units Material IGonerete I~I /Hentonlte I~I 1.0~~~ 7.0~ ~ ~ Casing Diameter liner 0 C..lng Begin End Con.trucUon LOaltfon Of" Dlamator o.pttinlpth Galug. Matorta' W~d Thr..d.d Of Shoe EJ~DD Dflastle 111I111 D I It. Seal ITO ft. 0 a erra nt. It. onere e I entomte ler Pac~ 7 It. TO I D'~oIM I 19 It. Screen 0 ...rom ~ Mstenm PL l=I.;;t'/ I FDter Pack Material SA Size 20.00 In. IrmeabiUty Conductivity YIeld PH ~mperature of water I'as water analyola done? By Whom? TIM O'GARA ~Pth of strata to be analyzed. From ~markl) 55 o "F/C Depth artesian flow found It. ft 10 It. (me of .upaM.lng Geologl.VEnglnee, { 57336 Received Date WeIlIOTag# Start Card #. 08/16/1999 L 33563 122861 1. NW 17.00 S 1/4 of NE 1/4 of abOve section. Range 2.00W Section 31 Legal Desc: 2. Either Street address of well location 3600 COMMERCIAL AVE, SPRINGFIELD; ALSO TL 2 or Tax lot number of welllocatlon 2700 J_ ATTACH MAP WITH lOCATION IDENTIFIED. Map maP IncIucSe apptoxmale leels and north enuW. (7) STATIC WATER l.EVEL 9.0 Ft. below land surface. Iblsq.ln. Date 07126/1999 ArtesIan Pre55ure Date (IV WATER BEARlNG ZONE.'i Depth at which water was first found 9ft. SWl 91 From ~ 10 1~ Est. FlOW Rate (,?I WEll. LOG .Ground elevation ft. ~~:r.:~ I'-i~ Date started 07/26/1999 Completed 07/26/1999 (unbond~dJ Monitor 'Well Con,ttructOT Certification: I certify that the wCH'k I performed on the construction. alteraUon. or abandonment of this wallis In compliance with Oregon well construction standards. Materials used and information reported above are true to the best knowledge and belief. MWC Number 10440 Signed By ARMANDO PABLO Date fbonde<f) Monitor Well Conrtructar Certification: ] accept responsibility for the construction, alteration, or abandonment work performed on this well during the construction dales reported above. All work performed during this time is In compliance with Oregon well COl1structlon standards. Thls.reporfls true to the best of my knowladgaand belier. PRE.SUBIVIIIIAL K!:\,;, U MWCNumbe'10011 Signed By GREG MCINNIS MAR 5 1~W I( I I( SITE MAP Lo-x\~ ~--'33.. 2. - "S" ~3..3. 5133.~- . 'S /32{, .1 I It+ IC/l .11 If ~ eJ I I I I fP:l. & 1J.}.ga-l ~. r ~ 1)..:l.gtpO ? ~:1 rf 0' ~~ t:> cJ '""6 <-J ~ ..- ! ) ...9 ~ ~ :) -' 3(,00 Q.omll.C(.~a.ll g+ I I I I e I J. ;). 8' 59 PRE.SUBMITTAL RECIO MAR 5 2010 e IJ..a.g 58 _~eY' '_ r ~'U Sf. -- --- 20 121"ON S7:~0 66, 9L/SO 6S17269 SNOI1~~OldX3H)3103~ l STATE OF OREGON EOTECHNICAL HOLE REPORT (as required by OAR 690~240-O35) LA~E 56745 Rece;ved date 03105/1999 Hole No. Co.Job No. B-1 n aName MARSHALL'S OIL & INSULATION treet 4131EST C;ty SPRINGFIELD State OR Zip 97477 12) TYPE OF WORK [g] New o Deepening County Lane Township 17.00 5 Sed;on 31 Taxlat legal desc: Street Address of Well (or nearest address) latitude longitude 2.00 W SE 1/4 Range NE1/4 lot B;ock Subdivision o Alter (RecondIUon) [8J Abandonment o Alter (Repair) SAME MAP with location indentified mnst be attached (I 01 STATIC WATER LEVEL o Rotary Air 0 Hand Auger o Rotary Mud 0 Cable Tool 14) TYPE OF HOLE (g) Uncased Temporary 0 Cased Permanent o Uncased pennanent 0 Slope Stability Other o Hollow Stem Auger fXI Push Probe Other Ft. below land surface. Date Artesian Pressure IbJsq.ln. Date (II) SUBSURFACE LOG Ground Elevation ft 5 E L I M","" ~~~gy GRAVELS IF<om~~ B LE 'N.r tv pecial Standards 0 Depth of completed weff 18 It HOLE ISEAL I o;am.te~ From 8 1.5 0.0 rom To atenal o. IBackfiU placed from Filter pack placed from entonJte ea nits Grout It TO ft TO ft. Material ft Size in. Date started 02/05/1999 Completed 02105/1999 'I (I]) A BANDOtvMEtvT LOG I I Screen 0 I Date started Completed (8) WEU. TEST liermeability I'ndUctivlly Temperature of water OF/C Depth artesian flow found ft. Professional Certification (to be signed by a licensed water supply or monitoring well constructor or registered geologist or civil engineer). ' I accept responslbl1lty for the construction, alteration, or abandonment work. performed on this well during the construction dates reported above. All work performed during this time is in compliance with Oregon geotechnical hole construction standards This report is true to the best of rrrt knowledge and benef. . Yield GPM PH las water analysis done? Whom? Depth of strata to be analyzed. From o ft. to ft. Ucense or Registration Number 1 0347 S;gned By THOMAS WILSON PRE-SUBM~iAL RECID Affiliation GEO TECH EXPLORATIONS MAR 5 2010 rma~ Name of supervising GeologisVEngineer I TH;S REPORT MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT W;THIN 30 DAYS OF COMPlETION OF WORK I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHEXPLORATIONS , 6924759 \...U-~ /_ ~uI4~ -/VI~':i J Bu, Id'( V'j , 03/14 '99 20:55 NO.b4b U~ SITE MAP 2/,;/1'1' -1'r.'J {;C\J Geo -[0>11 PI o PZ r:l rr.,..,:" (':I 000 /I~'~" I 1"/ :tj< a-.> BUild, "'1-------.------ 1'.1"" ,I. :'~ :~~"'..' .1:"(;" ~.> '. J i ; r' \~ ~" - " . }:,' . ,;-ur~' '~"I. ...-. 2: -I::. N > ..... VI T '113 { E Skat- ... !..t~.:rd -, ,;" '.SUSMITTAl REC'D ~ MAR 5 2010 '_ III.,:. /i~/?:':"L /.- :.", , ,:.., i,iij'f:',:: .. fi r " '. l'r.~(j t," . ..j', I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I