HomeMy WebLinkAboutStudies APPLICANT 3/5/2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN AND DRAINAGE STUDY FOR The New Worship Center for East Side Baptist Church 4045 Commercial Street, Springfield, Oregon March 1, 2010 Prepared by: BRANCH ENGINEERING, INC. 310 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Phone (541) 746-0637 Fax (541) 746-0389 Project No. 09-077 @ PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAR 5 2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN AND DRAINAGE STUDY FOR The New Worship Center for East Side Baptist Church 4045 Commercial Street, Springfield, Oregon March 1,2010 Prepared by: BRANCH ENGINEERING, INC. 310 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Phone (541) 746-0637 Fax (541) 746-0389 @ Project No. 09-077 PRE.SUBMIITAl REC'O MAR 5 2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. SITE CHARACTERISTICS AND EXISTING CONDITIONS ............................1 1.1 Site Soils ...HHHHH.HH.HH.HH.....HHH.H. 'H.1 1.2 Groundwater HHH"'H'HHH HHH"HH"HH"'HHHH' HHH'H'HH H"H.1 13 Vegetation"'H' 'HHHH'H' HHH'H 'H HH'H' 'HHH"H'H' "HH'H.2 1.4 Wetlands'H'" 'H'HHHH"H 'HH' HHHH.H...H.H.....H. HH.....HH HHH2 1.5 Existing Site Drainage H'HH'HH"H HH"HHH' 'H"'H'HH' HH"H" .2 2. PRPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ......................................................................... 2 3. PROPOSED STORMWATER SYSTEM .........................................................2 , 31 Summary of flow quantities H"'H'H"H". HHHHH'H.3 3.2 Storm water quality HH.HH.HH.H.HHH.....HH...HH. HHHHH 'HHHH3 3.3 On-site piping'H'HHHHHHHHH" HHHHH'H' ..4 3.4 Vegetative Requirements"'H .HH.H.... 'HH'H'HH".4 3.5100 Year Storm .H....H. "'HH'H"'HH" 'H'HHHH' HH'HH"H . H.4 4. STORM-WATER DETENTION CALCULATIONS Basin 1 2 year design storm H" 'H'H'H'H'H'. HH"'H" "H"'H' .....5-7 Basin 1 10 year design storm.H.... HHH"HHH .H.HH......HH.HH.H .8-10 Basin 1 25 year design storm "H'H "H 'HH'HH' ...11-13 Basin 1 100 year design stormH'H..14-16 Basin 2 2 year design storm "HH ..H.H........ . H"'H'"HH H'HHH.17-19 Basin 2 10 year design stormHHH' '''HH''HHHH' ..20-22 Basin 2 25 year design stormH HHHH.... H.....H..... 'HH'HH'H23-25 Basin 2 100 year design storm.HH.HH.......HHH. H"'HHH" 'H'H'H'H..26-28 5. ON-SITE PIPING CALCULATIONS Pipe 1 HHHH' HHHHHHH . 'HH HHHH..HHH.H.....HHHHHH HHH29 Pipe 2HH'HHHHHHHH'H"HHH' HHHHH" HHH..30 Pipe 3'''HHH' H'H'HH'H H HHH HH'H' HHH..... HHHH'HH31 Pipe 4'HHHHHHH' HH'H'HH HHH.....HHHHH.HHHHHH.H. HHHHHH"'H..32 Pipe 5'HHHHHHHHHHHHHH"H'H' HHHH'HHH33 Pipe 6HHHHHHHHHHH' HHHHHH "H'HHHHH34 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAR 5 ZOIO I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Figure 1: Figure 2: Figure 3: Figure 4: Figure 5: Figure 6: Figure 7: Figure 8: Figure 9: LIST OF FIGURES . ~ -,' '. '. "," Vicinity Map ........................................................1 Existing Conditions and Demolition (C2)........:.35 Paving and Grading Plan (C4) .......................36 Utility Plan (C5) ................................................37 Storm-water Basin Delineation (C5.1 )..............38 On Site Storm-water Piping (C5.2)...................39 Civil Engineering Details (C6) ..........................40 Civil Engineering Details (C8) .........................41 Rainfall intensity Curve for Zone 7...................42 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAR Ii 2010 I I COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS I For Official Use Only: I * Based upon the information provided on the front of this sheet, the following represents a minimum of what is needed/or an application-to be complete for submittal with respect to drainage; however, this list should not be used in lieu of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) or the City 's Engineering Design Manual. Compliance with these requirements does not constitute site approval; Additional site specific information may be required Note: Upon scoping sheet submittal, ensure completed form has been signed in the space provided below: I Interim Design StandardslWater Quality (EDSPM Chapter 3) Req'd N/A IZ1 0 All non-building rooftop (NBR) impervious surfaces shall be pre-treated (e.g. multi-chambered catch basin w/oil filtration . media) for stormwater quality. Additionally, a minimum of 50% ofthe NBR impervious surface shall be treated by vegetated methods. LZJ 0 Where required, vegetative stormwater design shall be consistent with interim design standards (EDSPM Section 3.02), set forth by the Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) or Clean Water Services (CWS). o I8J For uew NBR impervious area less than 15,000 square feet, a simplified design approach may be followed as specified by the BES for vegetative treatment. ~ 0 If a stonnwater treabnent swar~" is proposed, submit calculations/specifications for sizing, velocity, flow, side slopes, bottom slope, and seed mix consistent with either BES or CWS requirements. ~ 0 Water Quality calculations as required in Section 3.03.1 ofthe EDSPM ~ 0 "All building rooftop mounted equipment, or other fluid containing equipment located outside pfthe building, shall be provided with secondary containment or weather resistant enclosure. - o/)~ ",~f c1i.>c"htif5 J~ cI 'Ycc-! /7 --to S+uYh d..-",;)i General Study Requiremeuts (EDSPM Sectioo 4.03) ~ 0 Drainage study prepared by a Professional Civil Engineer li~ensed in the state of Oregon. ~ D A complete drainage study, as required in EDSPM Section-4.03J, including a hydrological study map. o 0 Calculations showing system capacity for a 2-year storm event and overflow effects of a 25-year storm event. ffi] 0 The time of concentration (Tc) shall be determined using a 10 minute start time for developed basins. I I I I I I Review of Downstream System (EDSPM Section 4.03.4.C) D IZ9 A downstream drainage analysis as described in EDSPM Section 4.03.4.C. On-site drainage shall be governed by the Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code (OPSC). D rxJ Elevations of the HGL and flow lines for both city and private systems where applicable. Design of Storm Systems (EDSPM Section 4.04) I6J D Flow lines, slopes, rim elevations, pipe type and sizes clearly indicated on the plan seL CKl D Minimum pipe cover shall be 18 inches for reinforced pipe and 36 inches for plain concrete and plastic pipe materials, or proper engineering calculations shall be provided when less. The cover shall be sufficient to support an 80,000 Ib load without failure of the pipe structure. [ZJ 0 Manning's "n" values for pipes shall be consistent with Table 4-1 of the EDSP. All storm pipes shall be designed to achieve a minimum velocity ofthree (3) feet per second at 0.5 pipe full based on Table 4-1 as well. I I I I OtherlMisc I IZl CZl B I IZJ o Exjsting and proposed contours, located at one foot interval. Include spot elevations and site grades showing how site drains o Private ~tormwater easements shall be clearly depicted on plans when private stonnwater flows from one property to another o Drywells shall not receive runoff from any surface WID being treated by one or more BMPs, with the exception of residential building roofs (EDSP Section 3.03.4.A). Additional provisions apply to this as required by the DEQ. Refer to the website: www.dea.state.or.us/wo/lIToundwaJuichorne.hcm for more information. DDetention ponds shall be designed to limit runoff to pre-development rates for the 2 through 25-Yritt~SUtl\viWTAL RECID *This form shall be included as an attachment, inside the front cover, of the stormwater study . . . .. . . ..'.. ..., .". '. . . ..' .'. .. ~1AR 5 2010 ' . IMPORTANT: EiVGlNEER PLEASE READ BELOW'AND SIGNi. I I As the engineer of record, I hereby certify the above required items are complete and included with the submitted stormwater study and plan set Signature I Form Version 2: March 2004 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Storm Drainage Evaluation East Side Baptist Church, Springfield, Oregon ~2- STORM DRAINAGE EVALUATION New Worship Center for East Side Baptist Church 4045 Commercial Avenue Springfield, Oregon This evaluation was prepared to summarize the drainage system proposed for the new Worship Center for East Side Baptist Church. The site is located on the southeast side of Commercial Avenue between 40th Street and 41st Street in Springfield, Oregon. OLYMPIC , N ,.~ I '.' ~.: .j .0 D ~ o. v, , ~ ~ " " . "i ~ -, u, ~ \(yAd ) MAiN ST. 8 APPFOX. LTO BUS S'fOP LOCATiON VICINITY MAP Figure 1 Nt.;\ T TO SC,'jLE: I. Site Characteristics and Existing Conditions Today, the East Side Baptist Church facility consists of a one level, 8,322 square foot structure with adjacent site facilities which include 33,318 square feet of asphalt parking lot and connecting walkways. The existing pervious surfaces consist of lawn and a baseball field. The Church property is 3.88 acres; the site slopes very gradually downward to the southwest from 480.0 to 478.0 over a distance of700 feet. 1.1 and 1.2 Site Soils and Groundwater A geo-technical investigation was performed for this site on April 9,2009. The high water table in the areas of the proposed rain gardens is 5.5 feet to 6 feet below the existing grade. On August 3, 2009 on-site testing was performed to assess the rate of storm-water infiltration in the near surface soils. The infiltration test results indicate a calculated vertical hydraulic conductivity varying from 1.4 feet per hour to 0.58 feet per hour. The enclosed design is based on an infiltration rate of3.5 inches per ~llt.SUBMITTAL REC'O MAR 5 2010 Branch Engineering, lnc. - Page 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Storm Drainage Evaluation East Side Baptist Church, Springfield, Oregon 2--/ (C(z..- (0.58 feet! hour.) The geo-technical report and the infiltration testing report are submitted along with this stonn drainage evaluation. 1.3 Vegetation The impervious areas are the existing Church buildings and paved areas. There is a baseball field which is in use and the outfield is irrigated. Beyond the baseball field the remainder of the pervious area consist of grasses, some of which is irrigated. There are II deciduous trees which are bigger than 6" d. b.h. and 4 deciduous trees which are 4" d.b.h. 1.4 Wetlands We have reviewed the City of Springfield mapping of the Local and National Wetlands Inventory. None of the subject site and none of the tax lots adjacent to the subject site are listed as wetlands. There are no plant species which indicate hydric soils on the subject site. 1.5 Existing Site Drainage Today, storm-water from the existing Church and parking area drain to two single chamber catch basins. These catch basins convey stonn-water to the City of Springfield 21" diameter storm-water pipe in a public utility easement adjacent to the south property line. 2. Proposed Improvements F or the existing Church and parking area, we propose to replace the existing single chamber catch basins with two chamber pollution reduction catch basins. East Side Baptist Church (ESBC) proposes an expansion to their existing church facility. ESBC proposes to construct a new Worship Center which shall be 11,240 square feet at the ground level and which will be separated from the existing Church building by . 20 feet. The proposed parking area and connecting walkways will consists of 40,792 square feet of additional impervious surface area. 3. Proposed Drainage System The on-site stonn water system design includes two water quality treatment and' infiltration rain gardens, sedimentation manholes, and piping. Along the northern side of the site, the public drainage adjacent to the site consists of the ditch at the south side of Commercial A venue. Along the south side of the site public drainage consists of a 21 inch diameter pipe. In line with this 21" pipe there is a manhole (City of Springfield #103); we propose to connect high water overflow piping to that manhole. I have had two meetings with Matt Stouder, P.E. and Clayton McEachern, P.E. to discuss storm-water design for this project. In accordance with those meetings and the scoping sheet for this project, we will be required by the city to detain post development flow which exceeds storm water occurring during a two year storm event: The proposal is to detain all new impervious stonn water up to the flow resulting from a ten year storm event. We have delineated the proposed improvements area into the South basin (#1) and the North basin (#2). Storm water from the majority of the new parking area (the south basin) will flow to the infiltration and detention rain-garden in the PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O Branch Engineering, Inc. j,i>~~e 2 5 2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Storm Drainage Evaluation East Side Baptist Church, Springfield, Oregon Xf?. center of the main parking area; this rain garden will accept all storm water up to that occurring during a 25 year design event. Emergency overflow will be conveyed to City of Springfield storm-water manhole # I 03. Storm water from the roof of the new Worship Center and from the northwest parking area will flow to the infiltration and detention rain garden adjacent to the right-of-way near Commercial Avenue (North basin (#2)). This rain garden will accept all storm water up to that occurring during a 10 year design event. Emergency overflow will be conveyed to City of Springfield storm-water manhole #103. 3.] Summary of flow quantities: Permitted flow, for the 2 year design storm: South (I) basin: 0.596 cfs North (2) basin: 0.323 cfs Total flow permitted to be conveyed to the City of Springfield public system from new impervious surfaces: 0.919 cfs Actual proposed flow to the public system from new impervious surfaces: South (I) basin 2 year design storm: zero North (2) basin 2 year design storm: zero South (I) basin 10 year design storm: zero North (2) basin 10 year design storm: zero South (1) basin 25 year design storm: zero North (2) basin 25 year design storm: 0.356 cfs In summary: For the 25 year design storm, total high water overflow 0.356 cfs < 0.919 cfs allowed to the City of Springfield storm-water system Peak discharge rates for the site were developed for the proposed conditions using the Santa Barbara Unit Hydrograph routing method. Equations were developed from the NRCS TR-55. The design storm events include the water quality storm, 2 year storm, ] 0 year, and the 2S-year storm. The water quality storm event was used to size the storm water treatment rain garden, and the 2-year, ten year, and 25-year storms were used to size the detention rain garden and piping system. 3.2 Storm-water Quality The storm-water treatment system for the improvements includes a vegetated rain garden. As is required by the City of Springfield, a 0.83 inch, 24-hour storm, was used as the design storm for sizing the facilities. The Santa Barbara Unit Hydrograph was used to generate peak flow rates. Sizing calculations for storm-water treatment are attached. PRE-SUBMITTAL RECIO MAR 5 2010 Branch Engineering, Inc. - Page) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Storm Drainage Evaluation East Side Baptist Church, Springfield, Oregon ~2- 3.3 On-Site Piping The South rain-garden contains two grated manholes to accept overflow. The south rain-garden will accept all of the water from the 25 year, 24 hour design storm event. The overflow manholes will act as an emergency overflow and will accept flow in excess of the 25 year storm event. The North rain-garden contains one grated manhole to accept overflow. The south rain-garden will accept all of the water from the 10 year, 24 hour design storm event. The overflow manhole will act as an emergency overflow and will accept flow in excess of the 10 year storm event. All on site storm-water pipes are sized to safely pass the 100 year, 24 hour storm event. Slopes of all pipes are approximately 1 % or slightly steeper. Pipe # Flow analvsis method Flow cfs Velocity ft/sec PiDe size & type 1 Rational method 0.44 3.16 6" dia Sch 40 pye 2 Rational method 0.44 3.16 6" dia Sch 40 pye 3 Santa Barbara UH 0.37 3.05 6" dia Sch 40 pye 4 Santa Barbara UH 0.36 3.06 6" dia Sch 40 pye 5 Santa Barbara UH 0.73 3.62 8" dia Sch 40 pye 6 Santa Barbara U H 1.22 3.93 8" dia Sch 40 pye 3.4 Vegetative Requirements Vegetation at rain-gardens is designed by Dougherty Landscape Architects (DLA) to be in accordance with best practices for vegetative rain-gardens (EDSPM Section 3.02). 3.5 100 year Storm All on-site buildings and adjacent off-site buildings will be more than I foot above the projected 100 year flood elevation of 478.55 feet. Finished floor elevation of the new Worship Center will be 480.35. Paving will be graded so that runoff in excess of pipe capacity will be shed to the streets without inundating structures. 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'" 2497 020.2 -00260 .15.61 2003.79 2063.79 13.75 1.15 " ". O,17e 0.176 105.60 0..04 '" 2488 0.20.2 -0.0252 _15.15 2048.64 2048,64 13.65 1.14 " "'. 017t! 0.176 105.61 ..'" ,~ 2479 0.201 -0.0245 _14.70 2033.94 203394 13.55 1.13 " ~. 0176 0.176 105.83 '" 369 2470 0.20.0 -ll,C238 _14,26 2019.66 2019.6<1 13.46 1.12 " "0 0..144 "''' 89.43 ."' '" 2458 0199 -0,0334 _20.07 1999.61 1999.61 13.32 1.11 " I "" 0144 0.151 9089 0.04 3.17 2441 0,198 -00463 -27.79 1971.82 1971.62 13.14 1.09 " ,m 0.144 0147 6605 0.'" '" 2423 ",00 -0.0496 -2975 1942.07 1942.07 12.94 '.00 " , , 2405 , '.00 '00 D.144 0.145 "."' .'" 3.67 ,,,. 0.193 -0.0468 -29.26 1883.00 \883.00 12.55 105 " '00 0.144 0145 6670 0.'" 3.91 2370 0.192 -0.0475 -2851 18$448 le54,<f8 12.36 1.(13 " n. 0144 0.144 "." 0.04 3.95 2354 0.191 _0.0462 _27.73 1826.75 1626.75 12.11 1.01 " no 0,144 0.144 66.67 0.'" 396 2337 0.189 -0.0449 -26.94 1799.80 179980 1199 '00 " '" 0,144 0..144 "" 0.04 '" "" 0.188 -00438 _26.17 1773.63 1773.63 11.62 .." 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" no 0114 0.134 ~" 0.04 4.17 n~ 0,183 -ll0486 -29.16 1670.38 1670.38 11.13 093 " '"0 0.114 0121 ""' 003 '" "" 0181 -00602 -36.12 1634,26 1604,26 10.89 0.91 " '" 0114 0.117 69.99 0.03 4.24 n" 0.179 _0.0628 _37.69 159657 15fl6.57 10,64 0..69 " "" 0114 0.115 6.9.10 0.03 4.27 2193 0..176 -ll0626 _37.49 155900 1559.08 10..39 067 " I '" 0.114 0115 6681 0.03 '" 2171 0.176 -00012 -36.72 152236 1522.36 10,14 0.85 " ." 0114 0115 68.71 0..03 4.33 2150 0.174 -llC596 _35.78 1486,59 1466.59 9.91 083 " ." 0114 0.114 66.69 0.03 '" 2129 0.172 -D058D _34.80 145U9 145U9 '" 0"' " ~. 0.114 0.114 68.68 0.03 4.40 2109 0.171 -D.C564 _33.83 1417.96 1417.96 9.45 0.79 " .~ 0.114 0.114 MM 0.03 4.43 '00' 0.169 40548 _32.8JJ 1385.09 lJa5.C9 9-23 0,77 " "" 0114 0114 68.68 0.03 '" 2070 0.168 --0.0533 _31.95 1353.14 1353.14 '" 0,75 " .m 0.114 0..114 6668 0.03 4.49 2052 0.186 -0.0.518 _31.05 132200 " .. 881 073 " I "'. 0.114 0114 6869 0.03 4.53 '"~ 0.165 -D.o.503 _30.18 1291.90 1291.90 861 0.,72 " '" ",00 0110 "M 003 '" 2015 0.163 --0.0534 -32.07 125963 1259,83 ." 0..70 " ~ 0.100 0104 62.13 0.03 '" 1994 "''' -D0580 _]4,82 122502 12:15.02 8.16 '" " "'. 0..100 0,10.1 &I,S9 0.03 '" 1974 0.160 -0.0584 -35,06 1189.96 1189,00 7.93 ."' " '" 0100 0.101 &1,47 0.03 4.65 1953 0158 --00575 .)4,48 1155.47 1155,47 7.70 ..~ " '" ",00 0.101 60.34 0.03 4.69 ,,~ 0.157 -0.0561 .33-(16 1121.52 1121.62 7.47 0.62 " ". "'''' 0.100 "''' 0.03 ~n 1914 0.155 -ll.054tl .32.77 1089.05 10S9.05 '" 0"' " I ,~ ",00 0,100 6028 003 4.75 ,"00 0.154 -0.0531 -31.87 1057.18 1057.18 '''' 0..59 " '" 0.,100 "00 60.28 003 4.76 1817 0,152 -00.516 .30.99 1026.19 1026.18 ,~ 0.57 " '" ",00 0..100 eo 26 003 4.81 ,,,. 0151 -00502 _30.13 996.06 996.06 '" 0.55 " ,~ 0100 0..100 "" 003 '" 1843 0.149 --00466 -29.30 956,76 ...968.76 .. '" ~Ir~ . -"CD '" ",00 "'00 60.28 003 '" 1626 0.148 -00.415 .28.49 936.28 L836.26 ...16.25 a52_ 11.5. "., 0.100 0.100 6028 0.03 4.91 19111 0.147 <~ .27.70 91058 19tD.$8 '111.6.07 ~~i J Hl.S 1010 0080 "" "" 0.03 .~ 1792 0..145 --0.0514 -3084 879.74 679,74 5,86 0.49 " I """ 0080 ""' 50.91 0.03 4.97 1771 0.144 .00587 .3620 844.54 844.54 5.63 0..47 " 1030 0.060 0062 4912 0.03 '.00 ,,~ 0.142 .0.0600 .35.97 60657 80657 All ~.39 '55 "n~15 IU~I\ ~ IU I "'" 0.080 0.081 4853 003 5.03 "'" 0,080 0081 46.33 0,03 '''' '''''' 0_060 0,Q80 4827 0,03 ". 1070 0,060 0080 48_25 0,a3 5_11 ,060 0060 0_080 48_24 003 5.14 ''''' 0"'" 0"0 4824 O~ 5_17 "00 0,080 0060 48.24 003 5_20 1110 0080 0080 48.24 0,03 5.23 "'" 0,080 0080 48.24 003 '''' "'0 o,oeo 0060 48_24 003 '" 1140 o DaD 0_060 48.24 003 5.33 "'" 0_080 0080 48.25 0,03 ,~ 1180 0,080 0"", 4825 0_03 5.39 1170 0"'" 0"", 41125 0"' 5_42 "w o_oeo 0080 4825 "" 5.45 "00 c_oso 0_060 4825 0.03 5.49 "00 0_080 0080 4825 003 5.52 ,210 0,080 0,060 4825 003 5.55 mo 0,060 0"", 48_25 003 '" "" o,oso 0,,", 4825 003 ,~ 1240 0_080 ,"'0 41125 0.03 5.55 "'" ..""' ,"00 4826 ''" 5.89 "'" o_oeo 0060 48_25 .'" 5_72 1270 o.oeo 0080 48_28 0"' 5.75 1280 0,060 0_080 48_26 O.M 5.79 "'" 0,060 '0'" 48.26 004 5.83 "00 0,080 OOBO 48.25 0,04 '" 1310 0,060 0060 4825 0,04 5.60 "" 0080 0080 48.26 OM 5.93 "" 0_080 a,ClaO 4828 0_04 597 "'0 0081) 0,060 "" O~ 8_01 "'0 O_OBO 0060 4627 O~ '.M "'" 0.080 0080 48.27 OM 6,08 1370 0,080 OOBO 48,27 0,04 6,12 "'" O,Ma 0"", 48.27 004 6,18 130a 0."'" OOBO 48,27 0,04 6.19 "00 0060 ."'" 48,27 O.M 623 1410 o.oao 00'" 4627 ..~ 6,27 1420 o,oaa aoaa 4627 O~ 6.31 "" O~ OOM 4827 OM ,~ 1440 0.060 0060 46.27 OM 6.36 145a 00"" 0054 32.18 0.02 6.41 146a '000 0018 10.73 a,01 6,41 1470 1075 "" 2165G 0,16 6,57 "'" 0000 0,460 267.66 0" 6,77 ,,~ O,DOO 0.160 05,96 OM 6,63 """ 0000 0053 31.99 OW '" 1510 O,DOO 0016 10,65 0.D1 686 1520 '.000 0000 355 000 'M 153a 0,000 0002 118 000 '.M "" 0,000 0.001 0'" 000 '.M 1550 0.000 0.000 0,13 OM 'M 'MO 0.000 0.000 "" 0,00 '.M 1570 0000 '000 DOl '00 '" 156a 0.000 '000 000 000 6,86 "'" 0,000 0000 000 000 '" "00 0,000 0000 0'" 000 'M 1610 00"" 0""" 000 '00 OM "" 0000 0000 000 000 ". 1630 0000 0000 000 .00 '" "" 0.000 0000 000 .00 ". '"'' .""" '000 .00 .00 'M '''''' 0000 '000 000 0.00 'M 1670 0000 0000 000 000 'M 1880 0000 OaOD 0,00 0.00 ". "00 0,000 0000 0'" 000 ." 1700 0000 O,ODa 000 000 8,86 1710 0000 0000 000 000 'M "m .000 0000 000 .00 '" 1730 '.000 a 000 000 '.00 '" 1740 0.000 '00. '.00 0.00 .M "'" 0.000 '000 OW 0,00 ." "" 0.000 '000 000 0,00 'M 1770 0000 0000 0.00 0,00 '" 1780 0000 0000 000 000 'M ,roo 0000 ".000 000 000 OM "00 0,000 '000 0,00 000 OM 1610 0000 0000 0'" 000 '.M 1820 0000 0000 0.00 000 'M "" '000 0000 0.00 0.00 '.M 1840 0000 0,000 .00 000 OM "00 0000 '000 '00 '00 'M 'M' 0.000 '000 '.00 '00 ." 1870 0000 0000 0.00 000 'M 1880 a.DOO '000 000 0,00 '.M "'" 0000 0000 0.00 '00 'M '000 0000 0000 0.00 000 '.M 1!l10 '000 '000 000 000 '"' "" 0000 '000 000 000 'M 1930 0.000 '000 000 .00 'M ,~. 0,000 '.000 000 000 '" 1950 0000 0000 000 000 'M ",. 0000 0000 0.00 000 '.M 1970 0.000 0.000 000 000 'M 1980 '.000 0000 .00 000 'M "'" 0.000 0000 0.00 000 'M I I I I I I I I I I I I I 19.05 1903 11415,13 43379 I I I I I 0,140 -00593 -3558 773.01 773.01 5,15 0 0,139 -0,0580 -34,78 73823 738,23 '" 0137 -0,0585 _33.89 704.34 70434 4.69 , 0,135 -00550 -32.98 87136 571.38 4.47 , 0,134 -0,0535 -3209 639,27 63927 '''' 0,132 -0.0520 .31.21 606,06 608.06 405 , 0,131 -00506 -30,36 577.69 577.69 3,65 "" -0.0492 -29,54 546,16 546,16 3,65 , 0.126 -0,0479 _28.73 519,43 51643 '" , 0.127 .."" -27.95 491.48 491.48 3.27 , 0,126 -0,0453 _27.19 464.29 464,29 3.09 , 0,124 -0,0441 _26,45 437.64 437.84 2,92 0,123 -00429 -25,74 412.10 412.10 2.75 , 0122 -0,0417 _25.04 367,06 367.06 ,,, 0.121 -0,0406 _24,36 362,70 362.70 2,42 0 0.120 -0,0395 -23,10 339,00 339,00 2.26 , 0.119 -0(1384 -23,06 315,94 315,94 2.11 0,118 -0(1314 _22,44 ,,,'" 293.50 '" , 0.117 .0'" -21.63 271.67 271.67 1.81 0 0,115 -0.0354 _21.25 250,42 250,42 1.67 , 0,115 -0,0345 .W.67 229.76 229,75 1.53 , 1.1114 ."" -20.12 20M3 000"' 1,40 , 0.113 -0,0326 _19,58 100.06 190.06 127 0112 -00317 .19,05 111.01 171.01 1.14 , 0,111 -0,0309 .1854 152.47 152,47 ,.w , 0'" -1.10301 .16,04 134,43 134,43 0'" 0,110 -0,0293 -17.56 116.67 116,87 G.78 , 0109 -0-0285 -17.09 BO,79 99,79 '.M , 0106 .0.G277 _18.63 83,18 8316 0.55 0.107 -0.0270 -16.16 "''' 66.97 0,45 , 0,101 -0.0263 _15.75 51.22 5122 O~ 0106 -0,0255 -15.33 "'" 35,90 024 0,105 -0,0249 -14,92 20.98 "" 0,14 , 0,105 -00242 -1452 8.45 6,45 OM . 0104 -00239 .14.34 .00 0.00 000 , 0.104 -00239 .14.34 .00 0.00 000 , 0.104 -0.0239 -14.34 .00 0.00 .00 , G.l04 ~.02J9 -1434 '00 000 '.00 , "M -00239 -14.34 '00 000 0.00 , 0.104 -00239 -14,34 000 0.00 0.00 0.104 -0.0239 _14,34 0.00 0.00 000 . 0.104 -00507 -3043 000 0.00 000 . 0,104 -O,COOS .51,66 0.00 0.00 0.00 , 0.111 0,2530 15181 151.61 151,111 1,01 0.121 O~ 215.15 """ 366.91 2,45 , 0.122 0.0371 22.61 389,57 389.57 ,.'" 0.120 ~.OO71 --40.25 3493'2 349.32 2.33 , 0.118 -00999 -59.91 2119,41 28941 1.93 , 0,115 -010117 ~5,22 224,19 22419 1.49 , 0.112 -01096 ~5,78 158.41 158,41 '00 , 0,109 -0.1080 -&4.78 93.63 6363 0.82 0.108 -01055 -63,31 30.32 30,3'2 D.20 D.104 -01043 ~257 (1.00 0.00 .00 . 0.104 ~1043 ~2.1lO .00 000 '.00 . 0104 ~.1043 ~2.61 .00 000 ODD , 0,104 -O.lD43 ~2.61 '00 0.00 0.00 , 0.104 .01044 -62.61 .00 .00 000 0,104 .01044 ~2.81 0.00 '.00 000 0104 -0.1044 -62.61 000 '00 000 , 0.104 -0.1044 -62,51 000 000 000 Dl04 -0.1044 ~2.61 000 0.00 '00 , 0104 _D.1044 ~2.61 0"' 000 '.00 0\04 -0.1044 -il2.61 DOO 0.00 000 . Dll)4 -0,1044 -il2.51 0'" 000 .00 . D.l04 ~.1044 ~2,61 0", 000 '00 , 0.104 ~.1044 -il261 000 000 O.OD . G.10<1 ~,1044 -62.61 0.00 0.00 '.00 , 0.104 ~.1044 -62.61 '.00 0.00 '.00 , 0.104 -O.1D44 -62,61 '00 000 '.00 0.104 -0.1044 -62.61 .00 000 .00 , 0.104 -0.1044 ~2.81 '.00 000 000 0,104 -0.1044 --62.61 .00 .00 000 0.104 -01044 --62.61 '.00 '.00 000 0,104 .D10<14 -62.81 '.00 '.00 000 0,104 _0,1044 -il2,61 000 000 000 , 0,104 -0.1044 ~2.81 000 '.00 '00 . 0,104 -01044 ~2,61 000 '.00 000 , 0,104 -01044 -62,61 0.00 '.00 000 , 0.104 -0.1044 -62.61 000 '.00 000 , 0104 -0.1044 ~2,61 D.OO '00 0.00 , 0.104 .,~ -62.61 000 .00 000 , 0.1G4 -01044 -62.51 000 .00 0.00 0.11)4 -0,1044 -62,61 000 000 0.00 , 0.ID4 -0.1044 --6261 000 000 0.00 0,104 -0,1044 -62.81 000 000 .00 . 0,104 -01044 -62.61 000 000 '.00 . 0,104 .0,1044 ~,61 000 0.00 000 , 0,104 -0.1044 ~2,61 .00 0."' 000 , 0104 -0.1044 ~2.81 .00 '.00 000 , 0.104 _0,1044 -62.61 .00 '.00 0.00 , 0.104 -0,1044 -62.61 .00 .00 000 , "M -0.1044 -62,81 000 000 000 , 0104 -0.1044 ~261 0.00 '.00 000 0.11)4 -0.1044 -6261 000 0.00 000 0.104 -0,1044 -62.61 0.00 0.00 '00 0.104 -0.1044 -62.61 0'" '.00 0.00 HID '" "'" '" '" '''' '" "00 ". 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"" "" "" ""' ""' ""' 0,43 0,41 039 0.37 0.35 .~ 0.32 0" 0.29 0.27 '''' (1.24 0.23 0.21 0.2G 0.19 0.'8 0.16 0.15 0.14 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.09 '". 0,07 0'" 0'" 0.00 '" 0.03 D.D2 0.01 0,00 000 .00 0.00 '.00 000 0.00 000 0.00 000 0.08 .." 0.22 0.19 0.16 012 0.00 0.05 0.02 .00 '.00 '.00 0.00 000 000 O.OD .00 '.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 '00 0.00 000 000 000 0"' ."' 0.00 .00 '00 000 '.00 000 000 000 000 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 000 '.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 000 000 0.00 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAR 5 2010 " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " % Y'z., I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10/ IC(t.- Center Infiltration Pond Depth 1.60 1.40 1.20 g 1.00 . .s 0.80 i c. ~ 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 -100 ~ Pond Depth ~ Max Depth 100 300 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 Time (Minutes) Center Infiltration Pond Inflow and Infiftration Rates 0.900 0.800 0.700 Vi 0.600 LL () 0.500 - ~ 0.400 o u:: 0.300 0.200 0.100 0.000 -100 ~ Runoff ~ . Infiltration I-- - I / \ ---- ../ .......- . .--- , , 100 300 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 Time (Minutes) PRE-SUBMllTAL REC'D MAR 5 2010 I % Y'2- I I I 0 000 0 0 0 1288 0.104 0.0000 000 000 000 " " llOOO 0000 000 000 000 1268 0.104 -1:1,1044 -62.61 0 '00 '00 " I " '.000 '"" '00 '.00 '.00 1288 0.104 .0.1044 -62.61 '.00 ,.. '00 .00 " " '000 0002 120 '00 '.00 ""' 0.104 -tI,1024 -61.42 '.00 '.00 '00 '.00 " " 0019 0.009 546 '.00 0.01 ""' 0.'04 .00953 -57.16 '.00 .., '00 '.00 " 00 0.030 0019 11.63 001 0,01 ""' 0.104 .{I,oa50 .5{)_SB '.00 '.00 '.00 '.00 " " 0.038 0029 1745 0.01 0,03 1299 0.104 .(107S3 ..45.16 .., '.00 '.00 '00 " " 0.045 0.037 2138 0,02 0,05 1288 0.104 -00670 -40.22 0,00 .00 '.00 '00 " " 0,050 O.()44 2647 .~ 0,07 1266 0.104 ~~ -36.14 .00 '00 '.00 '00 " I " 0,055 '000 29.83 0.02 ." ""' 0,104 .0.0546 .3219 '00 '00 .00 '.00 " '00 0,059 .'" 32.63 0.03 0.11 1268 0.104 .{l,OSOO .29.99 .00 '00 .00 '.00 " '" 0078 '''' 38U 0,03 0.14 "" 0.104 -0,0408 -24.47 '.00 '" '00 ." " '" 0,062 0074 4463 003 0.16 ""' 0,104 .-ll,0300 -17.98 '.00 '.00 '00 '.00 " '" 0065 OCl81 4631 ,~ .." 1266 010<1 ~"" _1430 '00 '.00 '00 '.00 " ". 0086 0085 50.80 ,~ .." ""' 0.104 -0 DlS7 _t1.S1 '.00 '.00 '00 '.00 " '" 0091 0066 52-71 "" .." 1258 O.l(l.4 -o,DlBS _9.91 '.00 '.00 '.00 '.00 " I '" 0093 D090 54.25 .., .." "" 0.104 4)0139 .'" .00 '.00 '.00 .00 " no 0114 .." 59.37 .., ..'" "" 0.104 .(lOOS4 _3.24 '00 '00 0.00 '00 " '" 0.116 0.110 65.70 005 0.44 "" 0.104 00050 3,01 '" 3.01 0.'" '00 " '" 0.116 0,114 68.63 0.05 049 1293 0,105 0.0096 5,78 a.78 8.78 '" '.00 " '00 0.119 0.111 70,30 ." o~ 1297 0105 0.0121 7,25 "" 16.04 0.11 0,01 " '" 0,121 0,119 71.46 '" .., "'" 0.105 0.0131 8.19 "" 24.23 0.16 001 " ". 0,122 0,121 72.38 '" 0,65 1307 0106 0.0148 ,." 33.08 33,08 ." '''' " '" 0.144 0,129 77.26 '" 0.71 1314 0.106 0,0223 13.37 4646 48.46 0.31 0.03 " I ,.. 0,145 0139 83.47 '" 0.77 1325 0.107 00318 19.00 65.52 85.52 0.44 '" " '" 0.146 0143 M.Ol '" ,." 1337 0.108 00:J.50 21-03 M.55 "" 0.58 0.05 " '" 0.147 0.145 87.27 '" '" '''' 0.109 0,0361 21.89 108,24 108.24 0.72 .." " '" 0.148 0.147 M.05 '" 0.97 "" 0110 0.03&1 21.87 13011 130.11 0.87 0.07 " '" 0149 0.148 88.63 '" '" 1374 0.111 0,0364 21.114 15195 151.95 1.01 0.08 " '" 0.115 0.157 94.23 0.07 1.10 "'" O.lD 0,().I45 26.71 118.56 11866 \.19 0.10 " '" 0.116 0.169 101,52 0.07 1.17 "" 0.114 0.0551 3308 211.75 21U5 141 0,12 " I '" 0,176 0.114 10<124 007 1.25 142B 0.118 0,0581 ~" 24660 246,60 '" 0_14 " ". 0.177 0176 10542 0.07 132 1447 0.117 00584 35.013 281.65 28165 '" 0.16 " '" 0178 0,177 106.04 0.07 1,39 1467 0.119 00579 302 316.37 316.37 2,11 0.18 " '" 0.178 0.117 100.45 11.07 1.48 1487 0.120 0.0570 )4,19 350.56 350.56 ,~ 0.19 " '''' 0.207 0187 112.46 0.07 ,~ 1509 0,122 0.0652 39.10 369.86 311966 2.80 .." " '" 0.207 0,201 120.31 008 1,82 1535 0.124 0.0761 45.69 435.34 ,~" '" G.24 " '" 0208 0205 123.13 0.08 1,69 '''' 0.127 0.0166 47,19 4B253 48253 '" 0.27 " I "" 0208 0,W7 124.25 008 1,77 1589 0.129 00183 46.99 5211.53 529~ 3.53 0.29 " ". 0209 0,208 124.78 '" 1.85 1616 0.131 0.0771 46.23 575.76 575,76 ,." '" H '00 0.209 "" 125.10 0.08 1.93 '''' 0.133 0.0155 45.29 621.05 62105 4.14 ,~ " '" 0.295 0236 142.53 0.08 2.01 1671 0.138 0.1011 61.01 GlI2.05 68205 ,~ '" " '" .'" 0276 165,71 0.10 2.11 m' 0,140 0.1355 8188 763.93 763.93 '00 0,42 " '" .'" 0289 173.64 0.10 "" >n' 0144 0.1456 81.34 851.26 65126 561 0,41 " ,.. 0.399 0,328 196.84 0.11 2.31 "" 0.149 0.1792 101,49 958.75 956.75 6.39 0.53 " I '''' 0.399 0,375 225,17 0.12 243 1915 0.155 0.2201 132,06 1090.81 1090.81 7.21 '" " '"' 0.755 0510 305.99 0.15 2.58 2037 0.165 0.3449 "''' 1291.76 1297.76 ." 0,72 " '" 1.203 0,623 493.65 ." 280 "" 0.184 0.6392 383.50 1681.27 168127 11,20 0.93 " ... 0.602 0675 525.60 021 3.01 2510 0.203 05725 403.59 208485 206465 13,89 1.16 " ." 0.402 0.627 316.07 0.14 3.15 "'" 0.216 0.4112 24672 2331.57 2331,57 15.5-C '" " '" 0.299 0.443 265.61 0.10 325 2743 .m 02205 132,29 2463.B7 246387 16~2 1.37 " ". 0.299 0,341 208,30 0.07 3.32 2788 0,226 0.1213 72,79 2536.65 2536.66 16.90 1.41 " I '" 0.300 0.315 18924 0.07 339 2820 0228 ,- 5216 2588.82 2588.62 17.25 1.44 " '" 0.1101 0,271 16235 ." 3.~4 2835 0230 0.().I09 2453 2613,35 2613.35 17.41 1.45 " ~. 0.197 0221 132,84 'M 349 2832 0,229 _0.0061 4M 26C18.51 2508.51 17.38 1.45 " '''' 0.'97 .~ 123.01 ." 353 2623 ,m -0.0237 _1423 25514.28 2594.28 17.29 1.44 " ~ 0.197 0,200 119.75 ." 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'" "" 2012 1990 ,,,. ,~ '"" '''''' 1886 '"' 1849 '"' '" '" 1780 "" 1749 1734 1719 1705 ". 1678 'M' 1652 1640 1628 1616 1605 159' 1583 1573 "" 1553 '"" 153~ 1525 1517 '"'" '"00 1492 1473 lUl 1549 1703 1722 "" 1657 1615 1571 1529 1~88 1448 1409 1371 1334 "00 1288 1288 1288 1288 1288 1288 1288 1268 ,,~ 1288 1288 1288 1288 '286 1288 1288 1288 1288 1288 1288 \288 1288 1288 1268 1268 1288 1288 1268 1288 \288 1268 1288 1288 1288 1288 ,~. 1288 1288 1288 , 0.169 -00710 --'l258 1378.99 137899 '" . 0167 -00694 _~1 62 1335.37 133537 ,,, 0165 .00078 "'053 129<184 12941\4 '" 0.163 .00057 '3942 1255.41 125541 '" 0.161 _0.0039 .3833 1217,08 12170{l ." 0159 -00621 .37.21 117982 117982 '" " 0158 -00004 .3623 114359 114359 7.62 "" -00587 .3522 110637 110837 ,~ "" -00571 _34 2~ 1074.12 1074'2 7.16 0.153 -00555 -3329 104083 104083 "" , 0151 .00540 .3237 1008.46 100646 6.72 ,,~ .00525 .31.47 976.ea 978,98 6.51 , 0148 -00510 .30.60 946.38 946.38 '" , 0.147 -0.0496 -29.76 91662 91662 ,,, , 0146 -0.0482 _2894 88768 88768 '" o 14~ .00469 .28 1~ 859.54 85954 '" O. 1~3 -0.0456 _27.37 632.18 83216 5.54 0.142 .00444 .2661 60557 60557 '" 01'0 -00431 -2566 17968 179M 520 0.139 -00420 -2517 75~ 52 754~2 5.03 0138 -0Q-Q08 -2448 73004 7J004 '" , 0137 -00397 -2181 70023 700n ." 0136 -003S6 -2316 68307 68307 455 0.135 -00375 .2252 66055 66055 4.40 0.134 -0,0365 .21.91 63864 63864 426 0.133 -00355 .21.31 61733 61733 4.11 0.132 -00345 -2073 59660 59650 398 0.131 -00336 -20,16 576.44 57644 364 0.130 .00327 .1961 55683 55863 3.71 0.129 -00318 -19.M 537.15 5305 356 0.128 -0.0309 -1856 51919 51919 '" 0.127 -00301 -18.05 50114 501.14 334 0.127 -00293 .17.56 48357 463,57 3.22 ,,~ .00285 .1709 40049 40049 3.11 0125 .00277 .1662 44986 44965 3.00 0124 -00270 _16.17 43369 43389 '" 0124 -0.0262 -1573 417.95 4TU16 278 0123 -0.0255 .1531 402.65 40265 ". 0122 -0.0248 .1489 36176 38716 '" 0122 _0.0241 _1449 373.27 373.27 2.49 0.121 -00235 .14.10 359.18 35916 2.39 0.119 -0.0544 .32.66 326.51 32651 218 0.117 -0.0951 _57.04 269.47 26947 1.80 0126 0.3167 '0000 4511.41 45947 '00 0\36 0.~444 26664 726.11 72611 OM 0139 0.0546 3276 158.88 75868 '00 0131 _00727 .4364 7\5.24 71524 '" 0134 _0.1121 -8762 64T.62 641.152 4.32 0.131 -0.1236 .7417 573 ~5 573 ~5 '"' 0127 -0.1249 -7495 49850 ~98.5O '" 0.124 .01231 -7385 42465 42465 2-83 0.121 -01203 _72-17 35248 35248 2.35 0.117 _0\172 .7032 2B2.16 282.16 1.68 0.114 .01141 -88.47 21369 213,69 142 0111 _0.1\11 ..a6.64 147.05 147,05 0.98 0108 _01061 -64,86 8219 62.19 055 0105 -01052 -e313 1906 19.06 013 0104 -01044 -e261 '00 0.00 000 0.104 -0.1044 .a28t ." 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'__________.______...____.n....._ __." .__._ _..__,.._ .._.___________ Center Infiltration Pond Inflow and Infiltration Rates ---'1 i I I i .----r--- ..---.-. I ...--. --'---'''''''---'---, ....- -.----- u..... . .----- "u : ~ Runoff I ----T-.-'.-.-----n-...---~-.n w._.n.n .---. -.. - _n___.__u.._____n__ -----....---: . Infiltration: -----4--..- ....-----....---.....--...... "..... - .............". . ..........----...-.-.------.--- ....--..-.--~~-~~--~--~-~...-- u..._L._ m _.__...n.. ..._.. un . .. __ _.. . ....m.. ....."n_............___. '_.. _............".. .._......... _ .__J..... 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" " 0011 0.008 4.97 0.01 0.02 ~, 0,ll44 -00360 -2157 000 '00 000 0.00 " '" 0.013 0011 '" 0,01 003 ~, 0,044 -,10334 -2004 000 '00 '00 000 " I '" 0.015 0013 7.84 0,01 ,~ '" 0_ll44 -0,0312 -1870 0.00 000 000 0.00 " '00 0017 0015 '" 0.02 ,."' ~, 0,044 -00293 -17.55 000 0.00 0.00 '00 " "0 0,023 0,018 10.94 ,,, ,." ~, 0,0'14 -00260 -15.60 000 000 '.00 000 " '" 0025 0022 13.21 ,,, 0.11 '" 0044 ..oom -1333 '00 0.00 000 '00 " '" 0.027 0,024 14.68 003 0.13 '" 004-4 ..o,019S -11.86 0,00 '00 000 000 " '" 0028 "'" 15.78 0,03 0.16 '" 0.1)<14 -0,0179 -10.76 '00 '.00 '00 '00 " '"' 0029 0028 16.67 0.03 O,Hl '" 0,044 -00165 -967 '00 '.00 '00 '00 " I '"0 0,03.0 0,029 17.43 0.03 ,." ~" 0044 .{I D15;;> -9,12 0.00 '00 '.00 '.00 " ", 0,037 ,." 19,35 ,~ 0.28 ~, 0,044 ..0,0120 -7.19 0.00 '00 '.00 '.00 " '" 0039 0036 21.68 004 0.30 ~, 0044 -0.0081 -4.86 '00 0.00 0.00 '.00 " '''' 0040 0.'" 22.89 OM ,~ ~, 0.1)44 -0.0061 -3.65 '00 0.00 000 000 " '00 0,041 0039 23.68 0.04 '" '" 0,044 -0,0048 .2.86 '00 '00 000 '00 " ,,, IJ041 0,040 2428 ,~ 0,43 ~, 0_044 .00038 -2.27 0.00 '00 '.00 '.00 " '" 0.0<12 0_041 24.77 0_05 0.47 '" 0044 .00030 -1.77 0.00 '00 '00 '.00 " "" "'" 0_044 211.63 ,." 0.52 ~, 0.044 00001 000 009 '00 '00 '00 " I "0 0,051 0.048 2B_95 0.05 056 ~, 0_044 00039 2.33 2_42 2.42 ", 0.00 ,., '" 0051 0,050 3000 0_05 063 '" 0_0<15 00055 3.27 5.69 5_69 0,08 001 " '", 0052 0_051 30.60 '.00 069 m 0,04~ 0.0002 '" 9.43 9_43 013 0_01 " '" 0.052 0_052 31,01 ,,, 0.74 '" 000\5 00067 4_02 13.44 13,44 0_19 O.W " '" 0,053 0.062 3134 '00 "'0 '" 0045 00070 421 H.65 17.55 0,25 ,,, " '" 0.062 O.O~ 33.411 '"' "" '" 0"", 00102 6.12 23_77 23_77 ,~ 0.03 " "" 0'" 0060 36_11 0"' ", '" 0.0<16 00142 ,~ 32,31 3231 046 ,~ " I ,,, 0.063 0062 37_26 "."' 099 m 0,0q7 00155 932 41_83 41.63 0.59 0_05 " ,,, ''''' 0063 37.80 0.07 105 '" 0,047 0.0159. '0; 51.16 51.18 0_73 "00 " '" 0_064 ,"" 38.12 0"' 112 '" 0,048 0_0159 ,~ 60.70 60,70 ,,, 0.07 " '" ''''' ''''' 38.37 0", 116 '" 0,00\6 0.0168 '" 70,15 70_16 '.00 006 " '" 0.075 '''' 40.82 0.07 1.25 "" 0049 0,01119 11_33 61.49 61_49 1.16 0_10 " '" 0_075 0.073 43.55 0.07 1_32 '" OOSO 00230 1379 9528 95_26 ,~ 0.11 " '" 0_078 0.074 44.86 0_07 139 '" OOSO 0.0240 14,41 10969 10969 '" 0_13 " I '" 0_078 0075 45.15 0.01 1.45 ", 0,05\ 0,0240 14.40 12409 124,0>1 1.77 0.15 " '" 0.078 0076 45.42 0_07 1,53 '" 0,052 0.0236 14,19 138,28 138,28 1.97 0,16 " '" 0076 0,076 46.60 ", 160 '" 0,0$3 00232 13.90 152.11 15211 2_11 0,18 " '" 0108 0'" 52_0<1 0_08 '" "" 00$4 00328 19_86 171.63 111.83 2.45 0." " "0 0108 0_101 6059 009 1.77 '" 0,056 00454 2727 199.10 199_10 2_83 G24 ,., "" 0109 0_105 6358 000 186 '" 0057 00487 2924 22634 226.34 3_25 0.27 " .., 0.146 0_120 72,18 0_10 '00 m 0_059 0,0610 35_58 ~" 26492 '.n 0.31 " I '" 0.141 0.138 6268 0.11 2.07 '" 0_062 00758 45.49 310.41 310_41 4.42 0.37 " '" 0_276 0.1118 112_56 0_14 220 '" ,,'" G1213 728G 38320 3832G 5.45 G46 " "" 0_444 0_303 181,96 ,,, 2.40 '" 0_014 0,2288 13729 520.49 62G49 1_41 0_52 " ." 02'23 0_323 19<1_00 0_19 2,59 "" 0,oa3 0.2401 14406 """ """ '" 0,79 " .00 0149 G232 138.95 0.13 2,72 '00' 0,069 0.1431 85,84 750_39 750.39 10,68 0,89 " "" (}111 (},164 98.22 0_09 ,,, ,,'" 0091 00725 43.48 793.87 793.81 11,30 '" " "'0 O_tll 0_128 n07 0_G7 2_87 1143 0093 0.0359 2153 81540 8154G 11_61 0.97 " I '" 0,111 0_111 '""' OM 2_93 1153 0_093 G.0233 1399 829.39 82939 11_81 0_96 " '" 0.073 G_l00 60_12 0.05 '" "" G094 0,0065 3.91 63330 833.30 "_86 ,.~ " ~, 0_073 0092 49.21 o.~ 3.03 1151 0,~3 -0_0113 -f176 626.54 "'~ 11.77 0,96 " "" 0_073 0016 45.58 O~ 3.07 ".. 00113 -00167 _10_01 8\6_~3 816.53 11_62 0_97 " '" 0073 0014 4436 0,04 3.11 '''' 0092 -0.0180 .m80 80573 80~.73 11.41 '" " '" 0073 0_073 43_99 0.04 3_15 1127 009\ -0_0180 .10,79 7\14.95 794.85 11,32 0,94 " '" 0.073 0.073 43,87 ,,~ 3_18 "'9 0~1 -O_G175 -10,51 784.43 784.43 1117 0,93 " I '''' 0_073 0013 43.84 ,,~ '" 11" 0000 -0.0169 .10,16 774.27 774,27 tl02 '" " '00 GG73 0.013 U84 ,~ ''" 1103 OOM -0,0163 .980 76447 784.47 to.1I8 0_91 " "" 0,073 0_073 4365 ,~ '" ''''' O_OM -0,0157 .944 755.03 755.03 10,75 0_90 " ,w 0073 0_013 43136 O~ 3.34 "'~ OOM .0.0151 -9.09 745.94 745.94 1062 0_86 " ,W 0.073 0013 43,67 O~ ,~ 1082 0088 -0_0146 --8.75 737.19 737.19 10,49 087 " ~o 0.073 0.073 4388 ,,~ 3.43 1076 00137 -OG140 --843 128.75 726,76 1037 '"" " "" 0060 ,"'. 4123 004 ,~ '00' 0087 -0,0178 .10.6"8 71806 718.09 10.22 (I_6S " "", 0080 0063 37_59 'N '" 1057 ,"" ~~ .13,71 704.37 704,37 10,03 "" " I "" 0060 0_061 36_52 0,03 3.53 ,~, 0065 -0,0239 _14.36 89001 690Gl 9_82 OW " , "'~ 0_80 '''' 0080 ""'" ~oo o.~ '" 1025 0063 .G0231 .13_83 681_96 68\_96 9.42 0_79 '00 0.080 "" 35.91 ,~ '" 1015 0062 .0_0223 -13,36 648_58 648_58 9.23 0.77 '" 0,000 ,,"" 35.96 ,.~ 3.68 "" G,Oal -0_0215 .12.91 63567 63567 9_05 0.75 no 0.000 0"" "" ,~ ,,, .00 0,081 ~~ -12.46 823.22 623.22 6.67 G.74 '" 0_060 0"" 35_96 ,~ 3.76 '" 0060 ~- _12_01 6n20 611_:XI 8_70 0.73 I '" 0.000 0060 35_97 o.~ '" ''" 0019 -00193 .11_58 59982 599_82 ,~ 0_71 '"" '''''' 0.060 35,97 O~ 3_82 '" 0079 .0.0186 -11,17 ~86.45 58845 8.36 0.70 ,"0 '",0 0.060 3598 ,~ ,~ "" 0_078 -0,0180 _10_77 577.67 577.87 '" 0_69 no 0.ll47 ""' 33_48 0_04 389 '" oon -00213 -12.80 564.87 564_87 ,~ 0,67 '" Q.('47 0.050 30\5 0.03 3.93 ~, 0075 -00259 -1557 549_31 549.31 782 0.65 '00 0.047 GC48 2905 0.03 '00 ,,, 0075 -0.0268 -1609 533.22 533.22 7,59 0.83 '00 0047 0.048 2866 0_03 ,~ on 0074 -00265 -15.88 517.33 517_33 D' 0,61 I "'0 OO<lB 0.048 " " G_03 ,,, '" 0,073 -0_0257 "15.45 501_89 501.89 7,14 0.80 "" o~, 0.048 21152 '"' '00 '" 0,072 .00249 -14.95 488_94 ~M '" '" '" 0_048 0_048 28.51 0.03 '00 '"' 0072 -00041 -14.44 47250 4n50' 6_13 '" "'0 0,048 0048 28.51 003 4,12 '" 0071 .00232 _13.94 468.68 458.56 653 054 '" 0048 Oo.t6 2851 003 4.15 '" 0070 -0.0224 -13.46 445_10 445_10 ,~ '0; "" 0048 0,046 2851 0_03 4_18 ,~ 0069 .0_0217 -12,99 432_11 432.11 6.15 0,51 '" 0048 0.048 2851 G03 '" "" 0068 -O_D:XI9 .12,54 419_57 419.57 5.97 '" I '" 0,048 0_048 28.52 0.03 425 ,~ 0_066 .0.0202 -12_11 40746 40748 '" 0_48 '''' 0,042 0.046 2735 0.03 4,28 ''" "." -0.0214 -l2.82 394,84 3s.484 '" 0.47 .00 00<12 0043 25.8G 0.03 ", '" """ -00231 .13M 380.76 380.76 '" 0.45 ." 0.042 0.042 25,28 0_03 4.35 '"' 0065 -00232 .1J.91 """ "".'" '" 0.44 '" 0042 0.042 25.11 0_03 '" '" 00135 -cozu -1360 353_26 353.26 5.03 0,42 '" 0042 0042 25.05 0,03 4.41 '" "", -00220 -1319 340_07 340.01 ." 0,40 "'0 0042 0042 25.03 003 4.44 m 0063 -00213 -12,75 327.31 nUl ''" 0.39 I "" 0,042 0042 25_03 003 4.48 '"' 0062 -00205 -1233 314_99 J' ~08 ,-.; .'4,31 nITg:~ : "" 0042 0042 25_03 0"' 4.51 '''' 0,062 -00199 _11_91 303_08 '" 00<12 0.042 2503 0"' ,~ '" 0_0131 -00192 _11_51 291.57 ... \.57 _ It 1415 ~,35 L "" 0042 ,~, 25.03 om 4.58 '" "'" -00185 _11.12 28G45 a "280'45 - - 399 0_33 '00 ,~, 0.042 2503 ,,"' '" ". "'" -IJ0179 .10.74 2007l """ '" '" ,= 0042 0042 25.03 003 '" m 0059 -0,0173 .1038 259,34 259_34 .. ~ 1010 0.033 0_039 23_37 003 '" no 0058 -0.0194 .11_64 247_70 247_70 '" , I "''' 0.033 0_035 21.14 0.03 4.71 '" 0058 -0.0223 -1340 =" 23430 3.34 028 1030 0033 0_034 20_40 0.03 4_74 ,,, 0057 -00228 -13.65 220_63 22063 3.14 '" I ,~o 0,033 0.034 20,'5 '"' 476 ,~ 0,033 0.033 20.07 0-03 4.79 ,~ 0,033 0.033 2005 0,03 4.82 1070 0.033 0,033 20,04 000 '" 10BO 0,033 0,033 20,M 0-03 4BB '000 0.033 0033 ~~ 003 '00 "00 0033 0033 "'~ 0.03 4.95 "'0 0.033 0033 ~~ 0,03 4.9B 1120 0,033 0.033 "'~ 0,03 5.01 1130 0033 !l,Dl3 "'~ 0,03 ,~ 1140 0,03.3 0.033 20,04 0.03 "" "00 0033 0033 "'~ 0,03 5.11 '1S0 0,033 0033 20.04 '"' 5.14 1170 0033 0033 20,1)4 0,03 518 "'0 0033 0033 20,04 0,03 5.21 "'" 0.033 0,033 "'~ O.oJ 5.24 "00 0.033 0,033 "'~ 0,03 5.28 1210 0,033 0033 "'~ 0,04 5.31 "'" 0.033 0033 2005 '". 5.35 "'0 (I,OlJ 0,033 2005 '". 539 "" aOl3 0,033 20,05 ca4 5A2 "00 0.033 0,033 20.05 O~ 5.46 "'" 0,033 0033 20.05 O~ '00 1270 0,033 0033 20.05 O~ 5.53 "00 0,033 0033 X1,05 O~ '" "" 0,033 0.033 20,05 O~ '" "00 0033 0033 2005 O~ 564 1310 0033 0033 20,05 O~ 5.68 "'" 0.033 0033 2005 0,04 '" 1330 0,033 0033 20.05 O~ 5.75 "" 0,033 0033 2005 0,04 5.79 1350 0,033 0,033 20_05 O~ 56) "'" 0_033 0_033 20_05 O~ 'M 1370 0_033 0_033 20_06 O~ '00 "00 0,0:>3 0_033 20,06 O~ ,~ '''0 0_033 0_033 "'00 O~ 5_97 "00 0,033 0,033 0000 OM 6_01 1410 0_033 0,033 "'.00 O~ 6_05 1420 0_033 0.033 "'00 O~ .00 "'" 0.033 0033 20_06 0_04 6,12 1440 0,03) 0033 20_06 O~ 6,16 "00 ''''' 0022 13_37 0_02 8,18 1460 0,000 0_007 4,46 001 6,19 1470 0.444 0_150 00.26 015 6,34 "" 0"" 0.198 116,69 0,16 6,53 "00 0_000 "'" 39,63 '"' 6_59 "'" 0"" 00'22 1321 0,02 6,61 1510 0,000 0007 4AO 001 6_61 "'" 0"" '"" 1M ,000 6,62 "'" 0_000 0,001 0_49 0_00 6,62 "" 0000 0"" 0_16 000 ,." 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Infiltration 300 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 , Time (Minutes) PRE.SUBMITTAl REeD MAR 5 2010 I ';" 'J-)!; f(2.- I I I 000 000 000 '" 1l.04~ 0.??oo 0.00 0 000 0.00 " " 0.= 0= 000 000 0.00 "" 0.044 -0.0442 .26.~ 0.00 000 000 " I " ,= ,= 0,00 '.00 0.00 "" ,,~ -IJ0442 .26,54 000 0.00 000 '00 " " 0001 0.= 0.28 000 '.00 '" 0,044 -00436 .26.27 0,00 '.00 .00 '00 ,., " 0.007 0,003 1,61 000 0.00 '" ,,<< -00412 _24.13 0.00 0.00 .00 0.00 " 00 0.012 0.007 4.49 0,01 0.01 '" 0,044 -00368 -22.05 0,00 000 '.00 0.00 " 00 0.016 0012 7.21 0.01 0.03 '" 0044 -00322 -19.34 000 0.00 0.00 '.00 " " 0.020 0016 959 000 O~ "" 0044 ..0-0283 -16,95 '00 0.00 .00 '00 ,., 00 0,022 0,019 11.60 000 '.00 '" 0044 -00249 ..'4.94 '.00 000 '.00 0.00 " I 00 0025 oon 13.28 '00 0" '" 0.044 -0.0221 ..1328 0.00 000 0.00 '.00 " '00 0,027 0024 14.69 0,03 0.12 ~, o~ _0.0197 ..1165 '.00 000 '00 '.00 " '" 0036 0029 17.35 0,03 0.15 "" 0044 _0.0153 .919 0.00 000 000 '.00 " "" 0,038 0034 20.46 o~ 0.19 '" 0044 -0.0101 -llO6 '00 0.00 000 0.00 " no 0,040 0,037 7230 o~ 0" "" 0044 -0.0071 -425 '.00 000 .00 '.00 " '" 0.041 0039 23.56 o~ 0.27 ~, (H144 -0.0049 _2.00 000 000 '00 .00 " '" 0.042 0,041 2457 0,05 0.31 '" 0,044 -0,0033 -1.97 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 " I "0 01).014 0.042 2539 0,05 o.~ '" 0044 -00019 -1.\5 '00 000 '.00 0.00 " '" 0.054 0.046 27.69 0,05 0.41 '" 0.044 0.0022 '.31 1,31 1.3\ ." 0.00 " '" 0.055 0.052 30.97 0.00 047 '" OJI45 00011 4.24 555 5.55 O.OB 0.01 " "0 0.056 0.054 32.44 000 0.53 '" O,Q.l5 0,0092 ,,, 1107 1107 0.16 0.01 " "" 0.057 0.056 33.31 0.00 000 '" 0.Q.l5 00103 6,19 17,26 17.26 0.25 'm " ". 0.057 0.057 33.93 0.00 0.65 '" 0,046 0,0110 6.69 n65 23,85 '.>0 0.03 ,., '" 0,058 0.057 R43 0.00 071 '" 0,048 (1.0114 'M 30,71 30.71 0.44 o~ ,., I no 0,009 0.061 36.62 000 on '" 0,048 0,0149 '" 39,65 39.65 0", 0.05 ,., '" 0,069 '.000 39.64 0,07 O.M '" 0.(147 00193 11.56 51,23 51.23 0,73 0.00 ,., '" 0,070 0.c169 4t.t2 0,07 0,91 '" 0,0<18 0,0207 12.43 63.65 63.65 0.91 0.00 " '" 0,070 0.070 41.77 007 0'" '" O,Q.l9 00211 \2,65 76,31 76.31 '00 '''' " '" tl071 (1.()70 42.19 007 1./15 '" 0049 00211 \264 B895 88,95 127 0.11 " '" 0071 0071 42.51 0,07 1.12 '" 0050 00209 12.54 101.49 101.49 1,44 0,12 " "0 0,084 0075 4524 0,07 1.19 '" 0.051 0,0248 14.76 11625 11625 1.65 0.14 " I '" 006'1 0.081 4676 0,06 \.27 '" 0052 0,0295 17.70 13395 133.95 1.91 0,16 " '" 0,065 0064 "" 000 ,>0 ,,, 0.053 00307 16,42 15237 152.37 2.11 0,16 " "" 0,065 0065 50.73 000 \.42 M' 0.054 0.0307 16.39 17075 17075 2,43 0." " '" 0066 0065 51,07 0,08 1.49 '" 0.055 0.0302 16.10 18667 186.67 2.69 0." " >00 0.066 0.066 51.30 0,07 \.57 '" 0.056 0.0295 17.72 20059 200.59 '" 025 " '" 0.100 0.090 54,22 000 1,65 '" 11057 0.0332 19.95 226,54 "''' '" 0.21 " '" 0.100 0,097 56.04 0,06 1.73 m 0,056 00383 22,97 249,51 24951 3,55 0." " '" 0,100 0.099 59,43 0,06 1.61 '" 0000 00392 2354 273,05 27305 3.69 0." " I '" 0.101 0.100 59.99 006 1.89 '" 0001 0,0366 2329 29633 2ga,33 ." 0.00 " "" 0,101 0.100 60,27 0,06 '.00 '" 0063 00360 22.77 319.11 319.11 ." 0,36 " .00 0,101 0.101 60.45 000 '" '" O~ 0.0369 22.17 34127 341,27 '" 0,40 " '" 0.143 0.115 6B.9O 0." 2.13 '" "., 00493 "" 370,65 370,65 '" 0,44 " ." 0.143 0.134 60.13 0,10 '" '" ,,'" 00657 3941 410,25 410,25 ,... 0,49 " ." 0.143 0.140 63.99 0,10 2.32 '" 0070 Oooga 41,76 452,03 452,03 6,43 0." " ." 0.\93 0.159 95.25 0,11 242 "" 0073 00653 5120 503,23 50323 7.16 .." " I ." 0.193 0,182 106.99 0,11 '" '" 0077 01044 62,67 565,90 565,90 .00 0.67 " <00 "'" 0.247 146.16 0,14 2.66 "" 0,063 01638 ga26 664,16 664.16 945 0.79 " ." 0563 0.399 23917 "" '" 1167 0'" 03041 16245 846,61 646,61 12.05 '.00 " ." 0292 0.425 254.72 0,19 '" 1317 0,107 03179 19072 1037,33 1037,33 1477 1.23 " ..0 0.195 0.304 162.30 0,13 3.21 1406 0,114 016M 11366 1151,19 1151.19 16,39 1.37 " '" 0,145 0215 126.76 0'" 3.30 1455 0.116 0_ "00 1209.24 1209.24 17,21 1.43 " '" 0,145 0,158 101,01 0,07 3,37 1479 0.120 0,0466 29,13 1236,37 1236.37 17.63 1.47 " I '''' 0,145 0-,153 91.79 000 343 ".. 0.'2' O,031!! 19,14 1257.51 1257.51 17,90 1.49 " '" 0,095 0,131 7674 005 3.46 1499 0.121 0,0096 5,87 1263,38 1263.36 17,96 '" " "0 0,095 0.107 64.43 000 3.52 1492 0.121 -0.0135 --<112 1255.26 125526 17.67 ,.. " '" 0.CKl5 OOB9 5967 000 '" 1482 "'''' <0000 -12,39 124266 1242.66 17.69 1.47 " ,., 0.096 0097 56.09 000 ,." 1471 0119 -00224 -1343 122944 122944 1750 1,46 " '" 0"" 0.096 57.57 000 'M "" 0.116 -00224 _1342 1216.02 1216.02 17.31 1,44 " '" 0.096 0.096 57,41 ". 3.86 '"" 0.117 _00216 _1307 1202.96 1202,98 17.12 1.43 " I '00 0,096 0."" 57.36 000 3.72 1440 0.117 -00210 -12,62 \190,)4 1190,)4 \6.94 1.41 " 000 0.096 0096 57.35 0.04 '" 1430 0116 _0.0202 _12,15 1176.19 1116.19 16.n 1.40 " '" 0.096 0.096 57.36 004 3.80 1420 0.115 -00195 -1166 1166,51 1168,51 16,61 1,311 " '''' 0.096 0"" 57.36 '" 3.64 1411 0,114 -00167 _1\.24 1155.27 1155.27 1645 1,37 " '"" 0.096 0.096 57.37 0.04 3.86 '"00 0,114 .0 OHIO -10,80 1144,47 1144,47 16,29 '" " ..0 0"" 0"" 57.36 000 3,93 ,,~ 0,113 -0,0173 _10,39 1134,06 1134,06 18.14 1,35 " '" 0078 0.090 53.91 '" ,~ 13113 0-,112 -0.0222 _13.34 1120.75 ll2IJ.75 15.95 ,~ " I ,., 0.078 0.062 49.28 '" 4.00 "" 0.111 -o.02El8 _17.29 1103.45 1103.45 15.71 1,31 " '" 0,078 0.080 H.74 o.~ 4,04 1355 0.110 -o03a2 -1613 1085,33 108533 1545 1,29 " 1341 . 1,27 '" 0078 0076 47.06 0.04 4,11 1327 0.107 <~ _17,43 1049.96 1049.96 1495 1,25 " '" 0.078 0.078 47,01 004 4.14 1313 0.106 -00261 -1663 1033.13 1033.13 14,71 1,23 " n. 0,076 0.078 47,00 o.~ 4,18 '''''' 0,105 -00270 -1822 1016,91 101691 14,48 1,21 " n. 0.076 0,078 47,00 000 4.21 1266 0,104 <.??oo -1562 1001,29 1001,29 14,25 1.19 " no 0.078 0,078 4700 0.04 4.25 1276 0,103 -00251 -15.04 986,26 98626 14.04 \.17 " I ," 0,076 0,076 47,00 o.~ 4.29 "" 0.102 -00241 _14.46 971.78 971.78 13.83 1.15 " '" 0,078 0076 47,01 0.04 4,33 1254 0,102 -00232 -1394 957,64 957.64 1363 1.14 " "" 0,076 0,076 47.01 0.04 ." 1243 0.101 -0.0224 _1342 944.41 944.41 13,44 1.12 " no 0062 0,073 4375 0.04 4,40 1231 0,100 -0.0256 _16.07 926.34 928.34 13.21 1.10 " '" 0"" 0.000 3940 0.03 4,43 1215 "'" .00326 .19.67 90067 908.67 12.93 I.OB " '" 0"" 0,003 37.95 0.03 .., '''' 0.097 -0.0339 .20.35 8BB.32 896.32 "" 1.05 " .00 0,062 0."" 37,47 0.03 4.50 ".. 0"" -00334 .2007 1166.26 866.26 12.38 \.03 " I ." 0."" 0,002 37,31 0.03 4.53 1186 0.095 -00325 .1949 84677 646.77 12-06 \.01 " '''' 0."" 0,062 3726 0.03 .~ 1154 0.093 -00314 .1663 629.93 82993 11.81 098 " ." 0."" 0,062 37,24 0.03 4.59 \\40 ."', -00303 .18,17 811.77 611.n 1156 ." " ." ."" 0.062 37.24 0.03 4.63 "" 0.091 -(l02l12 -17,51 79426 794,26 11.31 ,,~ " '" 0."" 0.062 37,24 0.03 .., 1113 0.090 -00281 -16,88 77738 '77736 11,07 0.92 " ." 0.062 0.062 37,24 0.03 4.69 1101 0.089 -0,0271 -16,27 761.10 761.10 10,63 0"" " '" 0.062 0.062 37,24 0.03 4.73 1069 0066 -0,0261 .15.88 745.42 745,42 10,61 OM " I '" 0.062 0.062 37.24 '" 4.76 1077 0.067 -0.0252 -15,12 730.30 730,3(1 10,40 0,61 " .'" 0.054 000<> 35.72 003 4.79 '00' 0.086 -(l,0267 -1605 714,25 71425 1017 0" " "'" 0.054 ",,, 33.69 003 4.83 "''' """ -0.0291 -17,43 696,62 896.62 .." 0" " '" 0054 0055 33,01 0.03 .~ "'~ O~ -00291 .\7.46 671U5 679.35 9.67 OB1 " "" 0.054 0.00<> 32.79 0.03 4.69 1025 0,063 -00284 .17.05 562,29 00229 9.43 0.79 " "" 0.054 0056 3272 ", 4.92 1013 0082 -00275 _16.53 645.77 645.77 919 0.77 " "0 0,054 0,054 3269 0.03 .~ 1001 0,001 -00268 _15,96 629,81 629.81 8.97 0.75 " I '" 0,054 0,054 3268 0.03 4,99 "" "00 -00257 _15.41 614.40 614.40 6.75 0.73 " "" 0.054 o.~ 3266 0.03 '" "" 0,079 .00246 .1486 599.53 599.53 '" 0.71 " '" 0.054 0.054 32,68 003 '00 00' 0.D76 -0.0239 .14,34 56.19 566.19 -- '~TAr"-"'D '" 0.054 0.054 32.69 0.03 5.09 '" 0.078 -00231 _1384 5731111 571:36 IJ1I1,ll.13 0.68'''.'51 '" 0.054 0.054 32.69 00-3 5.12 ~, 0.077 .00223 _1335 55801 , 558.01 111"'7.94 ~6B ,1.-,..t,5 ,= 0.054 0.054 32.69 0.03 5.18 '" 0.076 -00215 _12.68 545.12" 545.12 7,76 065 " 1010 0.044 0.051 30,51 0.03 "" ." 0075 -o,OZ42 _14,53 53059 530.59 7.55 063 " I "'" 0.044 0.046 2760 0.03 '" "" 0074 -oOZ61 -18.83 51376 511761111 7.31 5 '061 In " 1030 0.044 0.044 "'.. 0.03 '" '" 0073 -oOZ66 -17,16 49656 496:"""1." 7.07 (il!i9/l,I " ------------------- o " i~~i@i~~~i~~~~~~~~~@~~~~~~~~g~ii~~i~~~~~*~~~~~~~ "~"'~""""."."-E""-~""-"""-"-"""""""---- o 8~d ~~~~08~OdC~*o~o~ ~d~~~~~o88~dg~~~~o88~~~g& ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooopoooooooooopo ii~iE~~i~i~iiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iii ~~~~~~888~8g~~g8~~~8888888~88~~8~8~88888~~8~~~~~ ~~~~~~8i~~~~~~~~i~~~iiii~~~~~~~~~i~ii~i~~~~~i~~~ ~@~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii~~~~~~~~~~~2~~~~~~~~~~ o ~ WO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AAA AAAAAAAA....A...AAA. 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Center Infiltration Pond Depth 1.60. 1.40 1.20 g 1.00 oS 0.80 Co ~ 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 -100 ~ Pond Depth ~ Max Depth 100 300 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 Time (Minutes) Center Infiltration Pond Inflow and Infiltration Rates 0.450 0.400 0.350 en 0.300 u.. () 0.250 - :: 0.200 o u: 0.150 0.100 0.050 0.000 -100 ~ Runoff . Infiltration c-- .. f ...L ..--::. .,;- ..,......-- . ,-- , -,-- , , , , , , 100 300 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 Time (Minutes) PRE-5UBMIITAL RECID MAR 5 2010 I 2-% !;a<tRESUlT~(eI1lLW 'ell., o...lgnRlJlK>1f ~o.n I :'t;~TU~; .~~~ ", l>':V"'S,'i"L1>..v, .-''',; 1.llO:',--.-.;.J I I '" "'''' "'" ." '" O.~4 . .." ." '" .."'" ."'" . ." ." '" 0,0014 .40442 -" .'" '" ~ ."'" .."'" .'" .'" .'" '" 00<14 -0,0."2 .265<1 .'" .'" .'" I '" 0003 0,001 0.65 .'" ..'" '" 0044 .(10432 -2589 .'" .'" .'" " 0.010 "'" ,,, 0,01 (1,01 '" 0044 -0.0393 .231X1 ." ." ." " 0.019 0,011 6.31 ." ", '" 0_1)44 -00337 .2{)23 ". ." .." " 0021 0016 '" ", ." ~, .... -1),0285 .17.06 .." .'" ." '" (1,024 "'" 12.14 0.02 ... '" 0044 -0,0240 .1440 .." ." ." .. 0,027 0,024 1435 0,03 ... '" 01)44 .{I 0203 -12.11t .'" ." ." " "" 0,027 1618 "" 0.11 '" .'" -00173 -10.36 .'" .'" .'" I '''' 0,032 ,~ "" 003 0.15 '" .". -0,0148 ." .'" .'" .'" ''" 0,042 .~ ~oo ." 018 '" oou ."'" -586 ." ." .'" ". 0.044 0.040 24.20 ." ." '" "" .00039 -234 .'" ." .'" '''' 0,048 0044 ".~ '" 028 '" 0,044 .400011 -0.35 ." .'" '''' '" 0,0<16 '''' 27.55 '" ." ~, 0,044 00018 0,97 0.97 '" ." '" 0.049 ,... 2856 '" 0,38 ~, o.t)44 00032 ,." 2.91 291 ,.'" '" "" (l()olg 29.42 0.05 0.43 '" "" Q,0Q.l5 ,,, ,,, '" 0,0\ I '" "., .~ 32.110 ". 049 '" O,OC5 ,.", 528 lO.M '"00 001 ,,, 0,063 0059 35.62 ,.. '" '" 0,0<15 0.0\41 '" 19.31 1931 '" ,., ,.... "" 31.2\ 007 ", '" "." 001152 '" 29.111 "" 003 ,., 0,065 ''''' 38.12 0.07 Mil on '''' 0,0111 '"" 39.27 39.27 '" ,'" 0,065 .~ 38.15 0.01 0.75 00' 0.047 00116 1053 .." 49,80 ,.. '" .."" 0.065 39.2~ 0.07 082 "" 0,048 0,0118 1066 60.46 &I~6 007 '" 0,078 0.070 41.89 0,07 0.89 '" 0,048 002'5 1287 73.33 73.33 0.00 I '" 0,079 0.075 "" 0.07 '" "" 0049 00262 15.71 .". 8904 0.11 ". 0,079 0078 .... "" '" ." 0,050 00275 '6.53 10557 10557 0.13 "" """ 0.079 H.J.2 0.07 1.11 "" 005' 00277 ".. 12221 12221 0.1~ ", ."" "'" ~7.74 0,07 119 .., "" 00275 "" 13371 1311.71 0,16 ". 0061 '''' ~805 007 .." '" "'" 00271 1625 ,~" 1541l!l 0.1& '"' 0095 ,~ "M ". .,. "" "'" 0.0311 "" 173.61 113.61 021 "'" 0095 .m 55.04 '''' 1.~2 '" """ """ 21.85 195.45 19546 0.23 I '" "'''' .... 56.52 0.08 '" "" 0057 003711 12-55 216,01 21601 "'" '" 0000 0095 57,111 006 1.56 '" 0056 0.0373 ?2.~1 2~0.42 240~2 0.29 '" "" 0096 51.50 006 '" '" 0.059 0,03116 21,96 262 ~o 2B2,~0 031 ,." 0.097 "'" 57,73 "" 1.74 ,.. ",,, 00358 2146 26366 26366 .,. '" 0.112 0102 ".. '''' 162 '" ".., 003911 2367 3(17.73 307.73 ." "" 0.112 0.109 11524 ". .., '" 00113 00453 27.1& 33491 33491 0,40 '" 0.113 0.111 B677 ." Hl8 "" 0065 00461 27.73 "".. '''''' 0,43 I ,,, 0113 0.112 67,37 '" ,.. on 0067 00456 27.37 39000 ""''' 0.46 ,., 0113 0.113 87.66 '''' 2.15 ", ,... 004~5 "" ~18.71 ~16 71 '" .'" 0.113 0113 67,63 '''' '" .., 0.070 00433 2595 ~~2.66 442.&:1 '" ." 0.160 0'29 77.29 ." 231 '" 0072 00570 3~.18 47684 H6.6ol 0.57 .~ 0.160 0.'50 8985 0.10 ,,, "" 0075 00752 45.12 521.96 521.06 '" ." '0.161 0.157 "" 0.10 ,,, "" 0.077 00795 47.119 569.65 569.155 '" '" 02111 0.118 106,73 0.1\ ,,, '" 0.061 ,,- 56.15 627.80 617.80 0.74 I ." 0216 0.203 12209 0,12 2.73 "" ,~ 01182 7090 69870 691170 ." ... 0.410 0.277 165.91 0.15 ,.. "" '''' 0.1643 11060 "".'" """, ." '" 0652 0.446 26767 021 '''' "" 0.105 "''' 1013.87 1013,87 ,~ ... 0327 0.475 26ol,99 0.19 n, 1470 0.H9, 0.3559 213,55 1227.~2 1227,42 1.46 .., 0.218 03~0 203,92 0.'3 3,41 """ 0.'22 131,00 1358 ~2 1358,42 1.61 ''''' 0,182 02~0 14~02 009 3.49 """ 0.122 0,1'85 71.11 1~29 52 1~29 52 1.70 '" 0,162 0166 112.95 '''' '00 """ "" 0.06117 ~0.03 145955 146955 1.74 ,~ "'" 0.171 102.61 ... 3.62 """ 0122 00495 "" 149925 1~99 25 1.76 I '''' 0.107 0.147 "'ro .'" 3.117 '''' 0122 00252 15.11 1514.36 1514311 ,." ~, 0.107 0.120 n03 ". 3.71 ''''' 0122 -00015 ." 151347 151341 '''' "" 0107 0.111 "''' '" 3.75 ''''' 0122 ..(10'04 ." 1507.25 1507,25 U9 "'" 0.107 0.108 6493 '" 3.79 ''''' 0.122 ..(10133 -7,lla 1~99.27 1499.21 1.76 "" 0.107 0.107 64.35 "" 3.83 """ 0.122 ..(I01~3 .'" \(90.71 1~9O,71 1,17 ,,, 0.107 0.107 6-4.11 OO~ 3.87 ,,,,. 0.122 -00146 -8.75 1481.00 1~81,96 1.76 ". 0,107 0,107 64.11 ." 3.91 ,,,,. 0.122 -00147 .8.81 1~7J. 15 1~73.15 1.75 I "'" 0.107 0107 64.10 OO~ 3.95 ''''' 0.122 -OOl~l .8.82 1~64.33 146-4,33 1.U ." 0107 0107 601.10 '" '" ''''' 0.122 -OOl~l -6.82 1~55.51 145551 1,73 ,~ 0.107 0.107 6411 '" '" ''''' oln .(1.0147 ." 1<<6.70 1<<6.70 1.12 "'" 0107 0.107 .." '" ." ''''' 0.122 -oOI~1 .'" 1437.90 1437.90 1.11 .., 0107 0107 15<1.12 ." 410 '''' 0.122 -0,0147 .alII 1429.11 1429.11 1.70 ." 0087 0.100 BO,24 ." ." ,,,,. O.ln .(1.0211 -1267 141643 1416.43 '" ~ 0067 0.092 5507 0,03 4.17 ''''' 0,122 -0021)7 -17.65 1398,58 139858 '" I ." 0.087 0.089 53.34 om ~,21 ''''' 0,122 -00326 _19.57 1379.01 1379.01 ,... ,~ \,81 '" 0087 "" 52.59 0.0.3 4.21 ,,,,. 01n .{I.033S -2().33 1338.54 ""~ 1905 1.59 " '''' OOlH .~ 5253 '" 4,31 ,,,,. 0.122 -00340 -2039 1318.15 131615 1878 '''' " '" "M .~ 5251 '" .,. '''' 0122 -00340 .20.41 1297.74 1291,74 1841 ,~ " no 0.068 ,... 52.51 0.03 ." 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" '" ."'" 0061 36.51 0,03 '" "'" "'" .00274 .1845 114B2~' 1746,4 n 1'11062 \l 0.:80_,.1'5 .. ."', 0.061 31151 0.03 '" 1017 '''' .- .1588 l13O.36 '_"130.311 ""\16.40 0.&71 .1-5 ,.. 0061 0..061 ]6,51 0..03 '" ... ,... ~"" .1519 1715.ot.1I71509'W'll016 (185 - :115 1010 '''' 0057 "'" "" '" "" '''' .00285 .17.09 6BaOO 898.00 '" 083 " 10.20 '''' 0.0.51 30..83 0.03 '" "" 0.08~ -!J.0327 -1961 67839 618 , , '''' " I "'" """ "" 29.15 '" 5.38 10.23 0.063 .{I 0333 _19.96 85843 ~ 9.31 2G'l'e " I "'0 0.049 0,049 29,39 0.03 S.41 ,,~ 0.0411 0,049 29.27 0,03 5.44 ,~ "" 0049 2923 0,03 5.47 1070 0.049 0049 ~n om ,~ "" 0.049 O~, 29.21 003 5.53 "'" 0.049 0,049 29.21 003 '''' "00 0,M9 0.049 2921 0,03 560 1110 0049 0,049 29.21 0,03 563 "'" OG49 M49 29.21 003 '.00 1130 0.0411 0,049 29.2:2 0.03 5.69 1140 0,0411 0049 29.:22 003 5.73 ,,~ 0,049 0,049 29.22 003 5.76 ,,~ 0,049 O~, 29.22 0.03 5.79 1170 Oll49 0,049 nn 0.03 '"' 1180 0.049 0,049 29.22 0,03 '" "" 0.049 Q,0<l9 29.22 0,03 '" "00 0.049 0,049 29.22 ON 5,S] 1210 O~, "" 29.2'} ,~ 5,97 "" 0,049 0,049 29,22 0.04 '00 1230 0,049 0,049 29,22 004 ,~ 1240 0049 0,049 29.22 O~ 6.07 1250 0.049 0,049 ~n O.~ 6.11 ""' 0049 0,049 ~n O.~ 6,15 1270 0,049 0,049 29.22 O.~ 6.19 "., 0,049 0049 29.22 004 .n "'" 0,049 0.049 2922 0,04 ,~ ,= 0.049 0.049 ~n O~ 6.30 1311) 0.049 0,049 2922 0,04 '" "'" 0,049 0,049 nn O~ 6.38 ,,~ 0.049 0,1>49 29.23 O~ 642 "" 0.049 0.1)49 29.23 O~ 6.46 ,,~ O~, 0,049 2923 O~ '"' ,~O O~, 0049 2923 0,04 .."' 1370 0,049 0,049 2923 O~ 8.58 ""' 0.049 0049 2923 O~ 8.82 "" 0,049 0049 2923 O.~ ,." 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Infiltration r-- J , -I .--"". -- /"" . , , 100 300 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 Time (Minutes) PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAR !i 2010 I 2(:"'/ Infiltration Pond Sizin S readsheet Pro"ect: Basin 2 100 yrslorm '~L -RESULTS;cl,.- DesiGn Runolf ~'Tii:5'i~ I ACTUAL MAX 1111 ,'~~ ,Wo9;$::B'2.l111">', ,._'! 'r, ftlsi",_-,~,,~ 1\ ,"a:l:5~ I Time Dr Cone. mln J.r~O.42'.:4'" Toe CIlculOllon Melhod .....'" 100.0 "!.i~: " I ,,, '" 1'1 ,,, lOl "I '" '" (10) (10) (IIJ (lib) ~{12J 1""''''''''''taI Inaemenl.1 Cumul~rive ""OIilonlal ~ tnn(>W_ lnet.me",-I Stored &.~ Cumu~e Cumu.......e . ,Ma. TIme CHign ,"- """" 0"" Wflll""~,'" M_ ""- 111ft__ VOlume ,- Depth:. ,,",. AlloWable Runoll. VOlum. lna.... lna...>> (lolftOW' .'O.wlh m.. " "cr; " '" '" " Icl. " ~, " " " ; , '''' 0000 '" '" '" ,., 0044 '0000 ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, " 10 '''' ,'" '" ,,, ,,, ,., ,~. .00442 .'2654 '" '" '" '" " I " '''' '''' '" '" '" ~, 004~ -004.2 .16$4 '" '" '" '" " ~ '''' '''' '" '" '00 ~, ,~, .(10425 .2549 '00 '00 '00 '00 " " 0013 ,." 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I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '2'i1'> ?~2..- ----.---.-~--------- --~--_.._-- ...---~------_________.___ .___. m_~________....__ 2.50 2.00 - .... ~ 1.50 .r: .... a. m 1.00 o 0.50 0.00 -100 ---"I Center Infiltration Pond Depth -.- ! --T- I \__...._---1--__________.-_ ._~...___u_._ . i --------------l ~ Pond Depth i ; I I' ! I! , ..- Max Depth L.j i ,.-------1- I 100 300 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 r---'---"-- _.~- '""--.. -.--.----...-.-----.-------....------.-... -" -------.------..--__.~_________~____u____ __ __ _ ..__...____ _______________...____. Time (Minutes) 0.100 m-_i-_-- 0.000 -100 0.600 0.500 Vi 0400 u. i 0.300 o u:: 0.200 Center Infiltration Pond Inflow and Infiltration Rates -T- _ ______...._.....-.__..u u__ .__n__ ______ _ __.____.._____________....__________.._______ --- -----r--o---- ---- ____m_ ___:=-R.unoffl._ . ! , . Infiltration i L__ ___, _.n._.__..._._._.._.__; ; .----............. .....----...- .n ._____._______ .m... .n.m _'.._ _.m__+___ , I .___L_ ! - - -> .~. ._._ .___~u ___________._._._._._ __~...___._..n_... ..~..____ _____.~ ___ -- --.-_.._-~._-----_._-_.._----.-_.._. ._._----~-----.- 100 300 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 Time (Minutes) PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAR 5 2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Circular Channel Analysis & Design Solved with Manning's Equation ?-<:,1/ /'-1 L- Open Channel - Uniform flow Worksheet Name: East Side Baptist Ch Comment: pipe 1 Solve For Actual Depth Given Input Data: Diameter. . . . . . . . Slope. . . Manning's n.. Discharge. 0.50 ft 0.0100 ft/ft 0.013 0.44 cfs Computed Results: Depth. . . . . . . . . . . . . Velocity. . Flow Area. . . . . . . . . Critical Depth. . . Critical Slope.... Percent Full. Full Capacity. QMAX @.94D........ Froude Number. 0.33 ft 3.16 fps 0.14 sf 0.34 ft 0.0096 ft/ft 66.68 %- 0.56 cfs 0.60 cfs 1.03 (flow is Supercritical) Open Channel Flow Module, Version 3.42 (c) 1991 Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookside Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D MAR 5 2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3% tfz.- Circular Channel M1alysis & Design Solved with Manning's Equation Open Channel - Uniform flow Worksheet Name: East Side Baptist Ch Comment: pipe 2 Solve For Actual Depth Given Input Data: Diameter. . . . . . . . . . Slope. . . . . . . . . . . . . Manning's n....... Discharge. . . . . . . . . Computed Results: Depth....... ...... Velocity..... . Flow Area. . . . . . . . . Critical Depth. . . . Critical Slope.... Percent Full...... Full Capacity..... QMAX @. 94D. . . . . . . . Froude Number..... 0.50 ft o .0100 ft/ft 0.013 0.4.4 cfs 0.33 ft 3.16 fps 0.14 sf 0.34 ft 0.0096 ft/ft 66.68 % 0.56 cfs 0.60 cfs 1.03 (flow lS Supercritical) Open Channel Flow Module, Version 3.42 (c) 1991 Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookside Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 PRE.SUBMITTAL RECIO MAR 5 2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Circular Channel Analysis & Design Solved with Manning's Equation 0\/ /'tL Open Channel - Uniform flow Worksheet Name: East Side Baptist Ch Comment: pipe 3 Solve For Actual Depth Given Input Data: Diameter. . . . . . . . . . Slope............ . Manning's n....... Discharge....... . Computed Results: Depth. . . . . . . . . . . . Velocity......... . Flow Area. . . . . . . . Critical Depth... Critical Slope... Percent Full...... Full Capacity..... QMAX @.94D........ Froude Number..... 0.50 ft 0.0100 ft/ft 0.013 0.37 cfs 0.30 ft 3.05 fps 0.12 sf 0.31 ft 0.0088 it/ft 59.28 % 0.56 cfs 0.60 cfs 1.08 (flow is Supercritical) Open Channel Flow Module, Version 3.42 (c) 1991 Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookside Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 PRE-SUBMIllAL REC'O MAR 5 2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3'2..-/ /7'L- Circular Channel Analysis & Design Solved with Manning's Equation Open Channel - Uniform flow Worksheet Name: East Side Baptist Ch Comment: pipe 4 Solve For Actual Depth Given Input Data: Diameter. . . . Slope. . . . . . . . . . . Manning's n. . . Discharge. 0.50 ft 0.0102 ft/ft 0.013 0.36 cfs Computed Results: Depth. . . . . Velocity. . . Flow Area.... Critical Depth. . Critical Slope... Percent Full... Full Capacity. QMAX @.94D... Froude Number. 0.29 ft 3.06 fps 0.12 sf 0.30 ft 0.0087 ft/ft S7.87 % 0:57 cfs 0.61 cfs 1.10 (flow is SupercriticalJ Open Channel Flow Module, Version 3.42 (c) 1991 Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookside Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D MAR 5 2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T? -:{/2.._ Circular Channel Analysis & Design Solved with Manning's Equation Open Channel - Uniform flow Worksheet Name: East Side Baptist Ch Comment: pipe 5 Solve For Actual Depth Given Input Data: Diameter. . . . . . . . . . Slope. . . . . . . . Manning's n....... Discharge. ........ Computed Results: Depth. . . . . . . . . Velocity......... . Flow Area. . . . . . . . . Critical Depth. . . . Critical Slope.... Percent Full.. Full Capacity... . . QMAX@.94D.. Froude Number. . 0.67 ft 0.0100 ft/ft 0.013 0.73 cfs 0.37 ft 3.62 fps 0.20 sf 0.40 ft 0.0078 ft/ft 55.60 % 1.22 cfs 1.32 cfs 1.16 (flow is Supercritical) { " Open Channel Flow Module, Version 3.42 (c) 1991 Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookside Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 PRE.SUBMiTTAL RECIO MAR 5 2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Circular Channel Analysis & Design Solved with Manning's Equation Open Channel - Uniform flow Worksheet Name: East Side Baptist Ch Comment: pipe 6 Solve For Actual Depth Given Input Data: Diameter. . Slope. . . . . . . . Manning's n....... Discharge. . . . Computed Results: Depth. . . . . . . . . . Velocity......... . Flow Area. . . . . . . . . Critical Depth.. . . Critical Slope. Percent Full... Full Capacity..... QMAX @. 94D. . . . Froude Number. . 0.67 ft 0.0100 ft/ft 0.013 J..10 cfs o .50 ft 3.93 fps 0.28 sf 0.50 ft 0.0100 ft/ft 74.05 % 1.22 cfs 1.32 cfs 1.00 (flow lS Critical) 3~2.- Open Channel Flow Module, Version 3.42 (c) 1991 Haestad Methods, Inc. * ]7 Brookside Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAR 5 2010 ~ S1rAOHddr AON3Dr tuJl~S' JloJllll[ulo~ . 1I0n'lJodaou.!.. Wtl10l1llS . '!!AI:J ~ Nlt7d NOIlJ70W30 moa'!uJ.I;I:ltIJllugq"uv:S'.IUUL ~ g 0 i:: ~ NOI1l0NO:J DNIlSIX3 l.L~~-6lJ. (c~) ~ ..., '" "- ~ -' ~ Cl ~ >-' " ~ '" , ~ WOlldW:JS30 IOSl.ft lIo2aJ() 'ouPS LtlIO-9tL(ItS} ill i!l "" ~ Ollilfl!S LLtUlloJa.lll'Pla!jJap"ds ~ NOD3lJO 073/JDN/lJdS ':u!.1SflIlWIlllDII:JUI l~S1fU!.,lOlt ~ - f~U 3nN3A V' 7V'/:JlJ3Y'1Y'10:J flj76'F" atl!JJO mafVS 8.1a)IVIlb1l8aU H:JlJnH:J 1 SIl dV'B 30'S 15V'3 ~~ :;; l::l I-Q::c:. 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U- ~ 4 fJOOP CENTERED AND RISER PIPE MIN. 4- rJ COMMERCIAL I JAiN GRADE CONCRETE MECHANICAL PLUG . PAD (WITHIN ~,. . ~jt'f-- TRAFFIC AREAS COMPACTED 314' -0""",\ ,.dJi?;:l ~. ) ONLY) CRUSHED ROCK ~V'~"j:f ~~ , 0k~ J&i. Ft'}?, ~~+j t,..'!.ttQ . "'1 ~>" ~ ~~,~~~'" ,~'.= ff'-J - '~t0.1!P ~-~" "-';'" """" GRADE I , ,^~I ~ " I I ~ I ~"'o('. ~-. ~""'~'"'~""~__BEDDING i .i>-< " ~ (SEE TYPICAL . I ~ ;. . - .h,r. ~.m TRENCH DETAIL) / //),/////: /'//:''/ //.-:;:/~/,/.y,,/:/ ^""'/<"-.: /,""'/(~ /"-.: A"-.: /(~ /<"-.: ^"'" /('y/(,,~ UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE NOTE' J. CASTING SHALL MEET HS20 LOAD REQUiREMENTS. 2. PROVDE RISER SIZE AND MATERIAL TO MATCH CARRIER Pff. 14' MAX SilD 3. ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE CO"?IER~L GRADE CONCTRETE. 4. PROVVE TRACER WIRE AS REOJIRED BY LOCAL CODE. , TYPICAL CLEANOUT C6 SCALE. N. T,B. -40TJfCJ<CONCRETEj SLAB / 60ROI.NDGRATE r 6" SEWER AND DRAN RISER Pff ./';. .,' -./ ' -~",'" ~, ;,. 6" TO J"SEWER AM>ORAl<JRgJj)CER ( s '- l G.""""" 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Lane Branch, PE Damien Gilbert, PE Renee D. Clough, PE, PLS Rene' Fabricant, PE, SE Ronald J. Derrick, PE, GE James A. Branch, PE, PLS Corporate Headquarters (541) 746-0637 31 0 5~ Street Springfield, OR 97477 www.BranchEngineering.com August 3, 2009 Mr. Len Arnie East Side Baptist Church 4045 Commercial Avenue Springfield, Oregon 97477 RE: INFILTRATION TESTING RESULTS 4045 COMMERCIAL AVENUE SPRINGFIELD, OREGON " Introduction Branch Engineering, lnc (BEl) has performed oncsite testing for the purpose of assessing the rate of storm water infiltration in the near surface soil conditions. A previous geotechnical investigation report dated June 4, 2009 has been prepared by BEl for this site. Field testing for this infiltration study was conducted on August 3, 2009. Project Location and Description The proposed project is to consist of developing the paved parking areas for the associated new sanctuary building to be constructed on site. The site is relatively flat and is currently covered with grass. Site Exploration The scope of the field work consisted of advancing two (2) exploratory hand-auger borings on August 3, 2009, one (B-1) at the west corner of the property straight out from the rust baseline of the baseball field, and the other boring (B-2) in the southeast portion of the property. The soil in the borings consisted of silty clay with rounded gravel; a more detailed description and deeper logging of the soil stratigraphy is provided in our previous geotechnical report. The depth of tbe band-auger borings was dictated by refusal of the auger in the gravel. Subsurface Soils and Geology PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAR 5 2010 The near surface soils within the project area consist of Pleistocene age unconsolidated to semi- consolidated alluvial terrace deposits of clay, silt, sand and gravel from lacustrine and fluvial environments. The NRCS Web Soil Survey maps the east side of the site as part of the Oxley- CIVIL STRUCTURES TRANSPORTATION GEOTECHNICAL SURVEYING East Side Baptist Church - Infiltration Testing Project No. 09-060 From our previous site investigation, ground water was encountered between 4.5- and 6-feet I below the surface. Well logs from within one-half mile of the site indicate that the depth to ground water in the site vicinity ranges from 9- to 17-feet. I Inmtration Testing I Based on our field-testing, the near surface vertical hydraulic conductivity varies from 0.6- to I A-feetlhour at the two locations tested. The analysis and infiltration test results are presented I below. The rate of infiltration for a soil of given permeability is primarily dependent. upon two factors, I the area over which infiltration occurs and the pressure head. Using the following vadose zone equations, an estimated vertical hydraulic conductivity and rate of infiltration is presented in I Table I. A factor of safety has not been applied to the calculated hydraulic conductivities. I I I I I I Vj=Ki where: Vi is the rate of fall in the water height i = Hw + Lf - h r _ _-:!",1(; - - - Lf K is the hydraulic conductivity i is the head loss Lf is the depth of the wetting front Hw is median water height V wt is the total volume of water infiltrated fis the fillable porosity (assumed to be 35%) Lf= Vwt_ Axf q = KiA q is the average rate of water infiltration (vo lume/time) A is the infiltration area her is the critical pressure head of soil for sidewall wetting (assumed to be 0 inches) (Bouwer, 1978) I The soil material is assumed to be laterally homogeneous and sidewall (!nfiltrationr, is Negligible as 1. d . d ~ . f h . fil d rl<\:-\)UPIVIII /'U. 1\1;:... ... I a p astlc stan pIpe was use lor contamment 0 t e water III trate. . MAR 5 2010 I I I I Summary of Field Infiltration Test Results I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , East Side Baptist Church - Infiltration Testing Project No. 09-060 The results of our field test are summarized below; no safety factor has been applied to this data: Table I: " INFILTRATION TEST RESULTS Test Test Depth Drop in Water Calculated Vertical Rate of Location (inches BGS) Height (inlmin) Hydraulic Conductivity I' Infiltration (ft/hr ) (gaVhr/sf) 1.4 , 11 HA-l 24 0.3 HA-2 24 0.13 0.58 4.6 Conclusion BEl concludes that site soils in the upper 2- to 4-feet of the site have a moderate rate of infiltration. It is expected that the rate of infiltration will increase with depth as the percentage of sand and gravel increases; however, the ground water level is also present near these depths. Limitations The conclusions and recommendations described in this report are subject to the conditions described in this report and are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee and their representatives for use in design and construction of the development described herein. The analysis and recommendations may not be suitable for other structures or purPoses. Services performed by the geotechnical engineer for this project have been conducted with the level of care and skill exercised by other current geotechnical professionals in this area under similar budget and time constraints. No warranty is herein expressed or implied. The conclusions in this report are based on the site conditions as they currently exist and it is assllmed that the limited site locations that were physically investigated generally represent the subsurface conditions at the site. Should site development or site conditions change, or if a substantial amount of time goes by between our site investigation and site development, we reserve the right to review this report for its applicability. This report is not intended to address any environmental impacts that may be associated with the on-site disposal oj;"st0frhNwater.REC'D . fltC"lluul IIllnl. MAR 5 2010 ------------------- East Side Baptist Church -Infiltration Testing Project No. 09-060 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I