HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 0-2-20 .. 'R E SID EN T I-A~~~' .~~-, .., .., ............ .,.. .-..,.. ,....~. .' ") i;'cce:'pt" SPRINGFIELD "..,~..,..._- ~ {$7 / V/PERMIT '~ . . flD f\~ I V\ 'fjCl APPLICk 225 North 5th Street Springfield~ Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 1 (QCh5 ;J'~ & S- S1.~/J;; ,,' ~ N~' , ,:\()()~I FIC) Deacribe Tim'/(: S e.. ~,., t,--~ Q t..~ ~'1-f', f, iN ;t...( tJ~A/~t r u ~( Job Location: Asaessorc Map II Subdivision: owner: ' C/AA" J- S A./ + l., S'~ :C'rv,1\l Q Q,~ I d ri Address: City: Nm,) Addition, ~model I :,fobi le Hom,'] .?//G /t? () Date of Application Cont.ractors General .~ ~ I o o o FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made after tr>enches ar>e excavated and fOl"lns ar'e er>ected, but pr>ior> to pour>ing concret6. UNDSRGROUND PLUMBING. SEI-lER. 1-l,1TEi?, DRAINAGE: To be made pr>iol' to fil- lir.g trenches, [J o UNDERFWOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: To be. made pr>ior> to inatallation of flool' insulation or> decking. O POST AND BEAM: To be made pr>ior> to installation of floor> insl.latiO/, or> decking , /,,' .~ I t/1 ROUG, II PLUMBUlcl." Ef;ECTRTCAL & MECII- L-.! ANICAL: No ',)o't-k...jsto b~ovel"ed unti l these i/l[;pect'ions have beCl~ made and approved, D FIREPLACE: Pr>ior> to placir.g facing materials alul before framing inspec- tion. ' D FRfiNTNC: MUGt be requeated after approval of rough plwr.bing, electr>i- cal & mechanical. AU roofing br>acing 8 chimneys, etc. TrroAst be , aomp leted. No wor>k is to be' con- aealed until thia inspection has "been made and appr>oved. nU/J,()Q TG.'C Lo I; II Phone: Zip: q7~7 7 ~v,.....a '--f' ~ Value Address Lise_ II Bleil' SI\c:',lt:c1 P Pi, ' Phon,,, o INSULI1TION/VAPOR lJi1l?RIER INSPECTION: To be made after all 1:n8ul,,,'1;'I:on and r>cqui.red vapor hapr>iers i11'C in place hut before any la tlz, gypsum bom'd 01' wall cover>ing is applied, mu:l befope any insula'tion ia concealed, I S,,:,~'.:"dM~"_ LlJ" -8 ' / -d 0 '--1'l7 ~~: .' Ii E)~ J) :i_ r e.s , 9~ ~,f / !/.J- . DE/.IDLTTIO,r./ or...' :.;'Ol/E:.: i3f.....TL,D.Ti.:(;.S' : Plumbing i t'lechanica1C'n M r.,;TL1,.",J H~A7,-~,t: 'X'lSo!u J!!"F-<~~ d- L}fd} (n - 30"" rlJ I E1.ectri~~a.J C ~,) ~(~c-J7''- ;.Jlf ~<tn If a. ).0 -/'( L ? f' 'I 9. , J () -1- q 03~lf;J)"? fo Suoerv:r:'Slng ~lec t, ,I (1.111 ()..,..v 1/ Ie A-; nA.~r, C~~,.,,~ a_....,~~T l~ Pt, .J !tis the reaponaibi,lity of the permit holder to see that aU 1:n!Jpection'J a.rc I:;ode at ~;he ~;l'i)pel' tim,,:, t,;r.:t {;cch cddl'es;; is reada:::e from the ,str>eet, and that the permit car>d is located at the fl'ant of the pl'opel.ty, ~Buildi""(J D'ivi::im: appr>oved plan :;hc:,ZZ remain on th.? Bu'ildin~1 SUc: at all times, PrlOCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUES7':CALL 726-3769 (l'ecor>der) :;tate your City des'I:(Jl/oted ,job m",.~bel', ,JOb acc'css, ~!.Ipe of il;:;pec::ic,., requested and when you will be ready fOr> inspection, Contr>actors 01' O1.;nel"s ncme ,~nd phone ""mbcr, Reqw:;s~.s l'ece",;ed befope '7:00 ,:..; :'Jill be made the: same day, r>equests mcde aft,:;r 7:00 a:n will be made the n~,'Ct :,Iol'hl/:J day, (Jrv\ fYJ/ "....., Yow' City Dea1:gn.a'ted Job Nwnbel' Iu: -1lA...JfYLJLf/ Reouired TnSDp.ct1:rJ/lS SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation, but prior to set up of forms. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRIC,1L l~ 'NECflN'iICAL: To be madebefol'e any work is Qover>ed. o DRYf-lALL INSPECTION: Tc be made after> all dr>ywaZZ ia in place, but pr>iol' to any taping, -'--, c)....l~,;.J.---.....;i ....(---.,')"l' ~.t'_..,t.-'-"l.<...i; ,:>~c..,.... :::ap?ed ~t propC:l'tl;' l1:r;e o MASONRY: Steel location, bond beGJlla, grouting 01' vel'ticoJr.: in accor>dance "lith U. B, C, Sech:on 2415. f-lOOlJSTOVE: I1flel' installat'ion 'l-D completed, :J C'e"I,,;n tar!' '1"-')0(" ""0 ".'ll'y' ,..'th nl'a'''''l. '..I I" '" VV ... c"" l~ c-(. .::: v" l,.... ~.... t;.... UI /.. ;; -' t;.:: , I F'inc.i - f-,ll1en t:bcve '[.;;e::ls QJ'e ec.'nDletcc. __-.J a:~d IJhen der:JcZ.~t;ior: -is complete or Stl'L{':;- i;u1:'e moved and. pr~r:;i3es c leC4ne3. up. 1'!o!J'l:Ze /Icmer; ~ ~ ::=J , \ /!ZOCk/>IU and S(] t-:.l' P?'u.J7ib-ing connections se:wer and wa-;;e.r D D CURB & Al'PRCI1C/! AP."!ON: I1fte;' for'/i/:; ar>e erected bu t Pl'1:0P' i;o po UP illg jonCl'ete, Blccl;r"iccl Ccnr:ectioH - Blockino, set-u-:; /n1d pZwn/:'ring ccru:ec"tions Tlr.....s.tt~ appro'v'ed ber(n~c peque.r;"t';:ng eZ'ec:"ricaZ insiJec:;io:: D 8.lDB'I-lALI< II DRIt'Ef'/!.X: For aU 0011- cr>ete pavil1{J l,)i thin :; I:peet l'1:ght~ of-uJay, to be made aftel' all e:wu-, vatin(J complete & form IJOl'k ,!; suh- baae mater>ial in place, '~ i1o,::c:-;:;Ol'ii BId lcl:.ng I f'l:nal - After p::!l'cf:es, sk:'l,ting, ded:s, ~ etc. a.re ccmple:.t;a. D All p}'1o,ject conditions~ Dueh aG the '!.".l1s,:-a-iZatit)ll of S!;l'eet tl'1GiJ.<":. ,-'C:.7~:'ZtJt~vn or the l'equiped landscapil:(J, etc., must he saU,sficd bef'o~e the BUILDING I"ni"IL (;GIl be r3ques ted. o FINAL PLUMBING o FINAL ME:-'/lANICI1J, ~;NAL ELE::CTrrTCAL o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Buildin(J 1l1Dpeetion mus t be reque:; ted (;!'t,;l' the Fin'll PlWllbillJ Electl"ical, and Mechar.'icc:.l Insrec/;'~ol1l; have beell made awl Op!Jl'ol!,od, D :'E::NCE:: ~'hen complde -- Provic!e UCdes OJ' movable secl:ionG 1;/IPCl'(JI; P.U.E. [J \ ,,', , ~Ar.r. MANlIer.F.S I1ND CDEANOUTS I/IIST DF. ACCl~,r;:;;.lBLF.,. ,~D,/liSTni::i/,r TO ,'l.':.' i,:,ll',S' ..1'" NO ,':'S'1" TO (. [',"Y P:;!';e ! of " o / I I JOB .NO, in I ;._o~'!c: SOL A RAe C E S S R E Q, - , GcuHi)ancy (;I'O: ILot Sq. Ftg. 1% of lot Coverage l,q oj" Stories ITotal Height I Topogl"aphy LOT TYPF: Tn tel'ior' COY"'ner Panhandle Cul-de-fJaa rrFM Sti. PTr: x Value Main CQ1"ace Cal"PCl't I t1cCeSSOl"I/ I I 'TOTAL VALUE: (veweJ S.D.C. 1,5 x Buildin(J Pemrit State Sw'chaI'(,e Total Char-gea I J7' EM NU, n:f7 CIIARr;E I FixtW'es I Residential (] bath) I Sani tar'y Sewel' \ lvatel" I Plumbing ?er'ri:1:t State S!/l"cI:al"ge Total ehe. NW s ITE/.1 I NO. I FEE.: CHARGE Hes. Sa. fta. N6'lJ/Extend Cil"Cld ts I \..7'<?"Jf"P€U'!J st:rtJ~ce~:(r Q\'\..~ \ 5.DO I<e..vvv~l..<. ct-~.e, / II ~ ~- i r~ - Ele:Jtl"ical Per.'mit f1-jJ. ex:..? 1.W1 I~( .:so I I , Stite SUl"dUlrqe Total Chal"ge,j .ITEM I NO, I l';'E'E~ CflAReE Purruce ETU' S I Exhca.lSt Hood I Vent Fan I Woodstove I 1 ~!J;- #&:tT P H~ , Penrn.t Issuance I I ~ -:;- Mechanical Pel"rm t \SlX) , \ f JS I \~! 1:S I * State Sw'chal"C/e Total C/lCll'aeS _..: E'NCROAC1JI.!ENT Sec;./ritlj Deposit Storage I Maintenan:Je Permi t Total Charoes I'Curbeut I Sidewa lk I Pence I Eliwtrical I Mobile Home I Label I 'f'(J'f'M, AMOUNT [}UE: * 4f\,QS .. ......~'-" .... L-COG-1t TiJpe/Cor.st: Bedrooms: I Lot Faces - I Setbacks I p, [" IJO!Ase Garage 1N0l'th lEast ISouth livest ,r I I I I I I I I I I I Ti/I"e I 1.' 1 I I I Access, I Enerrfll DO'tf}'1CeS !feat fvater !feater Range Fir'eplace fvoodstove Fzes Building V,alue & Permit This pemri..t ia granted on the express condition that the sdid construction a/0.Zl, in all respects, conj"orm to the Ordinance adopted Sy tlze City of Spr'ingfield, incZuding the Zon'i..ng, Ordinance, regulating the pcnstr'ucticn ().nd use oj" bu-ildings, and may be sU8pended or revoked at ar.y tif[le upon vic- iation of, any prDvisiony of said Ordinance8. 1 ' Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: I Recdpt II: ISig:v:ed: ',I " Plumh-ing Permit No person shall construct, instal?, alter or change Gny new Dr existing plwnbing or drainage syste~ in whole or in part, un.less such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a person may do plwnbing work to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permit ffhere State Law requil.es that the electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be vatid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical PermLt Plan Examiner' Date I , I 1 I U4VE CAREFULLY EXA~INED the completed application for permit, and do hereby cel"tify that all ir:for-mation hereon is true and correct, and I furthel' certify that any ar.d all work perfor.ned shall be done in accor- dance ~th the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th~ L<<~s of the State of Oregon psrtaining to the work described herein, end that NOOCCU- PIlNCY wi Zl be made of any structw'e w-ithout peY'mission of the Eui lding Di- vision. I fUl"ther certify that only contl'a:Jtors and e.'71ployees who are in c~~pliance with ORS 701,055 will be used on this projsct S1:gn."cl Date