HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2005-3-22 :'~, , c'd c0"d ",f~ . 2... 8[:9~ S00c-Sc-~~W ~ '\ Ai _3\"\0 ,. " , . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD '. ME M 0 RAN DUM DEPARTMENT OF FrRE AND LIFE SAFETY . FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE Date: March 22, 2005 TO: James Carter FROM: Alan Gerard, Fire Marshal SUBJECT: Tax Lot # 18-03-02-12-4900,5000 Your request for permission to build a residence on the subject tax-lot may receive Springfield Fire department approval subject to limitations on the building due to the current lack ofrequrred fire flow that is available to serve the site. In order to build there are several options available that meet the requirements of the City of Springfield Fire Code (adopted on October 11,2004 and hereinafter referred to as the Fire Code). Those options are as follows: Option 1 - Provide the required fire flow in accordance with Appendix B of the Fire Code. This is 1500 gallons per minute (gpm) for a minimUm duration of2 hours. If the structure is less than 3600 square feet in area the fire flow rimy be reduced to 1000 gpm for 2 hours. In addition, a further reduction to ~ of the required fue flow already mentioned is permitted if the structure(s) are fully sprinkled. To qualify as an ac.ceptable fire flow for a structure there must be a hydrant or hydrants capable of supplying the reg uired fire flow wi thin a distance acceptable to the fire department (as a rule of thumb within 600 feet of the furthest point that a structure could be placed on the property as measured by a route around the building footprint) Option 2 - Provide an adequate and reliable water supply as defined in NFPA #1142: NFPA 11422001 edition defines; " Adequate and Reliable Water Supply. A water supply that is sufficientevery day of the year to control and extinguish anticipated fires in the municipality, particular building, or buiiding group served by the water supply." This water supply is intended to be used by the fire department to suppress a fire in the structure that the water supply is intended to protect. The water supply must be provided with the correct access features in order to be useable - a fire department engine must be able to pull up within five feet of the fire department approved fitting or be able to draft from the water source using an approved fire access lane that meets the design criteria of the fire depa..t llllent. An example of the volume of water required for this option can be seen in the following calculation from NFPA 1142: 1 t... dt...v:SO SO Sc ..Jew ~0'd %~. ,:2... -- 8~:9T ~00G-SG-~~W .. '. H.1.1 Residential. For a dwelling with the following characteristics: (1) 50 ft by 24 ft; (2) 2 stories of 8 ft each; (3) with a pitched roof, 8 ft from attic floor to ridgepole; and (4) wood frame construction, the following calculations can be done: 50 x24 = 1200 tr Height = 8 + 8 + 4 = 20 ft (For pitched roofs, use half the distance from attic floor to ridgepole.) 1200 )(20 = 24,000 ft3 The occupancy hazard classification number is 7 (see 5.2.5) and the construction classification number is 1.0, for a frame dwelling (see 6.2.6), resulting in the following calculations: (24,00017) ><1.0 = 3429 gal Minimum water supply equals 3429 gaL For S1 units: I ft = 0.305 m; I ft2 = 0.092 m2; I ftJ = 0.028 m3; I gal = 3.785 L. If a structure is of occupancy hazard classification 3 or 4, it is considered an exposure hazard if within 50 ft, regardless of size. (See Section 5.2.) For a dwelling, the construction classification number is no larger than 1.0. The 3429 gallons that are required for this example can be from any fire department approved water sourc.e such as a storage tank, swimming pool, creek or other source of water including fire department apparatus provided that it meets th~ approval of the ftre department. ' One example of an approved water source is ftre department apparatus. Currently the Springfield Department of Fire and Life Safety operates one Tender (tanker) vehicle that carries a 2500 gallon water supply. In addition a typical residential fire response from the fire department includes a minimum of2 fITe engines that each carry a minimum of 500 gallons. This makes for a total of 3500 gallons which allows you to build this particular structure that is illustrated in the example. Option 3. NFPA 1142 has one other option that is significant and is noteworthy for your site. Article 7.4.1 states: "7.4.1 The authority having jurisdiction shall be permitted to waive the water supply required by this standard when a structure is protected by an automatic sprinkler system. that fully meets the requirements of NFPA 13. Standardfor the Installation of Sprinkler Systems; NFPA 13D, Standard/or the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in One- and Two-Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes; or NFPA 13R, Standardfor the installation of Sprinkler Systems in Residential Occupancies up to and Including Four Stories in Height. (See Annex E)" This is a design option that would permit us to waive the requirements in Option 2 by equipping the structure with an approved fire sprinkler system. The current water system that provides domestic water should be sufficient for this purpose. There will be a need to have the sprinkler system designed by a sprinkler contractor in accordance with the 2 c'd t... dt...v:SO SO S2 .J~j..J 170"d t>.cI %S~ 6 8[:91 S00G-SG-~~W . applicable NFP A standard for the structure and State of Oregon requirements. The water supply will also need to have a flow test and letter from SUB verifying that the flow tested is sufficient to meet the design requirements of the sprinkler system and that the flow will be available 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. The flow needs to always be capable of supplying the fire sprinkler system in order to meet the intent of this option. Also a guarantee from the occupants will need to be obtained in order to assure that the fire sprinkler system will be maintained in full compliance of the NFPA standard for maintenance of sprinkler systems for the life of the building. This guarantee would most appropriately be a recorded CC&R that would follow the structure for the life of the building. 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