HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-3-3 (4) 00 RESIDENTIAL' 0 SPRINGFIELD . APPLICA./PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Lor:::ztion: S-~6t' WSU7: ,,' #~C> / Assessors Map # Tax Lot # Subdivision: L~r/t(~' 7l<.K I,~ .Mp~/4/~ V/EJ,y .'/1'ZE" Cjr'J ~ ~ . OlJner: r)'d~ y~ /~:~;-h. Add1'ess:J~~~S .m~/h ~~ ;;;'>78 - , '. - , City: <~~.t?-?? - 1 / /~r;'~ -:;'~'yS2' )'n~~~ #,r~ w/T# /6 X 2~' 4~~iE #-dP 1~')(7.~' ~~T-,'~'JrI"iJ' ~Wb'/~. /tI1J/It'< ~./Itt>.~~ y'd ._0 ~ ~~~./. ($""~€ . '1$/8... 0lIl[, , 4 ~O . VaZue' I I I I IXI New Addition Remodel. :.fobil.e Home Date of AppZir:ation Cont2'actors I Genera l. ,. PZumbing ~WN'e-~. . ;, . El.ectrical. , d har.' l. I, Mec ."/.r:.:: " :i Construction Lender ~~ Phone: ?y /-/, 0/ ~ Zip: ~7 y;> 8 Deseribe Il'ork: Add1'ess Rer:eipt # ( ~ (n 0 c:: to ~~ Sigr:ed: Date: t.(l, 'J/-c3-5?''==' Lise. # E:roir>cs Phonr-; It i.s the 'l'esponsibiZity of the permit hoUier to see that aU inspeetions are made at the proper. time, that e.ar:h =ddress is 'l'eadao:e from the street, and that the pcrmit card is looated at the front of the property. .Bui!ding Divicio~ approved plan shal.l. 2'emain on the BuiLding Site at al.l. times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccor>der) state your City design::zted job nwr;ber, job adc.:rcss, type of insper:ticIl requested ar-d when you wil.l. be ready for inspcr:tion, Contr>aetors or OlJne~s name ~nd phone number. Requests rer:eived before 7:00 ~ ~i z.z. be made the same day, requests made afteI' 7: 00 am 1Ji z.z. be made the next :xJrking day. i Reoui~ed TnSDp.cticns '0 SITE INSPECTION: To be made after j exr:av::ztion, but prior> to set up of ;. forms. . 0 . UNDERSLAB p. Wf.fBING. ELECTRICAL & , MECHANICAL: To 'be made before any work is covered. IZJ FOOTING :1 FOUNDATION: To be made after trenches are exeavated and forms are erer:ted, but prior to pouring conr:ret~. UND8RGROUND PLUMBING,. SEliE!? W.1TER, DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fiZ- Zir.g trenches. ~ [] UNDERPLOOR PWt.fBING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to instal.l.ation of 12001' insulation or der:king. POST AND BEAM: To be madc prior to instal.lation of fl.oor> insklation 01' decking . ROUGH PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be r:overed until. thcse insper:tions have been made and approved. FI.'?EPLACE: Prior to pladr.g faeing material.s and before framing inspec- tion. P~1ING: Must be requested after approval. of rough pl.wr;bing, al.er:tr>i- cal. & mechanicaL AU roofing bracing & chimneys, etc. nr~st be . corrrpl.eted. No work is to be r:on- ., r:eal.ed until. this insper:tion has . been made and approved. [J [] o [] Your City Desigr4tcd Job Number Is: D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after al.l. insul.~tion ar~ .'. required vapor barriers are in p laee but before any lath, gypsum board or waz.z. r:overing is appZied, and before any insulation is concealed. D DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after aU dIoywaU is in plaee, but prior to any taping. R~(!:)tt:J 8? DEf.iOLITIO!! OR !.fOVED BUILDli.'GS =:J Sani tary se'.Jer> capped at p~opert:i Zine =:J Septic tank p~~ed and fil.l.ed with gra~eL -, Pinal. - I,'hen above ite:":1s are r:onroleted ~ and when demol.ition is r:ompl.ete or stru~- ture moved and premises cl.e::zned up. MobiZe Hcmes ~ Bl.or:king and Sat-up ~ Pl.umbing r:onner:tions sewer and water ~ El.cr:trir:al. Conner:tion - Bl.ocking, set-u? ~'and pl.umbing conner:tions nr~st ce approved . before requesting e!er::rical. inspec:io~ ~ Ar:cessory BuiZding ~ Fin::zl. - After porches, ~ etc. are compl.e:cd. skirting, decks, o MASONRY: Steel. l.ocation, bond beams, grouting or vertir:al.s in accordanr:e with U.B.C. Ser:tion 2415. o Al.l. project r:onditions, sur:h as the instal.l.ation of street trees, e~~l.etivn of the r>equired l.andscaping, ete., must be satisfied bcfore the BUILDING FINAL r:a/l be :rsquested. =:J FINAL PLUMBING ~ FINAL MECHANICAL =:J FINAL ELECTRICAL ~ o FINAL BUILDING: The Final. BuiZding Insper:tion must be requested after the Pinal. Pl.umbin{J El.ectrical., and Mechar.ir:al. Insper:tions have been made and approved. D WOODSTOVE: After instaUation is r:orrrp l.eted. ~ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST/lENT TO BE t,t1DE AT NO COST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 D CURB & APPROACH APRON: After' forms are erected but prior to pouring concrete. D SIDEWALK & DRIVElvAY: Por aZZ con- r:rete paving within street right- of-wcy, to' bc made after al.Z exca- vating compl.ete & form work & sub- base material. in place. , D PENCE: ...'hen r:ompl.ete -- Provide. gates or movabZe ser:tions through P.U.E. o JO B NO. I Zone: I Lot Sq. Ftg. % of lot Coverage 1# of Sto'I'ies . Total. Height I I Topography I lITEM IMain I Garaae ~ ~ I Carport I Z", IAr:r:essoru I jt1,'S/t.€ #P~ SQ.FTG S.D.C. TOTAL VALUE (vaLUe) 1.5 x BuiZding Permit State Surr:harge Total. Char>ges SOLAR ACCESS Or:cupanr:y Gr~ LOT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandl.e Cul.-de-sar: x Val.ue 1/~40 Is~-I I I I I 2Sj y,e>> 1~(>f8 I, I /lS"t). 72 I * ~.SC> 2.62 I 'S2..~Z * 3'ZC6 J3~ lITEM I NO. I FEE CHARGE I l..p.:....":'t>v ~~"q7 r ~o.~I Residential. (1 bath) I I I Sanitary Sewer II I I 2~. --I I Water II I I 1'5. Clllal IMDal(.E""~.~ I 64 PZumbing Pe:m:i t I 70,,-0 State Surr:r.arge I -;z .8~. Total. Charaes I ? ~.8e> I * ITEM NO. FEE CHARGE I Res. Sa. fta. Naw/Extend Circuits I 1~,,,!, '" ll'~ Seroir:e I I c'- erz..r. 1/-' - At ~ I El.eatrical. Permit State Suraharge Total. Charges , ITEM Furn::zr:e ETU'S I Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan I . I Woodstove I Permit Issuance Meehanir:::zl. Permit State SurcharGe Tot;aZ Charaes , NO.' FEE I 1'5. 4'Z> f I . r:~ I, .. I ~.~ I /.4(> I "'$1. ~~ * CHARGE I. I I I I I I -- ENCROACHMENT -- Se~~'I'ity Deposit I Storage I Maintenance , Permit Total. Char>qes I Curbcu~ I Sidewal.k ! Fence I EZectrir:a l. Labe l. I MobiZe Home ;:bp'~e7 I I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: * ; I I r I I I ( * I I I I I I I I ~ptl~~1 I I I I 67:>- f!)7 * REQ.- L - co G~ Lot Faces - . I EnerrrLi Sour>r:es I Heat Ar:cess. I I I I I II TUDe Type/Cor.st: Bedrooms: P. L. INor>th lEast ISouth IWest Setbacks House Carage Water Heater Range Fir>epl.ace Woodstove Fees Building Value & Pe r m i t -. This permit is granted on the express r:ondition that the said r:onstrur:tion shal.l., in all. respects, conform to the DPdinanr:e adopted by the City of Springfiez.d, induding the Zoning Crdinanr:e, r>egul.ating the construction and use of buil.dings, and may be suspended 01' revoked at any time upon vio- Zation of any provisions of said DPdinanr:es. . , PZan Cher:k Fee: ~ .8'3 Date Paid: ""<51)0 IRer:dpt #: C3 lR (PO 5 V, I Signed: ~~ Plumbing Permit . , No person shal.l. r:onstrur:t, instal.Z, alter 01' r:hange any new 01' existing pl.umbing 01' drainage syste~ in whol.e 01' in part, unl.ess sur:h person is the l.egal. possessor of a val.id pl.umber's l.ir:ense, except that a pe!'son may do pl.umbing work to property which is owned, l.eased 01' operated by the appl.i- r:ant. Electrica I Perm it Where State Law requires tr~t the eler:trir:al. work be done by an El.eatrical. Contrar:tor, the el.er:trical. portion of this permit shal.l. not.be val.id until. the l.abel has been signed by the El.er:tr'ir:al. Contrar:tor>. Mechanical Perm~t .. ~. ,.~ - , - "l Exam"/.ner> .I_~ uate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the r:ompl.eted appUcation for permit, and do hereby r:ertify that al.l info~ation hereon is true and cor>rcr:t, and I further> r:ertify that any ar~ al.l. wor>k perfor.ned shal.l. be done in ar:aor- danr:e with the Ordin~nces of the City of Spr>ingficl.d, and th$ L~~s of the State of Oregon per>taining to the work described herein, end that NO OCCU- PANCY wil.l. be made of any str>ur:ture without permission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that onl.y r:ontractor>s and e~pl.Qyees who are in r:ompl.ianr:e with ORS 701.055 wil.l. be used on this projer:t ~ Signed () Date