HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1991-2-20 (2) , .'RESI~NTIAL.' ' ..L COMBINATION-"ICATION/PEP.MIT - SPRINGFIELD _ ~ ' 225 North 5th Street '. " i - Springfie'ld~ Oregon' 97477 ' . BuiZding Divisio~ - 726-3753 \ ~ 023 r f1U) hj,~ J \,~ ~t H ( Subdivisi9~ ~~\tl \)\ 0 11) \JD D \fL~ QJnQr:\ ~_ ' ~U. '~r\ l~\)C\ f\LO city:~0D5) 1 ' ,(Cll Zip: q 'rf In ' ' 'Y - - ) I - " :,,,c"dJDub~ \1S~~~~ ~~-...~.. \: Job Loc.:ztion: Assessors Map /I I I I I r I^-I Rl111!odnL :lobile Homa ,cQ,. ~~gl:::,' Data of AppLication ~:::::~~o~ C\t ~ -m Qi:') PLumbing ~ \\ \1 kJ '"'- ELectrical ' _It J.. )'(\.. ~ {L...) Noahar:ic::l Rcce~pt ,~ I Gt ~01 \, Y-t 2.S d4-~. rJ " . . J J " i 7(. ~ lrA~_ ..-:J d-(J 0 J ,', 'VaLue , ~ ' ,,' ", '~' ,ti , "~("\ ' 60~U!,) I Addres3 Lise. II , Siqr.ed: D(:It.e: I , - Phone Expires \ SUDer~isi~q~E~~ctrician ~. , It is ~118 r8sponsibility of too permit hot.d6l" to 88e that aLL inDpections are made at the propel' tim&. t1:at each .:ddress is re=..: .!1~81 from the street. and that th8 pOl'lllit card is 1.ocated at the front of the property. 'Suit-ding /Ji.vicior: approved pLan shaLL remain on tha Buit.ding Sita at aLL tUnGs. PROCEDU,'1E FOR INSPECTION REQUEST: CaLL726":J-7fi9l.rccordsrl state YOUI' city designatea job nwrober. job atidl'css. typ9 of i~pecticn, roquQsted ar.d ",hen you lJiLt be ready fol' inspoction. Contractcre 01' G\.msrs name and phone nwnbcl'. Requ6sts received befcre 7:00 G"-l lo.'iLL be made the same cky. requests made aftCl' 7:00 an r.ri.t7. be nnde the nat' :Jerki~ d4y. '"- .- / , ,', ..,' ,lr1UJOCity, Design,ated Job N~Q" Is: q I () ( nj, -' R~auir~d Ins"",.tinntt ." " . '\ ": . . ~ . D: SIT! INSPEC':ION: To be tmde afteJ' 0 INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: I DEMOi,ITIO!l OR ,If 0\7' 3iJJ[,~:;'CS eJ:cav~ti"n. but pncr tc set up of To be tmde after aU insuk;tion and../ " , , 'forms., ,l'cquiJ'ed vapoJ'barroisrs are in pLace --, Sani~ary S6IJ':O capped ::t p~oP':O::i i.ir.e ' but before any Lath. gypsum board OJ' -.J '0, UNDERSLAB PWH1JING. ELECTRICAL & wtt covering ie applied. and ~efo;'e MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is ,::o,lJcred.' any, inouZation is conaeated. ~OTINGJ FOUNDATION: ' To be nr:zdQ , '~ after trenchos arB eJ:cavated and forms are srected. but prior to pouring ccncret.;. r;-;YUNDERGROU!.'D PWM3ING. S~R.' W.1TE.'l, ' ~ DRAINAGE: ,To be nJJ:i.e prior to fiL- ~, Lir4 trenches. D UflDE.'?FWOR l'LU/,$ING ~ MECHANICAL: To be madQ prior 'to instaLLatt.on of 11001' insu1.atio~ or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be madc prior to, instaL~ticn of floor insuLation or decki"!i. /?OUCH PW'!BIrlG, 'ELECTRICA!. & MECH- ANICAL: No :Jerk is to be covered untiL those inspections have been made and approve.:!. ' FI.'?EPLACE: ,Prior 'to p1.acir.g facing m~teriaLs,a~, b~f~re, j,wi;ng inspec- tl.Or:. :' ' fRANING: Mu3t be reque:Jted after approvaL of rough pLwrobing. aLectri- cat 8 mechani.::at. AH roofing bracing ~ chimneys. et.::. nr..lst be , compLetod. No work is to be con-' ceaLQd.'untiL this inspeotion has bun mads and approved. o o 0' o - -' O DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be made after aLL drywaLL is in P1.a.cs, but prior to any taping., O MASONRY: Steel l.ocation. bo1ui , beams. grouting or verticaLs in aocordance r.ri.th V,B.C. Section 2415. D,WOODSTOVE: After instaLLation is , ccmpLet€d. " 0, CURB & APPROACH AP.'?ON: After forms , are erected but prior to pouring -'on.:ret9. . o SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For aLL aon- crete paving Within'streot right- of-IiJC.Y. to be mads after aLl. e:cca- vating compLete & form,work & sub- , base materiaL in pLace. J. :J Septio tank p:omp.;d a~..; fiLi.ad :.rii~ jra~eL ' , --, FinaL - ,f.'hen above it;l~s are c:;r.rpLeted . --.J arod when demci.itior. iJ C~LQt8 or struc- ture moved and prCmiiJJ8 ci.Bane.: up. J Mobile Hcmes ye-ZoCking and Sst-~p ~umbing connections .- saJer t;1Id wa~er -:-l ~otricaL Ccnnect,ion - BLock~r4. set-up ~ and pLumbing aonr.ecticns 1r...3t ~e <Z??roved beforc requesting eLe~;ricai. ir.spec:io~ =:J AccesGol",j Bui:di~ ~. , - Aft;;r ?:1rcr.es. . . etc. are comp_stea. sk-::rt-::"f. decks. , 0 fENCE: Wher: compL~te -- Provide gates or movabLe sections through P.V.E. 04&~~OOD . "UUq~ - ,- -' D - ALL project conditions. Duch as ,ths instaLLation of street 'trBes, cC::ll'L.Jti.:m of ;it# required Landscaping. Gtc.. must be satisfiad bofore tl-.e BUILDI,';C FI::AL .:an ~e l'3quQst3d. o FIliAL PLUMBING' 0' FINAL ME~HANICAL o FINAL' ELECT,'lICAL o o UN,4L BUILDINC: The FinaL Buit.di.ng Inspeotion must bo requestQd after tilo finaL Pl.umbin;; ELectricaL. and UechanicaL Inspections llavO been made and approvsd. , -ALL UANHOLES AND CLEANCUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE. ADJUST/lENT TO BE M.1DE 'AT NO COS'; TO CI'!Y I p.;;e ! of Z ......__._a..._........._._....~. .... ._..._...................,...,..._.......'..... ........... .. . ..... . ....,. ... ~ . . . . .. . ~ Job Numbc~ U 'I ''- ~ zonaf' \~ lJ )' ) Lot Sq. Ftg. ': of tot Coveragt: .~ of Storoies _1 , Totat, Height I \TOpogruphy Occupancl/ Grou ITEM SQ.FTG ft!WI N\j~ Garaae CarOOl't Accessol'1 ~ ' ~(j~\[\N ') \/ S.D.C. TOTAL VAWE (val.ut:J 1.5:e ' . BuiUing permit State SUrcharge Totat Charges ITEM Futures NO. FEE Residential (1 bath) sanital'!l Sewel' "'atel' rYPE . Intel'iol' Cornel' Panhandle Cul-de-sac - x Value ':-JC" ,..,; ,''fl....... J ({ -C. Refcl'er.ce Numbel's: c:;oooC..., Type/Cor.st: L-COC H: _ Bedl'ooms: -:.; ....nemu SOUl'ces ~ C;; Heat .,.- -" ~ Watel' '/eat"l' Range Fil'eplace Wood3 tove I r!:Y rJ ~ J ... P={..tQ ,44 <?\ j Y) .'S l'b/h5 CHARGE ~ h."IJ 17 c::' rr I~ c:>.--..... 16)S fIl ,,1 ... Tupe Lot Faces - Setbacks P.L. House Garaqe Access. NOl'fFl East South West .,_ Fees _00 , -".--. .., " Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the e:epl'ess condition that the said constl'Uction , shall. in all. l'espects. conform to the Ol'dinance adopted by the City of Springfield. incZuding the Zoning ordinance. l'egul.ating the constl'Uction and use of buildings. and may be suspended or revoked at any time upon vio- lation of any pl'ovisions of said Ozodinances. , \ ' ", I Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: ) , Receipt II: " " " . . ; I , I Signed: ' f ' ' ,Plumbing Permit No person shatz. "constl'Uct. instJll.; aUer Ol' change any n~w Cl' e:eisting plumbing or drainage system in'whole or in part. unless such pel'BOn is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's Ucense. e:ecept that a pel'son may do plumbing work to propel'ty which is owned. leased or opel'ated by the appli- "cant. I '.. , . . " Plumbing Pem t 1I1~ .(J.j , , . I \~r's I : State Surcr.arge .. Totat Chal'aes I JR.' t5 ", ITEId Res.~ N6lJ/E:etend Ci~ T S............. -/,..- empOl'ary erlJ1.ce ..x.. / '''-.. ................. ~ ~~ NO. FEE ., , E~i~al Permit State Surcharae Total Chal'Qe8 ITEM NO. FEE Fw'nace lITU'S E:ehaust Hood Vent Fan Woodstove Permit Issuance Mechanica l Permi t State Surchal'<1s Totl7l Char17eo -- ENCROACHMENT -- SeC"o.lroity Daoosit Storage Maintenance Pcrmit Tatat Chal'17cs eurbcu:; sidewtk Pe"~e Electl'icat Labet Mobit'p ~ ,,",e , ~1\)tf\AO "~~ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:" CHARGE '~ ~ ..,.// ClJARCE '- '\ ~ ,A ,- II (2 W L If -'......J I It- r -, ~'''r-. l ~.' --) R,b...~ Y\S~ .\5 Electrica I Permit , , I 'I Where State Law l'equil'es that the electl'ical hlOl'k be done by an Electrical Contmctol'. the etectroical pOl'tion of this permit shall not be vaUd until , t~ ~~~tT~~mca, Cont_or. ' , , Mechanical Permit I , i I, !.... '\ ,i " Pl.an Examiner Date I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed appUcation fol' permit. and do hereby certify that atz. information hel'eon is tl'Ue and cOl'l'ect. and I furthel' cel'tify that any and aH work pel'formed shaH be done in accor- dance bJ'ith the oiodinances of the City of Springfiold. and the l.a:Js of the " State of Ozoegon pel'taining to the bJOrk descl'ibed hel'ein. and that NO OCCU- PANCY bJ'ill. be /Mde of any stl'uctUl'C? bJ'ithout permission of the Building Di- vision. I fUl'thel' cel'tify that only contl'actol'S and emptoyees who are in compliance with CRS 701.055 bJ'ill be used on this pl'oject -----tL2, .J ~gned ~ ,~ '\~ .AJ./41. -;/:-d $/ te I ,"", ~:., S~aEIEU)_ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PUBLIC WORKS METROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 (503) 726-3753 MANUFACTURED HOME SET-UP AGREEMENT As required by the City of Springfield that with the approval of the attached manufactured homes will be placed at Springfield, Oregon, City Job Number Development Code, I understand and ~~tttq f)e ~c)hMo1)llO~g\() ~\(')\DI. ' , - agree , IT Class A Manufactured Home. A manufactured home of not less than 24 feet in width and 16% (n6t less than 2:12) roof pitch, with exterior dimensions enclosing a space of at least 960 square feet, with roofing and siding materials that are commonly used or compatible w1th site built homes. ; o Class B Manufactured Home. A manufactured home of not less than 12 feet in width and 16% roof pitc~, with exterior dimensions enclosing a space of not less than 500 square feet, with roofing and siding materials that are commonly used or compatible with site built homes. I further state, by my signature below, that I have been provided with the following information: " - Mobile home blocking - Sanitary sewer connection Yater line connection - Electrical connection - Street tree standards - Minimum requirements for permanent steps ~~ A/U. Kignature /"ll! ' IJ,'/.' U~b CLP~,AI Deft e .