HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Miscellaneous 1991-1-10 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE OFFICIAL. BUSINESS SENDER INSTRUCTIONS Print your nama, addrass and ZIP Code In the space below. . . Complete Items 1, 2, 3, and 4 on the reverse. . Attach to front of article If space permits, otherwise affix to back of article. . Endorse article "Return Receipt Requested" adjacent to number. RETURN TO . " . \,. ."" ." ~ U.S.MAIL ~ ...... PENAL TY FOR PRIVATE USE, $300 Print Sender's name. address, and ZIP Code in the space below. 'b .: ", T':"?(O'ff.:...~(OI~I::{e10Ifl~j~~ l.A ()~ DEVELOPMIENl ~1E:fR<W~CIES 225 F~FfH STREET r-""""'ll\,.",r-,r-,O "R n7177 " .' i'! .l_Ll, 'J ::J L~ V1~rr Ie SENDER: Complete items 1 and 2 when additional services are desired, and complete items 3 and 4. Put your address in the "RETURN TO" Space on the reverse side. Failure to do this will prevent this card from being returned to you. The return receiot fee will orovide vou the name of the oerson delivered to ang the date of deliverv. For. additional tees the lollowlng services are available. Consult postmaster tor tees and check boxles) tor additional ser.vice(s) requested. 1. ~ Show to whom delivered, date, and addressee's address. (Extra charge) 3. Article Addressed to: -'. Mr. Marvin Marrs~ . 5660 Daisy StreefP#41 Springfield, Oregon 974J8 ~A~~J:oft..J gent 5. X 6. X 7. Date of Deliv~ tj'Y' . / -/4" '// I () ~ P~ Forfu 3911. Apr. 19r.- *u.s.G.P.O.1989-238-815 2. 0 Restricted Delivery (Extra charge) 4. Article Number P 348 145 713 Type of Service: D Registered 0 Insured ~ Certified D COD O E M' '1 0 Return Receipt xpress ~ a\:, for Merchandise Always obtai~signature of addressee or agent and Q~TE DELIVERED. 8. Addressee':!; Address (ONLY if requesteii'arid fee paid) ,~ ~. '!; DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT , '. . " ", . '-? ^ 4>- \4" ... SPRINGFIELD . ~ '. "f . ','., " .'~ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PUBLIC WORKS, METROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT , '. . . . . ' .. .,'.' .:' . I. .. ......1' , 225 FIFTH SfREE"T' '. "'SPRINGFIELO..OR 97477,: ,:, :p'::, :':.:: "',: '(503) 726:3753:;(;....':. . ........ ..... .'.,. .................'::.';:,::;:;.'.i, ,.' ..' , . ',' ",., .1:'.,' " ,'.', '.' ..,,' :,....;.,. " ..,,', . . ...... ,,,:, .' .' " . .' .' ".:..' "', " :.;":" '.:'1':' :.: .' " ". "., . '" " '';' . .' .' . .... .;:......... '. . '..". . ." . . . '. ......:.) ,. .' I.. .' . '.' .' January 11, 1991 . \. . " .' \.'. . . .' ,,\' .',' " .' CERTIFIED LETTER .... .' . .... ." .' .' ',.-:' .', . '. Mr. Marvin Marrs 5660 Daisy Street #41 Springfield, Oregon 97478 ,. .~ .' ~. . . ' . '.' ". ' ., '. ..., .' " ',' :::..'. .' ":,:::..,::\.,' '.,' , ~ ,,'1 ' "~ ,;', I' . . . .~ .. .' '.' .' '.' '. ". ~. , , . '," .' '. . ....:.. ,'. .. .' .'. .... .:..':.:..,.......,:.:.,'.:.:.,f:,...X:.::......, . . . ..,- " .;:~ RE: Temporary Occupancy : ., . . ':', ',',: .' .' '. .... . . . .' Dear Mr. Marrs: On December 27, 1990 a Temporary manufactured home at 5660 Daisy of. the Temporary Occupancy, you later than January 27, 1991. Occupancy was granted to you to,occuPY the Street #41, Springfield, Oregon. As a condition' are required to complete the, following' i tems...no .... 1. Permanent steps with handrails must be constructed. I have enclosed a diagram to assist you with the requirements for construction. 2. The skirting with the required vents ,need to be installed., '. ..' ." '" .1 ,:":. .'," .'. . ',.' ". .,'. 3. The driveway must be paved. ' '4. The 32 square foot storage structure as constructed. An inspection will be conducted on January 28, 1991 to ensure compliance. If the items are not completed the Temporary Occupancy will expire and legal action may be taken in order to ensure compliance. .\ , If you have any questions, please phone me ~t 726~3790. " Sincerely, - .'. . . . . . .' ',i .. .;.' ,',:,';':.;.' . , ' " , I. . , Lisa Hopper Building Technician . : ~, . . ." '.,' . .'. .'.; .':' ,. : 1 ; .,,'~ :;. '. ,. . I ',.' . ')':..: :(:':':i.:,:~..:':~,::, ,\:.:,~:,".-: >;i.;'<,~~\;.,i..' " ' ':'p :,;~..' ~:< "';:":'::':.i":'~;:::";:::i'::\r~:',:,:;{;::,~,\,; . , . ,'1 , t ' t. " , 'J. ' ". It . , ,., ' ~, 1 ..... ... .1.. , .,~; ."J:/.'. '~~~"":", '!.'.~ 'I~'~"!\\ ,,' \ .,.' , ""i,, "'~'. 1....'",':.~...,Iot'... ,:\ :':':~:'):':(;':':::'\::',",":;" '::':;,,:'."'(: ,:,;:'. ',.:' "~, .,',:. ~'," :",;.;, :...:-,:',>.:}~::/?><..' " .:': .1. . :t~'" '; . ..~~. " . . ,j','" 1".,.. '. . " , ,.' .;, '. .' . , , , ,,. .\ . \'r." .....;...~.,....,A .J 11..[1 ING D IV IS ION JOB:D: ':)01. .- LEG.AL- tOT 11 81.0CI< 11T. VIEW 1802041100000 ACTIVE .~" -;-t~ D D RES S." ~'j660Df~ISY S.T 41 ...VALUE... :i5800 DESCR:DOUBLE WIDE MOBILE HOME 900921 / 90122'7 -OWNER- MARVIN MARRS 746-3690 5660 DAISY STREET ePRINGFIELD, OREGON 97478 , -ENERGY- HEI~T ],.- FE 1-120- E RANGE-E ..STAl'~3- BLDG ZONE PUD STORIES FLOODPLAIN N BEDRM oce GRP R3 UNITS ~3t~ FEET CaNST TYPE -CONTRAC TORS." GENL-OWNER CONTRACTOR PI-IONE- PLMB..OWNER E LEet ..OWNEI< MECH.. DESGN.., ">- A.- . 1 1 3 ], .... INFO." 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