HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-8-26 (4) . .. RESIOiWTIAL" SPRINGFI~I n APPLICATIII;PERI1IT' 225 North 5th Street SpringfieLd~ Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 ; I \ , j , ! . s roCoo 'W~, / Y: 062-0c; (I 0= fV\C-~~ 'c;<~d- 4 ~ Phone: 120 3q 7 q ~~ Zip: .rob Location: ASlleslJol's Nap # Subdivision: Ol.mer: Address: Ci PJ : v Np'.J Addi ticn Reno.:el i)z) :!obi le Homa ! Data of Applicaticn '* c;l d. Lot # () ro / ( C; If\ribe II~or~ _ ~ I ,~ WI <LL ~M ~-U~ <?S-2Dr'lb ,..;onrr=.C:Ol1S General ~~ Plu.'TIbir.q {-" ~ :::lectrical '\ ~o.....c~--;-- Value lcr,Cfoo Acici..""'es3 ML>~ 'r-\.o~ S-l-~ ~ ~;T'~ /.!ecr.ar.ic.: l Const7'"~ction L::ndcl' -, . Rm'" .,;, ~ fe '1 It? t/ , ~ v Jm dJ)~oic ~ i " i Sigr.ed: Date: t!L - ,;{/d-b -xr~ Lise. .:r E=oircs r.:"'onc 74-7...4fJag ~uJlMt~; !; is thE' responsibility of the permit ho~er to see that al l in:;pections are ~ade at the propel' timE:. that ::=ch ::.dtb-ess is l'e~:. : from the street, an:i that the permit card is located at the frcnt of the prC!perty. '=ui!di~'9' DilJi:;io~ approl.'ed plan si1cU l'er.:ain o~ t}u; Buildinp Si-t:: at a1.Z t'/.mG:s. ,_=:'~C:::.":;;>':P:: FO,,? It.'SP2~TIOf} R2QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state YOUI' City desiar..a'ted job n=ber. job aGC.l"CSS, ti:-',:;e of ir.:;pec-;icr. ~:;ou::s=ca a~a u~en you will De reaay jor ir.spcction. Contractcrs 01' Owne~s name ~r.i :;r~r.e r.~cr. Reques'ts recei~ed cefcl'c 7:DD ~ ~ill DC made the same day, requests made after 7:00 am will DC ~ade tne ncxt ~rkir.q ia~. 3aaui~p.a Tr.SD~~tic~~ ~ SI?2 I:"1S?2';':'I:;,'!: To be maae after excavation. but pricr tc set up of forms. UlIDE.'lSLAB PW:,fBIllG, ELE':TRIc:.r & J'.:ECH.~;.'IC:"L: To be macie before any work is cOlJered. ~ J POOT.We B FOUNDATION: To be made afte;~ trenches are excavated and forma are erected, but prior to pou7'"~r~ ccncrete. U!.'DSRG!?OUHD P::'U!-fJ3ING, SEffEP, r,,1,1TE.'l, DRAIllAC2: To De made p1"/.or to fil- l.ir.g trenches. ] ] UNDE1?FLOO.'? PLU,',$ING & MECHANICAL: To be made prier to instaZlation of 1'001' insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be madc prior to installaticn of floor ins~l.atior. or decking . ROUGH PLU!:'BI!.'G, ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: do work is to oc cOl.'ered ur.til these inspectior.s have beer. made and approve':. FI!?E:PLACE: Prior to pl.acir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tion. ] FRA.'!ING: 'Must be reque:;ted after approval of rough plumbing, electri- cal & mechanical. Al.Z roofing bracing & chimneys, etc. nr~st be ,completed. No WQl'k is to be CDn- , cealed until thilJ inspection has " 'been made and approved. ] ] J Your City Desigr~ted Job NumDGr I:;: D IiISULATION/VI1PO,,? F.4,'?RER I,','S?!XTIC:.': To oe made after all insul~tiQn ~~ required vapOr barriers are in pl.ace but ceJore any l.ath. gypsum Dcard 01' lXlZi covering is applied. and Defore any inllulation is concealed. - DRYf,'ALL INSP:;CTION: Tc be made after an drywall is in pl.ace, but prior to any taping. Qldf)..C:; >? /) . ;)E:.1DLITIO.~,1 (j:~ :~:Q'[t:::; BUILD:::~S -.J Sanitarif se'.Jer sapped =t p~opert;-d l.ine ; , I ==:J Septi:: tank p~~cd ~~ fil.~cd uith ~a~aZ J I Pinal. - r,'hen abcve ite,~s are cc~~r:Jlete.:: -.-J ar:d when demoZition is co.'::p~e:e 01' st:-..i~- I ture moved and premises cle~ne.:i up. NODile Hcmes ~ Blocking and Set-~p . ~ Plumbing connections sa.Jer ar.d /Jatel' ~ Electrical Connection - Blockir~. set-u~ ,.L.J"and pl.umbing connections nr..st be appl':we.: b ... . 7 'l' ... ' eJore request~ng e~ect1"/.ca '/.nspec~.o~ Xl Acsessory Building . '~;inal - After p:;rcl:es. etc. are completed. / . , skirting. decks. o o NASONRY: Steel location. bond beams, grouting 01' verticals in accordance with V.B.C. Section 241E. WOODSTOl'E: After install.ation is ccmpleted. u - FINAL PLUNBIllG All project conditions. llUC~ a8 the installation of street trees, co~letion of tne required landscaping. etc.. must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can !Ie l'3questsd. ] ] J ] FIliAL MECHANICAL o FINAL BUILDING: The"FinaZ Building Inspection must be l'equelJted after the Pinal Plumbing Electrical. and Mechanical Inspectionn have been made and approved. " FINAL ELECT!?ICI.L D D CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte:o forms are crected but prior to pouring concrete. "ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS nUST BE ACCESSIBLE. ADJUST!fE:1T TO BE n1DE I.T NO C[JST' TO CI'!'Y PaFe' of 2 o SIDEWALK & DRIl'Er';AY: For aZZ con- crete paving within street right- of-LJC.y. to be made after aZZ e.xca- vating complete & fo~ work & sub- base material in pl.ace. o PENCE: M'her. complete ~- Provide gates 01' movable sections through P.U.E. o JOB No,r;lJ;O 5$1 SOLAR ACCESS R'EQ.- Zona: M/lSP(;,)'P Occupancu G1'OU:7~C::::E _.Abme Lot Sq. Ftg. LOT TYPE ',' Lot Faces - Setbaaks : ~f lot CJVel'ag~ Interio~ I P L House I Caraae ,'I of Stories Corner . .. INor;h' I :otal Height Panhandle lEast lSouth I IWest I I I I ,ectl'ica l Label I :hile Home~p .lb-~~~ '35 ~ , ?CA-N<~,~ I I _F~/":n ~y~ ! 6.S-~' ~TAr. ANOU.'/T DUE:" ctf. ~~g: r~ Topography !'!'E.'.f , SQ. FTC ,',fain I I _kcessol'lJ I~ ,"2 MCff/a ~~ 'Jc:race Ca1":)Cl't TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. I VaLue) 1.5= Building Permit State Su.l'aharge Total Cha:>ges 1 NO, I FE I I I I /ioNJ~ .&/~(,)? :':'E:\' _=-i:::::ures ~esid2ntial (1 bath) :'=it:zr-d Sewen, '.,:~te!" Pl .. D ' ~:)':-r.g . err.:-t. t State. Su.l'cr.aJ'ge T::tc.! Ch:::.~aes , '-':., I :,C" i I I I j I I ~(e:4 .~ -\~S. Sa. f'.;::, :~..J/E=tend Ci'1'~.A.i ts "'1 ':- ..... .._ ~~ Service EZe~trical Permit St=te Su.l'chaI'ae Total Cr.::u>ces -:--:" I,.v, , I I I I I ---, ,-- :U'r.:zce ETU' S I I I I I ..=r.aust Hood 'ent Fan ':;oasto"Je Permit Issuance Me~hanic=l Permit State Su.l'charQe Tot(J.Z (haraer; -- El~'CROACHf.1ENT -- ;C'"..lri tu DZP03i t :ol'aoe :intenar.~e .rmit Total C'naraes Lr:'CU-: :de'..J.:zZk 'n~e x Cul-de-sac v'a lue I '~~."I I /'9~ ~ I ~2<'~-+ I ~5"3.30 i · J /~ t>l> . ~C> /0. ~t> " CHARCe: I I I ~~.~I /,5: ~ I /S. 0'" S-t!). ~r :::? · -1 I ~:z rCJOI * ....::r;.-;'...;_ I I I 15: ere-I I, r: Ol>1 34:;. ~ I / r4::>1 ~.~I* i. I j .......-.,.... .....::,.....-......: I I I I I . , " , /' I- I · 1 I ;<1 I. L -co c-l1' ~ Bedrooms: Enern:J Sources Heat I Access. I Water Heater I Hanpc I I Firevlacc I Wcodvto~e J Type!Cor.st: , I i J .I i Ti/~(' Fees -- Building'Value & Permit This permit ill granted on the express condition that the said. construction shall. in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield. including the Zoning Cl'dinance. regulating the ccnstructien and use of buildings.. and may be suspended or revoked at cr.y time upor. vie- Zation of any provision8 of said Ordinances. , I ---- Plan Cheek Fee: "iG..~ S' C{. 8-:2b-~.-'b #: /.{&(O 9 G:, (b C~ Date Paid: Recdpt I Signed: Plumbing Permit No person shalZ construct. install. alter 01'. change Gny new cr c~istir.g , , plumbing or drainage syste~ in whole or in part. ur.less such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license. except tr~t a pe~son ma~ de plumbing work to property which is ow~ed. leased 01' operated by the Gppli- cant. Electrical Permit rrnere State Law reouires tr~t the electrical wor~ be done by an Electric=Z Contractor, the eLectricaL portion of this pe~it sr~ZZ ~Ot be VG~iC u~::iZ the Zabel has been signed by the Electrical Contra~tor. fV\echanical Pe r m it ~ l!? - :2E;;"-86 ' J..'ate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED the completed application for permit. end dc hereby certify that all info:'mation hereon is true and correct, end I further certify that any ar.a an work perfo!':11ed shan be dO:"le .:" nt:'cOl'- dance with the ,Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th,;; Lc:..:s of tr.a " State of Oregon pert.:zining to the work described herein. and ti~t NO OCC~- PJ.NCY will be made of any structure without permission of the 3uilding Di- vision. I further certifij that only contra~tors and c.~pZoyees Wr.o are in ca~pliance with ORS 701.05~ will be used on this project " ~ j(04It('~ Signad (j , Date fS-2d7'-?(/J