HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-2-8 .. RESID\i.NTIAL.. APPLICA1fA/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building, Division 726-3753 . St:,(oO /)~ /5>O;;(()t.j/IO .' : " Job Location: ASl1essorz Nap # Subdivision: Q.mer: /7 /J If {;dAY M \ 5bfoO Uu Receipt 1/ rO C; 0 L/ , SPRINGFlE.LC ./ ~ ( II-OlU C W --If- (SF) Tc::: Lot # Owl/7 Address: Ci ty : .1 I I I Np"...' Addition Remodel Mobile Homa Date of Application i'onr;rac:;ors ,~-Y;-n General Plwnbing . /J I Electrical f /I Mechm:ic.::l /1 II) Ie, Const"l/:,tion Lender'# "'*55 1t/l-1& 33 Phone: Zip: (;J)/', 11 I J Describe fl'orlc: ~l' -::!/lf2esl-Cl4L "I r tvOf)W~ , II Value l-:2 cro Si9T.ed: tJate: C-C- ;2 -ft--fj g A cUire s::; Lisc.1i t.::r;i1"~S Piwn~ /I ' /JL.f,/ ': ~7iJ .LLaf4A7 (J , It ia the l'espons'ibiZity of the permit hol..der to see that aZZ inopections are made at the proper time. tr.at each .:ddress is readabl" fl'Onl the street. and that the permit card. is 1.ocated at the front of the property. .Bui!di~.g Divi::ior: approved plan shall remain on thE BuiZding Site at cZZ timss. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTIOn REC'UE'ST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City desigl'..:zted job number. job ac.cress. type of in:;pec-::icn requesr;ea a!'".a wh,en you wiZZ De ready for ir.spccr;ion, Contral:'tors 01' OWners =me cnd piwne number. Requests received cefcre 7:00 ~, 1..'iZZ be made the same dc.y. requests mc:ae aft;;!' 7:00 am will be made the ncxt :JOrking daii. Reaui~p.d Tl'~~pl:'ticn~ D SITE n,'S?EC':IO.'!: To De maae ! excavation. but prior to set forms. :I, U~D~~~~~~ _ PLUf'f3I:'G. E~::=!R~c'1L & ~ 1,_Cl:,~...i ~",,: To De maae oe]ore any work is .::ovcred. after up of .' ~ FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To be made afr;er r;rencnes are excavated ,ar~ forms are erected, but prior to pouring ccncretc:. ~ UNDERCFfOUt.1D PLUMBIli.C, S~;"S.=? h'.1TE'.9, DRAIn~G~: To De ma~e prior to fii.- lir.g r;rencnec. ~, UNDERFLCOF? PLW,'BI:JG II MECHANICAL: To be maae prior to installation of floor insu~tion 01' decking. POST AI!!) BEAt.!: To, be rr.ade prior to insr;aLZ.:;;ion of floor insd.atio>o 01' deakin; . ~ ~ ROUG!! ?L1F.~BI:!C;. ELEC":',"!C:'" II !.f'!::C!!- ANICAL: No work is r;o be covered ,until these inspections have beer. made ard approve~. FIRIT'LACE: Prior to plccir.g facing mc:tel'ia~s and beforc framing inspec- tior:. --, FRA!~J!:r;: Mu:;t be recue:Jted after ---1 approv.;l of rough plurr.bin(1. illcctri- cal & mccnani.::al. A Z! roofir_J bracing t chimneys. ct.::. ~~st be ,'compZeted, 110 w:)rk is to be con- ,... -",cec.led until this inspection has . b6en made and' approvcd. ~ - ..,- =:J FIflAL PLWBWG .=J FINAL l-!E':HANICAL ~ FINAL ELE=7RIC/.L ~ o . f'<TO 0 f6 Your City Desigr.ated Job Number Ia: o INSlJLATION/I'APOF? BARRI::R I.'IS?ECTIOll: To be made after alL insuZc:tion ~~ required vapor barriers are in place but cefore any lath. gypsum boare or wall covering is applied, and before any irwulation is conceaZed. DWOLITIO!! OR gOlfE:; BUILDI:.'GS ~ Sani -::ary se'Jer capped :z.t rn:,opcrt':j Zir.e ~ Septi:; tank p~ed and filled with gra~e; o I F'inc.l - f{hen above ite.~s are completed ~ ar.d when de.~olition is complete or struc- ture moved ard premises cleaned up. ft!:)Dile Hemes ~ Blocking and Set-~p ~ Plumbing connel:'tions s~er and water ---, Electricc.Z Ccnr:ection - Blocking. set-up ~ and plumbing conr:ections ~~st ce appr:)~e~ before requel1ting electrical inspectio~ D SIDEWA&K ,P, DRIl'Efi!.Y: For an con- crer;e paving within street right- of-lX.y, to be made after an exca- vating ccmpLete & [0= LJOrk & sub- base mcterial in pla:;e. ~ Ac:;esco1",,' Builcing I Fi~l - After p:)rches, ~ etc. are cQmDLe-::ed. Skirting. decks. o PEN=E: k~en complc:te -- Provide gar;es 01' movable sections through P.U.E. D o All project conditions. suc~ as the instalLation of street trees, co~letion of the required landscc:pir:g. etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDIl,'C FINAL can be request:i!d. FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested cfter the Fi~l Plumbing ELectrical. and Mechar:ical Inspections have been made and approved. 'AJ.L 1,IA.'.'H':LE5 AND CLEANOUTS IfUST BE ACCrS~IBr.E. ADJVS'!'.'!2.'IT TO EE 1,~1D:: I.'!' /.'0 C:'ST TO Cr:Y I P:z.~c ' of 2 _ v JOB NO. fX ~ 06 Zon~: Lot Sq. Ft.;. S :Jf lot C""erag:: !I of Stories TotaZ Height Topography I!'!'E."! IMain S~.F'!'C Cc:roacp Ca:rrJcrt Acccssorl! TOT,lL VAWE S.D.C. IVC~U':;) 1.5 :z: Building Permit State Surcha.r('e Total Cha..~ge3 lITEM I l.'Ja I Fi--n.res I Residential (1 bcth) I Sanitary Sewer I I Wat Co" , , Plumbing Perd t State Surcr,mege Tcta!. cr.craes I T'1',;"" .....-... I ::...... I Res. Sc. ftc. INGU/E:tend Circuits I i Temporary Service I I I I Ele:trical Permit St:=te Surcharae Total Charces IT~/.~ .'~ h..... , i PrD-n:zce ETU' S ! E;::haust Hoo.:i ; Vent Fan . I /1 I' I ; iloodsto:Je Permit'Issu::mc:: He:hanic::l Perm-:t State Surchc.rl7c Tote 1 c;._7rf1"'~ -- E!lCROACHI,:::::T Se~~ritu D::~03it Storaoe ,~ail'ltenar..::r. Pcrmi t Total L'narf1es Curbcut SidmJa l k .('r.n.::c rIectrica l label !,'obi le H::Jme :"OTAL .cHOU.'.'T DU~:" SOLAR A~ESS Occuocmcu C~ LCT TYPE Interior Corner PanhandZe Cul-de-sac x Va lue I I I j I I /s.oo I .75 I J 5 115 I I I' /5.15 REQ.- L-COG~ ... - . Be::.rocr.:s: E1'l2rl7:.1 Scr~rces !tea: 7lJr"p T"peICor.st: Lot Faces - P.L. INorth lEast Isou th IWest Setback:" House Caraae Watp.r '1ca~rr xaTl!=e Fireolacl? Wooa:;tol:e Access. II -- Fees Building Value & Permit I .. This permit io granted on the express condition that the said, construction shall. in all respecta. conform to the Ordinance adopted by ehe City of Springfield. inc!uding the Zoning Crd:nance. regulating the ccnstr'04.::eicn and Ul1e of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at c:r.y t::me upon vie- Zatiol'l of any'provisior.s of said Ordir~l'lces. I I i I I I I , I Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: Rec::ipt fI: Si~ed: Plumbing Permit No percon l1haZZ cons'truct. instal!. a!ter 01' change any r.eIJ cr e--isting plumbing or drainage systen in whole or in part. ur.less such Ferson is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license. e:z:cept tr~t a pe~sol'l may do pl~bing work to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. -. I I .J , '. i :! Electrical Perm it Where State LaLJ reauires tr~t the electrical IJork be done by an Electrical Conr;ractor. the elec~rical portion of this permit shall r~t be valid until the 'Zabel has bcen signed by the Elecrrical ~ontracr;or. Mechanical Permit, -de... .. I'lan i:.:rClIl1.ner iJatc . I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.'!INED the compZeted application for permit. and do hereby certify that aZZ i:o:fO:'l"!'.ation hereo>l is true ar,d correct. and I f:lrther certify that any ar.d aZZ work perfoMled sr.aZZ be cio.'le in accol'- dance ~th the Ordin~nces of the City of SprinJficld. and eh= ~s of the State of OregQn p=rtail'ling to the !JOrk described here::n. cnd, that NO OCCU- PI.IlCY wiZZ be m:zde of al'l!1 structure IJitho:.te permission of ehe Building Di- vision. I further certify that o.'lly contra.::tors a'ui enplQyecs who are in compl::ance with ORS 701.0St will be used on this project ~/ Signzd r-/ ~~ c?- cf ~ lfR Date ..