HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-8-17 (4) · ...,..,.,."..".,', '. ..,.'" ";, ,'" ~..tJl..,..I,.1 .'"'....:~\:.,;,' ~""'"_''''''''"S'.,i..J.'}''' '.:..:.t':t,1.,.r.~.1.~~. . \.....,....10,..........,-'......4,... .' '. ...""'SPR"*1J ..D : ,~~j,~, ,~~<r":;J, ,";'1\' '~--', .. ,:~", " AP' ,nr r"IlTiJ' /n'E.'RMI' 'T ","':':'(:,"- : ,Or"' "'~;: ~~~M ,,' ' .~I~25'N~~th '5th 'St;~'~t'~t:/~~ .,::7-~.~',;::~:,~~;:,;: ~:-""~i~~;'~~~,~':I.- '~., '. ,........."'\-. J.......i-'l-,;.~':;.\. :r~~,~pringfieldJ Oregon 97477, ". :' ',;\,::\,,:::.~;::::~c, Bu,,'1d,,'ng Div,,'sion" ,~'~ ~:';.~ ;'~, ,....\:-.\.;,~~\~.;:'!... ....,. "I""." " . .:,. ..'-', . ,- '. ~.~ -"":.'_~':.' ":-";'~:";4' . ~;'~'726 77' 57 . ":-- '.;....:.. '.i' . ;" ,:-,'4"'<!f""loo"~;..i" '~''''.~ ',v" "'.J.~:~'~.tm\\~tt~~~hrr c\\t 1, '" ':;., ,j;\.;.-.c-' , 'I -e) U "', '". . I ,~'Y"..\ I..'._.........;.~,.. Job<Location: ft;O . ., '.. Lwi " I Addi tion I I Remodel' I X I Mobile Romo . ' Date of Application Contractors General Plwnb~ng C/W~ E"~ Electrical <?Vz,?,~ Mechar.ical Construction Lender "",' .'.... Reouired Inspections D' SITE INSPECTION: To be made after 83:cavation. but prior to set up of , .forms. ' , ' ~'~DrnS~BnU~I~. ~ECTM~L& ---1 : MECHANICAL: To be made before any .. " work is ~overed. ' ...'-'\,.. . . . f\7I FOOTING.Jl FOUNDATION: To be made ~ after trenches are excavated and ,'" forms are erected. but prior to " : pouring concrete. " , 0, UNDlJRGROUND PLUMBING; SEWER. w'1TER, ,DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fiZ- , lir~ trenches. . 0: UNDERiwOR PLUf.!BING & MECHANICAL: .. 'T9 be made prior to installation of- , . :. floor insulation or decking. O POST AND BEAM: To, be madc prior to instaZZation of floor insulation or decking. D ROUGH PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be covered .ur.til these inspections have beer. , made and approved. , ' " D, FIREPLACE: Prior to pZacir~ facing materials and before framing inspec- tion. D FRANINC: Must be requeoted after approval of rough plwr.bing. electri- ,cal & mechanical. All. roofing " . ,bracing a chimneys. et~. must be '" ;',completed. No work is to be con- ":./...,,cecled until this inspection has , ',~b6~ made and approved. " ,....~.- -,- Pr.one: '? ~_ ,<:) ?~~' Zip: q ~Y7 :::> Describe rl'ork: , , ',:;rc~.- Add:ress ~ INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: -.J To be made after aZZ in8Ul.:;t~n ar.d, . required vapor barriers are in place ,: but before any lath. gyp8Ul1l board or r.x:zZ'l covering is applied. and before 'any insulation is concealed. . D DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after all dIywall is in place. but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location. bond beams, grouting or verticals in, accordance with U. B. C. Section 2415. D WOODSTOVE: After installation is completed. " , D CURB & APPROACH APRON: AfteI' forms are ere~ted but prior to pouring concrete. -----=:------:-', . \, . -;:!'';'. .' . ," ....J~..)o-:-.~,--: ;- J. l'~'.',_"._", \,' .,' ,. . \4l.....~.1."l-'" . ~,t~;),.....,. ....".\ 'J.. :;.+-...""',\" . ...-. ;.....~..4F~.."I'-".'.h "":>>1-',:-.:... ...._.; :""I'l,:::---._"t, t. " ~. ~:." I . ..-........... ... ... .' ',-:\"~~'''.:.. .~. ~. . . I ~ .l.... ,o.",'l:\" ,,- ,'" .".....,'.... I,. "'..-' . ,."".. . I. - .~...... l("'d....,). '.~.""'....... ~ tl' . ~-.,: '. ..... ..,. .:'-!-' .' , ~ ....,. ,... f. /U(J~ ~"'~7>~~r? 9:;;;>"" /f { -- Aso6ssors Map # tf '" Ta:z: Lot /I ,Sttbdivi8io":h?~~~~~ /pr~.Yb~/<..~' ~~'lB/'~7C:-l ~r ~ 1'~/:3 ~??~~/ OJnel': CAl'R/"'~ ~~;'E ::)L~/??/;-/ - , AddPess: -;Zr-)//~~/Y/#-< City: ~/".?/~/& L::; - &>~.. ("~ .. '.', ... , " 0{ , ',' ~: ""., -.. " " '. , , ',#jff Q (/' . ~h~, ; 5tC.Vqr~E57/'?& ?~A'/4~ #k , hJeJF.U'<'~ ~M~ ;;?_/ ?;&' ;;:> 7~ -"~ ' , It is the l'esponoibility of ths permit holder to Bee that alZ irwpections are made" at' the proper tims~ that each ~ess is readaD1.. ftcnr the stl'eet. tmd that the permit card is 'located,at...the front of the pzooperty. " ,,', :'~~"~\' ,",Bui7.ding Divi::ior. ~1'1'.~.Jed plan shatz remain on thE Building Sit:;; at alZ times., ..,.' .. .,,' .. "'. ,_",::.,.. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST;CALL 726-3769 (rcc~rder) state your City designated job number. job aC.C.rcss; type of in3pec~icn ,l'equestcd ar.d w.':en you wiU be ready for inspection. Contractors or Owners =e and phone number. Requests received before 7:00 a:'I LJil.l"be made the same day. requests made after 7:00 am will be rw:zde the nc.rt :.JOrki~ day. " ...~ . ., ". "- .. . . .".-.." . " " " 'Your City D~sigr.ated Job Number Io:)??7CX) ':%"' D SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For al.l. con- crete paving within street right- ,pf-way. to be made after all exca- vating complete & form work & sub- ,'.' base material in p7.aae." .... D PENCE: When complete -- Provide' gates or movable sections through P.U.E. ' "~i.--:'- . 0,' . .. ". ..i..., ., o .....,...... " , . '. 1'- .' .. - ....... '. ' '., :-.'..... ..;......~1.-A:':.". >~..; "~. ,',' . ". , , , ..... ,.- .- ...... . ..'..... "." ,', . .-....... ,,' ".:...-.... -. . .".', , ...' "~., . t: \tt\ ' ~\~~ Signed: Date: Lisc. # Expires Phone -, . I - , ~.' . '''--', " " .-' . , .', '- .,.:~.~:..,.~- 4' . ~. ..... , ,. ,..... ;.' ~ . . . , , DEf.fOLITION OR :~:OVED BUILDINGS :J Sani~ary seuer ::apped at ~op~rty lir:e , , . ':S::J Septi:: tank ;r.<r.:ped and fil.le~ with ~~ei --, Final - r{hen above items are completed ~ and when demolitior: is complete or stru::- ture moved and premises cleaned up. " . Nobile Hcmes ~ Blocking and Set-up ~ Plumbing connections s&Wer and watel' ~ Electrical Connection - Blocking. set-up -LJ and plumbing connections l7/"~st be approved , before requesting electrical inspection =:=J Accessol"d ,Building , ' . .... ,','~; ,,-'''''~..., . " ..,., ,100 ....,. , " \71 Final - After p:)rcnes. skirting. ~ etc. are campletcd. , ' . ", decks. , ' ..,. , , o , . , . ~ ~. ... . -..' " .Ii., ,,.,.. " , . " f ~ ,', ; , , ',!" - --- - ..'.. , ')'- ~~ \ \, , ' :.--.... FINAL PLUMBING All project conditions. such as the installation of street trees. co~lation of the required landscc:pir~. etc.. must be satisfied bcfore the BUILDING FINAL ~n be requested. . .' h . . _\ " , .' ~'J .. .. o o o o ... ".,r;. FINAL MECHANICAL ([) FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspectiqn'must be requeoted aftel' the Final Plumbing Electrical. and Mechanical Inspectiono ha?e been made and approved. "..:C. ,_ ,. .- 0 -'r :."; .;' '\.' '. .,..'..,..... ._OJ.. .:. . FINAL ELECTRICAL "ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE. , , . , ., , .' . . ..,... .,. '. .' ,,\", . " ..~, ".' , ADJUST/fENT TO BE MADE AT NO COST TO C~TY" l'pa!7e 1 of ~" -~"l.~~:"~ t, '. < <:l:-:.'~~',+,;:'",...~~i.'s::," >J. '. ;....,\')'{~vt:.:$;',lh~;! ~'~~~.;..~,~~~:~,i~.. ",_.~~/ '.i'"...;'.f~~":~:l~~~\~' ...,...;.... ,'" '....r.~~:.c.'~~~~}:)N~.....~.(~~~~.~~f;.~~.~~ " .,' .'., ""'M.-"<~';A~\t.:;J,~:;,;~it~:'""':S:b" :, "A" R "."E' S"S:...".~;\'lR'..ilEf~Q' '~<ll,'i.ltiU~,',~, ,~~-$.\',"srti.;d&.:';~~.;; ;.\i:~i{lr,'~~...,~'~.:r;:t,~i~~~l. ;l'~vr.,.,.., ~ '.;~. '-:~ ," '<I. ' _ JOB NO., ~,>,r~':~\';},J'y, '... :W'" ',,' _.:-::~~~~~;f:,,~~~T~~/.;:,;:.';~.'f';:~~~f~,_~~f,\;~;'f.,.~~~',: .,:,:'.">. -COG 1:';Ji:~~~:'Ii Zone: ',' .' "'Oc~ erwl': ',' '~..d,,'~-.~,:l~mi':'''.::~'' 'l'-:/pe/Cor.et: ,'"'..,<.:'.y?,.<t'-'?',.,},,., Bedrooms:' ....,',-::~~':;" ~ ' LOT TH'E . , :', ,:::- Lot Faces - " ; . '.1 . 1: '. .....'':',',: ':': ' " ',':' Setbacks , nteMcr ";I,'4~'~;" -, . , ,'5'[:':'~i" P. L. House' Cara~e I Access. Comer : ':, '~,' North .~.. ' . \ ,:~ '. ': Panhandle . East South West .. " Lot Sq. Ftg. s ~f lot Ctl/Jerag=--- -'-'~es " Total Height' Topography , ..'. '. EnerlJ!l'SOUZ'Ces Heat , Water Hp.atp.r Range Fireplace Wood:Jtove Tlros .. Cul-de-sac " -- Fees '-,:, ~. .. ......,.. :- ..... .., ..; . . , ITEM SQ.FTG x Value Building Value & Permit" . , . l ~>"This permit is granted on the e:cpress'condition, that the sdf.:! ::.;r.at.....::t:iun shaZZ. in all respects. conform to the Ordinance <Uiopted by the City of Springfield. including the Zoning C2'dinance. regulating the constl'Uction and use of buildings. and may be suspended or revoked at any ~ime upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances.. '~., ",', . "....\.~ M:zin GaratJe CarDort Accessorll Focsr/~ S ~~tJ- ttN> " ',\ " ..,. :.......:.";..C , . ,-.'\' '. ....' ~ . .......... . - ....- .......... "'\ \ . -: ~ '-. " :... .1. . -..1 S.D.C. TOTAL VAWE (lJa~ue) 1.5 :r: " , ,,' (;' , Building Permit - .::.. // fa. _t> ! ' ,.7~ " /d5(? , Plan Check Fee: ~;,So Date Paid: ~.. O-R"";) Receipt #: lit/I:? "33 \ Signed: /"::? ~ . CHARGE -~"~.,t'5"','" ,;",,:Plur,nbing Pe;mH ' "j{:'. ' '. '. ,", ,~)\,p~rson "shall construct., install. alter or change any ne'" or e..-iating . I plttmbing or drainage ,syste:n in ",hole or in part. unless such person is the -;Z~ .,,;. ., , legal possessor of a va'lid plwnber's 'license. e:r:cept that a pezoson may do \plrlnrbing work to property ",hich is OL1TIed. leased or operated by the appZi.- /~60e:> Cdt. ,..,.'.... ";". , P/liO$-r"?-B? , ~~2/6?' li<.r7#/~7S- ~ ....... r .'...r i... " ' ~ , . , State Surcharge Tota l C1ta."ges ITEM Fi=tures NO. FEE Residential (1 bath) ~ Water "1 ?~MB/~ t;.~L.--~ Sanitary SeLJer ITEM I NO. I FE~ v b. <;: e>e> $"b ~ . I,~~- I 52-sol * il ....,.... !.,.. !. ' .' ., ..... ~ : ": '. ..-... " . , Plwnbing Perrr.i t >~ '-":'. < ....:...."\""..';. .~~ ",\," ' .~. ....... . ".' ...' " ' :.... 1 ~ ~iQi. ..... . ',) .. '.',~: ':',: State Surcrft'NYe ".~.....~.....", - ~ ';:,~ ~:: ;.-...: -:' . , . . " ~~ . .,;: '. ,'~:. '~':::~"j,; ;,i;,,~~:~:~~~~:\5:'~/ . ::..\.,.. , ":' "," ' '", Total CharQes ,.: , " ~: "':.'': '. I '.. " , . I' l~' :.;... ..:..t . CHARGE Electrical Permi t , , Res. Sa. fta. INGlJ/EXtend Circuits I T..."p >. -:J service eL.c~~ ~L-~~ - ' -I, ~.-=--- I /~~~ 1\ ':,..,'..... I g~~1 ~''', I - /=-s~1 I ~/.. S(:;> , * I I I Where State LCDJJ requires tr.at the electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor. the electrical portion of this pe1'TTlit shall root be valid until the Zabel has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. .. '." .: ,~'~, ;.: f , Ele~trical Permit lITEM I NO. FEE CllARCE . ' ~.J". , ..' '.', #, . ' , State Surcharqe ~ " . ., . '~, ' Total Charqes Permit'Issuance I I I I I I '," Meche nical \) I, V "0>>" : Permit '/ Furnace ETU'S EXhaust, Hood Vent Fan I I WoodstoTJe I I I I I , . ,', ...., " . ' Mechanical Permit " " State Surcharce ..., Total Charaes -- ENCROACHMENT -- I ~ t I I, . :..t7 .' .'. '.\'~ " ~.. . . SeC'J.rit!l Deposit Storage Maint=e Permit Fen:Je I Electrical ~beZ# I I I I I I Mobile Home ~~ ("~ /tT:rp.IE I ~~~c>.,~,~ I Total CharQCB f ~ Curbcut Si.del.>lalk- . "<.0 2~--- / . ;:?S' " " " . ,.....,. , ,~ '.'. ", TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: * ~~[ Signad ',.. ,I * ..';;".if..... , , , , , , ' . ;, ',?,\..' '~'. ,~. .' ':'.,..:;. ,,;, ,:,'; :i,:,':,~,:,,;':fj':;'i;?,':;:~; ,;,,' " ,>: :,,~.:,~:'~:L;S':;:'fa.,t.~':'<1:r;~\':r~'" ':,:;;~,.~, q':.. . " " .L,..... ,.~.".~....,,..,.."'-:.(~..,~~. ;.~...,.\i""".,3:,..':..-.;..........;.:;.~;..'.:t1~h~~..r.......~'*,....~.__~,' .- ~... r'>".."\'..,....'~~:I!."""''f'I'.-::O''~!:.<';;....~~~,.~~~~!l...,.'~~~1