HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1989-3-13 I ~ Rcoe~pt # .. RESID.iNTIA L'. SPRINGFIELD APPLICA.N/PERMIT 225 North 5th St~eet Sp~ingfield, O~egon 97477 Building Division '(26-3753 ( 3375 ~;;:ro() '~'" -=# 4~ , 7 ~ ()? n C/ r ( (/T~ Lot II OCo ( ( ( .Tob Location: Asaesaors Map # Subdivision: Address: I I Nm,) I I Addition I I Remodel I I :.1obile .'10m3 OlJnel' : City: /} /I ~ ,iC) h ~ () Zip: '\ # if::2 Phon3: 126 r I/f77 ~ Desc1"':be rl'ork: t-~/ ~--/3~g? , I'M) tl,C/ ' "3.-13 r- P9 Signed: Date: VaZue Date of Application Contractors , General , Expires Phonp Address Li. s c. it Bldrs Board Reg. Ou/ I/! OA / :Plumbing i Hechanical IElectrical ISupeIvising Electrici~n I It is the responaibility of the pel'mit hoUier to see thatalZ inapections are made at the proper time. that each ~ess is l'eadab:a from the street, and that the permit card is located at the front of the property. ';Bui!ding Dividor:. approved plan siu.:ZZ l'emain on the Building Sit., at all times. , PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQPEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state your City designated job number. job address. type of inspeotic/i requestcd ar.d when you wit l be l'eady for inspcotion,' Contractors 01' Owners ncme and phone nwnbcr. Requests received before 7: 00 ,"Z',~ "-'ill be made the same day, requests made after 7:00 am will b:;; made the next :JOrking day. Your City Desigr~te1 Job Number 'Is: >r-)?~~ r -1,1: II ,I.;' , 1'/, ; ,1,\,i/.II'IIIIJ~II','Ii'l' II,r,\III';,/',I,,,,I/>!,,,I, ,"1;1 i!i;!lIMII'\\"~ld,!lmlili, ,l,',;"~I,,ii~, ,~\ 11ft I!. D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPSCTlbN: I DiftiOLiTIo.~OR ,~:OVED' BUiLDiiJGS '.,d 'i : I' , To be made after all insulati~n a~~ ' requii'ed vapor b~riers ,are in p~a(3" -:::J,$m:!,i,;qr.y..,lt?'"'i!r."q~PJ~g..~.t,r!;r:9Pc;r.ty lir:e but before any lath. gypsum board or ~ ,"" - , LXlU .ooveri~g i~ applied, and before ---'l Septi:J tank puf.rr,ed and fiZZed with gra'J2l any tnsulatton tS concealed. ---J , o o Reouil'P-d Tnsvp-cticns SITE INSPECTTON: To be made excavation. but prier to set fol'ms. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & . MECHANICAL: To ,be made befol.e any work is covered. o FINAL PLUMBING o FINAL MECHANICAf, D FINAL EU:CTRIC!.L o D o 0, o D D D after up of FOOTING & FOUND,1TION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are'ereoted, but prior to pouring cenoret~. UNDSRGROUND PLUMBING. SErvE!'?, W.1TER, DRAINAGE: To be made priOl' to fil- ling trenchee. DRYWAf,L INSPECTION: Te be made aftel' a ZZ dr'ywa ZZ is in place. but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location, bond beams, grouting or verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. I Final - I,Then above items are oompleted ~ and when demolition is complete 01' strUJ- ture moved and premises cleaned up. D D WOODSTOVE: completed. After instaZZation is' Mobile Hemes ~ Blocking and Set-up ~ Plumbing connections sewer and water ~ Electrical Connection - Blocking, s~t-u; ~ and plumbing conneotions m"~st ce approvac before requesting electrical inspectio~ :=J AO:Jessor"d Bui lding UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to installation of floor insulation 01' decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to D CURB &' APPROACH APRON: After' fol'ms installation of floor insklation 01' are 2re:Jted but,pl'ior to pouring decking. con:Jrete. ROUGH PLUMBI!lG. ELECTRICAL & MECH- 'D SIDErvALK & DRII'EfvAY: For a'll con- ANICAL: No work 'isto bc cOIJered crete paving within street right- ur:ti l these inspectior:s have beer: of-way, to be made after aZZ exca- made arul approve!.. vating oomplete & fOml work & sub- FIREPLIICE: ' Prior to placir.g facing base material in pZaae. ~~~~~'ialB arul befol'e framing inspec-,~, fENCE: hThen compZ~te -- Provide FRAft1INr.: MUst be reque~ted after . ates or movable sections through approval of rough plumbtng, alectrt- P U E cal & mechanical. AE roofing . . . bracing & chimneys, et:J. m"../st be D ,completed. No work is to be con- , cealed until thiG inspection has "been made and approved. I Pinal - Aftar p~rohes, ~ etc. are completed. , ' skirting, deoks, D " -, , . All proJect conditions. Guch as the 1',nstaLZation of street trees, co,~letion of the required landscaping, etc.. must be satisfied before the BUILDINC FINAL can be l'2quest:;;d. 0' , FINAL BUlLDINC: The Final Building Inspection must be requeated alter the Final Plumb'ing Et9ctrical. and Mechar:ical Inspections have been made and approved. '. I ?a[7e 1 of :; , , ';Af,L MANllOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLF., ADJUST!fENT TO BE ft!.~DE AT NO COST TO CITY v L -co G-1t I JOB NO. I Zone: ?t90 2ffDSOLAR A'CCESS' REQ."'" , Occupancy GrOUPe WT TYPE Lot Sq. Peg. % of lot Coverage # of Stories Total Height Topography Interior Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac I lITEM I Main I Gal'ao e x Value SQ.FTG CarpOl't Accessorii I I Is.D.c. TOTAC, VAWE IvaWe) 1.5 x Building Permit State Surcharge Tota l Cha!'ges lITEM Fixtures I NO. I FEE CHARGE I I Residential (1 bath) Sanitary Sewer I~ater I ,.- ENCROACHMENT -- ISe~"rity Deposit I Storage I Maintenance I Permi t I Total Charqcs eurbcut Sidewalk I Fence I Electrical Label I I MobiZe Home I ...~.o~o i ! I'FOTAL AMOUNT DUE: ~ ~,oo Type/Cor.st: - " I Enel'f/ll Sow'ces I !leat I I I I I T,lir>e Bedl'ooms: wt Faces - P.C,. North East South ~r~est -- Fees Setbacks House Cm'age Watel' ,'Icatel' Ran(jc Fi l'ep lace Wood:;toue Access. Building Value & Permit This permi t is granted on the express condi tion that the said construction shall, in aZl respects, conform to the Ordinal;ce adopted IlY the City of Springfield, inc!u.ding the Zoning Ordinance, l'egulatil1g the conGt1'lwtion and use' of buildings, and m.:.y,be s~Gpended 01' revoked at C,l:Y time upon vio- lation of any provisions of Gaid Ordinances. ~ ~ IPlan Check Fee: 'lcate Paid: I Recdpt #: \ Sig~ted: ~ .' , Plumbing Permit " Np,person shaZZ const1'llCt, install, aUer 01' change any new 01' e:::isting plwnbing or drainage syste:n in whole or in pal't, wtless such pel'son is the legal possessor of a valid plwnber's license, except that a person may do plwnbing work to property which is owned. leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Perm it Where State LCl1J requil'es tr.at the electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be 'valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contl'actor. Mechanical Permit I I I ('~ Plan E:r:amil1er uate I HIl VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the comp leted app l ica tion for permi t, and do hereby certify that all i~fo!'mation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ard all work perfor.ned shall be done in accor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Spl'ingficZd. and the La-.,;s of tho State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herei'l, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that only contl'adors a"d e:nployees wl:o are in compliance with ORS 701. OS!: wiZZ be used on this Pl'ojr::ct AL;t I Sign,'1d " ~ 3 - /2. -"8; Data