HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-3-3 (2) - Subdivisio',: -;:.. . . SPRINGFIELD ... ;:# ~5 7'= Let /I n~ rrq - -. I Ol.h,p.r: /\ /~{)A-d I Addl'ell:;: Ci ty: I I I I 1')(1 N"~I \ , ,iddition Ramodel ,~!obi l.e lIoma )r/5 -fr Date of Applicatioll l'I;mw: '1 L/I- 00b3 Zip: DS;"JA~ ()J(~ 0) m{f' d- '5) f;jf). rlJ Vallie Add,'er.:: J,i:;c./!. :;on tl'ac tOI'G _ /Yltf- f-/~- -S'~ ~~~J Gcnera I Plumbillg f.lec tl'ica l f.fflchar:icd Construction Lendel' /J /:'ce/~:i't ,~ , l~? ~'2/ " , l, .. Si(Jr.nn: ~' ~ -'? -tfCf I Date: t;xpil'/JS Pho"e It is ~lre responsibility o[ the permit holder to sea UllIt al!. i"GpactimllJ arc made at tl,c pl'opel' tim,;, that c::cll ::.ddres:; is I'ca:!ab:t! [rom the strcet, and that the permit card ia located at the [ront o[ the propel'ty. A!Jlli!di~l!l D~vi:;ior: apFroved Flail alu.:U I'emain Oil tll<Z lJU'~ldi.I/U ::,'i.t;; at aU timea. P.'?OCSDU!~E FOR INSPECTION RSQPEST:CALL 726-3769 (l'caordel'J at'ate your City deaia,~.,ted .iol; IIw.:ber, job Q(!6'es3, type of i'::;pecticll requcstcd m:d w,~en you wiLL be ready fol' inspcetio", COlltrllctora 01' Owners ,uzme .:"d r-IrOl:C lIumber. RequcGtc received I;efel'c 7:00 t:':'l ,:..'iZl be made the same dcy, l'equesto mcde aftel' 7:00 am, will b~ made the next :.JO}'kiIlJ day. r'?emlLl'cd. IIIOlJI'I'Hcml ] SITE INSPECTION: To be made excavation, !mt priel' to cet [orms. '~ altaI' up of UNDF:R.'Jf.AB nUf.mINC. ELECTRICAL .e Nf:r:/lA.YTCAC.: To be made belore any wol'k is ~overed. Zl FOOTING ~ FOUND,iTION: To be made after trenches are excavated Ulvl ,1fdrma are erected, but pl'ior to pouring cencret~. UNDSRGflOIl.'!D Pi.UM.'lINr:~ SEr/f.fl, W.1Tf.fl) OHAINAGE: To bc made prior to [il- Ur.{/ trenche::. ~ ~ UNDE!IF'LOOR PWf.lnJNC .( Nf.C!lANJCAC.: To be made prior to inataZZation of f!oor inouLction or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to inotaZLatioll of floor inaklation 01' deckill{j. ROUGI/ rw.'mI!lG. F.f,ECTRTCAL .( UEClI- ANICAL: No work ia to be cJoL'p.!'ed lII:tiZ tllCse ilwpeetior:a have beer: made !,IIld aPPI'ove.:. FI!?f.f;r.ACE: Prior to plceir.{/ facin~ mctcl'iclls and before [raming innpec- tior:. FRA1~INr:: Muat be requested a[ter appl'o~al of rou!lh plw.:bin!lJ eleetl'i- cal & -mechanical. An roofiTliJ bracing ~ chimneys, etc. nr~8t be completed. !lo LJOrk is to be con- cecZed until thio inspection has . been made and apPl'oved. ] ] ] ] YOUI' City Peaia,:ated Job Number Ia: D INSIlf,A'I'JON/VAl'(l!? llAllflJ/c:R .r.'J[;['..:r:rTON: To be made arter all illDuZut'i:m a,':d I'equ:.red vapOl' l:(tI'T'iel'lJ are ill plac:e cut ceflJl'a allY lath, !lypIJIUlJ boa I,d, 01' w'ZZ covering ic IIpp'ZiedJ and belol'e any i,wulation i:J concealed. 3 7({)( ~5 I [Jf;noiITIO!! OR ;~:OVE,: ;.,UILDI;:GS =:J Sallitw'y sC:Jel' ::apt',ed :::t p:oP;;I't,i 'Zir.o :=J Septi:: tarlk p:<.--:pcd and fiZlOJd lJith ul'a:;d I Filial - I''/ICII a~V.~ itc:ns al'e cemoleted --.J al:d when jemcl~~ior. is compZete ')J' at:'I..:- ture moved alld pl'.::mi:Jcs cleaned up. Mo}>i Ie /lemea ~ Blockin!l and S.::t-~p )( I PlumbinJ connections -- a~al' and water 71 Electrical Ccm:ection - Blockin!l, oat-u;: ~ "lid lJlumbill!l eom:ectiolllJ nr.;ct !;c ap;>T'ovlJd befol'e l'equeat~lI!l cZeetrical inlJi'llCtio::. , ~ Acces:;ol'!i Bui ld~n!1 'Vl Filial - Aftcl' ;:':Jrc1:esJ ~ etc. 11l'e c~ple~~d. okiT'tina, deck3, DRl'I~Al0-JJlSl'l;'rr!f)N: Te be made aftm' IIll dl'Y1Jllllio in place, but pl'ior to allY tapillg. O MASONRY: Steel locatiOIl, bo;td beam:J, !]T'OlltillfJ 01' verticals ill accordance with U.D.C. Sectioll 241f. ~ D I<lOOD.'j'I'Ot/f..': A[ter ilia tallation ia completed. ,/ D - All p1'oJel!t eOllditiollfJ, ,)/Ie!: aD the l',nntallatioll of Iltl'aet tl'eeDJ ,:o,"plot::.:m of the requil'ed la/lllncr.pir:g, etc., mIIst be Datialied bcfol'e tl;e BUILDING FJ;'!AL call !Je r3ljucatsd. ~ FIfJAl, PWMDJJJG ~ FIN'!/' f.IE~IIt1NICAl, ~ FINAL F.U,'CT!IICI.L :=J ~ CURn .~ APPROACll AP!(()N: Afte;, forma are OJl'ected but Pl'ior to pourill!l conCl'e tc. o PiNAL DUrr,DINe:' TIll! filial Duildill!1 !najlcol;ion mllot be requested after tile filial PZumbi'IJ EZcctl"icaZ, alld Mechar.ie'll IlIapectiolls have beell made and approv.!d. O SIDF:r/Af,K .e DRIt'f:r<II.Y: Fol' all con- Cl'ete pavin!1 within stl'eet riaht- of-we!!, to be made after all exca- .,vatino completll & f01'.':l wor'k ,e :;u/l- ,ba:;e matel'ial in place. , O ,!'F.NCF.: k'ller: coml'l.;te -- Pl'ovic!a . (JateG 01' movable aections tlll'oUa': P. U.E. o - AAl.f. UANIIOf,ES AND CU:ANOlJTS UlJST nF. ACCF.S.'JIDLF., AD,lUST!!;:;,'J'!' TO m: MAnF. AT NO {'~'S';' TO CI':'Y P:::l('! of :1 / I . I JOB No.~9DI25 I ;',mc: LJR. ~Atb ." ' Let Sq. FtG. ~ ~f lot C~vel'ag~ N of ::tOloLelJ 'J'ota l !!eight 'fOl'o!il'apIIY L-COG , SOL ^ n ACCESS i{ L,., n:f: I :VO, I f/':I\ f'~:l-/1 I r:t C l'ic l' COl'IIer Pallluwd lc Cul-dc-Ilar: x Va tue ncdl'oomlJ : OCc;'1mancy GrOlIa:i!!.2:?A~Cd~~ 'fiiJ!C/C0I7:; t: DOT TYPE.' . . r [,at Facea - I Setback:; I r, (,. I/O/we I f:m'W/II I,C(.'f?Il::. INol'l,]z It:,,:: t k;OI. th 1"(,':Jt I r',"f:N 1.l/ain sr..P'f'G Gr:rar.e 'Cal'T.'cr't l/lceelJcol'!I I ~fip'.4S TOTi1{, l'AWF. S. [). C. lUG ~uc) 1. 5 x ? ~ d"7t::> , . Buildin!1 Pel'mit Sta te Slll'ell.1rga Tota I CIJIl:'ge3 ~-e Ir5/.crs ~ I />~ - -;;;5' 15":~ ~ C/lAm;g I J'J'F.,If ~1H"_9 #Ci!PA'v? I ReaidrmtillZ (] bathJ I Sanit:tI'Y SaLJCI' IIJr: tm" I NO. ' I / / ~~/7/~#~ I l'l:nnldng !'I!/'I:d t State SUl'el:m'!i<'! -'!:E!~I?_.CJE.r:':!~-~ $6z:> -:2t:/. ~ ,..r- c:::e> //) - v - ~ ..e:>e> 7C::>. ~ ~..50 / .;5':-SC::> A (,'1111/,";/': I :'0:,11 I Rell, Sa, fta. N~/Extend Cil'cuit:; ~"p..., ,... ,;-Service ~?J.P , f.le::tl'ical Perm1: t St:::te SUI':::Il/1.I'<1e '1'0 ta l Chm'r.cll , J'J'.':N Nc.', FtJI',~.,ec !.'TU' S f:=hmtlJt /100':: Vent Fall. ' I W:,ocl:: t a:Ja Pel'mi t I:;IlU,.,nc',~ Me:::hanic:z l rCl'mi t State SUl'clu:r"7c Tott;ll CIJ!J.r!J!J:J I -- /:,'!lCIIUIIr;/lMt;.~I'l' ISc(.".Jri tl( DCP03i t I Storage /1:: -r:> ,tC~ ;?~ <<"t:J I . (..~1 5~5b I A - C.'IllUl.'l\' Maill t.Clla"'~I~ Pcrmit I ;. To tr.r l CI'flI'rre:J I Cur!.wu: SidmJ.:l lk .~I?~I::r. I Elcetrical Label I Mobile lIome ~p ..2?~~. I :r~' I I .. .... ........._ .....r... 35":c;:sl!!> I.?~ I 5/8. ?t:? ~i I I II II II F.nCl'rrl( Soal'cc:] !Ieat IJatel' ,'Ica tr.I' HClIlfjC VI: I'cl'l,w.? IJoo"~ tove T:/pe P:!f!t: Building Value & Permit This pennit ill fTl'an tcc1 Oil tile eXFl'ealJ condi tion tha t the :Jaid aOlls tl'UC: t'ioll alulZl, ill all, 1'~llpcata, '~Ollfonn to the Or'dillar:oe adopte.:llj!l tIle Fity of :;pl'l:n:., [ie It!, 'illt) !urlill!1 tire 2011 i'la Cl'dillmlae, l'CUU Za t illg tlw C:CIW t r'u,' ticl1 ami u::e oj' IJII'iZdina::, awl m,::y bc mWI'(mded Ol' I'euokee at r:':y timc /lror: vic- lation oj' (lilY pl'ov'i:J'im::J of :wid Ordir:wwea. . Plall Clw:k Fee: 9..7-.~ 'I 1.'lltc r'lid: '=3,.~ - W I liecdl't 1/: I?, 3 d- -.,1 I .<jio~:ed: (E (/ I Plumbing PerrrAit No l'el'::ol1 ::Ilall COIwtl'IWt, illv:al!, a!ter 01' cllall!ll! r.1/!I ncLJ aI' c:iatil/O I'lwnb1:nfT 01' dl'ainage vy::t;e:n iI/ ",Ilole or ill part, w:lca:J ouch FCI'IlOII ic thc lcgal po:;r,e;;llol' oj' a valid pllllnbcl"a liccnae, exccpt that a pc:'aon may do plwnbilla wOl'k to 1'I'Opel'tYlJhicll i:; OWl/cd, Zea3ed 01' opel'ated by thc appli- eallt, Electrical Permit Ilhcl'c State r,a~l rcqll'il'C!a tl:at the clcctl'ical LJol'k be donc by all E'lc:;tr'ical COli tractor, the electr'icaZ pOl,tion of this pCI'ITlit ahall r:ot be valie u"til the labeZ luw been :;i!Jllcd by the II'Zcctl'ica'l ~olltl'actol'. " Mechanical PermLt . ~~~~~ ?y/:;C(:JIIl-llcJl' / Y. 77:-f!!fE~ Ua~c I 1I.1 VE CARSPUl.{,Y !;'XA!ofJNF.D the compZeted application fol' pcnni t, alld do hel'eby ael'tify that all ir:fo:'ITlatioll hel'eon is tl'ue and COl'l'CCt, and I f:Cl'thcl' cel.tify that (lilY ar.d all LJork perfolmed shall be dO:1e in aa::ol'- d(mo,! :.Iitll tile Or..-lill:IIl.1CW oj' ti,e CUy of spl'in'J[icZd, and tll:: La;.;s of tllC . :jtatc of (}"C~pl1 f'.".'I'I:<lI:,IiIlU to till! IJOI'k c!ellcl'ibed hCl'c-::Il, end that NO OCC!J- I'I:NCY wi II be mcl.'ic of "ny :; tl'/lCtlll','! IJi thoa t p:n'lTliIJ;Jioll oftlw !Ju ildill!( ai- vir-ion. I flll'tlzcl' cel't-ifii th:It o:1ly contl'adol'lJ a,;d c.'npl~yccll wl:o ara in co;::pliallce LJitlz (}lIS 701.0{j[; 'Jill bc tilled on tllis Pl'ojsct :::IAJ!~ iI /?!.~ ~d 'fu~;~ ,4