HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-5-19 (3) .. RESI~NTIAL.. APPLICAJIIN/PERMIT 225 North '5th Street Springfield, 01'egon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Location: ASGesllol'::: Map N Subdivision: N TUlezJ Otmel' : Addre s s: City: IYl I I I I I I NmJ Addition RemoceZ :,fobi Ze Hom:J Rcce~pt # ~ SPRINGFIELD -&. c..;7 ,R . . .;. Deseribe rl'or": o-4-8C( Address ,sz,c.o '()A1~C ~C+f- tf3$17r-1?-! - (7 -/) 2-,. "(<- Cf~ 'S<600~ ~CO LEL2 7) WtPO/~{()H~ 'f) D 'f{'?7t:k~ , ii - r ~ g~t.N (O 15 9t:kODIlI!1~.8tJhOne: -'7 2--t..- -7'7/9 J'PR,p..)0he1..U' ' Zip: Q-;'-f77 , , f 412 P 0 ~ t -.\- <s to R. V1jc: ,~ t)~"" Date of AppZication Contractors General :Plumbing Hechanical Elel.:trical Value 4- ~ Q \ C () Use) ttBldrs Board 5.41/6- tt:!~ Su pesv..is ing lnee l: rit: Ll n ..;> ~t; 9-7 , , J ~ 'f~~ (0' d ....1.gr.e : Date: Re~. Expires Phonp It is the l'esponsibiZity of the pel'mit hoZdel' to see that aZ~ inspections a1'e ~ade at the propel' time. that each ~dcJr.ess is l'eadab:e jrom the street, and that the PCl'mit cal'd is Zoeated at the fl~nt of the property. ~BIli!ding Divicior: appr01.:eJ FZan shL:ZZ l'emain on th8 BuiZding sits at aZZ times. Pl?OCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQPEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccol'del'J state yOUI' City designated job nw.:bel'. job addrcss. type of in3pee;iclI requested ar:d when you wit Z be ready for inspection. Contractors 01' Otmers name and phone numbel'. Requests received befol'e 7: 00 C::" wilZ be made the same dcy; l'e~/ests made after 7:00 am wiZZ bs made the next ~l'king day. ' YOUI' City DeEJigr~ted Job Number Is: R=1na '\ fJ Reallil'ed InsDP-cticns O SITE INSPECTION: To be made after , excavation. but prior to set up of fo1'ms. O ' UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & , MECHANICAL: To be made befol'e any , work is oovel'ed. ~OOTING & FOUNDATION: To be rnade ~ ~fter tI'elzches are excavated and ' forms a1'e el'eeted. but pl'iol' to pouring ecncret8. o SEWER. WATER) pl'iol' to fi Z- UNDSRGFlOUND PLUMBING" DRAINAGE: To be made Zir.g tl'enche:::. 0, UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: , To be made prior to instaZZation of fZool' insuZation 01' decking. O POST AND BEAM: To be made pl'iol' to , instaZZation of fZoo1' insz.~tion 01' decking . I ,v I ROUGH PLUMBING. ~EC'1'RT~ MECFI- ,..... ANICAL: No wOl'k is to be co~'el'ed untiZ these inspections have been made and appl'ovec. D FIREPLACE: Pl'iol' to pZccir.g facing matel'iaZs and befo1'e fl'aming inspec- tion. r0RAMING: Mu3t be l'equested aftel' ~ appl'ovaZ of 1'0ugh pZumbing. eZectl'i- caZ & meehanioaZ. A ZZ 1'00fing bl'aaing & ehimncys. eto. ~~st be .. compZeted. No work is to be eon- ,ceaZed unti Z this inspection has 'been made and app1'oved. D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after aZZ insuZation a~~ , , 'l'equi1'ed vapor ba1'l'iel's a1'e in p~ce but befol'e any Zath. gypsum board 01' uaZZ eovel'ing is appZied. and befol'e any insuZation is eonceaZed. D DRYWAU. INSPEC'l'TON: Tc be made afte1' aZZ dl'ywaZZ is in p~ce. but prior to any taping. DEMOLITION OR :~:OVED BUILDINGS :J Sani ta1'Y seuel' aapped at p:,oPo!:l'tii Zir.e :J Septi~ tank pumped and fiZZed with gl'a,eZ I FinaZ - r,rhen above items a1'e ccmpZeted ~ and when demolition is complete 01' stI'U~- tU1'e moved and premises aleaned up. . Mobi Ze Flcmes ~ BZocking and Set-~p ~ PZumbing conneetions scwel' and water ~ Electl'iaal Conneation - Blocking, set-up ---l and pZumbing connections ~..st be approved befol'c requesting elec~l'icaZ inspec~io:: =:J Accessol";:I' Building ---, FinaZ - After porches, skirting, decks, ~ etc. a1'e campZeted. D - - FINAL PLUMBIlIG A,ZZ pl'oject aond-itions. Gueh as the {,nstalZation of street trees. eo~Zetion of the l'equiY'ed Zandsccpir:.g. etc.. mus,t be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL ean,' be l'equest3d. D o ~ o " '0:,' 'FINAL BUILDING: The E'inaZ BuiZding Inspection must be l'equeoted after the Fi'laZ PZumbing EZeatl'ioaZ. and Meehar.icaZ Inspections have been made and approved. FINAL MEr:/IANICIII, FINAL ELECTRICt.L o Zocation. bond 01' vel'ticals in U.B.C. Section ~A['[' MANlIOLES AND CLF.ANOUTS nUST BE ACCESSIBLE. ADJUST!tENT TO BE ~MDE AT NO COST TO CITY I Pa!1C ' of :; D MASONRY: SteeZ beam3. gl'outing accol'dance with 2415. WOODSTOVE: After instaZZation is ccmpZeted. D CURB & APPROACH APRON: After fo1'ms a1'e cl'ected but prior to pouring aon{!rete. D SIDEr';ALK & DRIl'Er.;,1Y: Fol' aZZ eon- crete paving within stl'ect l'ight-, of-wcy. to be made afte1' aZl exca- vating compZete & fol'm work & sub- base matel'iaJ in_pZa~e. D PENCE: ~'hen eompZ8te -- Pl'ovide gates 01' movabZe sections th1'ough P.U.E. D I JOB NO. I Zone: Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Zot Covel'ag~ # of Stories TotaZ Height Topography I I ITF.M I Main I GcI>aGe I Cal'lJol't I Accessol'lJ I SQ. FTG I S.D.C. TOTAL VALUE (vaLue) 1.5 x BuiZding Permit State SW'chClI'ge TotaZ Char>gea SOLAR ACCESS Oecupancy Group. WT TYPE Intel'iol' Cornel' PanhandZe euZ-de-sao x VaZue , 4-l olo Q 1 4lo,(o{) l I I.~D.~ c-O , s_~ :\~,03 CHARGE I ITEM NO. I Fix,tW'es I ResidentiaZ (1 bath) I Sanitary Sewer Water PZumbing Permit State SW'cr.apge TotaZ cnal'ges ' I I'l'EM ,I flesl"S? fta. t,' .. ,,' NauilExtelid Cil'cui ts FEE NO. FEE CHARGE :2~~-, < Temporary Se1'Vice I I EZe::tl'ieaZ Pe1'TTlit ': State SW'::ha1'qe TotaZ Chal'ges I ITEM Furnace PTU'S Exhaus t Hood I Vent Fan I I Woodstove , Permit Issuanca ' Me::hanicaZ Pel'mi t State SW'ehal'ae TotaZ Charaes -- ENCROACHMENT -- Se~~l'ity Deposit Storage Maintenan::e I Pe1'TTlit I TotaZ Cha'l'Qes Cu1'bcu~ SidewaZk I Fen::e I EZec tl'ica Z Labe Z I Mobi Ze Home I I I 'Nl'1'A T, IJMrJ/IN'T' nll1c' ~ NO. FEE ~<9 ~SO ~.~ 1./3 ~3:{o~~ CHARGE " I t1ln{n(/I'~, u REQ.- L -CO c-1t . ' I EnelY/I/ SO<ll'ees I !leat Access. . I I I I 'I 'type/Cons t: Bedl'ooms: I Lot Faoes - I I P.L. 'North East South lr';est T.,/De Setbaoks House Cal'age r';ater !lea tel' ,Range Fil'epZaoe WOOdGtolle -- Faes Building Value & Permit This pel'mit is gl'anted on the eXpress condition that the said const1'Uction shaZZ. in aZZ l'espeets. conform to the Ol'dinance adopted by the City of Spl'ingfieZd. inoZuding ~he zoning 01'dinanoe. l'eguZating the ocnst1'Ucticn and use of buiZdings. and may be suspended 01' revoked at al:y time upon vic- ~tion of any pl'ovisiona of said 01'dinanees. ~ ~ PZan Check Fee: 8 ~ . 8.:.~ Date Paid: l&)-""~ c Recdpt II~, A- 1 ~ ( 71 or ) , ISigned:~/,M~ Plumbing Permit No person shaZZ oonst1'Uet. instaZl.. atter 01' change any new or existing pZumbing 01' drainage syste~ in whoZe 01' in pa1't. unZess such pel'son is the ZegaZ possessor of a vciZid pZumbel"s Zioense. exoept that a pe~son may do pZumbing work to pl'opel'ty whioh is ow'Yled. leased 01' opel'ated by the appZi- cant. ~ Electrical Permit Whel'e State Law l'equil'es tr~t the eZectl'ioaZ wOl'k be done by an EZectl'icaZ Contl'actol'. the eZeetl'ioaZ portion of this pel~lit shaZZ not be vaZid untiZ the 1.abeZ has been signed by the EZeetl'icaZ C:Olltl'aetor. ~ " Mechanical PermH '" .~: . ~ 4~~~~1!'~ ~Xaminel' · - , ~'l4i ~'? . Uat;;e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the compZeted appZication fol' permit. and do hereby certify that aZZ ir.fo~mation hereon is tl'ue and eOl'rect. and I fUl'thel' certify that any ar~ alZ work pel'fo]':1led shaH be done in aec:ol'- dance with the 01'dinances of the City of Spl'ingfieZd. and th~ ~~s of tho ~ State of Oregon pSl'taining to the wol'k cescl'ibed hel'ein. and that NO OCCU- PANCY wiZZ be made of any structure without pe1'mission of the BuiZding Di- vision. I fUl'thel' eel'tify that onZy contl'actol'S and e~pZ"yees who ClI'e in compUance with ORS 701.055 wiZZ be used on this pl'ojeet ~~~ '!J WfI;i/ f? /t.f7