HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-4-17 (2) I v .. RESI~TIAL.. APPLICA21VN/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 974?? Building Division 726-3753 Job Location: Otmel': Address: City: ~ . Supe1:"vising. Electr":ician Rcceipt .II IB~O YOUl' City Desigr~ted Job Numbel' Is: I' .. Il,1 INSULATION/VAPOFl BARRIER iNSPECTION: To be made aftel' aZZ insuZation a~~ l'equil'ed vapol' ba1'l'iel's a1'e in p~ce but befol'e any ~th. gypsum board ,or wall covel'ing is' appZied. and befol'e any inauZation is conceaZed. D I DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be made ..---J after. aZZ dl'ywaZZ is in p~ce. but pl'iol' to any taping. O MASONRY: SteeZ Zocation. bond , beams. gl'outing 01' vel'ticaZs in accol'dance with U.B.C. Section 2415. D r';OODSTOVE: Aftel' instaZZation is ccmpZeted. .~0(oO .r)a/A~ Assessor::: Map"U .{ ~.~ v~ . tJ . . I" J Subdivision: [lJJ. 0 eW '(fl'iI. l<;hJcs / Me V(P31 . , I' New De~ r:';t /J -. // ~ 10' , ' Addition ([Jv/:?t1 f/L/ /? ~ -I- I I RemoceZ '/JIll - ciV-t)J fU( . tt:-J :1obilo F/~,fA>"'Ii"'Sl' #-c_ #";lS i -' S'f&1 {lj'C siO".a, Date of Applieation l( - s;- , - ~ y vaZu? '-;2 3,. 9 () r; , Date: Cont.ractors I""'" Address. ,h y.sS: l', ~di:'~ Boa_rd Reg. ,General 'z'~h1 e1..-rQ I!rI J ,//1. (Jf?4A 17 IV tJYJJI..LJ ;Plumbing ~~ i H~chanical ~ Electrical ~~. , I II I I (JtJM /lA ~ ) ... (/ !~/ I SPRINGFIELD -* , d.. - 4--1-,1 -89 Expir,es ?:l?' 'l6(,,; I Phonp t /9tfJ f . 7i J- fO "- Tax Lot U - "'"' /~(.,.~ ,1\:./ \ ~ . - I L7-()2-33~- Phone: /16 Jl/9' ,c;/k? I I It is the l'esponsibiZity of the permit holdeI' to see that aZZ inspections are made at the. proper, time. t~at eaah ~ess is l'cadab:e fl'oin the street, and that the pel'mit ca1'd is Zocated at the fl>ont of the property. ~Bui!ding Divi~ior. apppoved FZan s~Zl remain on tha BuiZding Sits at aZZ times. Pl?OCEDUP.E FOR INSPECTION REQPEST:CALL 726-3769 (I'eeol'del'J state YOUI' City designated job mm:bel'. job addIoess. type of in3pec:;icll l'equested ar.d when you wit l be ready for inspeetion. Contractors 01' Otmers ncme and phone numbcl'. Requests l'eceived befol'e '1: 00 ,~ :.'iZ'L be made the .same dcy. requests mcde after '1:00 (WI wiZ'L be made the next :JOl'king day. o o Reouil'ed InSDp.cticns SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation, but pl'iol' to set up of forms. ' llNDERS[,AB PWMBING, E[,ECTRIC,1L & NECHANICA[,: To be made befol'e any work is ~ovel'ed. IKJ FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made after tl'enehes al'e excavated and forms a1'e erected. but pl'iol' to pouring ecnCl'et~; ~ vi UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. SEI';ER. W.1TER, I/'- (l2RA1NAGt.7) To be made pl'iOl' to fiZ- . 1---*=-.1.' . Zt.r.g tl'enehes. o o D D D UNDERFLOOR PWf..'BING & MECHANTCA[,: To be made prior to installation of 11001' insuration 01' decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made pl'ioI' to instaZZation of fZool' insuZation 01', decking. ROUGH PWMBIllG, ELECTRICAL ,~ MECH- ANICA[,: No wOl'k is to be covered until these inspections have beer. made and appl'oved, FIREP['ACE: Pl'ioI' to pZaeir.g facing matel'iaZs and before fl'aming inspec- tion. FRAMING: Must be l'equested aftel' approval of 1'0ugh pZumbing. eZeetl'i-' caZ & mechanical. At! rOOfing bracing & chimneys. et~. ~~st be . compZeted. NOW~l'k is to be con- , ceaZed untiZ thia inspection has 'been made and appl'Oved. Zip: /l IV AL../' ,'l(~~ q /) 'grC; () ;;1~ ,il." , , I, I'll . , D CURB & APPROACH AP.'?ON: After' fo1'TTls 'a1'e ol'ected but pl'iol' to pouring ..:!on:Jr'e te. DEMOLITION OR MOVED BUIWINGS .' ~ Sanitary sezJel'..c~ped atp:.opcl.ty Zir:e ==:J Septic tank p~cd and filled with Gl'a~el I FinaZ - [,'hen above items are eompZeted ..---J and when demolition is compZete 01' stJ'U'::- tUl'e moved and premises cZeaned up. I Mobi le Homes ~ Blocking and Set-~p ~ PZumbing conneetions scwel' and watel' '1J7l Elcctl'icaZ Conneation - BZocking, set-u? ~ and pZumbing connections m"~st te approved before requesting eZectl'icaZ inspeetion ::tJ. AcceSsol"d Bui lding 'VI FinaZ - Aftol' porches. ~ etc. are compZeted. skirting, decks, o SIDEr';A[,K & DRIlJEr.;,1Y: Fol' aZZ con- crete paving within street l'ight- of-way. to be made after aZl exca- vating compZete & foI'm work & sub- -base inatel'iaZ in pZa.'Je. D' . . " A ZZ pl'o,iect condi tions, aucl-: as the i'l1staZZation of stl'eet tl'ees, co....'pZatio'" of the 'l'equiped Zandscapir:g. ete.. must be satisfied bcfol'e the BUILDING FINAL ean.be'l'equested. IX I FINAL PWMBIlIG o FINA[' MECHANICAL D FINAL ELECTRIC/'.[, [J e),'. O !'ENCE: h'hen compZ"te -- Pl'ovide gates or movabZe sections thl'ough P.U.E. [KJ?711~c/- /lr~~ -. FINAL BUIWING: The FinaZ BuiZding Inspqctiol1 must be l'equeoted after .the FinaZ 'Plumbing Electl'ioal. and MeehanicaZ Inspectiona have been made and approved. ~A['[' MANHOLES AND C[,EANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIB['E. ADJUSTNENT ~O BE MADE, AT NO COST TO CITY I Pa!7c ' of ;; SOLAR ACCESS REQ:- OCcUpancl./ G1'OU~&>a"..c~ ~~ WT TYPE I Lot Faees - I JOB No.'tf0c9'l1 l;:on(J:Ll)J:?/~N~ . ( , Lot Sq. Ftg. ,% ~f Zot C~vel'ag~ II of Stories 1'ota Z Height' I Topography I I ITE:ftI I Main I Gar~ae I CaI'per't I ilceeSSOPl/ "" l~n~.5'. r SQ.FTG x S.D.C. TOTAL VALUE Iva/.ue) 1.5:i:~$O?7G BuiZding Pemt State Sta'eharge TotaZ Char'ges I ITEM No.1 FEE I~~~..~-~CJ?::' I Residenti;Z' (1 bath) I Sani tal'Y Sewel' I I~te( I ~/~t'~ ~A,~~- , PZumbing Permi t, State Sta'cr.a1'ge TotaZ Chal'{1es I ITEM I Res. Sa. fta. IN~/Extend Circuits ITe~~PQ~ Se1'Vice A~.r,k'vp , NO.' FEE ( ,/ Eleatl'icaZ Pe1'mit State Sta'aha1'ge TotaZ Cha1'ges lITEM I ~nace ETU' S I Exhaust flood I Vent Fan I I Woodstove I I NO. ' FEE Pemt Issuance MeahanicaZ pem t State Sta'chal'oe TotaZ Charaeo I -- ENCROACHMENT _:.. ISe~~l'ity Deposit I Storage ' , I Maintenanae I PC1'mit TataZ Chcil'CfeS Curbaut I SidewaZk I, Fenae I Eleetl'icaZ LabeZ I MobiZe flome 5~ 7J.ua~' " ~ I T07'AL AMOUNT DUE: 4 Interior Corner PanhandZe cuZ-de-sac VaZue . -:< s-'a:::t ~ 195"7. /'S 4 '58. So /. ~:;? ~~ ~;:; 4 I CHARGE /5~ -~ ~.~ ,? 5- C$t!!!> ~.'- e 70-~ 5' -lye> 7::i:So 4 CHARGE .~s:~ t5=c~ ~~ --...- /...5D I Y/~S:-o 4 CHARCE . 36......-' ~ /2> d~3~"33 v Tijpe/Cor.st: e L -co c-1t Bedpooms: P,L. North E.'ast South Ir';est Setbacks House Capage Access. I I Enel'ml Sow'ees I Heat I r';ater' Heater' I Range FipcpZace Wood:; tOile T!/r>e I II -- Fees Building Value & Pe r m it This permr:t is granted on the express eondition that the said constl'Uction shatz. in aZZ l'eSpect3. conform,to the Opdinar.ce adopted hI! the City of Spl'ingfieZd, including the ,~oning Cl'dinanoe. pp.guZating the ee/13tl'Uctien and use of buiZdings. and may ,be suspended or revoked at anytime upon vic- ~tion of any pl'ovisior.s of 3did 01'dir.anoea. PZan Check Date Paid: Recdpt #: I Sign.ed: Fee: ;;L5, 0 -3 '-{ -5-';(9 Plumbing CL Permit No pel':::on shaZZ construet. instaU. aUer 01' ehal1ge any new Cl' existing plumbing 01' drainage syste~ in ~hoZe or in part. ur.Zess such pe1'30n is the ZegaZ possessor of a vaZid pZumbel"s Zicense. except that a pe~son may do plumbing wOl'k to property which is owned. Zeased 01' opel'ated.by the appZi- eant. Electrica I Perm it Where State Law l'equil'es tr~t the eZeetl'ieaZ wOl'k be done by an EZeatl'icaZ Con t1'QC tor. the eZectl'ieaZ portion of this pe1'mit shaZZ not be vaZid untiZ the ~eZ has been signed by the E.'Zectl'icaZ ~Ollt1'QctOl'. Mechanical PermH 4 4 ,ait ExamineI' 1-/?-8'3 uate L I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the compZeted appZication for permit. and do hereby certify that aZZ ir.fo~ation hel'eoll is true and correct. and I further eel'tify that any ar~ aU WOl'k pel'forrned shaZZ be dO:1e in aeool'- danc~ with the Ordinances of the City of Spl'inaficZd. and the L~~8 of tho 4 State of Oregan p$rtaining to the work desel'ibed herein. and that NO OCCU- PANCY wilL be made of any Btl'UatUl'a without plmnisiJion of th(,i BuiZdillg Di- vision. I further eel'tifif that O~lZy contl'aatops a;;d e~pZ~yeeB who are in compZiance with ORS ?Ol.05S wilZ be u8ed on thi8 ppoject . 4 .y~kr ~1t'l Sigflad