HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-5-19 (2) .. RESIDaNTIAL.. APPLICA~N/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Ol>egon 971J?? Building Division 726-3753 SZ("o 1)41'(1 Iv( Iff- tES1A--1?~ , , - '(7 -/);2.", 7<-- (/,D :5<600~ S1ro ,_ LerF 7J W6'O//Ctl)?7~ p~ l5z::.~?J~;'5UoDIJI.f1'krllOne: --1J,~-'1'719 :sPR IItJOJ he-{ /) , ' Zip: Q-;'-f77 , ( ~4f2 Po4<-t -+ <so to Rvt;e: ,~ ooN\ Job Locatio/I: Assescol'::: Map N Subdivision: Ai rUIGtAJ Otmel' : Address: City: IYI I I I I I I NmJ Addition RemoceZ ,',lobi Ze !lama o-4-8C( Date of AppZieation Contractors General ; Plumbing i Hechanical I Eledrical S'~6- I Suoervisin);_Elel'tl'.il' inn SPRINGFIELD '-/;h !~ Descnbe rI'Ol'](: VaZue 4.~ 0 \ c; r; Li.se.}It Rcce-:.pt ,1/ ,'(/:/-/1 ~ J ,~ ' 1~~ ~() \' \\\i\ (0' d ...,l,gr:e : " Date: I,m) . tl.. 10 (y) IC(~G[- Expires Phonp Address , Bldrs Board Reg. ~~ -:> ~~ q-? .. , It is ~he l'esponsibiZity of the permit hoZdel' to see that aZ~ inspeetions a1'e made at the propel' tim€, that each ~ddresa is l'cadab:e /l'om the street, and that the pC1'TT/it eam is Zocated at the [J'Ont of the property. ~Eui!ding Divicio!". appl'ol,,'eJ FZan shdZ l'emain on tho:: BuiZding Sit$ at aZZ times. PIWCSDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:QPEST:CALL 726-3769 (l'ceol'del'J state YOUI' City designated job nzQ;;bel'. job addrcss. type of inspectic/J requcstcd ar.d w~en you wiZZ be ready for inspection. Contractors 01' OWners name and phone numbcl'. Requests received befel'e 7:00 ~ :.'iZZ be made the same day. requests mr.de after 7:00 am wiZZ b$ made the next :JOl'king day. " YOUI' City Deaigr~tcd Job Numbel' Ia: f1=1nd '\ ~ , - - ,- - - ,- - \.-....- . .' ~ ., t . 1 ' ' ,A,ZZ pl'o.iect conditions. such as tile i,nstaZZation of street trees, co,-:rpZation of the " .. .. "',' l'equiY'ed Zandscr.:pir:g. etc.. mus,t be satisfied bcfol'e'the BUILDING FINAL ean,' be l'aquestad.,', ! !?em/iT'ed TnsD(!eticn.q O SITE INSPEC,"ION: To be made aj'tel' exeavation. but priol' to set up of forms. D UNDERSr.AB PLUftfBINC. ELECTRIC,1L <~ : MECHANJ'CA&: To be made bejol'e any work is aovcl'ed. "':).. ~ ~OOTING & FOuNDATION: To be made L.Y1 ~ftel' tz'enehes aI'e excavated and ' forma a1'e er>ected. but pl'iol' to pouring ecncret~. UNDERG!?OUND PWMJ3INC~ SSrIER. WATER, DRAINAGE: To be made pl'iol' to fiZ- Z1:r.g tl'enche:::. o o Ut!DERFLOOR PWM13ING & MEC!lANICAL: 10 be made prior to inataZZation of j1001' insuZation 01' decking. O POST AND BEAM: To be made pl'iop to , instaZZation of fZoOl' insl;Zation 01' decking. 4)- I ,v I ROUCl/ PUJ.'!BIllG. ~,EC'l'RI(,'~" MEel/- I"'- ANICAL: No WOl'J: is to be eOl,,'el'cd ur;ti~ these inspectior:s have beer: made and aPPl'oved. D FIREPLACE: l'1'iol' to pZacir.g t:aeing mctel'ia~s and bcfol'e fl'aming ~nspec- l.p tior:. ~RAJ1INr:: Must be l'equeated aftel' ~ appl'ovaZ of rough pZumbing. aZectl'i- caZ & mechanicaL AU roofing , bracing & ehimncys. eta. ~~st be ,compZeted. No work is to be con- , ceated untiZ thin inspection has . been made and approved. o o ~ '![J '- FINAL PWMBIl/G & D INSlJLATION/VAPOH lI,4/lRIER INSPECTION: To be made after> aZZ insuration a~~ required vapor ba1'l'iel's a1'e in p~ce but befol'e any Zath. gypsum board 01' wa~~ covel'ing is app~ied. and before any inauZation ia eonceaZed. DEMOLITION OR MOVED BUILDINGS ~ Sanita1'Y seuCl' capped at p:.opel'ty 'Line ~ Septia tank pumped and fiZZed ,With gl'a~eZ I Final - mIen above items aN eempZeted ~ and when demoZition is compZete 01' Btl'U~- tU1'e moved and premises cleaned up. : I' . : , , , , D DRyr';AU, INSPECTION: To be mado aftel' aU dl'YwaZZ is in pZace. but pl'iol' to any taping. MASONRY: SteeZ Zocation. bond beams. grouting 01' vel'ticaZs in accordance with U.B.C. Seetion 2415. WOODS7'OVE: After instaZZation is ccmpZeted. /ofobiZe . Hemes ~ BZocking and Set-up ~ Plumbing conneetions scwel' and water ~ EZcctrieaZ Connection - BZoeking, set-u;: --.J and pZumbing connections m"..Ist ce approved befol'c requesting eZectl'icaZ,inspec~io~ , =:J Acaesaol"i BuiZding --, Final - Aftar pbpches, ~ etc. a1'e completed. skil'ting, decks, o D D CURB & APPROACl/ APRON: After' forms ape cl'ected but pl.ior> to pour>ing ~on:!,.,ete. o , ,I I , , , , _.'." ..~..r') "';:~'~.I"~~ i ' ',' /\, ',' " D SIDl?r';ALK ,~DRIl!Er.J/:Y: ForaZZ con- crete paving within stl'eet l'ight-, of-way. to be made after an exca- ' vating 'compZete & fozom"L1Ol'k & nub- base matenaZ in pZa:Je. . , , ." , " I',' !;O':' ""." .....; ......., , D fENCE: h'her: compZc:te -- Provide gateG 01' movable sections through P.U.E. ~ . .... , ,( o i._ FINAL ME(;IIANICIIl, 'FINAL BUILDINC: The FinaZ BuiZding Inspection must be requeoted a/tel" tllO FinaZ PZumbing EZeatl'icaZ. and Mechar:iaaZ bispectioniJ have been made and approved. , ' .. FINAL EU'CTRTC;:r., v\~ "AU. ',/MIl/OT.!':S AND CLF.ANOUTS nllST nF. /iCCESfJIBLF., ADJlJST!lENT TO BE ftf.~DE AT NO COST TO CITY I Pa~~c 1 oj' :; t -, . r , JOB NO. I ;;onc: SOLAR ACCESS Occupancy Gl'OU~ ,"" LOT TYPE Interior , Corner, PanhandZe Cu't-de-sac REQ.- L -CO C-1t Lot Sq. Ftg. Z .:;f Zot C.:;verag:; .II of Stol"ies, TotaZ Height I Topogrophy I I TTF.M SQ. FTG IMai~ I Garaae I Cal'Pol't Type/col:at:. Bl>.dl'ooma: Lot Faces - . I Enel'm/ 8mll'OCIl TIme Sethackll I jieat , P. D. 1l0uHe Cal'a!1() Ilcoe:lIJ. I r';atcl' !lea tel' North I I Ranuc East I I Pil'CDlacc South I ,I Wooda tOile r-lest I I 1 1 I I I 1 -- Faes X VaZue " Building Value & Permit h This pel'mi t iG grontcd on, the eXpl'eaG condi tion that the said cons tl"ue tion shalt. in an l'espcctG., conform to the Ol'dina/;ce a.dopted li!J the City of Spl'ingfieZd. inc!.uding the Zoning 01'dillt1nce. l'eaU Zati/lg the' COIIG true ticn and use of buiZdings. and ma!J be GUGpended 01' revoked at a/:y time upon vio- ~tion of allY pl'oviaions of sai~ 01'dinallceG. '\, 4-lolQ() Accesaol'l/ TotaZ Clra:ogea ~ '\ ,4l o,l Or) I, ~ ~~D . r:::J:l ~ y ~.s_~ :0',' -:.~~, 03 l ~ S.D.C. TOTAr, VAWE (va~ue) 1.5 :x; ITEM Fix,tW'es , I . NO. FEE CHARGE PZan Check Fee: ~Q_. 8...~ l~_LLm~ 1.- Date 'PaiAi: ,} .- r Recdpt II~, A 1':<, () b() 'ISigned: ~/.M-:> Plumbing Permit BuiZdina permit Sta te SW'charge ResidentiaZ (1 bath) No pel'con shaZZ COllstruCt. instaZZ. atter 01' changc any new 01' e:::isting pl.umbing 01' drainage syste.71 in whoZe 01' in pal't. w:Zess such pel'son is the 'tegaZ pOGsessol' of a vciZid pZumbel" s ZicenGe. except that a pe:OGon may do p7.wnbing work to pl'Opel.t!J which is oz.med. Zeased 01' opel'ated by the appZi- cant'. , Sanitary Sewel' I Wate~ I p7.umbing Pemt State ,SW'cr.arge 1 . ~ . .... I , ' TotaZ chal'flOS ~ j I'l'EftI I #es.h'Sa. fto. ',I N~;E.:x;ierid Cil'cui ts I Tempol';~ Seroice' I . NO. ' FEE CHARGE Electrical Permit ::<~~- Where State La1J l'equil'es tr~t the eZectl'icaZ WOI'K be done by an EZectl'icaZ Controctol'. the eZectl'icaZ portion of this pelwlit GhaZZ not be vaZid untiZ the 7.abeZ has been signed by the EZectl'icaZ Contractor. TotaZ Charges , c1J ~SO ~..~ ~\-( I. /3 " ~81lo..-=) I ~ E7.e:)tl'icaZ pemit",: Stc:.te SUl'cl1a1'ge IITSM I Furn.:zce NO. FE8 'CllARGE Mechanical PermH llTU'S E::;haust Hood " Vent Fan ':. I . '., I Woodsto:1e I " 1 ':; , '. I I .01, I " . '.... .~.. Permit Issuance ~ \ f ;: 1 I I Secro.ll'i ty Tota~ Chal'aeo': -- 8NCROACHMENT -- " \ .\ -,I " ,. , . " , " " '1.1 !' " .;. I : " ~ . 1..',' >I' ....... .' ,"'. " Me::hanica7. pel'17lit : '-:',;' ~ ."~ '.':.qrp'," " ....' \, '-'. -.. . State Surcharae ' Dep03it 4).;-9~~d'~ /'Ip11 Examiner · - , K'l4? ~r:; . uate Storage Maintenance :' I, I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED thB compZeted appZication fol' pemit, and do I hel'eby certify that,aZZ ir.fo~ation hereon is true and eOl'l'cct. and I further certify that any ar~ an wOl'k pel'fomed shaZZ be done in accol'- I dance with the Ordinances of the City of Spl'ingficZd. and th;; La:.JS of tho ~ State of 01'eg.:;n p::l't.1ining to the wol'k described hCl'ein. and tJrat NO OCCU- PANCY wiZZ be made of any atl'UctU1'2 without pamisaion of the BuiZding Di- vision. I fUl'thel' cel'tify that onZy contl'aatol'S a;;d e.71pZ"yeca who aI'e in comp7.iance with ORS 701.055 wiZZ be used on this project Pcmi t TotaZ Chal'qos Ctu'bcut I Sidewa Zk Pa1z:)c."j .. '. ' , "". , El.ectl'icaZ Labe~ I Mobi l.e Home I ''-' .:.~. ~ 3:': ~ I L' i: . '. ." ,1 . . "W~"'A T. .Hll1l1NrJ1 n!lJ;'. Jt t1Jntnl". ~' / , Ie? /j' n te ./ /{,fj'