HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-8-13 (2) .". . " '~~~';:"';....:...t_'.~i": ..........1:."l._"\.. ,:::';:".~......,. ... ''\'''_1'":_'.' ..... ........:._.. ,'...,. ~.~:~..~'~'~.~';"'\.~............~,~~~. _Z... ._ ..,......L...'t" .. RESIDE~IAL 00 APPLICATION /PERf1IT 225 North 5th Street Springfield~ Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 ',. .,'... ... ~ ~ .. .,.....-.. -'. ". .cce:pt 1/ d tJ#.l8 , ~ ./ (}() L!l- - . f)~ /,",~~~#7;9/N rvE"""",M~R/~~8~.h€ /FS~~r~) / /B~k // ~T /6 /~ '(J~ ~/0 ~~ f )Ja _CLe f' ~ J Job Location: S 0 to () ASGessors Map H Subdivision: Ol.mer: Address: City: I I I 'I 't4-Nobile .~;~e bate of Applicaticn \ J_f14 Ie / Tc;:r; Lot H <~ , . . ", .., ~. . . . Phon e : Zip: I'd- , I / I . '~ ~~)\~ Def};:U - IJdL M->z!!1Ii?w~~f:e ~?;~:; ~4-,R~"r /..;_......--' f -tj ~f 1 Ji.~ Value / 'Ztd'll.~- N<r'J Additicn Remodel ~'or:r:ra::'Cors Siqr.ed: Date: CC/Lr2- t-/~-y'l Aaal'es:> Lise.;; E=uir-tJs rhonc ~aJLci" mAl- ./~ ---Y1~ . _ ~LA/--P - tfl.-J General PZumbir.q EZeC!trical NeC!hm:ic::.Z Construction Lender It is the respOTlGibiZity of the permit holder to see that an inGpections lZ1'e made at the proper time, that e.::ch .::ddress is rea.daD:,. from the street, and that the permit card is Zocated at the front of the property. ~Eui!di~.q l>ivi::io~ approj,'ed plan shaU remain on thE Bu:.lding Sit:: at aZZ times. ?:mCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state your City desigr.:zted job nw.:ber, job aceress, type of in:;pecticn requested ar-i when you will be ready for inspection, Contractcrs' or Owners ~~e cnd phone nu~cr. Reques=s recei~ed befcre 7:00 ~ :..'iZZ be made the same dey, requesr;s meae cft;;:!' 7:00 a:n wiU b:> made the nc:r:t :.!orkinq :6":). ~ -. . Your City Decigr.ated Job Number Ia: 1 tJ ~~ 0 Reauir~d T~SDPctio~~ ~ SIT~ INS?~r;':ION: To be made after e:J:cav.::tion, but prior to set up of forms, '. U!lDERSLAE PLUI-!!3ING. ELECTRIC,1L & /(ECHA;!ICl.L: To be made before any work is ~ovcred. -. -. ~ ,IJ FOOTING!! FOUNDATION: To be made after r;rencnes are e:J:cavated and forms are erected, but prior to pourir~ concret~. UNDE'RG.'?OU:.'D P[.ut.{3ING. SE'WER. W.1TER. D.'?AIl/AGE: 'fo be made prior to fil- Zir.g trenches. ~ =:J UNDERFLOO.'? PLut.'3I:!G 8 MECHANICAL: To be made prior to inatallation of floor insu~tion 01' decking. POST AND BrA!.I: To be made prior to install~ticn of floor insklation or decking . ~ ~ ROUCH ?LU?,'BI!!G. ELECTRICAL I: MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be covered ,until these inspections have been made ar~ cpprovei. FI.'?EPLACE: Prior to plccir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tion. FRA!~n/c: Must be requeated after approvel of rough plumbing, electri- caZ & mechanicaZ. AZ~ rOOfing bracing 8 chimneys, et~. nr~at be ;corrroZeted. !/o work is to be COTl- " cea'Zed untiZ thia inspection has . been made and approved. ~ ~ ~ FII/AL PLWBIl/G ~ FIliAL MECHA.'lICAL , ~ FINAL ELEC':RICAL :J \\ @ o II/SULATION/VIlPOFl BARRIER INSPECTIO!I: To be made after alZ insuZction ~~ required vapor. bar.riers are, in place but before any Lath, gypsum board or wlZ covering is applied, aru1 before any insulation is conceaZed. DENOLITIO!c' OR :~:OV::::; BUILDI:.'GS :=J Sani tary se'.Jer C!apped ~t p~opert':I' Zine ~ Septio tank p:<.~ed and fille~ with gra~el o I Pinal - f>'hen above ite.~s are cO:77oZeted ~ and when demol:.tior. is complete 01' struo- ture moved and premises C!leaned up. o DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after aU drywaU is in place, but prior to any taping. ~SONRY: Steel location, bond beam:>, grouting 01' verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. Nobile Hcmes D WOODSTO'lE: After installation iS'1\ ~ Blocking and Sat-:lp ccmpZeted. L"", J ~ Plumbing connections sewer and water D CURB & IlPPRDACH AP."?ON: After ,formS3 -xl Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up are erected but prior to pour1.ng r.... ~ and plumbing connections rrr..;st 1;e approve': CO~rete. ~~ beforc request:.ng electrical inspectio~ D SIDEWALK 8 DRIl'EW.Y: For an con- 71 . 'Zd' crete paving within ,street right- \../ ~ Accesaor!i Bu1. ':.ng of-.wc.y;. to be mq.de after an exca-..J' , "'. " - vating coml?let~. & forr.?, work & sub- ~ Fin:zl _ J:ftor pord:ea, skirting, decks, base matel'l.al l.n, pLaoe. ~ LlJ etc. are compZeted. o PENCE: K~en complete -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E. D " I I D All project conditions, ouch as the instaLlation of street trees, co~lction of the required Landscc:pir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requeGted c:lter the Fin:zl PLumbing ElectricaL, and MechanicaZ InspectionlJ haue be~n made and ,approvad. ~ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOrnS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fE.'l'!' TO ,BE j.~1DE 1.'1' NO C:)ST TO C1':Y I P:lge ' of 2 SOL A R ~ E S S R E Q.- Occur;anc:J Gr'P?~8J~C /l>>M~~ )'-'/) I Lot Faces - LOT TY?E I JOB No.~1()550 ., " I ........0 ..Gr.C: ~. Lot Sq. Ft:; . ~ ~f lst C~cragc ,# "of Stories Total Height Topogr.::phy Interior Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac T'ftr"f ........,.. sr;,F'!'G x Va lue .'.fain Gc:race ., 4..' I I I , /Op~~ I 12?"5.62 /?,~ .g:e> /~. 38- Carport '2QO qz ,4ccessor:1 F6r?7/H~ 5 TOTAl. l'AWE S.D.C, (va.u.;:) 1.5 ::: Building Permit State Surch.1T(7e Total Chal'ge3 '.,,, I JoV. ~-"' fl,<~op LJ :'?esiCzr.tial (lbathJ I , / I ~-- l't.::. " ,.... ..-- 'I f,...~.t.-..;::' I~~~,I," I . ;~J I~~I I .t s: ~~ I I f)"'L:>. ~ i - -Z _St:>\ ~A.501 · ITE/..' , '.-. .)a?:-:' ~! Sewer :\'c:te1'" Pl"~b-r.o .De~,.<+: ~" ~" """v State Surcr.ar!7e Tctc~ CJ-.c.rnc,~ :':i.':..:,: I",. ....... Ti-pc/Cor.st: e L-COG~ I I I I I 1 I I I , j Ee::.roorcs: P.L, tlorth lEast IsO!< th IWest SethacK:: House I Caraac I . I I I I Enarr::;, Sourop.s I fleat I I I I I I I I T:/:"e Ac:ce:;t3. Water .'{"ater Hallpc Fircvlace Wc;od;; tOL'>? -- Fees Building Value & Permit This permit iG granted on the express condition that the said construction - shaZZ, in aZ.l respe'cts, confoT'TTl to, the Ordinar.ce adoFted by tile City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning erdinance, regulating the ccnatF.l::t:.cn and use of buildings, and may be !3uapended 01",revoked at ,any time upon vio- Lation of any provisions of said Ordir~nces. .-" g?; " I I~ I. " ,Plumbing // .38 ~-).3 -&7 / ()() I q , r7V? Perrrdt Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: I Recc;iDt H: ISig~ed: .. No person ahaZZ -construct, instal!, aUer or change any ne1J 01' e=isting plwnbing or drainage syste:n in ;,Jhole\or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber 's license, except tr~t a pe:'son maif dd plwnbing WorK to proper~d which is ow~ed, leased or operated by the appli- cant. ~)\ .~c.t<;. So. ft:=. I I I I I I I i, I I I s: c-c> I j 5': &0 I '30.- 1-41 /.?G>I 7~// ~/.- sol · '?S:~ 1-11 I. ?~ J./ '0" I ,T\ ' LfL.Ol::Cu . \/1J\hp}) . - \,00...-......._ N~/E=tend Cir~~its ...-:'_..~~. -: Service l J~KG-PP . ( EleC!trical Permit St.::te Surc;l{a'ae ~. Tota l C"lUU'ces -";",,:;"., I '" I i.i.':. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , -- C'::';j;[;::.. ."'urr..2ce ETU 'S :::::haust Hood Vent F.::n ;":;lodsto:Je Per7r:"'~ tIs su.:znc::; Mecr.c.r:ic:::! Perd. t State Surcharae TotaZ Ch'1rop.a ENCRQACH/"tENT :e~.lrit:J Dzoo:;it :torczpe :.=inter"::r~c j crrrr~ t Tota Z ChaT'nes urbcu; 'ide-..JaZk I 'Zectrical Label I 'obiZe H:;lf1Je -:J?u"'7OLG: w,i?t6: I rt:> ~o I I ]It>6. /3 '('"~e ....'.';'::' iu\'.j\).'.~' ~v:.;:.- Electrical Permit Where State Law reauires tr~t the electrical worK be done D:J Contrac~or, the elec~r:.cal ~ortion of this vermit sheil no~- the Zabel has been signed by ~he Ele~n>icaz' ::'o/nractor. an ::lectrica l ce :;.:;zZid untiZ f\'\ e c h ani c a I Permtt , . l 1 I ~~~-r~ 'Pl~~1-ner I-/, . $-//-8::> vate I I, J · I I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED thE compZeted appZication for peT'TTlit, and dc hereby certify that aU iy;fo:-r::ation hel'eon is true and ccrr.::c:, an.:i I 'further certify that any ar~ aZl work FerfoP-ned shalZ be done in acC!or- dance :Jith the Ordinances of the City of SpringficZd, an:] tho: La-..:s of t;;a State of Oreg.:m p::rtaining to the work described herein, ar.d that NO OCC!). P/:!lCY will be m:zde of any structul'e without p2T'TT1ission of the EuiZding Di- vision. I further certify that only contractors a;~d e:npbyecs w;;o are in c~pZiance with ORS 701.05S will be used on this project ! ' B-t3 ,-8? i .