HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-8-23 (2) I l' .. RES I 0 E~W T I A L · · APPLICA~/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd~ Oregon 9?4?? BuiZding Division ?26-3?53 SPRINGFIELD Rece-:.pt Ii /':< /.93 .. Job Location: Sr. / _ /) ttAA.LI ASGesGo1's Map # ( '-q C; ;;z C) rp I \ t /L. --'A TkLot # ()~/IC' - Suhdivision: I Or..mel': 2-t~/fJ 1d4~+J' 11 /'2Q :3qcf~+J-(...JY P~./1t'A1.-~ . r-.. p((ne(pg--y ~ 4-- ( c...( Zip: cr 7 tf{) ? \ I""} II~O Add:r>ess: City: I Np.uJ I Addition I I Remodel. I X I Uobi Ze Home (Ddte of AppZication Contractors DescP"~be riOl'k: 6\ t '-11 0 5~Ttt..JP ~ ~~~~r/.:$~ 6r ~/T?cE W/~. /Y7~/c E #~ . . . 75E"~~~ ~?/8~":) /.?c:~~~/. /? f-.~ B~::? '3=-a-e. VaZue I ~ ,;:; Date: a?, $:2r=?~ C" d ..,7.gr.e : General. PZumbing EZectl'icaZ If. ?1,i~~L--' ~tJjrVr;o ~- . I \ f ~.-y'\-/ ~ /i.AL.P &a-v'l \ Add.~ess Lisc.# Expires Phone Mechar:icd Construction Lender ..-.- It is the l'esponsibiZity of the permit hoZdel' to see that aZZ inspections are made at fl'om the street, and that the pe1'mi t card is Zocated at the front of the property. *BuiZding Divicion approved pZan sheZZ remain on th~ BuiZding Sits at aZZ times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state YOUI' City designated job nw.:bel', job addPess, type of inspec::icn requested and when you wiZZ be ready for inspection, Contractors 01' Or..me1'S ~e ~nd phone numb01': Requests received before 7:00 C7. :.'iU be made the same d~y, requests m~e after 7:00 am wiU be made the next :X>l'king day. ::he p'l'opel' time, that e~ch ~ess is l'ea~ab:e " Reoui~p.d InSDp.ctions O SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation, but prior to set up of forms. O . UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & : MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is covered. Your City DeGigr.ated Job Number IG:' g:/6;/6"""7 D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION:. To be made after aU insuZ.:<tion ar'.d " required vapor barriers are in pZace but before any Zath, gypsum board 01' . waU covering is appZied, and befoT'!!., any inauLation is conceaZed. ' I DEMOLITION OR ,~:OVEZ; BUILDIiiGS I I =:J Sanitary S8'.Jel' capped at P~OP~l'tii Zir:e ~ Septi:: tank p:.L'rr?ed and fi.Ue1 with gl'a:JeZ ,. o FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring concrete. UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. SEWER. WATER, DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fiZ- .Zir.g trenches. o DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be made after aU d.IywaU is in pZace, but prior to any taping. O ~SONRY: Steel. Zocation, bond beams, grouting 01' vel'ticaZs in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. ---, Final. - rihen above ite:ns are compZeted ~ ar:d when demoZition is compZete 01' st1'UJ- tUI'e moved and premises cZeaned up. [J MobiZe Hemes i [J UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: D WOODSTOVE: After instaZZation is crl ~ BZocking and Set-up To be made prior to inGtaZZation of compZeted. ~ '.~ ~~ ~ PZumbing connect7.ons SDWel' ar~ water !tOOI' insuZation 01' decking. ~7 ~ POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to D CURB & APPROACH APRON: After> formSf-}. '"IiI EZectl'icaZ Connection _ BZockin{J, set-u;; instaUation of fZool' inszoZatior: 01' . are erected but prior to pouring 'Y' ~ and pZumbing connections rrr..:st ce approved decking. concrete. . befol'o requesting eZectricaZ inspectio~ ROUGH PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECH- D SIDEWALK & DRIVEr.;!.y: For aU con- ANICAL: No work is to be cOl..'el'ed . crete paving within street l'ight- :=J Accessory BuiZding until. these inspectior:s have beer: of-way, to be made after aZr exca- made and appl'o~ec. . . _ va~ing comz::Zet~ & form lJJOl'k & sub- ; ~ Final. _ After porches, skirting, decks, FIREP~ACE: P!'i01' to pZac~r.g fac7.ng " .:pase.'!!.a~(3~~Z. 7.n,~Zace.. ~ ~ etc. are compZet~d. matel'7.aZs and before fl'am7.ng 7.nspec- ',,' ..' tion. , I o LJ ~ ~ FRAHING: Must be l'equeGted after approval. of rough pZumbing, eZectl'i- caZ & mechanical.. AZZ roofing bracing & chimneys, etc. rrr..:st be compZeted. No work is to be con- ., ceaZed until. this inspection has . been made and approved. D PENCE: fI'hen compZete -- Provide. gates 01' movabZe sections through P.U.E. o o -.- FINAL PLUMBING AU project conditions, Guch as the required Zandscapir:g, etc., must be -/ instalZation of street trees, co~Zetion of tne satisfied before the BUILDINC FINAL can be requested. - :=J ~ :=J ~ FINAL MECHANICAL o FINAL BUILDING: The Final. BuiZding Inspection must be l'equ~Gted after the Final. PZumbi/lg EZectl'icaZ, and Mechar:icaZ InspectionG have been .made.and approV2d" . FINAL ELECTRICAL -, . " *ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!1ENT TO BE ,.iADE AT NO COST TO CITY I Pare 1 of 2 .....:. ".'r';."~" !",:l"':';"'i'.~~.~~i.~ ...... L' ... . .. . ..,~ /-- I~r~~ I I 17-5P I '"").;.C)o I . ~1>i3 17.~~ JOB NO. I Zone: Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Zot Covel'ag~ # of Stories Total. Height . Topography lITEM IMain I Gc:1'aae SQ.FTG Carport Accessol'l/ S.D.C. TOTAL VALUE (va~uc) 1.5 :x: BuiZding Pe1'mit State Surcharge Total. Cha..~ges lITEM I FixtuPes I Residential. (1 I sani~I'Y Sewer ',NO. I - FEE bath) Water ~A"PP PZumbing Pern:i t State Surcr.arge TotaZ Charaes I lITEM Res. Sa. fta. Naw/Extend Circuits I.T-;...".... ~'!!- Service NO. FEE /(" c.-- I ' I ff~A"P? , EZectl'icaZ Permit State Surcharge Total. Charc;es ITEM I NO.' FEE FUrnace PTU' S I Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan / ' I Woodstove I Pe1'mit Issuance Mechanica.Z Pe1'mit State Surcharae Total Charaes -- ENCROACHMENT -- Se~~1'itl/ Deposit Storage I Maintenance , , Permit I i Total. Charges ..,:.. i Curbcut , i SidewaZk , , : Pen:'Je : EZectl'icaZ Label. MobiZe Home ~N~.l'?'W~ /,:' ~ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: * x VaZue I I I I I CHARGE CHARGE Building Value & Permit This permit iG granted on the express condition that the said construction shaZZ, in aZZ respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Spl'ingfieZd, incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, l'eguZating the constructicn and use of buiZdings, and ma.y be suspended 01' revoked at any time upon vic- Zation of any provisions of said Ordinances. * , PZan Check Fee: Date Paid:. I Receipt #': ISignea: , ' , * ;", ~'\ ., ., . I. I' I I I , I,. ?\ "Plumbing Pe r m it No person shaZZ construct, instaZZ, aZter ol"change any new CI' e=isting pZumbing 01' drainage system in uJhoZe 01' in part, unZess such person is the ZegaZ possessor of a vaZid pZumber's Zicense, except that a person may do pZumbing work to property uJhich is owned, Zeased 01' operated by the appZi- cant. * Electri cal Perm it Where State LauJ requires tr.at the eZectl'icaZ work be done by an EZeatl'icaZ Contractor, the eZectl'icaZ portion of this permit shaZZ r~t be vaZid until. the Zabel. has been signed by the EZectI'icaZ Contractor. 1..),7-~ I 7...5'0 I/~~ -1:>-Y " - r ~ t 1/5:751 * I I I I I I I I p-: '"j9 1- (\ I ,63 I I I , -:5b. ?b CHARGE I I I I I I I Mechanical Permit I * I I I I I f #:~-~?~.,- --') €,-::2,~..r:2' t~e r I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED tlw compZeted appZication for permit, and do hereby certify that aU infor>rr1ation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d aZZ work performed shaZZ be done in acaol'- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Spl'ingfieZd, and the L~~s of the * State of Oregan pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY wiZZ be made of any structure without permission of the BuiZding Di- vision. I further certify that onZy contractors and e~pZoyees who are in compZiance with ORS 701.055 wiZZ be used on this project ~ g ?-,3 t:ff--- Datf