HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1989-6-2 ,I .. RESIDE IAL'. APPLICATION/PERMIT , 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd~ Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division ?26-3753 Job iocation: AsoesDor:: Map H sUbdivia':'on: .' ~.: SPRINGFIELD . .... Iv/.; -:1/ ... OJner: i~'~AN ~~f'> . Wl~I"',A<? ' Dt\.~~ .~ 70 Phone: jLJ/- of () e Zip: q 1 Lf- 7 8 J'1P(PO ()&l~ ;JFf/O I t'tJ J-~Q /10& I(q, TC% Lot H . . Add:r>ess: City: ~ I NI'lJ I Addition I I Remodel IXI Uob~le /loma , (vI n J'7 Date of Application Contractors , General tJt!.HU/l ~ Describe 1"01'1,: ., t?'^~ \.c\ i "',j ,Fe.n c:e 0.. , Value +t/IM v .1., .' .\. ." : :i.' . ,. ...... . '.~, . . .1. " .' , " . -, . , ' I. '. , .. .' " . I'; . .. . t.:_ .; ,::' ,. .... , ,. ! I. ;... . ' : . .', ,. .' . . , .....,';.,.. ,.... ,. I'" \ . ".' . '. ..', " .. :.': J ;M~~ 1 . / ~ Exp1r~s Phnnp. Address Li.!'lc. (I 'Bldrs Board Reg. ; Plumbing i Hechan:Lcal I EleL:trical J Super"--.istT!g Elec t r.ic ian ,. .-' ..... It is tile reoponoibility of tho permit holdol' to 880 that azz. inDpeotions. aJ'B madtl at th/l pl'Oplll' time:, that Clcoh ::ddress fl'OI1f the street, an.::! that the PCl'mi.t oa1'd is located at the [ront of the property. ~BuiZding tr:vi::io~ appl'oL'ed plan s1u:ll remain on thz Building Sits at all times. . . PJ10CEDUP.E FOR INSPECTION RSQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (l'ccordel') state YOUI' City des~gnated job numbel', l'oqucstcd ar.d when you wiLl be l'eady [01' inspeot~on, Contl'aotol'S 01' OJners name and phone number. l.'ill be made the same dcy, requests mcde afta' 7:00 mr !Jill be made the nc:ct wl'kirig..day. Raolli."'I'r! r"nD""tT:r.n,q O SI1'E INSPECTION: To be made after' excavation, but prior to set up of foms. . O UNDERSLA8 PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & . MECHANICAL: To be made before any wo~'k is aovered. o FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION:. To be maae aftar trenches are excavated and [orma are erected, but prior to pouring ccnCl'et~. UNDSRG.r?OUND PWMIJINC. SSI{F:.'? W.1TER, D!?AINAGE: 7'0 be made prior to fiZ- lir:g tl'enchee. O UNDERFLOOR PLU1.!8ING & MECHANICAL: , To be made prior to inutaZZation of 1100r insulation 01' decking. o o POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instaLLation o[ [loor ins~lation 01' dec kil1{j. ROUCl/ PW.'18l!lG. F:r.ECTR!CA!. & MF:Cl/- ANICAL: No work, is to bc covered ur:tiL these inspections have been made and approved. FIREPLACE: Prior to plccir~ facing materials and bcfol'e framing inspec- tion. FRN~JNr.: Must be requcDted after approval of rough pl~bi"f), electri- caL & mechanical. An roofing bracing & chimneys, eta. nr~st be ; completed. No work is.to be con- I cecZed until thio inspcction has . been made and approved. D D D 1.S J'oadab:o job address, type o[ in3pecticII Requ~sts received ~efol'e.7:00.~ ~{)S#; Your City Deoigr.atcd Job Numbel' 10: D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: DEMOLITION OR MOVED BUILDINGS To be made aftel' a Zl insu lation and. . . .. required vapOl' baJ'l'iel's are in plaoe --, .Sani~y smJel' :lapped at pl'opcrty Zir:e but before. any lath, gypsW71 .board or. --I ." . . . .. - wll .covel'i~o. i~ applisd. and bsfol's . --, Sspti.:1 t~1< pumped and. litted uith gl'Q:JoZ any 1.nDulat1.0n 1.S ooncealed. ... ---J.. . ' . . O DRyr{AJ,L INSPECTION: To be made altel' aZ7. dl'YLJaZl i.s in plaoe; but prior to any taping. .. O MASONRY: Steel locatio'n, bond. beamD, grouting 01' vel'ticals in accordance !Jith U.B.C. Section . 2415. D WOODSTOVE: Aftel' installation is ccmpZetcd. .. D D CURB & APPROAC1/ APRON: After [orms are cl'e:Jted but prior' ta pouring aon.:1rete. SIDEr{ALK .( DRIl'EI{AY: For' all con- crete paving within stl'eet l'ight- of-wcy, to bc made after' all e:Coa- vating complete & form work & cub- base material in pla:Je. . ---, Final':' ro/hen above. items. aJ'e ccmpleted .. ~ and Llhen dsmoZitior. is oomplete 01' Dtl'll"- turD moved and pl'DmiStlS .oleaned up. . . Mobile I!cmss :=J Blooki.ng and Set-up. :=J Plumb~ng connections -- seLler and Llater ~ ElClotrioat Conneotion -.Btooking, Stlt-up . .--J and plumbing oonneotions nr~st ~e apPr'ovod before requesting eleo~rical inspeotio~ .. , ,. :J Aocessol"'; Bui.Z~ing.. .1 ., , ., ;I' M PENCE: r.'hen compl&te .-- Provide ~ gatea or movable sootions through P.U.E.: o , . . . --, Final - Aftl1l' p;l'ohes, .sk1:.l'.Hng. --l eta.. aJ'e oompleted. . . decks, [J.' \ .' . . ",' " .j ., . ':',. " .", . .t.. '. " ,., - - - .- - -,' ~ " , ., :.An p'1'oject conditions, such as the 1',nstallat~on of.Dt1'Oet tr'oes, co.":'Ip1.otlon of till:.' ..l'equi.red landscaping, cto., mus~ be satie[ied befol's the BUILDING FINA4 ~an :be l'squest:zd. . .. o FIliAL PLUMDIlIG o FIliAL NE~/IA.'IICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL ~\\=J o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be l'equeoted aftol' thc Final Plumbi~:1. EZectl'icaZ, and Mechar:ical InspeotionD have been mads'.and appJ'OlJod... . :., '. - -.. . ..,.. .,~ ! ~AT,L UAN/lOLES AND CLEMIOUTS /lUST DF. ACCESSIDLE, ADJUSTlfENT TO BE ~L1DE AT NO COST TO CITY Pa!7c' of :: i JOB NO. I Zona: Lot Sq. Ftg. ~ of lot Coverage .q of Stories Total Hei(Jht Topogl'Clphll . SOLA~CESS OccupanclJ .1': . I _\'~',. . LOT TIPE' . REQ.- L -CO eft " ". .. :.,. :. . , " '<~(:'~.,(::'.' Inte~l' .::,:~,;:.; . . . '.. -: . ~ ~: ~ Comel' ;.1;." Lot Face8 Tijpe1C01:8. Panhandle ..;";', cut-ds-Baa P.L. North .East South "'sot -- Fee8 Setbacko I Houes Gara(1p. , ACCC38. 8edl'ooma: eneray SO;lra(!1J 1:/1.'0 !leat Watm' .'((!a t,,/. RallGl! Fircnlaca wood:;tor;e I TTF.J.I I Main I CaPane I Carport I Acceoool'u I I Is.D.c. . .sq.FTG x Va lue Building Value \&,-:.Permit Thio. peI'rlti t io aran ted on tl1(1 axpreolJ conditioll thl.l t the /laid C:OI1.~ tl'UC't ion ohalZ, in all renpecto, conform to the O/.dil1w;c() :ufopt,?.l/;y tile Ci.ty of Springfield, incZudin!] the Zonin!] Crd::llallce, r()gulc:.till!] thrl CCIIOtl':lCticll and uce of buiZdill!JG, alld m:oy bo oucpendad.ol' rauokec! at CoI:Y t::1:11) upon vie- lation. of allY prouiaiol1o of Gaid .Ordir.allcea. "I i TOTAL VALUE S (IJaLuc) 1. :I: .. B "". .. .. ..':..:' U1.....1.rlg Pernn.t . ..' , . Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: I Rec&ipt II: ISi!]ned: , - ,. .Stats Suroharge . Total Charges.. ~ I ITeM I Fi.:z:tU1'es I Residential ri bath) I sani tary SeLJsr I Water INO,I I , I I II 1 I FEE CHARGE Plumbing Perrrtit No percon ohalZ C0I10tl'Uct, inotaZ!, a~ter 01' chal1gc GIIY neW el' e:::iatill!] : plumbing. or drainaae oyote:" in whole 01' in part, w:lesa G/.icJl pel'aOIl ia the legal pODDeSRor. of.a lJalid pZumber's licenae, ()Xcept that a pe:'aoll mail do plumbing /Jork to propel.ty wllich io owned, Zeased or operated by the apl-'li- . . cant. PlWJ/bing Pem t State SU1'01-.Q.1.g6 I I. .. I ,I , "', .. .~. .,. ,:'" . . '.. ~ . . :, " - . . '... ., '. Totat Chaioges ITEM l ~ NO. . FEE CHARGE . Reo. Sa. fta. NOIJ/EZtend Circuits Electrical Permit Temporary Service I I I. ..- . . Whore State La1.J requireD t1:at tho cZectricaZ WOi'K be done by a'l EZectricaZ Contractor, the. electrical portion of thia permit GhaZZ not be valid ulltil the. label haD been signed by the EZectricaZ [;011 tractor. .' " Eteatrioat. Pemrlt ". \ ..-.' .' -~.. ..... .. Stats Surohar'ae . i: . : ~ ITEM NO. FEE C/lARGE . , ~. , " .' . 'Totat; Chmtces ';,~.'" . " '1 . .' ., . - rurnaee F!TU' S E:chauot Hood .' Mechanical Pe.rmit Vent Fan . :;1 ;W~od8to;8:.':.~.' .. . '.~.:.., .- '.1"-- . . .. 'I' ',' _:?";.,;~.,t.',,~ ." . ......." .........,. . ~: . . ~.~'. . ;,: I. .... . .: ~... '....,'1'... Psiomit Issllt:IMa' ... '::-. ...' .;:1:; _. :' ...~..',~:: l.u~~han"Aa" "~...J.t.:> ,...,.....1.......;.....\.,' ..' .,. riD... ....., It .r_I"llfI,' -", -, '..' ., ! :'!'~~" ~.~~~.~ ,~: '., .~~~ :...:...', ~',',~ ;l,:,;. ~ ':': .....'; " . : '. ~..:. .' .~. I.. .~. i ',' . , '."~' '.'.," -. State' Suro1rizrac'.' ......., ... . ,.. . .,. .. .. ;~., ,'. To~~t '~;~~n.. . '1..' '; .,. ,,', " .., ';",1': .. -- ENCROACHMENT -- SeC"04ritl, DeP93it . . /., .;'1' ;\"~l\'''''''''. Storage ./ M~in'tenanae I Permit I I eurbcut I Sidewalk . . 1 I . :, , ".', .1 " ,1", ."'.' " I. I . ..w.'\' : .~~,.; '"1":"1' ",,'.j ..'.i':ll;.~."w".,..:. "~"~'I"'~l ,.~ . ':~" Plan E:z:aminer Uatfl Total Chal'l7oS , - .1 HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the compZeted application for permit, and do hereby ael'tify that all info:'Tlla.tion herooll is truR and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d all work perfol':7led 8haH be dO:1e in acaor- dance /Jith the OrdinanceG of the City of SpringfieZd, and th: Ur~o of tho ~ St(:zte of Oregon psrtainin(J to the work described here~n, r;:lId that NO OCCU- PANCY /Jill be made of any otruoture. ~itho~t permiGaion of the Suildina Di- vision. I furthor certify that O:1Zy contractors a,:d e:nployees w}:o are in ccr.lpliance /Jith ORS 701,OS~ /Jill ba used on t}lis projlZct i. Fcn:Je '.., .1 . "-,'.. :. ,';a . . 5J}o . I', . . .. Eleatl'icat Labat . :1 Mob1:l6.Hcme:'1 ":'" ,'.. ,".'- I' (., "'. \. '. ~.... 'j: . ,. 1 .' . '. , ! ' ',: ..l :,.t"..'l '.'6~. oi) ': ,. 1- ~I Si(Jnad I . , ~I:- '1, .. r I' ' .., l '. " .. I' .,' . , .t" ,":: ,.,',: . (t..: ' .', '~'" " , . .' , \ I"" TOTA L AMOUNT DUE:'~ . .. . """.., Date