HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-8-22 (2) ."14,1007 h'cce:.pt .II ( .. RESID~TIAL" :~' APPLICAT1fI/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street ' Springfield~ Oregon 97477 Building. Division 726-3753 . ~C~ Z#/~~ ~ H''tI?-()Z:.rX/;...-/ /_ Ta:r: Lot H I21.12JJ3 fM VitO rn '~l ~J!i- j;r1, l' f!JtJ,t c) Lots l/6/0 . /Ll,~. ~ / ~r- ,;;r' I~ . ~J?::Z?~'~I - /c-.::::-s~~ . ~/~ ,~.', /7'~ / jb-o?yce=- WP~ m~P/'c:. E" /7{;::;~e- 28.Y'~Y . Date of Application ,. $-:;?&'Y Cont.ractors : General ~{/E'Ef ~~ ! Plumbing ~7fcP '::::;7z>~ZS I Hechanical E ~ t:tc. t rica 1 ?...st' k'e:--Z:::;;:>Q'S7 cc.:.c-,,'::;;'.i:. ~ '- . Suoerv1~ing Eleetr.~cian ~~~ .~Af~ ___ It is the l'esponof,bit~ty of ths perm' ',d'tJer ~ee that alt inopections azoe made\at the propel' timt>, that ecch .:ddress is readab~e from the street, and that the perrtri cazod is located at the front of the property. ~Bui'tding Divicior. approved plan shalt I'emain on the Building sits at all times, , PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job nw::ber, job address, type of in3pec-:;icll raquested ar.d w,l;en you wilt be ready for inspection, Contractors 01' Owners name and phone number. Requt>sts received befere 7: 00 IZ':l L,.it l be made thl> same day, requests made aftSI' 7: 00 am wit.. l be made the nczt ;,}Orkilt.J day. Job Location: Asoesoor3 Map Subdivision: Q.mer: Address: City: I I I I IXI lY~w I Addition Remodel Nobile Homo SPRINGFIELD Phone: 6SiiG" ~7~ Zip: //'7~ / Deocribe 11'01''': Value ~ ":>~..:. ---...'?> 'Lise. II Bldrs Board I\ddress Reauired InsDectionn O. SITE INSPECTION: To be made after ezcavation, but prior to set up of forms. O . UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & . MECHANICAL: To bG madG before any . work is aover8d. . FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be rmde after trenches are ezcavated and forms azoe Grected. but prior to pouring cencret~. rvt, UNDERGROUND PLUMBING, SEWER. W.1TEl?~ ~ DRAINAGE: To be maae prior to fil- .li,..g trenches. D. UNDERFWOR PLUMlJING & MECHANICAL: . To be made prior to installation of ,. ftoor insutation or decking. o POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installati~n of floor insulation 01' decking . ROUGH PLUMBIlIG. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be covered. .until these tnBpections have beer. made and approved. . FIREPLACE: Prior to placi,..g faoing materials and befor8 f~ing inspec- tion. . O FRAMING: Must be requeoted after . approva.l of rough plwrbing, electri- cal & mGchanical. AU roofing bracing 8 chimneys, eta. must b8 : completed. INo work is to be con- . .., cealed untilthio inspection has 'been made and approved. . ~. o D D ,',- .- Your City Deoigr4ted Job Number 10: O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER If/SpeCTION: To be made after all insul~tion and .:. .' required vapor bazoriers azoe in plaoe . ,;' ., but before any lath, gypsum board 01' , ' wl.l. covering is applied, and before .. ',' any inoulation is conceaLed. ' --, DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made ~ after all. drywall. is in place, , but prior to any taping. 0, MASONRY: Steel location, bona beamo, grouting or verticals in accordance with U. B. C. Section 2415. D WOODSTOVE: After installation is complett>d. D CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte:o forms azoe crected but prior to pouring cOllarete. , \o~ ',.\~ O SIDEI,IALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- crete paving within street right- (}f-wc.y, to be made after all ezca- vating complete & form work & zub- , base matel'ial in place. D FENCE: K~en compl~te Provide. gates 01' movable sections through P.U.E. , Sigr:ed: Date: ~wa) d( 7'1 "!")/'J \j ( r-i ((-'-1' I D ,/'- Re5!. Exoires Phnnp R9"c::>S -"9 DeMOLITION OR r.:OVCD BUILDINrJS :=J SaniUIrY sewer capped at p~op~rtii lir.e ~ Septic tank p~cd and filled with gra~el --, Final - II~en above items are ccmpleted ~ ar.d when demolition is compLete 01' st1'U~- tUZ08 moved and premises cleaned up. Mobi le Homes ~ Blocking and Sat-up ~ Plumbing connections seWer and wat8r ~ Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up ~ and plumbing connections mr~ot ce approved . before requesting electrical inspection ::=J AcceSSOl"d Building \.' . ~ Final - Aftor porches, skirting, decks, ~ etc. are completed. J' D - All project conditions, auch as the instaLLati.on of street trees, c~~lotion of tns required landscaping, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be l'aqueotad. o FIliAL PLUMBING o FINAL MECHANICAL o FINAL ELECTRI.cAL ,D (8 FINAL BUILDING: 7'ha Final Building Inspection must be requsoted after tho Final PZumbill.J Electrical, and Mechar.ical Inspectiona have been made and approved. - , " ~ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS nUST BE ACCESfJIBLE, AD.TUST/fENT TO BE ~MDE AT NO COST TO CITY Page 1 of 2 JOB N~.AqCRJ1 SOLAR ACii.EhS2,EQ.- I Zone: (AJ12.-- OccuvanC!l Grou.'f:....~ Lot Sq. Ft~. LOT TYPE :.'.' I Lot Faces - S of lot C:;verag;; Interior I I P.L. l/ of Stories Cornel' INorth Total Height Panhandle East South Topography Cul-de-sac IWest I lTEM I Main' I Caraae I Car!JOl't ! Value SQ.FTG x AccessorII R51!YT7~ ~? If' . TOTAL Y'~~.- S.D.C. VA WE (vatuc) 1.5 x 12,9'2-5"~ 4 I?-- dIC> -75""" /5: 75, 4 . Building permi t State Surcharge Total Char-ges lITEM Fixtures I NO. I I 1/ II ./} .;'..' ."",-7"'> /J/..........--1~v/- ., Plumbing Perrr.it '9t? ~ /6. -r/ /s:~ Sc::::>- ~ "< _:::;>C/ . 52-~C/ 14 CHARGE n:E CHARGE Residential (1 bath) I Sanitary Sewer ,. Water hL.-l?Yl8/~ -~ State Surcr.arge Total Charges . 11'm , NO.' FEE Res. Sa. fto. I New/Extend Circuits I T.. 'l'sp~ Service I /. I' d:.?-2-c-/. /~~~ ;(,> e;$C> - "e::...~~ ~t/ - ::?a ~ / -59 ?/-;9? 4 Eleatrical Permit State Suraharqe I Total Char!jes 1T8M NO. FSE CHARGE Furnace ETU' S Exhaust Hood Vent Fan I I I Woods tove Permit Issuance Me::hanica l Permi t State Surchal'OC I Tota l CharGes -- ENCROACHMENT -- Se~~rit!l Deposit I Storage I Maintenance I Permit I Total Charf1cs I Curbcut I Sidewalk IFen::e I Electrical Label I Mobile Home 5-~? I 5"~ //5tY#/'TC-'E"' I ~ ~.2S 1_",.;/5 I 5"":2 S-/ .~~. , "'f!r" A" '" I.''''' ~ ~,... "n~. " L - C 0 G~ Setbacks /louse Carage .. 8edI'ooms: . F--") .: I EnerlJ.!I Sources ~r- I !leat r (' ..} Access. I L Water Heater' I ~ gange I -- Fireplace I Woodstove I TlIfle Type/Canst: Fees BuildingV~lue & Permit This pe~nit is granted on the express condition that the said construction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, }'egulating the construiJtion and use of buildings, and may be suspended 01' revoked at c:ny time 'upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Or~inances. ~ .. , Plan Check Fee: ' 9' ~?S- Date Paid: .:s;.-?-fi>-'~ IRecdpt #: 1'I~<r::::> lSigned: A' ~ f A 'f_ -~~ ~I . ",17 , ~ /' ' Plumbing Permit No p~rson shall construct, install, alter o~ change any new 01' existing plumbing op drainage aystem in whole'or in part, unless such p~rson is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a person may do plumbing work to property which is owned, leased 01' operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permi t Where State Law requires that the electrical work be done by an Slectrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall r~t be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Meche nical Permit 4 I I. 6/4-89 I I llAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for pel'lnit, and do I hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d aZZ work perfol':l7ed shall be done in aocor- I dance :.ritll the Ordinances of the city of Springfield;, and th;; Ur.JS of tho 4 State of Oregon pzrtaining to the work described herein.. and that NO OCCU- PANCY :.rill be made of any structur2 without permission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that only contractors and e:nployecs who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project -" ()MJ3~;i ,/, r ,. , Sian.'Id ~~Rr Date f