HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1999-6-2 !o '.. c..~' \" , . DA'VE:.ll: b l-eJlld~ ~YlA S+ 5W\ tA-/sy #- 21 . \ ~ eoJ-. '}JU VJIJ (J RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION Inspections: 726.3769 Office: 726.3759 LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORI<: ASSESSORS MAP: /762 S 1 'N LOT: OWNER: CITY: DESCRIBE WORI<: NEW REMODa ADDITION 1...--'" DEMOLISH ___ OTl-fEn CONTRACTOR'S NAME GENERAL: $PFlINCFIELP nmw:."",.,~ OLOCI<: STATE: , . JOG NLJMUEfl C(tJ67 'f6' 225 Fillh Slreet Sprlngrleld. Orugon 97.177 TAX LOT: 6 /4 67 SUBDIVISION: -, PHONr-' '7%-115D nr< ZIP:_~~<6 ADDRESS CONST. CONTliACTOR 11 PHONE ---,.--- EXPIIlES ~ PLUMBING: MECHANICAL:~Orf . Fl1lliLlflSl DeN 51,\ 5-l-e_ D ~O ELECTRICAL: ftr 2 '7 .qq 1Z1o~61 ro ----- . . " req' . 'Ires you to - . , -qE\i nON:Ol'egon la\l. "'. . - OFf-ICE USE _ AI ~ db the Oregon Utility . QUAD AREA~ollow rules adopts,_ Y e rules aM'IJDJtLfOGJL, . --N.QIjCE: FLOOD PLAIN: Notification Gemer. IIIU~ '~ q~g 001- TH . 11 OF BLDG~:EJ;!ffi9!;1) f)rJj_n()10thrOugh\O~~or--~~"B\i 'SPERMITS~I.N:O<~flijF-+He-weR" I I M ---- - obtain copies of the ru AUTHORIZED 1II\In ;. OCCY GROQ~!30. You may (~~.)te' the t~j:Q~I$Wf'll?TYPE: . . "1I~,ElOirHI$$?EBMlIJs.NoJ 11 OF STORIE~c~~;r~~~t~~~rl~a'on Utility ~wttiP~tbOSRCE: ____ COMMENCEDq~b~1l~~N~~lf7(:}f9R h_OO U.T. Center is 1-800-332-234tt).. ' AI\JYI~ODAYPER'OD._ WATER HEATER: .----_ RANGE: ___ SOUARl: FOOTAGE: ..._._..__ To request an Inspection, you must call 726.3769. Tills Is OJ 2.; hour recording. Alllnzpectlons requesled belore 7;00 .un. will be made the salllC worl<lng day. In:;pectlons requeslcd aftcr (:00 a.m. will be made the following worl< clay. D Tempornry Electric D Sile Inspection - To be made aller excavation, but prior 10 se I tlng forms. o Underslnb Plumbingl Electricnl/ Mechnnlcnl - Prior to cover. D Footino - After trenches arc excavated. o Masonry - Sleel location. bond beams, grouting. o Foundntion - Aller forms arc erected bul prior to concrele . placement. o Underground Plumbing - Prior to filling trench. o Undcrlloor Plumbing I Mcchnnicnl - Prior to Insulation or decJeing. o Post nnd Beam - Prior to (1001' Insulation or decl<lng. o Floor Insulntion - Prior to decl<lng. o Sanit;lry Sewer - Prior 10 (1Iling trench. o Storm Sewer - Prior [0 filling trench. . o Waler Line -. Prior to filling trench. .', Rough Plumbing -. Prior 10 cover, \ REQUIRED INSPECTIONS D Rough Mcchnnicnl - Prior 10 cover. ' D Rough Elcclricnl - Prior 10 cover. o Eleclrical Service - MlISI be '.ilpprOVec! to oblnin permanenl . eleclrlcal power. o Fireplace - Prior to rilclng materials and fmming Insp,. ... o Fr<lmlng - Prior 10 cover. . o Wall/C'elling Insulntion - Prior to cover. o Dryltinll - Prior to 1.1~1ing. o Wood Stove - After In:31alla:ion. o Insert - ,\(ter fireplace approvlll and Inslallatlon o( unl[. o CurbclIt &. Approach - Aller rorms arc ereCled bIll prior 10 placement o( cOnCml(~. o Sidew<llk ::;. OriveW:IV - A(ler excav;lliOr1 is comple[e, .rorlll:; ancl sulJ.IJa:;e materiill in place. o Fence - VVIlen compleled. o ~;lroot Trees - When ai/ r'equlred Irees arc plnnled. . o Final Plumbin!) - When all . plul11l)lng w9rl< is complet,e. r-j"~ Fi)., Elcctlicill- When all \ I ~lrical worle is comp/ele, c92( - Ilnl MechalliCill - When all meclliJnical worle '1:; complete. o Final Ouilclill{J - WI1en all required inspections have been approved and building Is completecl, \ '. o Ol,he'r MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS o Oloel""!) nnd Set.Up - Wilen all bloclelnu I:; complete. D Plumbin!l Connections - WI1en I\omr~ IW:l been connected to Willer ;,111(1 :leVIer. o Elcctric:al COllnection - When 1)/ocl<in!J. :lI~l.up. and plllmbing Inl;peCIICln:l II,WC: been approved and Ille 110Il1() i~; connecled 10 1I1!} :lurvice panel. I I Finnl - Arler all required . inspections arc approved and porches, :;Idrling. decl<s. and ventlnohave been Installed. LOI faces Lol Type. SetbOlcl<:) . I P.L. HSE GAR ACC Lol sq, Itg. Inlerior' Lol coverage Corner N -- Topogrnphy Panhandle S --' Tolal helghl Cul.(]e.$ac W ,.----... --- ---- E .~ --- BUILDING PERMIT ITEM SO. FT. X $/50. FT. ~ VALUE Main , . Garage Carport . ---- Total Value -.....--..-..-.- ---.- Oullding Permit Fee Stale Surcharge Total Fce (Al. SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (0) PLUMBING PERMIT ITEM FEE Fixtures " NO Residential Oath(s) . Sanitary S~wcr Water FT. . FT. Storm S,ewer FT. Mobile Home Plumbing Permit Stale Surcharge Total Charge (C). MECHANICAL PERMIT Furnace Exhausl Hood Vent Fan NO. Wood Stove/Insert / FlrenlQce 'Unit D7V~ '. - ---'1l--_..- MeclwnicQI Permit ,.,.~ -.----... .., .- __-' ",. :~~-::":"" L It', rJ.) " /;9.00' ~'ltL 7~_~ 2-'.~ Issuance StQle Surcll~lIOC Total Permit (D) MiSCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Home Slale Issuance Slale Surcharge Sldewall< ft Curbcut It Demolition ~lale Surcharge Tolal Miscellaneous Permits (E) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (exclutJina clecirical) (A, 8, C, D, and E Combine(J) .. TI:iE PF1.0POSED WORI< iN THE, . ISTORICAL DISTRICT, OR ON. ' THE HISTORICAL REGISTER? II yes, this application must be signed and approved by Ihe Hlslorlcal Coordinator prior to permll issuance. APPROVED: , ' BUILDING VALU'E, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT ., . Tllis permit is granted on the express condition that the said . construclion shall, in all respects, conlorm to the Ordinance adopted by the City. 01 Springfield, including Ihe Development Code, regulating the construction and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revol<ed at any time upon violation of Llny provisi,ons of said ordinances. Plan Checl< Fcc: Date Paid: Receipt Number:' I . ! ReceiveO 8y: -. ---.--.... .---.-------- Plans Reviewed By Dale Systems Development Charge is due on all undeveloped properties within lhe City limits which are being Improved. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS aez T tt.L J. 1Ip'1t. r- ( t . /) fe~ (,1/ &!/ r , \ ( 8y signature, I slale and agree, Illall haye carefully examined tile completed application and do hereby certlly that all Inlormalion hereon is true and correct, and I funher certlly' thaI any and all worl< performed shall be done in accord.ance with the Ordinanct:s 01 the Cily of Springlleld, and the Laws of the St;Jte of Oregon perlainlng 10 the worl< described herein, :'md thai NO OCCUP,<\f\JCY will be made 01 any structure willloul permission 01 the Building Silfely Division, I furtlwr certify that only conlrnclors and employees who ~He in compliance'wilh ORS 701.055 will be used on lhls project.. I further ngree 10 c:n:;ure 1l1;:!l all required inspections arc requested at thc proper ~mc. thaI each address Is readable Irorn 111C slree 11a tile permit card Is localed at the Iront 01 the prope y, an . lhe .:lpproved sel of plans will remain on the, site at ::111 es dud ~g C0dl11S con. ~ Signature - ~'d' . 6 Dale /P~J.qq VAliDATION: RECEIPT NUM8Ef-1 I O~ t/ZJ! () DATE PAID 6/;'/7'1 AMOUNT RECEIV;O' "d I. fi) FlECEIVED OY __n.d- bJ/ .