HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-3-3 (3) 00 RESIDEATIAL 00 APPLICATI6f!!'iPERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 I i SPRINGFIELD oTob Lor:ation: S-~6t' V#,/S ~ ~7: ,,' #~C> . .' / A8nesnor~ Map # . TGX Lot # -IP~~ Ctmer: r:h?~ y~ ~ d?f#"h . Add1'ess:.~ ~rfS" .m~/H ~~ ;;;'>78 -- - ,,;-, Cit1J: ~~~Z;>. t?-/? - 1 /. Subdiv':"sion:' Lt:>r /t(.. 7l-(.A' I,~ 4r,./ c:: ~ I .\' Np.:.J I I Addition I I Remodel. I X I :fob':" l.e Homa Mp~.d/A/# 'V/eh' .~~ Phone: ?y/-/,,?,~ ~7 y;> 8 Zip: Desr:P"'~be Il'or]{: /~r~~ -:;'~'yS2' )'n~'B'~ #,//?~ w/T# /6 X 2~' <$A7Y~iE #dP 1~')(7.~' qR"P~T-,'~'JrI"iJ' '/Wb'/~. /tI1J1N< ~ /Itt>/ttf~ ~_ 'Z_f/ y'd . - 0 '2 ~/'2-S6. ($~n~afuef~~. '1$/8... . Date of AppZir:ation :,'O':::l....:::::;ors Genera?' PZumbir.g EZe.nrir:al. I.fecn...."r.ir:::. l. bW"'e-~' . Cons:rur:tion Lender _. Acaress !I G'), ( ~,f/") 0 c.. b C" d v"/.gr:e : Date: t/l :?-3-5((O Lisr:.~ t.X'D'1.,PCS Fi~onc It is the responsibil.ity of the permit hoUier to see that al.z. inopections are made at ihe proper time, that ear:h =ddress is re~D:e jrom the street, and that the pcrmit card is l.ocated at the front of the property. .Bui!dir'4 Divicio~ aD~roved ~Lan sr~l.l remain on the BuiLdinq ~ite at al.l. times. ... ~ . ~ ~ ?FiOCEDT.!!?E FO.'? INSPSC'l'IOl! RE'QUE'S'l':CALL 726-3769 (rcr:order) state your City design::zted job nzc;;ber, job acircss, tLJpe of ir.::per:~icT: requested a~c w~en you wiLL be reacy for insper:tion, Contractors or Owne~s name ~nd pr~ne number. Reques~s rer:eived befere 7:00 ~~ ~i~l be made the same day, requests made after 7:00 am wiil. b:: made the next working'day. . Re07.l.iped TnSDp.cticn..c: ~ SI::E ItiS?SC':'ION: To ba made after e=cavati.:m, but prior tc set up of foms. ~ U!lDERSLA3 PLU!BING, EDS:::'l'PIC,1L & ,'.XCHA:}IC;,L: To be made before any worK is ~ovcped. ZJ FOOTING !1 FOUNDATION: To be mace after tl'enches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring'ccnr:ret::. U!.':J2RG."!Ou:\'!) PLUMBING, SEI,':::R. 1>'.1TER. D3AIllAGE: To be ma.ie prior' to fiZ- lir:g trenches. I] ~ UNDERFLOCR !.'LUt.'!3ING & !.:C:CHANICAL: To be mace prior to instaLLation of f100r insul.ation 01' decking. POST AND BEA!.~: To be made prior to instaZZ-c.doll of fl.ool' ins:.lation 01' deckin;. ~ ~ ROUCh' ?LU,'rBI:",1C. ELEC';'!?ICA~ (: /.tECh'- AI"lICA!.,: ;/0 :"'iorj~ is to DC aoz.:ered ur.~il thcse inSDectio,:s h:we oem; made and aPPl'Oved. FI."!E'PLACS: Prior to pLadr.g facing materials and bcfol'c fr'aming insper:- tior.. ~ ~ FRA!.'If!r;: Must be reque3ted after approvc.l. of rough pl.~bing, el.er:tri- r:al. & mer:r..anical.. AE roofir.g brar:ing B chimneys, etc. ~~st be r:omoleted. !lo u,ork is to be r:on- . r:ea'l.ed until. thia inspcction has 'been made and approved. Your City Desigr.ated Job Numba Ia: Rt:::..(!:>C;JB? D I/}SULATION/VAPO.r? BARRIER DlS?ECTION: To be made after al.l. insul.ation ar~ required vapor carriers are in plar:e but befere any lath, gypsum board or wz.z. covel'ing is appZied, and befol'e any insulation is conceal.ed. DE:.!DLITIO!! OR ;~:DVE:; BUILDIj:CS =:J Sani -:ary Se'..Jel' capped :::-: p~operty' line " ~ Septic tank p~~ed and fil.l.ed with gra~e"i "'"., ~"" .' ---, Final. - Il'hen abcve ite,ons are co,~letc.i -! and when der.rol.ition is compLete or st:""..~- ture moved and premises cLeaned up. D DRYlo/ALL I,'lSPSCTION: To. be made aftep all drywall. is in place, but pl'ior to any taping.. Nobil.e Homes ~ Bl.ocking LJ Plumbing ~ El.cctrical. Conr.ection - Bl.ockiT~, set-u= ~ and pl.umbing co/!ner:tions rr...st .!;~ appr:;v~d beforo requesting eZec::rical. inspectio~: and Sat-:.Ip r:onnec~ions sewer ar.d wa-:el' o MASONRY: SteeZ . ..." Dearr;3" grou ./tng accorciance ~~th 241E. l.ocation"bond or vertica l.s in U.B.C. Section . ~ Ar:ces~or:b" Buil..iing . . . ~. . ,. . ~ ~ Final. - Aftel' porc~es, ~ eta. ape ccmple=~d. skil'ting, decks, D k'OODSTOVE: ccmpleted. After installation is o - Az.z. pro.ject cor.ditions, auc,': as the ~'.nstaz.z.ation of street t2'ees, r:c~l.et;:..:m of tne requi2'ed l.andscapir.g, etr:., must be' satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL r:all be requested. ~ FIliAL PLU!-1BIlIG ::J FINAL f.fE(;HA:lICAL .~ FIliAL ELE'CT!?IC!.L ~ o FINAL BUILDING: The Final. BuiZ-ding Insper:tio/1 must be requested after the Final. Pl.umbil1.J Electrical., and Mechanir:al. Insper:tions have been made and approved. D CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte::> fol'TT/s Ql'e erected but pl'ior to pou2'ing I:!on.::rete. *ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS lfUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST/fENT TO BE !,t~DE AT NO C:JST TO CITY D SIDEIIALK Ii DRIVEW.Y: 1"01' an co/!- r:rete paving with~/! stl'eet right- of-uX::!), tii bc'made afte2' aU. exca- vating complete & fol'm ~~l'k & sub- base matel'ial. in place. o ~ENCE: k~er. r:ompl.ete -- Provide gates 02' movabl.c sections through P.U.E. o Paf:e 1 of 2 I i JOB NO, , '7 !t-one: SOLAR A*SS Or:r:upanr:.2I Gr~ ILot Sq. Ftg. , !% of l.Qt Coverage I ,.. f C't . i~.o v ones !Total. Height , I Topography I I IITEN .IMain i , I Gc:race LCTTYPE Interior' Corner I SQ. FTG I 13'~ 12'~ I I' I Ar:cessorl/ 1.M,e/~€ ~~ i Is.D.c. , Panhandle Cul.-de-sac x . Val.ue 1/~40 Is~p I I I I I 2Si 'I/&> I ~()S'8 I /fS"~. 72 ~.SC> 2.62 5'Z.SZ , I Carvort TOTAT., VAWE 1.5 x (vaLue) . BuiZ-ding Permit State Surr:harge Total. Charges l NO. FEE I ZJf~~r I I I I, I I iMD~/(~#z:?~ ~'-P I i Pl.umbing Pe~t I 1,1 I State Surcr.arge i TotaZ Charaes I lITEM i-' ~ !'t._...""'"'"'t:..... .;Tl:'''~ I iResidentiaZ '(1 bath) ! Sanitary Sewer I i i>'ate:!' II I IITEf.; ! Hes. Sa. fta. I New/Extend Cirr:uits NO. I I I I I ..,-.-., J....;:,,~ i ! rOT! '-I'~ Seroice El.e~trical. Permit St:::.te Surcharae Total. Cha:!'qes , ! ITEl.~: I , t F'urn::zr:e PTU' S , i &:haust Hood INC. I I I I I "'-.-1 ,...,t'~.. r....w : Vent Fan 1 Woodstove Permit Issucmr:e Mechanical. Permit State Surcharae Total. Charaer, -- EllCROACHMENT -- "'. . ~~e~~nt.21 Depos"/.t Storage -'1aintenan~e Pcrmit Total. Charaes . Curbr:ut SidewaZk Pcn:::e El.ectrical. Label. Mobile Home J4,p'~e- TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:" ?ZCD /378 REQ.- . L - C 0 G~ 'l'ype/Cor.st: Bedrooms: Lot Far:es - I EnerGu Sourr:es I Heat , Ar:cess. I Water Yeater I Range I Fireolace I Woodztove II T;.J:::e Setbacks P.L. 'House Carage North East ISouth IWest Fees Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the express condition that the said construr:tion shal.l., in all. respects, conform to the Ordinanr:e adopted by the City of Springfiel.d; inr:Zuding the Zoning Ordinance, regul.ating the construction and use of buil.dings, and m:::.y be suspended or revoked at any time upon vio- Zation of any provisions of said Ordi~nces. * * Pl.an Cher:k Fee: ~.83 Datc Paid: q,;.5..-zb I Receipt #: r?,. & (P () 5 t-, 11_. _ I Signed: c.c.- Plumbing Perrrdt I I I I I I I I CHARGE I ,20.UW> I I 2t>.~1 IS: aral 64 70_-0 r;z .80 ?:?8~1 * I. I I /'5, ~ I I,), ~ ~.~ / . ';le> ~/. ~t!) . I I I I I I I I ~Dt I .:9,~~ I - I 67$: ~7 ,P' . '"j,.", v.1AtiLrI:. I I I I I I I I I I CHARGE I .~ I I I r · No person shall. r:onstruct, instal.Z, aZter or r:hange any new or e:isting pl.umbing op drainage syste~ in ~hol.e or in part, unl.ess sur:h person is the l.egal. possessor of a val.id pl.umber's l.ir:ense, exr:ept that a pe~son may do pl.umbing wopk to ppopepty which is owned, l.eased or operated by the appl.i- r:an t . Electrical Permit Where State Law requipes tr.at the el.ectpical. work be done by an EZe~trir:al. Contractor, the el.er:trical. portion of this permit shal.l. not be val.id until. the l.abel. has been signed by the El.ectrir:al. Contractor. Mechanical Permit ~-- ~--n ~%::;=in"r :....,..< -~ . uate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAJ.1INED the compl.eted appl.ication for permit, and do hereby r:ertify that al.Z information hereon is true and corrcr:t, and I further certify that any arn.al.l. work performed shal.l. be do~e in ac~or- danr:e with the Opdinanr:es of the City of Sprinaficl.d, and th= L~~s of the State of Oregon partaining to the wopk desr:ribed here~n, and that NO OCCU- PANCY LJil.l. be made of any strur:ture without parmission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that onl.y r:ontmctors a;;d e~pl.oyees wilo are in r:ompl.ianr:e with ORS 701.055 wil.l. be used on this project .. c~~ () ~-~6 Signed Date