HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-1-12 (3) v i,...;,...-, .. RESIOltaTIAL.. APPLICATION/PERI1IT 225 North 5th Street Springfield~ Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 .':>ccc....,~ 'ii .. ...... iPR'NGFJELD ~ ~ I~ (~, I ) I.;; t:)Tj '. t- i. . . I Subdivision:M~~:7~;V,,~/ V/cW Z;;~,/;e?/f:=-_5' 8~K~. &7" /? t .W/~:;/ /he?.P LlPr.~ ~ . Ot.mer/~~<.~.IY L.~L-/5. 92 1&:;& .l?/vt:X )?'Z). . ~ ~/p.~.c7/b/y' 0/.~ /~rr. 5iir-t/p lb~~c.€ w,pG ;Y;b("?/c.~ '~('M6 Jw"/T/Y C/9;t<?6~/ ~ ~T~E ~~~~J~R/e ij~ t:? 1- 7-~. VaZue :2? S-~ General. ,c .f~lJf;7i'.A-t'.T") ~~ /~ \ ;" - - , ~ .1:$i~R c 0 ~7l:5)f?e-5 E:l.ectrical. :;,e~t1</ Mechar:i.c:::l Job Loc.:ztion: 5h0 ;1::::~/5 ~ Acaessorz Nap # Address: Ci ty : I I I XI f1rr-.J Addi tien Remo.:eZ ,'.fa:':.!~ Homa Date of AppZic.:ztien :";on=rc==o~s PI. .. . LCl".D't.r.g ConstY"..Iction Lender ST. . 11'/;9 I T= Lot # " t \ L I \\ if ' -...-...-.---.--. Phone:6&7-7~ Zip: <=777'Slg Describe lI'ork: ( c' d v1..~e : (f} I~JZ'~'J Date: . AdQ..~e s s /~~- : -' . ,u~.sc. ,:: E=:;ir-cs ?r.o~:; - (~~~Y ) "7 Y ?- cre::>~$ i J It i.s the zoesponaibiZity of the permit holder to see that aZl. inGpections a1'e made .from the street, and that the permit card is 'Located at the fI'01tt of the property. ~Eui~i~.g Divizio~ appro~ed pLan shel.Z remain on tha Bu~lding Sit$ at aZl times. ?.'?OCEDURE FO:? n.'S?:=:~TIOl! REQUEST:CAll 726-3769 (recorder) state your City desigruted job number, ~e~wes~cd a~~ w~en you ~iZl be ready for inspcction, Contractcrs or OWne~s ncme and phone nu~cr. :.'iZ.Z be made the same day, requests made afta' 7:00 am wiZZ b:z made the n=t :.;orkin; day. rea.::ab:c I , , I I I job acc1'ess, type of ir.3pec~icn ! Requ€sts received cefere 7:0D ~ ' ~eaui~p.d Tns~r.~ticr.~ ] SITEI::52::C7'IO,'.': To be made after excav.:;~i.:m, but prior tc set up of foI'ITIs. ,. --, :' UlIDE:RSLAE ?LUl.f3I:IG, ELE~TRIC,1L & ---1 l.$CH.J.:/J.-C:"L: 1'.0 be maae before any work is ~overed. ] FOOTING!! FOUNDATION: To be made after ~renches are excavated and foI'lTls are erectad, but prior to pourir~ ccncret~. U!.'Dr:;RG.':~OU:,'D PEUl.fEING. SEflER. W.1TE!? DRAII;AC2: To be made prior to fiZ- Zir.g ~renches. ] ] U!!DERFLOOR !'LU....'BI.'lG & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to inatallation of j100r insuZc.tion 01' decking. POST A!:D BEAl.': To be made prior to instalZe~ien of fZoor ins~Zation 01' deckin;. ] ROUGH P!,U!.'BI!.'G. ELECT?!CIi!. ;; MECH- AVICAL: No work is to be covered ur.~iZ these inspections have beer. made and approv~~. FIREPLAC:=:: Prior to pZacir~ facing materials and before framing inspec- tior:. ] FRA.'.'IllC: /otuzt be reque3ted after approveZ of rough pl.umbing, el.ectri- caZ & mechani~aZ. AZZ roofing brQcir.g & chimn~ys, et~, ~..Ist be . corrroZeted. !Io work is to be con- ." cea'Zed until. thiG inspection has 'been made and approved. ] ] :J FINAL PW1..'3Il1G ] FINAL l..'E~H/.:lIC,1L ] FI....AL E!.E-:-:.=:ICAL ] o at the propel' tim;;, that :;cch .::.ddre8s is Your City DeGigr.ated Job Nwnb€r IS:--9?~O 2C!:) D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSP:;:CTIO:l: . DE:.IOLITIO!.' OR ;'.:OV:::; EUILD:r;:CS To be made after all insuleticn ~~ required vapor carriers a1'e in place --, Sanita1'Y sC'..Jer capped at p~op:;!'t":1' Zine Cut cefore any Lath, gypswn beard 01' -.J LXZU coverina is aDvZied, and before --, Septi:: tc:nk l?",-,,?ed and fiZZad Llith ~a:JaZ . any insuLatiOn is conceaZed. -.J ~ DRYWALL INSPECT!ON: Tc be made after all. c..rywall. is in pLace, but prior to any taping. ~MSONRY: SteeZ Zocation, bond beams, oroutino 01' verticals in accoraa;ce ur~th U.B.C. Section 241&, WOODSTOVE: cemplet€d. I Final. - fihen abcve ite:ns are ce.-:r::Il.et€d ~ ar.d when demelition is complete 01' st~..I:- ture moved and premises cZeaned up. o Mobil.e Hemes D After instaZlation is ~ 2l Bl.ocking and Sat-up <;7., :zJ Pl.wnbir.g connections s:;wer ar.d water APRON: Afte~ forms ~ El.ectrical. Conr:ection - BZocking, set-u~ prior to pouring 4 y ~ and plumbing connections ~...:st !;e appro~'a.: beforc requesting eZectricaZ inspectio~ D CURB & APPROACH a1'e ere::ted but corwrete. D SIDEflALK & DRIVEfIAY: For all con- \-v1 crete paving UJithin street right- 7 ~ Accessor"d. Building of-way, to be made after all exca- vating com!?Zet~ & f01':'."l work & sub- I \7l FiruZ - Aft~r ::,orcr.es, base matenaZ 't.n place. 4) ~ etc. are compl.eted. skirting, decks, D !"EN~E: k'hen complete -- P1'ovide gates op movable" sections througr. P.U.E, D D Al.l. projcct conditions, suc~ as the instaZZation of street tPaes, cc.~Zetion of the required landscapir:g, ctc., must be satisfied before the BUILDICG FI~AL can be r2questcd. FIll/.& BUILDING: The FinaZ BuiZdi.ng Inspection must be requeGted c.,fter the FiruZ PZumbing EZectri::aZ, and MechanicaZ Inspections have been made and approved. 'A;:r; N,',!:HCLES AND CLEAlWUTS lfUST BE ACCESEIBLE, ADJUST.'S.'.',!, TO BE: l.~1DE Fe' ro'o feST TO CI':'Y I ?=f."e ' of 2 JOB No.R~<c :'.or.c:~~5- Pun . Lot Sq; Ft.;. : ~f r~t C~crc~~ .ij of Stories ~ ... Z u . h~ .o",a ..Cl..!j... '.TO'Docr.:cnu ~ .... . ... !':2.'.! SQ.F'!'C ,"'~':~r: I 12~7' I 5'Z ~r/~sj . :;'7:1't':::,'" ',..n,...............~ "'~. ......... ." ,.icccss~!'~J TOT,E. !lAW.:' SOL A R A.E S S R E Q.- Cccu:::ar.c:J GrC".<:::: III e. T,.peICor_qt: . " 'Tl I I I I I I I I II ~ L -CO G~.... .. , I I I I I I I /~ 4#>' I 1;7/ / J 3"?2S~ r:-- '1/7rSO 1\ I ...701 1/& ~;iO I *.) LeT TYPE Ir.tericr Cornel' PanhandZe CuZ-de-sac x Va Luc I I ~k~~e S.D.C. t vc.t..uc) 1.5 = Bu'Z../;::.:.r:g Per:r:it St.::..:~ S~""cnxrpe '1'0-:':; Z Ch.::z:'ge3 :T~.'..' I ;.'~!. :-.'-_.~-- ~/.('o?1 " ~esiCer.tia~ (1 beth) - . .:;~:.:..::!"! Se:..'c":' ;.,;=te!" /" ///?>>/-1r/J PZu.-:-:'::ir:g Perr.i t Stc.=~ S:a>cr.arae T:;~=;, Ch~r'(]es ....:-'1 i ::..../. j .=?cs. Sa. I I I I .....- , ....-. '.'_.j::'_'" ,: ,-.,:.......... ..:.J.,~ ;tc;.w ___...er_ ....... _:.l.......v , ~'_ ~ '-~. vC:"'",)7..ce ~HO;V EZe~:~icaZ Pe~it St::.te Sur~r.a..""'ae Tet.:zl C'r.arces .7'7;"1, :"":lrr...::ce E'!.'U' ~ ::=haust Hoo.: .. /ent Fen i:Jocsto:Je Pe-r.::i t Issuanc2 Me::r..:::.r:-:,c~ l Permi t State Surcharae ,!,r:~-::.Z ~~I'!~C'?:; Ei,'Ci1'DACHI.!E;',"i' r:~..I.~tu Dz::,o:;it :oraac -:-::n tl?7"..cr~.... -......,., ~ ..." ..1_.... Tete. Z w~cY'(]CS ~!:)(:'..J.: ~de-~:;. Z k "r1~r: :':ctr~c=! Lc=r:~ :b'i.Ze Home UU Be. € ~ ":--~L A}.!QU....: n..... I 15:~ I I :70. cP I I /3'..:so I I ~ ~ I "U( '/0. 0-0 r-).;; 7.Bt::> , 172..~J~ 1 I j /,<;: c;rO I . ;5:6e> I .. ~. ~ '-)) /.2P ::?/ . ~ I * J I j I , I ,.- Ci-=.A2':;::: I"....-..l;.:~ I I i , I I I I I I C.--. -~- ":.~..Ji;"'::' I I I I I I I I I I I I * I I ~s. COCO I (7 I I i9~ 7~ i. Ee~cor.:s: Lot Faces :r:.?r,'7:1 So:~r~t":; .;iC.:lt; T:J':'.J P.L. Ilorch lEast ISoz,;th l{veGt Sethc,'~k:; I iiour,e I Cara?c , I I I ~/Gtcr .=ff'1::::~"'''!' Hanpe ,:'ircni..acr. Weo:;:; :Ol.,'e I..~ne-~ 1.__.... uv, I I I -- F~es Building Value & Perm i t This permit ia granted on the expreGS condition that the said.conGtruction shatz, in aZZ reGpectG, conform to the Ordinance ::dopted b~1f the City of Springfield,. including the Zoning Crdinance, reguleting the censtr:I.::ien and UGe of buitdil1(ls, and m~y be iJuGDended or revokec: at C.1:y time u?or. vie-: Uztion of any pravisior.s of said Ordir~neeG. I cPO . Plan Check Dete Paid: /Receipt N: ISigr:ed: Fee: Plumbing Perrrdt No person nr4ll construct~ instaZZ, a~~er or char~e cny new cr e=~~:tr.g pZumoir4 or drainage syste~ in whole or in part, ur.less sz,;ch pCr'Gor. is the legal possessor of a valid plu'71oel" s liceniJe, exce:n: tr.at a per'sorz ~:z'" co pZumbing work to property which is ow~ed, leased or operated by the e~?~i- cant. Electrical Permit hTnere State Law requires tr.at the e~ectl'iceZ work be done DY an ~lcctr'ic=: Contrac"cr, the electricel ~ol'tior. of ~his permit sr.aZl r.ot be vaZii ~r.=il the Zabe~ has been signed by the ElectricaZ ~or."r'~ctor. f\/\echa n i c a I Permit ~ ~__ ~h" 7~xc:mii1Cr - - 7 -. I HA VE CAR~FULLY E:XANINED the compZeted appZication for permi t, end de hereby certify that aZZ ir:fo~ation hereon is true ar~ cerrect, c.rJ I further certify that any ar~ aZZ work performed 3;~ll. be done in accor- dance :.nth the Ordin.:znces of the City .of Springfield, and th.o: L(:'..;s of the State of Oregan pertaining "0 the work described herein, er.d t;;.2t ,.,'0 CCC:-'- P/;t1CY wiZl. b2 made of any struct:a>2 witho~t permis;;io~ of the 3~iZdir.;: Di- vision. I further certif,: tr.::t or:ly contractors ana c.~pZcyees r.;;:o are ir. ca'71pZiance with ORS ?Ol.05S wiZZ be used on this project /-&;>-87 !-'ate "\ . ( \ ,ill~ .1 iAj \' . / .Ml...v~.\. / Signed. I '\ ' ( !)~ O.t{, " (-;'211 D.:l:e