HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-4-30 (2) ,.;..;'~~j!,"~',*~t~.~,.It~".,,:'-:.,~~':'~~:;:,'~~\~';':!.~l',j~~ ,":::\r~',tJ,':~'.:.:'~/~:lt;,:;,.~ :::::,~'~~~.:.i:\:;~-;'f~.""~~':~-~';l.).,\:O.~..':;":'';:'''''I;:'~\~~o;.;!''l~'~!f~~;!::u";,:[,d:'i~ii'::'h,!,,,.)~-:;r:~'.~:;;"~.i.~;:;liI-~J.-' .. RESIDENTIAL 00 . APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 . Subdivision: M.t'UN.rA-/N' V/eW ~~?:iP/ ~ ~ C. ~r/.( N~R?".# ~ t!'~ L6r Z . / . " - - ... Ol.mer: Eh?~AL.7) M6j!?fLE ~,,"e,.~ , Address: 1:71[' >0(.) 7"H- ;(l' -5r.~ Phone: 7i17- ~~C)$. City: ~P):"~P. t &.7< . Zip: 9 ::>r;>? 5cr-tJp p~~.B.c.e iV/pc- )Yi~17/~,:T . If*E W/~.i!Jpe:s~c.i ~~8~~ . . . .. ()L,~e~~~R,:q ~6~~""-. '; Signed: ~.~t!F /J . Date: tf-~-g? .. value~~~3.0:1~.. . Job Loaation: ~~" ASlJesBors Map # I .. NP.tJ I Addition I I Remodel IXI Uobile Home ""--. '.':'.l':t!"J":~':" ~ 'vA.:'".l:~:,"'~~~'~~~"."':.Uf\.l'fl~"'_""''''~--'I'''''~----'~-'''- . , Rcae-:.pt # 6 blS 171 ! , .. >. , SPRINGFIELD \l~\ 1 \ \ l ., . (JI1(tp .' " Desa:ribe frorl<: " J I _ _,,_ 4-3() -'6 - / Date of AppZiaation Contractors Address General~~~ ~~E~ m.~.;I'.:..,..o~) Plumbing ~~~/5~.8S 4>. . ~/9~ ~~-"V' ~. ~ -. -. '- . Elcetriaal &-~ ~-~~~r.-,--:<-6'~-??~f~~~~-l)I" . , Meahar.iaal Constl'Uction l.ender Lisa. # Expires, Phone 79?--rC~& ~~.. 7S"'7~ ~L-~Z-9L-- It is the l'esponsibility of thB permit holder to see that all inspeations are made at the proper time. that caah <:ddress is readabZe f1'OTTl the street. and that the permit aard is located at the front of the property. *Bui!ding Divicion. approved plan shall remain on thE Building Sit:;; at all times. PROCEDURE POR INSPECTION REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job m07:ber, job address, type of in3pectien l'equestcd ar.d when you will be ready for inspection, Contractors or Ol.mers name and phone number. Requests reaeived before '1: 00 a:n :..'iZl be made the same day, requests made after '1:00 am wiU be made the next :.JOrking day. Reaui~p.d TnsDp.ations D. SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation, but prior to set up of . forms. O : UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & . MECHANICAL: To be made before any . work is eovered. " . Ix I FOOTING & POUNDATION: To be made after trenahes are exaavated and . . forms are erected, but prior to pouring conaretc:. D. . UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. SEWER. w'1TER. DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fiZ- . Zing trenahes. . 0: UNDERPLOOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: . To be made prior to installation of floor insulation or decking. ... . . D POST AND BEAM: To be made p:rior to installation of floor insulation or . deaking. D ROUGH PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECH- . ANICAL: No work is to be covered ,untiZ .these inspeations have been made and approved. . D PIREPLACE: Prior to plaair.g faaing materials and before framing inspea- tion. D PRANINC: Must be requested after approvaZ of rough plwrbing, eZectri- cal & meahanieal. All roofing braaing & ahimncys, ete. ~~st be ).aorrrpleted. No work is to be con- .o....-'-:cealed .until this inspeation has . ~.~been made and approved. . ':. ,"....0-' _ D o D n PINAL PLUMBING PINAL MECHANICAL ,01 (() , , PINAL ELECTRICAL Your City Desigr.ated Job Number Is: &7t::?7'1~ O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insulation ar~ : .. ... required vapor barriers are in p laoe .: '.<.: ; but before any lath, gypsum board or' : .-. . wa1.7. aovering is applied, and before ..: '.. any iw:ulation is aonaealed. DEMOLITION OR ,~:OVED BUILDINGS :==J Sanitary s~~er ~apped aft p~opcr~i line ~ Septi~ tank pumped and filled with gra~el ..0 DRYWALL INSPECTION: . To be made after a1.7. drywa1.7. is in plaoe, but prior to any taping. I Pinal - f{hen above items are acrrrpleted ---l and when demolition is aomplete or strue- ture moved and premises oleaned up. O. ~SONRY: Steel location, bond beamlJ, grouting or vertiaals in acaordanoe with U.B.C. Seation 2415. D WOODSTOVE: After installation is /0 ;<.1 Blocking and Set-up aompleted. . . ~ . . . 1<1 Plumb~ng aonnect~ons . . . . ~~ CURB & APPROACH APRON: After .forms ~ Eleatriaa7. Conneation - Blocking, set-up are ereoted but prior to pounng L")....LiJ and plumbing aonneations ~~st he approved conarete. . . ~ . beforc requesting eleatrical inspection SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: POI' aZ7. aon- -n . . '. arete paving within strect right- Sl ~ AcoeSsol"d Bu~ld'tng . " Pf.-way~ to. bc made. after aZ7. exaa-' : vating c~let~ & form work & sub- __. YI Pinal _ After porches, skirting, decks, . base matenal ~n plaoe. .... $S "1 etc. are aompleted. . . I . Mobile Hemes sewer and water o D ,~, ...... D PENCE: When aomplete -- Provide- gates or movable sections through P.U.E. . D o - All project aonditions, suah as the installation of street trees, ao~lation of the required landsaapir.g, eta., must be satisfied before the BUILDING PINAL aan be requested. ". . . PINAL BUILDING: The Pinal Building Inspection must be requested after the Pinal Plumbing Electrical, and Meahanical Inspeations have been made and approved. \ . . . ..... .....,., '- .. *.1T,'. UlJfo.JTJnr.ii'_C: ~Mn rr.r;'.1~}/"lf!rpc UllCJ'1' J')J:" Arr"C'~C"'T'nrt'" , JI n n!C'T'H!:"1I7f1t ",,, Dt:"t ~_fA nt'" Am un ,.."com IT'" "~rrou I ,,__ _ . _ &' ~ j JOB NO,2i70-:?o/<7 SOLAR ACC~ RE~.- IZona:M.#~-P~Z:> Oaauvanay Grouv:&C<f~E 1M Lot Sq. Ftg. LOT TYPE I Lot Faces - S of lot Coverage Interior I I P.L. # of Stories Corner !North Total lleight. Panhandle East South Topography Cul-de-saa IWest I I J~.~I., , 1~,44 'l~ I /?SC> -~ .. ?O IS.::<O I * I' ":Z e:!> . ~e.., I /5'r ~&> I ::?O . 6<C> I 7~. t>e>- ....~1-. . "'2 _tjo 77.801 * I I I I /~~I ,.1 .;~~I r ~~ .--1-3). I /.~ol I 3/.:.?0 I * I r. I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the aompleted application for permit, and do I hereby aertify that all information hereon is true and aorreat, and I . further aertify that any ar.d a7.7. work perfornted sha7.7. be done in aacor- I danae ~th the Ordinanaes of the city of SpringfieLd, and the L~~s of the I * State of Oregon pertaining to the work desaribad herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any struatUl'2 without permission of the Building Di- vision. I further aertify that only aontraators ar.d e~loyees who are in aomplianae with ORS 701.055 will be used on this projeat ITEM SQ.FTG X Value Main Garaae Carport IAaaessoru 3~ 32. F~T/~.r TOTAL VALUE (va~ue) S.D.C. 1.5 x Building Permit State Surcharge Total Cr.a.~ges I ITEM NO. FEE ~~"'-"/I~i Residential (1 bath) SanitaIy Sewer I Water I ;-;;'v8hf'Z;J;'IA/W~~ ,J . --. ......_-:-- ~._..- ------ Plwnb.ing Perr.:i t CHARGE _15. ,1> I I --I I I State Surar.arge Total Charqes ITEM NO. FEE CHARGE Res. Sa. ftq. I N6L)/Extend Ciraui ts IT f~~ Serviae I//...-KOP /1 I I., Eleatriaal Permit State Suraharge Total Charges ITEM NO. FEE CliARGE Furnaae PTU' S &:haust Hood I I I I Vent Fan I Woodstove I I I I I I I I I * Permit Issuana2 Meahaniaal Permit State SUl'aharqe Total Charqes I -- ENCROACHMENT -- Ise~~rity Deposit I Storage I Maintena~e I Permit Total Charqes I Curbaut Sidewalk ~U'd(:' CI Setbaaks House Garage . .1 I Aacess. I L -CO G~ Type/Cor-st: Bedrooms: I Enere!; Souraes Heat Water' Heater Range Firevlaae Woodztove T'IDe -- Fees , I .., Building Value & Permi'f This permit is granted on the express aondition that the said construction shall, in all respeats, aonform ~o the Ordinana~ a40pted,by the City of Springfield, inaZuding the Zoning 'erdinanae, regulating the aonstruation and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at any time uponvio, Zation of any provisions of said Ordinances. , . . , \ I . '. , .> ., ' ". '. ?l.r CD Plan Cheak Fee: Date Paid: Reaeipt #: Signed: h. E;o P I~mb i n"9 Permit No. person shan dmstruct; install, aZter or alumge any new or existing . plumbingor.:drainage syste:iz. in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal ppssessor of a valid plumber's liaense"exaept that a person may do plumbing work to property which is owned, leased or operated by the app7.i- aant. . . " , . ~ . . ./ Electrical Permit Where State LCDJJ requires tr.at the eleatriaal work be done by an Eleatriaal Contraator, the eleatriaal portion of this permit shall not be valid until the Zabel has been signed by the Eleatriaal Contraator. Mechanical Permit ,'. . a~-~ -P~xaminer . /" ~- 7:;?-87 uate Fen::e I Electriaal Label I I Mobile Home - ZJou dCt? t.0~ I 35:" dC> 1_ \' t i. I \( PM--V-uw l11t1 B~ I . .-' - ..~ \ S ., . ...,,~~. ~-.~ '. -z.anea '._-.-"'" ..I~,"'~'''.',... ....'r7.... 7" ..~. .~ ,,', ~ "" ..J'" ,_ .-->If"------' I 4 -- 3'0 --87 D(i.te