HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-8-26 (3) .. RESIO.TIAL.. APPLICATION /PERlIIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieLd~ Oregon 97477 BuiLding Division 726-3753 . ?cce::7t - (~b-k 1-J;JU SPRINGFlELC / ~ ~~~Lj f7~a * c;l d. Lot # (J Co / ( Y ~ ;j\W' ~~~ fV\ C- C~ ~c~ . ~~d-<2;J .::t-LLdO\-! .' .' Phone: 1210 3q 7 q ~ tL-Lld I .'ob Location: A8lJeSIJOl'S Nap # Subdivision: Ot.mel' : Address: Ci ty : n I I ifd Neo-J Addi ticn Reno.:el .'!o::,-:. le HO.~!J Zip: v Jm dJ)~oic g;;~Cl- Wl~d.o f'^-'M ~- U ~ t!L - ,;{/d-b -W~ C" d ../L(1?':e : Data of Applicaticn <7S- 2D r'lb Value l cr', goo Data: ...Qr.-:r::=:O:1d Acici........ess E~ircs .:.-.:':or:.: u....sc. .9 s~-~ :M~'6-.=-L~ ~ ~ -Q_J~.o S-l~ '\.1 () 0....(' ,Q-r 4'~ f" \ ~ -- GeneraZ Plu.-r.bir.q :::lec tl'ica 1. ,'..fc=r.ar:ic.: Z. Constr-..u:tion L::ruiel' -. 7Y-7...LMo8 CJ-.l.l uJ l..li\t~~.: !; is thE' l'es~Dnsibilitu of the permit ho~er to see that all inspections are ~ade at the propel' tim::. that ::=ch -~n~ess is l'e~~n~:. 'rom the 8tl'e~t, an:i th;;t the peMmt card is located at the fl'cnt of the property. ~Bu:.!di~=-9. Diui:;ia~ a?;:l'ot.~eci plan siu:.i.l l"'e~.2in O~ th;: Eu:~ldinp ~-:..t$ co; all times. ;"':~C::.,::":."':: FC':? I:'.'S'?2~7'IOtl .'?2DU2ST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state your City .:i.esigr..::ted .70b nur.;ber, ~~~~~s:ca a~d u~en ~ou wi~Z be reaay far irasp=ction, Conrrac~crs or vw~e~s r~~e ~r.~ ;r~r.e r.~cr. ;iZZ De made the same day. reauests made aft~~ 7:00 am will D~ ~ade the next ~orkir.q ~~. =?t1C"..J.i ""'(:1.'1 !rsr.('t~t~c'!';.c:: ] S:-:E I:.-'S?~-;-:_"']:,1: To ba made after excav~t~Qn, but pricr t= set up of forms. ~ U:1Dr.iSLt-E PI.U.'.!3It/G. EL:::=TPIC,iL (1 ~'.:ECH.~::I;:':':".: ';'0 be macie Defore any worK is ~ov::!red. J F[)OT.U;C !! FOU:'lDATIOll: To be made afte;' rrencnas are excavated and fcrm;; are erecred. but prior to pou~ir~ ccncret~. ] U!.'!);:;RG!~OU:.'!) P:'U!.2Il:C, S~f.'2R. f..'.1TER, DR:'IlIJ.C2: To De maie prior to fi Z- lir.g z;renches. ] W!DE.'IFLOO.'? PLlj.'.~r.!G Ii "..'2C!!ANICAI.: To DO maae prier to instaZZation of f700l' insul~tion or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be madc prior to insz;all~ticn of floor ins~lation 01' deckinq. ] ] RO~'C!{ ?[,IF.:3I::::. ELECT.r.:ICA:. f, '.fECH- AVICAL: hO ~ork is to DC covered ur.ril thcse inspections have been made and approve~. FIRF:PLACE: Prior to materials and before tion. 'J p lacir.IJ framing facing inspec- ] FPA'1Illr;: Must be requested after approv~l of rough plumbing, alectl'i- =l & mecnanical. AZZ rOOfing bracing ~ chimneys. etc. ~~st be . completcd. !Jo work is to be CDn- , cealed until thilJ inspection has -. "been made and approved. ] FINAL PLU!.!BI/JG ] FINAL f.fE~HA.'JICAL ] FINAL ELEC':'RICI.L ] o .7.'00' a~~"ess, ~~.,'."e 0 - . n~~e~ . cr: _ ___ .4 ~..w~ _=~ . Requ~s:s recei~2d cejcrc 7:Q~ ~ Your City Desigr~tcd Job NumDcr I~: Q(df),C:;r;?/j D ~2:SCLA'!'IO!lltl~?(l." FA""F'? I!!S?:::C7'IC:..': To De made after aZi"i;;sul~ti.:m a:-;,; reauired VaPor carriers are in place but cefore any lath. gypSW71 DCcird. or walZ covering is appZied, ard before any ir:~uZation is concealed. - DRYfiALL It.'SPE:CTIO.'l: Tc be made afrcr aZl 6>y!.:aZl is in place, out prior to any taping. ]E:..~::LIT:O:'/ i......~ .~:J!t::= EUILD:::-:S ~ Sanitarif se'.Jer cc:pped =t p~op;;r~d Zir:e ~ Septi~ tank p~~~d ~~ fiZZad ~~th ~~~~: I Final - f,'hen abcve ite:7;s are cc~let;;:i -1 and when :ie~cZitior: is co.':~~e:e 01' S~:""...~- tUl'e mcved ani premises cZe~ned. up. o o MASONRY: Steel location. bond beam3. aroutina or,verticals in accoraa;ce with V.B.C.'Section 24n. . f..'aoi Ze Hcr.:es D )Z] Blocking . XI Plumbing ~ Electrical Ccnnection - Blockir~, set-u? ~and plumbing ccnnections m-~st ce Q?pl'~~e:i b .t" '7' . , . eJore request~ng e~ect~ca~ ~nspec:~o~ After installation ~s and Set-up WOODSTm'E: ccmpleted. connections 8 :::war ar.a t.1c::er D CURE & APPROACH A?!~ON: Afte~ forms are erected but pr~or to pouring .::on.::1"e te. o SIDF:WALK & DRI:'EfIAY: For aU con- crete paving within street right- of-way. to be made after aU e..:rca- vating complete & form work & sub- base material in place. ~ Accesso1"'d Buil~-:.ng . '~n.::zl - Aftcl' p~l'cJ:es, /~ ~~c. are completcd. 8k-:.rtina~ decks, D ~ENCE: ~'hen complete -- Provide gates 01' movable' secticns through P.U.E. o D - All pl'o.iect conditions, lJuc.': as the ~:nstallat-:.on of street trees, cO....7plotion oj" the required landscaping. ctc.. must be satisfied before the B/JILDn;C FINAL can ~e 1'3questcd. FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be l'equelJtcd cftel' the Pinal Plun:bir.g Electrical. and Mechanical Inspectio7UJ have been made and appl'ovi!d. "ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANCUTS nU~T BE ACCESSIB!.E. ADJUS;!!2.'J'!' TO BE !~1[)E I.T '.'0 C'~ST' TO CI':'Y I !':::::e ' of 2 JOB NO,<t~O 581 cone: )f///lS pop SOLAR ACASS R'EQ,- '. Occur:ancu Gl'O'.I~C::E _.hbme LOT TYPE Lot Faces - I I I'~~.~I I /99~ 4 I '44~za~ I ,5~3.30 , - I / c:>. oz::> . ~C> /C/. 9'~ I- I I ::2~.~1 /,5: ~ I liv~/~ ..~t)? I /$. o~1 Plu:~b:.r:g Per-r.:it ! {: C). 0- I :;;?"1 I ~2 ..c:3C>1 . :..at Sq. F~. ~ ~f lot CJUel'aq~ ,; of 5toroies .'otal Height :'opogl'~hy :-:::.'.1 S:i.F'1'C '.!.::in I , I ~"2 MCSfi/a /t!~l~~ TOTAL VALUE r:<::race :Q~crt ';ccessol':J .5.D.C. I UCl.uc) 1.5 ::: Building Permit State SurcnJI'ge Totd Cha:oges ~-:~;'..' =-=-=~es I ,vo, I I I , I I I I I FE :"esicizr:tia Z. (1 bath) . . ..::"':':..=.::~-! Ser.:er '-"'-n _vt:. State Surcr.a:rge '!'~'tt:~ C'i-:::rccs . ~ :..:.: I ;;~. I I I , C(~ #~,~ '-0. ~=. f'.:=, .~/E=:er~ ~ir~~its ..... ._..... _;.. Service Electrical Pe~it St=te Surcr.a:roe 'l'ota l Cr.a:rces -:~" I;;:, I I I . -- :'-....r.:::ce ETU' S =r.aust Hoo.:!. ,mt Fan :'ocstc:Je Pe~t Issuanc:J Mechanic::.l Permi t State Surchal'oe Total Charo"!{O Interior' COl'7ler PanhandZe CuZ-de-sac x Value P.L. North lEast ISou th IWent Sethacks House Caraoe . I I I t.cces3. I I L-COG~ T"pe/Cor.st :, Be::.rooms: Enern:J Sourcl's !l'eat I. T~/~(' I I J Water .'!catc'!" Hanpc FirePLace Wooa:;to~'e -- F:Jes Building Value & Permit This permit ill granted on the express condition that the sdid.con~truction shaZl. in all respects. conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Cl'dinance. regulating the censtr-.Ictien and use of buildings. and m~y be suspended or revoked at cr:y time upon vie- Lation of any provi3ions of said Ordinances. ------ Plan Check Pee: 6, Sc Date Pa-:.d: 25 --;;::f b -, b'f::, II: 6-&090 ~ CL Perrnit Rec<:ipt jSigned: - C;-:liHC~ ""'...-.....;- I I i , I i I .I 5: 0-(;> , -Of> I,. ~ . "3(0. ~ / r 4:::>1 d/ .261. ................ .....;:/~-......: ,~ I j I I I I I - l I I I ! I - I I E/:CRQACHME!.'T I I I I bile Home~p .lb-~Bc::.d '35 ~ I p~~ 4'''-Q:.r r-c::<:::: I I F~/'":n ~~e ! 6.S~1 :-~L ANOU,'l'J' DUE:: ctf ~;3g: r~ ':.""...lrit:.J Dz:::c=i: ":Jrc.ae ....:.r. tenar::1r '.. '=-z. _ Tcta l Charnes _...=~...l~ dC"..J.:zlk ",::!p. cctl'ica l Labd Plumbing No person shall construct, install. alter 01' change any new cr e=istir.g , plumbir.q or drainage syste~ in whoZe or in part. ur:less sucn Ferson is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pe~sen ma~ dc pZumbing work to property which is ow~ed, leased 01' operated by the appZi- cant. Electrical Perm it fvnere State Law reauires tr~t the electrical worK be done c~ ar: _ Con~rac:or~ tne eiec=ricaZ por=io~ of this pe~it sr~ZZ r.Ot =2 ~= the iabel has been s~gne= by the Electrical ~ontr=cto~. e~tric= ...:..= U1:::: \ IV\echanical Permtt ;} ii>-:2&'-86, - L'ate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED th.e completed application for permit. and dc hereby certify that all i~fo~ation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d aZZ work perfoMlp.d shall be do:'!p. .:", n~cor- dance :.rith the Ordin~nces of the City of Springfield, an:i the Lc:..:s of tl:c State of Oreg~n pertaining to the work descl'ibcd hcrein, and ti~t ~o OCC~- PAnCY will be made of any structur:J without permission of the Building Di- vision. I further ccrtifiJ' that only contractors a;:d c.'7lpbyees who are 'l.n ca~pliance with ORS 701.05t will be used on this pl'oJsct (C1~ l0!t /Ie ~<'/~~" iJ g--2tb -?-0 D.:1.te Signaa " .