HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-4-2 (3) .. RES.ENTIAL.. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Location: S"C,O Mt. '~:-"1 . #'5'1 Asoessors Map U \~...O~ -DL\--Uf \' - Taz Lot u(fn/ (q ~ \. l Subdivision: t..4>Ttttf. Zf~AfI( /i .J)?~a~~/.N >>E"-cJ , - - I 77r..WaJ1 JA'J7~:-~1 /2;- '7 71. I d ~'- -:I:L ;;; pU:e: 7 <f I-d- '711 rtL.- Zip: cnr/77 4.~X:Z:J.~ Contractors Genera? E~~~ I_so~. P?wnbing ,T)c.#f' <..., Cc:sC c" E?ectrica? Mechar.ica? Construction Lender It is, the responaibi'Lity of the permit ho?der to see that a1.1. i7Wpections are made at the proper time, that e::ch :dd:ress is readaD~e fzoom the street. and that the permit card is "Located at the front of the property. ~Bui!ding Division approved p'Lan sha?? remain on the Bui?ding Sita at a?? times. PROC"EDUF?E FOR INSPECTION R"EQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job nw;;ber, job address, type of inspecticn requested ar-d when you wil? be ready for inspection, Contractors or OWners nome c:nd phone number. Requests received before 7:00 ~ ..'iZ? be made the same day, requests made after 7:00 am wil? be made the next :vorking day. Ol.mer: ~1.-.:t. Address: I City: X/~ I (; I I Np.w I Addi tion I Remode? " Uobi?e Home Date of App'Lication 3-c2S- -f'l Reaui~ed Insoections O SITE INSPEC':'ION: To be made after excavation, but prior to set up of , ,forms. D ' UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRIC,1L & : MECHANICAL: To be made before any , work is ~ovcred. ' r\7I"~oJn,G & FOUN;};TION: To be rrade ~ after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring concrete;. UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. SEWER. W.1TER, DRAINAGE: To be maie prior to fiZ- ,tir.g trenches. o o UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to installation of J!oor insu'Lation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of f'Loor ins~'Lation or decki7l{; . ROUGH PLUMBING. ELECTRICAl, & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be covered .unti~ these inspections have been made and approved. FIREPLACE: Prior to p1.::cir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tion. D FRAMING: Must be requested after approva~ of rough pZwrhing, electri- ca? & mechaniaa~. AU roofing bracing & chimneys, etc. nr~st be ; comp~eted. lIo work is to be con- .~cec:?ed until this inspection has ~been made and approved. o D '0 o FINAL PLUNBIllG o FINAL MECHANICAL :=:J FINAL ELECTRIC/,L ~ \~ o . n to '(<;() 4'?)' Rcce-:.pt 1/ SPRINGFIELD " ", \ \ \ ) \\). \ ~ ...k r 1, Q~!_OIC j/;'/'t 8~'G"1O " ~~ '/ ~~-: ~~ r~S 'v-~, n:.~ Va?ue /5";-::J2c>...... ~ 1 e..,.. , ~ 4--(;..J - '6/ '-..,/ . Signed: Date: Address Lisc.# Expires Phone Your City Desigr~ted Job Number Is: 31 Odo ~ I INSULATION/VAPOF/ BARRIER INSPECTION: ~ To be made after al? insul~tion ar-d .' required vapor barriers are in p'Lace ,: ',but before any 'Lath, gypsum board or waZZ covering is applied, and before , . any insu'Lation is concea?ed. DEUOLITIO.'.' OR gOVE:; BUILDIilGS ~ Sani :ary se'.Jer capped :zt p:.opt:rt":i 'Line ~ Septic tank p~ed and fi??e~ with gra~eZ I Fina? - [,'hen above ite:ns are ccmp?eted ---l and when demolition is comp?ete or struc- ture moved and premises a?eaned up. D DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after aZZ drywall is in p1.ace, but prior to any taping. 0, ~SONRY: Stee? ?ocation, bond beams, grouting or vertica~s in accordance with U.B.C. Sectipn Mobile Hemes 2415. D . '1.a' . () \7l B?ocking and Set-:.lp WOODSTOVE: After 1.nsta.. t1.on 1.S ~ ill completed. . ~~ ~ Plumbing connections -- scwer and water 'D CURB & APPROACH AP!?ON: After forms ~ E?ectrica? Connection - B?ocking, set-up are ereated but prior to pouring $-; ~ and plumbing connections nr..st 1;e approvec co~rete. before requesting e?ectrica? inspection D SIDEWALK & DRIVEr';AY: For a1.1. con- crete paving within street right- S1 :8J Acaessol"d Bui'Lding pf-wczy, to be made after all exca- vating ccml??et~ & form work & sub- /" \7l Fina? - After porches, , base matena? 1.n p'Lace. ' . ~~ ill etc. are comp?ett:d. skirting. decks, '., . , D PENCE: When comp?.:;te -- Provide gates or movab?e sections through P.U.E. ' D o A?? project conditions, such as the installation of street trees, c~~lction of the required 'Landscapir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be request~d. FINAL BUILDING: The Fina? Bui?ding Inspe~tion must be requested after the Fina? P?umbing EZectrical, and Mechanical Inspections hava been made and approved. "ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS llUET BE ACCESSIBLE. ADJUST!fE,'lT TO BE l,~1DE AT NO CaST TO CITY I Pa~e ' of 2 SOLAR ACC~ REQ.- Occu:oanc,l/ Grou"~l!!/~E ~~~ Type/Cor:st: LOT TYPE I Lot Faces - 17.('7.~, * /0. Ol> I- ~ ' ,,0/0 I ' It'" lipl * CHARGE I ZC>- ,e> ,s. t:1&> 1,5": 4D . I s-'O.~ '_ e" I ::2 ~ ere> I ~, ' I ~~601 * I I I I I ,I 1'\ 1'2~~I~\ I I dJ "'3~'I. <:}o i JOB NO. 570:Jo3 I Zona: h1.#~. Pvl? I - ; , Lot Sq. Fig: ~ af ?ot Coverag~ Ii of Stories Tota? Height Topogrophy Interior Corner Panhand?e Cu?-de-sac: ~ ITEN I" . I",a'l.n SQ.FTG x Value Ga::raae Carport Accessorl/ ~T/H0 5 TOTAL VALUE ~~ S.D.C. (va~ue) 1.5 x Bui?ding Permit State Surcharge Tota? Cha."gea ITEM Fixtures I Residentia? NO. FEE (1 'bath) Sanitary Sewer II I I Water II I 7?~8/H~ ~p , , P?umbing Perr.:it State Surcr.arge Tota? Charaes ITEl-f NO. FEE CHARGE Res. Sa. fta. New/Extend Circuits I I '~s. e-tP I /,5":.-t:J I I ?t:>. p~ L. ~ I . / ,,--:2e>1 I :3'/" 20 I * I, I I I &~c,T- ~6/4'~ I -r"JIlltl .II~ Sepvice E?eatrica? Permit State Surakarqe Total Charqes , ITEM . NO. ' CHARGE FEE Purn::zce PTU'S E::::haust Hood I I I I I I I I Vent Fan Woodstove Permit Issuance Meshanica? Permit State Surcharae TotaZ Charoes i -- ENCROACHMENT -- I SeC".lritl! Deposit , : Storage ; Maintena~e , Permit Tota? Chal'oes Curbcut Sidewa?k Fe~e E?ectrica? Labe? Mobile Home~~ GEW';Z?E TOTAL ANOU.'lT DUE: * . L -CO C-lt Bedrooms: P.L. North East S~th West Setbacks House Carage I Ener(Tu Sources I Heat I I I I I I I TlI'['e Access. Water Heater Range Fireplace Woodstove -- Fees Building Value & Permit This permit io granted on the express condition that the said construction sha?'l, in al? respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfie?d, incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, regulc:ting the construction and use of bui?dings, and may be suspended or revoked at any time upon vio- 'Lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. \ P?an Check Fee: ~. St::> Date Paid: Recdpt #: I Signed: Plumbing Permit No person sha?? construct, 'insta?Z, aZter or change any new or e=isting p?umbing or drainage syste~ in who?e or in part, un?ess such person is the ?ega? possessor of a va?id p?umber's ?icense, except tr~t a person may do p?umbing work to property which is owned, ?eased or operated by the app?i- cant. Electrica I Perm it Where State Law requires tr~t the e?ectrica? work be done by an E?eatrica? Contractor, the electrica? portion of this permit shal? not be va?id until the 'Labe? has been signed by the Electrica? Contractor. Mechanical Permit " I * l I I I I r I '~C;:~f ?C~~ 3-25-87 uate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the comp?eted app'Lication for permit, and do hereby cel'tify that a?? ir.fOT'mation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify thai any ar.d a1.1. work perforomed sha?? be dOne in accor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th~ ~~S of the * State of Oregon PQrtaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY wiZ1. be made of any structure without pe1'mission of the Building Di- vision. I furthel' certify that only contractol'S and e~p?oyees who are in c~~p?iance with ORS 701.055 wi?? be used 'on this Pl'ojsct ~ I. ~~,e-jL-j Signsd ' 4-;;2-8] Date *