HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-4-17 .. RESI~TIAL" SPRINGFIELD APPLICAT~N/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd3 Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Rcce~pt # / 3Co- / Job Location: S- J J r ~I)Y - - )lr-<2~1 , 1 .$QJor, 1,,&, C Asaesaol'l: Map /I . Subdivision: Ownel': MAr-V;"" .MAt'/'" . . . I 1-( ~ Addroe;s:":{ ~ t v/ ..,.-- City: 1[:1.< ;Rlte I_New I I I I :IXI Addition Remodel , Tc;;r: Lot /I 10( Phone: ,? J - rs-t{:r Zip: cr7'10 2. DescPibe fiol'/(: ~T fA f puo b t -e. l()~ de ~'l? ~ Sigr:ed: ~ Date: ytf/ '/"~S Nobile Hom!) Bldrs Board Re.~. Expires Phonp It is the l'eaponaibility of the permit holdel' to see that alZ inapections are made at the propel' time. that Bech ~ess is l'eadab:e Jpom the stl'eet, and that the permit card is located at the front of the propel'ty. *Bui!ding Ir~vi::ior. api)1'ol-~ed plan shc.ll l'emain on tha Building SUe at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQPEST:CALL 726-3769 {rccorder} state your City designated job numbel', job addrcss, type of in3pec;icli l'equestcd ar.d w.!:en you wiZ l be ready fol' inspection, Contl'actol'S 01' Owner's ncme and phone numbcl'. Requests received befcl'e 7: 00 C::., :,-'ill be made the same day, l'equests made aftel' 7:00 am will be made the next :.JOl'king day. Requil'ed InspecticnR O SITE INSPECTION: To be made aftel' excavation, but pl'iol' to set up of f01'l1ls. D UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & . NECHANICAL: To be made befol'e any wOl'k is .::ovel'ed. D FOOTING !i FOUNDATION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are el'ected, but pl'iol' to poul'ing concrete. 01 UNDERGROUND PLUMBINC~ SEfVER. f.fATER. DRAINAGE: To be made priOlO to fil- Zir.g trenches. o o UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: To be made priol'to installation of [2001' insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be madc pl'iop to installation of floop ins~lation 01' decking. ROUGH PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL ,~ MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be cOl-'eped until these inspections have be~r. made and appl'ove~. FIREPLACE: Pl'ior to placir~ facing materials and before framing inspec- tion. FRAMING: Must be l'equeated aftel' approval of pough plumbing, electl'i- cal & mechani.::al. Al! roofing bl'acing & chimneys, et~. nr~st be . completed. No wOl'k is to be con- , cealed until thia inspection has . been made and approved. D D D D FINAL PLUMBING o FINAL MECHANICAD o FINAL ELECTRICAL o o YOUI' City Deaigr.ated Job Numbel' 10: 890 -:5 ""lb . ," .' I 1 ......~I"j,iI~,( .,..Io\lM 1"1' \lllk'I:'~~'\l'A'Io6J..t.,lt\. 1".illr...:.i\~"l'fNI~t.~'I'\'~ \ ~,. , Jl .1.1 :~~ INSUDATION/VAPOR BARR~ER INS~ECTIbN': '.' DEMOLITIO.il OR :~:o.i;ED; I BthwiiiGS ; :PI!flllll' 11\.'.' ':'" . To be made after all 1..nsul::t1..on ar>.d ,i' , i ' . l'beqtubil'jied vapol' blaartrhiers are bin l?d~C::'~ =::J ~~~ t~Y.. s~er .:J.ar:~~~ .~t .P'l'Op~~ty . Zin~. u e ore any , gypsum oar or - wall covering is applied, and before -"l Septi~ tank pumped and filled with gl'a;;el any insulation is concealed. ~ D DRYf.fALL INSPECTION: To be made after all droywaU is in place, but priol' to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location, bond beams, gl'outing 01' verticals in accol'dance with U.B.C. Section 2415. I Final - f"hen above items are completed ---l and when demolitior: is complete 01' stpu~- tUl'e moved and pl'emises cleaned up. ~ D f.fOODSTOVE: Aftel' installation is cempleted. 'Mobile Hemes ~ Blocking and Set-~p ~ Plumbing connections scwel' and watel' "A1 Elcctl'ical Connection - Blocking, set-up ~ and plumbing connections nr~st ce apPl'oved befol'c l'equesting electl'ical inspection D CURB & APPROACH AP.'?ON: After> f01'l1ls are el'ected but pl'iol' to poul'ing "on.:Jpete. D SIDEf.fALK & DRII'Ef.fAY: Fop all con- crete paving within stl'eet right- of-way, to be made aftel' all exca- vating complete & foI'm wol'k & sub- base material in place. skil'ting, decks, :=J AcceSsol"d Building --vi Final - After pOl'ches; ~ etc. al'e compZeted. D PENCE: I"her: compl;;te -- Pl'ovide gates or movable sections thl'ough P.U.E. D .' o ~ ,. - All proJect conditions, GUc.!: as the instaUation of street tl'ees, ao.':-rpletion of the l'equired landscaping, etc., must be satisfied befol'e the BUILDING FINA~ can be l'squested. . ..., I FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building til~pe~tioll must be l'equeated altel' the Final Plwnbing Electrical, and Mechanical Inspectiona have been made and appl'oved. .' *ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS nUST BE ACCESSIBiE, ADJUSTNENT TO BE ftMDE AT NO COST TO CITY I PC/eo 1 of' :; u T,~'peICor.st : . I I Access. I I L - CO G~ IJOB NO. I Zone: SOL'AR AC'SE S S' REQ.- OccupanC!l Gl'ou. WT TYPE Bedrooms: Intel'iol' COl'ner Panhandle Cul-de-sac P.L. NOl'th East South [.fest Setbacks /louse Carage Enel'r/l/ SO:lrces , Heat l.fatel' Heater Ranue Fireplace Woodatove TIme Lot Sq. Ftg. % ;;f lot C;;vel'ag~ .II of Stones.' Total Height I Topography I lITEM I Main I CcYaae Lot Faces - -- Fees SQ.FTG x Value Building Value & Perm'it CarpOl't This pe1'l1lit is granted on the express condition that the said construction shaU, in an l'espects, conf01'l1l to the Ol'dinance adopted b'y the City of Spl'ingfield, inc?uding the Zoning Cl'dinance, regulating the ccnstruction and use of buildings, and m~y be suspended or revoked at any time upon vic- lation of any pl'ovisions of said Ordinances. IlecesSOl'l/ I S.D.C. TOTAL VALUE (Va~UC) 1.5 x * Building Pe1'l1lit State Surchal'ge TotaZ Char-ges ~ Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: Recdpt II:' I Signed: ITEM Fixtures NO. FEE CHARGE Sanital'Y Sewel' / No. pel'son shan construct, instaZZ, aUer or change any new cr existing pZumbing or droainage syste;1/ in whoZe or in part, udess such pel'aon is the legal possessol' of a vaZid pZumber's license, except that a person may do pZumbing wOl'k to propel'ty which is owned, leased or opel'ated by the appli~ cant. ,- Plumbing Permit ,~ Residential (1 bath) . . r.fater (7fv~~~(kA-..~;z> Plumbing Permit State Surcr.al'ge 11'E'M NO. FEE . ts:-. o&:;P /I-S:~ r ..L> I rs/51 * CHARGE . Electrical Permi t Total Chal'aes Res. So. fta. NawlExtend Cil'cuits Tempol'al'Y Sel'Vice Z2-c-c:" ; /~_~~/I"D ,Whel'e State Law requires tr.at the eZectl'icaZ work be done by an Electrical Contl'actol', the electrical portion of this permit shall not,be valid until the label has been signed by the EZectl'ical Contractor. Total Charges /s:-e> .?~~ ~ '~ 75' p-:/5J~ Electl'ical Permit State Surcharge ' ITEM NO. FEE ClIARCE 'Mechanical PermH Ful'naee ETU' S I Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan I Woodstove Permit Issuanca MechanicaZ Pel'mi t State Surcharoe , Ise~~rity Deposit I Stol'age . I Mainterzan.::e Total CharaelJ -- ENCROACHMENT -- ~ , ./]~~~~-~/ ':;'],~1!:.:cm1..nel' t # /' r ?r-/:)-O",/ vale ' , t' Total. Chal'g08 I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application fol' permit, and do hereby certify that all ir.formation hereon is tl'ue and cOl'rect, and I fUl'thel' cel'tify that any ar.d aU work pel'for:ned shaU be done in accol'- danae with the Ordinances of the City ofSpl'ingfield, and the L~~s of tho ~ State of Ol'egon pertaining to the wol'k descl'ibad hel'ein, and'that NO OCCU~ PANey wilZ be made of any structU1'8 without permission of the BuiZding Di- vision. I fUl'thel' certify that 0~1Zy contl'actors and e:npZ;;yees who are in compliance with CRS 701.05S will be used on this Pl'ojsct Pe1'l1lit I Curbcut I SidewaZk I ~en.::e I Electl'ical Label i 01 ~ __ ' I Mobile Home,~ ~O? I r~ %:'~ /-75 /6/\ ,,-A~ IlJ'!MJA ^^ c ~~ ' . L-/ J,~-q- Dale l'rrJTAL AMOUNT DUE: * F)' ~_ "2'5 I I * .