HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-3-30 .-/ '~ .. RES I Ci.N T I A L · · APPLICAII'N/PERMIT 225 Nopth 5th Stpeet Springfield, Oregon 97177 Building Division 726-3753 SPRINGFIELD " Job Location: ' 53 3 5 Asaes,GOl'S Map # /1 1) 2' =3.? D () I SUbdivision: I ~ Address: J 020 U ;t.}, Oz.mel': '- (p TH City: I I Np.w I I Addition I I Remodel ~ IXtI Nobile Home 3-3o~?c; Date of Application Contractors "A General ~t~ :::# CJ1 T= Lot # ()('1J7J ,. ) Phone: 11/1- 5/}1/ Zip~ D'bMU _ mil Miv Value Lise. il Bldrs Board 4 (" Cf --1 ~~ /_ ~ess W~ {r It is the l'esponGibility of the pel'mit holdeI' to see that all inapections are made at JPDm the stl'eet., and that the pel'mit oapd is located at the fPOnt of the ppopepty. "Bui!ding [r;visior: app?'olled plan shaU ??emain on the Build'ing Sits at aU times. , PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION m::QPEST:CALL 726-3769 (pccopdep) state YOUI' City designated job nwr.bep. l'equestcd a:-;d when you wil l be peady fol' inspcction. Contl'actol'S 01' Oz.mers name and phone numbcp. :,.'ill be made the same dcy, pequests mc;de aftep 7:00 am wiU be made the next :JOpking day; :Plumbi.ng . Hechan:Lcal Ele<..:trici:ll J Supe.Ivi.sing I r r ~Itt?r; ; (- Elec t cic inn If , ' Reoui~p.d InSDp.ctions D SITE INSPEC'J'ION: To be made aftep excavation, ,but pl'iO?' to set up of fol'ms. O UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAl,: To be made befo?'e any wopk is eovcped. D FOOTING ,~FOUNDATION: To be made after trenches ape excavated and forms are epected, but ppiop to pouping concrete. UNDERGROUND PLUMBINC. SEI{ER. W,1TER, DRAINAGE: 7'0 be made pl'io?' to f-iZ- Zir.g tpenches. o 0, UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: To be made ppiop to inatallation' of flool' insulc;tion OP decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made ppiop to installation of floop insklation 01' decking. ROUGH PLW1BIlJC. ELECTRTCAL ,~ MECH- ANICAL: No wopk is to be covered until these inspections have beer.. made and appl'oved. FIREPLACE: Priol' to plc;cir.g fc;cing matepials and befope fl'aming inspec- tion. FRAft1INC: ftmst be pequeated aftep apppoval of pough plumbing, alectpi- cal & mechanical. AU l'oofing bracing & chimneys, etc. nr~st be . completed. No wDPk is to be con- " cec;led until thiv inspection has 'been made and apppoved. o '0 D D ~ c~ -;! " ~AY> Rcce~pt .'1 (3L(g3 ",' d ..,'Lgne : ce:;. ~-31J-V~ YouP City Deaigr~ted Job Numbep Io: D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPgCTION: To be made aftep all insulation a~4 pequil'ed vapol' barl'ieps are in 'p lace but befol'e any lath. gypsum board 01' walZ cove~ing is applied, and befo~e any inaulation is concealed. Date: Reg. EXDir,es If/ f-q, I Phnnp DRYI{ALL INSPECTION: To be made aftep aU dPywaZl is in place. but pl'iop to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location. bond' beama, 'gpoutin(] 01' vepticc;ls in aecol'dance with U.B.C. Section 2415. D D WOODSTOVE: Aftep installation is completed. 6-fpot/cf 3/r9 D CURB & APPROACH APRON: Aftero fol'l'Tls are opeated but pI.iop to pouping ~onarete. , the propel' time. that each ~dd1'ess is l'ea=ab:e " job addPcss. type of in3pec;icll Requests peceived befope 7:00 ~~ ? 91) ~5!P DEf.fOLITION OR MOVED BUILDINGS :=J Sanitary Se'.JeP ::apped at p:.op~:a'ty line =:=J Septic tank pumped and fiZled uith gpa~eZ ~ Final - 1,'hen above items are ccmpleted ---.J ar..d when demolition is complete or St?'!i::- ture moved and ppemises cleaned up. Nobile Homes ~BlOCking and Set-up 'Zl Plumbing connec,tions SelJel' and watel' ~Electpical Connection - Blocking, set-zl? -1Cj and plumbing connections nr~st be apppoved , befopc l'equesting electrical inspection ~ Accessopy Building . ;.' ,\:{] Final - Aftcp porches. ~ etc. aPe completed. skil'ting, decks, D SIDElvALK & DRIVEI{AY: Fol' all con- crete paving within stpeet pight- of-LJGY, to be made aftep allexca- vating complete & foI'm work & vub- bave matel'ial in place. D - - AU pl'oject condi tions, such as the ~"'lstaLZation of str'eet tpoes, co..~pletion of the l'equil'ed landscaping, etc., must be satisfied befope the BUILDINC FINAL cim be l'zquested. o FINAL PLUMBIlIG o FINAL MECf/ANICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL o D ~ENCE: h'hen complete -- Provide gates 01' movable sections through P.U.E. o FINAL BUIUJINC: The Final Building Inspection must be pequeoted altep the Pinal Plwnbin[J E'leatl'iaal, and Mechar:ical Inspectionv ha.ve 'been made and apPl'ovad" o 'ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLF., ADJUSTNENT TO BE ftMDE AT NO COST TO CITY I Pa!7C 1 of ;; NO. '(;QCb25b SOLAR AC~SS Occuvancy GI'OUP. WT TYPE JOB I Zona:' " Lot Sq. Ftg. % of lot Covel'age # of Stol'ies Total Height Topography I T'rf'.'M I Main I Garaae I Cal'vol't 111CCeSSOI"l/ . SQ:FTG IS.D.C. TOTAL VALUE (va~ue) 1.5 x Building Pel'mit State Surcharf!e Total Charogea Interiop Corner Panhandle Cul-de-saa x Value I lITEM I Fixtupes IResidential (1 bath) 111'0. I Sanital'Y Sewel' lvatel' I I Plumbing Perrr.it State Surcr.arge ,Total Chal'aes FEE CHARGE l~ o1J ..15' /5 (75 * NO. FEE CHARGE P1'8M' lRes. Sa.' fta. I New/Extend Cil'cuits I Temporary Service I EZeatl'iaal Permit State Suraharge Total Charges ITSM Furnaae ETU' S E::x:haust Hood Vent Fan I Woodstove I Pepmit Issuanae' Meahanical Permit State Surcharae Total CharQeo I -- ENCROACHMENT -- Ise~~rity Devosit I Stopage I Maintenanae I Parmi t Total Chal'ges , I Curbcut I Sidewa lk I Fenae I EZectriaal Label I Mobi le Home I i I l'rm'AT' AMOUNT DUE: * / 5, 81J " ,,75 ~1'7? * NO. FSE , CHARCE I I I i " I. II " .' I "3s.~ 1,7'5 (/)~. 7c; u REQ.- L -co G~ . .........,'.. r Type/Cons t: .... Bedrooms: ~ Enarer11 Souraes ,~. . I !/eat I I .1 I I TilDe c I Lot Faces - I Setbaaks I P. L. House r:amge Aaaess. INorth lEast ISou th lIvest Wate?' !/eatel' Range Fil'eo laaa , woodGtove Fees Building Value & Permit This pel'mit in gmnted on the expl'ess aondition that the said,construction shall. in aZZ pespeats, aonfol'm to the Ol'dinal;ae adopted IlY, ttie City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Crdinanae, l'egulating the construction and uae of buildings, and m:J.Y be suspended 01' revoked at,any time upon vic- lation of any pP:Jvisions of said Opdir.ances. ^. . * * Plan Check Fee: Datc Paid: Recdpt II: Signed: Plumbing Permit No pepson shall aonstruct, instal!, alter 01' ahange c;ny new cr existing plumbing 01' dPainage syste~ in whole or in papt, unless such pe?'son is the legal possessor of a valid plumbel"s license, except that a peroson may do plumbing work to property which is owned, leased 01' opepated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permit Where State LaW pequipes tr.at the electpical wopk be done by an Slectrical Con trac tOl', the eZectpical poption of this repmit shaZZ not be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical 'Contmctor. Mechanical Permit * Plan ExamineI' Uate I HAVE CAR8FULLY EXAMINED the completed application fop pel'mit, and do hereby certify that all,information hepeon is true and corrcat, and I fUl'ther certify that any arA all wopk pel"for.ned shall be done in acaor- dance with the Opdinances of the city of Sppingfield, and the L~~s of the ,* State of Opegon pertaining to the wopk descpibcd hel'ein. end that ,NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any stpuctupe without pepmission of the Building Di- vision. I furthel' certify that only contpactors a;;d e.~ployees who are in compliance with CRS 701.05~ will be used on this pl'ojeat I , '---2ig . * /1>>/4 4d:v, ad I l ( I --.3-~t/ ~- (f9' Date / S/r ~ . T " iL- . 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