HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-3-24 '.. RESI~TIAl.. APPLICA.N /PERMIT 225 Nopth 5th Stpeet Sppingfield, Opegon 9?4?? Building Division ?26-3?53 l~V51 ,.. ." . . Rcce~pt il SPRINGFIELD 5'33 S- f // 02- ~ '33 ()'O I Tax Lot # r") c... ~ Job Location: Asaesaors Map # Subdivision: OLmer: W, C/f75" ItJ11I; (!/f#A '~.irl 97((77 I f /1 Addl'ess: I I I I RemodeL I X I Nobi Le Hom~ I Date of AppLication Cont.ractors . General : Plumbing i Hechanical I Ele<.:t riCCl L .! II Suoex"Vising City: '7- :2(( -'7? r Address Np.!,) Addition. USA I( fYll-I I r #- / if) m(30() ~ , 120 ,fo 9 % flUu.t2I2.h ~ Elec t r:ic i:HI Zip: DesM;l& /)1# - t{)(~ C-~ "3 -~ c.(-w ",' d ...1.gr.e : Date: VaLue Lise. It ,5-??k() Bldrs Board Reg. /O/<:/q Expires Phonp It is the responaibiLity of the permit holdeI' to see that aLZ inapections are made at the propel' time. that each =ddl'ess is readab:e fl'om the stl'eet, and that the PCI'mit cal'd is Located at the fl'ont of the propel'ty. ~BuiZ.ding [}->;vicior: ap?,'oved pLan sJu:.LL l'emain on th" BuiLd'ing Sit::: at aLL times. PROCEDUI~E FOR INSPECTION REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (r'ecopdep) state your' City desigruzted job nwnbep. job addI-css, type of ir13pec-;icli -requcstcd a~d w.l:en you wiLL be peady for' inspection, Contpactops Or' OLmers name and phone nwnbcl'. Requests r'eceived befo2'e 7: 00 ~,' wiLL be made the same day, pequests made after' 7:00 ~n wiLL be made the ncxt'~r'king day. Recpliped InsDp.ct1:cn.q O SITE INSPECTION: To be made afte2' excavation, but ppio2' to set up of f01'l7ls. . O UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & . . NECHANICAL:To be made befol'e any . work is ~pveped. D o o o D D o FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made after' t2'enches ape excavated and fOr'ms ape epected, but priop to pouring cencpet.::. UNDSRGFlOUND PWM3INC~ SEI'!EF!. W.1TER) DRAINAGE: To be made p,'iol' to fiL- Lir.g tpenches. UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING ,p, MEC.'lANFCAL: To be.made ppior' to instaLLation of 11001' insuLation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior' to instaLLation of fLoop inst>Lation 01' decking. ROUGH PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL ,I) MECH- ANICAL: No wopk is to be coveped ' untiL these inspections have beer. made and apppove?. FIREPLACE: Prior to pLacir.g facing materiaLs and befope fpaming inspec- ti01':. FRAMING: Must be pequested aftep appr'ovaL of pough pLumbing, electpi- cal & mechanicaL. ALZ poofing bracing & chimneys, et~. nr~st be compLeted. No work is to be con- , ceaLed until this inspection has 'been made andapppoved; D FINAL PLUMBlfIC o FINAL MECHANIC/il, o FINAL ELECTRICAL o o YOUI' City Desigr.ated Job Numbep 10: t90::?t)o .J II, I, 1,"'111." "~'J ,..\1lI I . II 1t.11 'i" ... Iii "Jl~ I~Jlallltldl.~.; 1...+1.1.1. j, ld.., D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER, iNSPECTION:" DEMOiITION OR' ,',JaVED "BtlILDI(fel;\1 ," ',, I;;';, To be made aftepaLL insuLation a~.d I : f" . requiped vapor barpieps are in place ~ Sanitary seuer ~apped at ppope2'ty Ur:e . but before any Lath~ gypsum boardo~"' :-.:.I.. - . '. . ... .', , '" . ,., .. -. ., . . , waLL covering is applied, and before ~ Septi.:: tank p;,;r.rpcd and filled with gra;;eZ any insuLation is conceaLed. ---J D DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made aftc2' aU drywaU is in place, but priop to any taping. ---, FinaL - II'hen above items are cempLeted ~ and when demoUtion is compLete 02' str'uJ- ture moved and ppemises ~Leaned up. o MASONRY: SteeL Location, bond beams, gl'outing 01' verticaLs in accor'dance with U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVE: After instaLLation is compLeted. Mobile Hemes . t9- BLocking and Set-up SZJ PLumbing connections 8cwep and water \7rELectpical Connection - BLocking, set-u:; ~ and pLumbing connections nr~st be approved befope requesting elect-ricaL inspec::im: o D CURB & APPROACH APHON: After f01'11ls .are cpeated but Pl'io-r to pouping aon.::n"e te. D SIDEI,lALK ,Ii DRIVEI,!!.Y: Fop an con- cpete paving within stpeet pight- of-way, to be made aftep aLL exca- vating compLete & fo~ work & sub- base materiaL in pLaae. . \A'1"inaL - Aftel' p:Jl'ches, .~ etc. ape completed. skipting, decks, ~ Ac.::e8S01'1j Building D PENCE: h'hcr. compL.;;te -- Provide gates 01' movable sections thpough P.U.E. D o .' - .;. AU 'proJect c.:ond-itions, auch as the i.nstanation of street trees, co.'71pLetion of the requi~ed Landscaping, etc., must be satisfied bcfore the BUILDING FINAL can be raquested. FINAL BUILDING: The FinaL EieatrioaL, and Mechar.icaL Building Inspection must be requeated aftel' t!1O FinaL PZwnbing Inspectiona have been made and apPl'oved. ' " ~AUJ MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBr..E, ADJUSTNENT TO BE ~MDE AT NO COST TO CITY Pa~?e 1 of :) v Lot Sq. Ftg.' % af Zot Covel'ag;: . !I of Stones TotaL Height Topogl'aphy SOLAR ACIS S Occupancy GrouP. . LOT TYPE REQ.- L - CO G~ I JO B NO. ?fr.;O OcjO I Zona: TijDe/Cor.st: e "\ Bedl'ooms: PanhandLe Cu L-de-sac P.L. North E:as t South ,r';est -- Fees Setbacks House Capage Access. '1 Enepqu SOl/rces Heat Wate2' Heater Range FirepLace wood:;tove TilDe Lot Faces'- Interior COl'ner I ITEM I Main I Ga1'ace I Car'pcl't l/lcCC/WOPII I SQ. FTG x VaZue Building Value & Permit This permit ill gl'anted on the express condition that the said,constpuction shaLL, in an l'eSpcctll, confoY'l7l to the O-rdinar.ce adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Cr'dinance, l'eguLc.tillg the. ccnstpucticn and use oj' buiLdil1{ll1, and m,2!f bc. suspended or revoked at eny time upon vic- Zation of all!f pravi:;ior.G oj' Gaid OpdinwlCea. IS. D.C. TOTAL VALUE (vaLue) 1.5 x I ~ Building Pe1'I7lit State Supcharge Tota L Charges ~ PLan Check Fee: Date Paid: Recdpt #: Signed: lITEM' NO. FEE CHARGE Plumbing Permit Fixtupes Sanitary Sewer No per'son shaH constpuct, instaU, at.ter or' change (my new cp e:::isting pLumbing 01' dl'ainage syste~ in whoLe or in par't, unLess such person is the ZegaL possessor of a vaLid pLumbel"s License, except that a person may do pLumbing wopk to propepty which is owned, Leased 01' operated by the appLi- cant. ResidentiaZ (1 bath) Water' .1 ITEM I Res. Sa. fta. I Naw/Extend Cil'cuits \ TempopaPY Ser'Vice NO.. FEE ISrOo ,7s rs ,7'S~ ~ CHARGE Electrical Per m i t PLumbing Permit State supcr.arge. TotaL Chal'aes Where State Law r'equir'es tr.at the cLectpiaaL work be done by an ELectr'icaL Con tpac tor, the eLectr'icaZ portion of this permit shaZZ not be vaLid untiL the ZabeL has been signed by the ELectpicaL :7ontmctor. l ELectl'icaL Permit / 5,e:>o .7'7 State SupchaPge TotaL ChaP es ~ ITEM NO. FEE CHARGE Mechanical Permit Furruzce ETU'S I Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan I Woodstove J' Per'mit Issuance MechanicaL pel'mit Statc Supchal'ae TotaZ CharaeD -,.. ENCROACHMENT -- I ~ I Secunty I Storage Deposit PLan Examiner' uace TotaL Chal'gos I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the compLeted application j'op permit, and do hereby certify that aLL i~formation hereon is tpue and cOr'rect, and I fUr'thel' cel'tify that any ar..d an work pel'for:ned shan be done in accor- dance with the Or'dinances of the City of sppinafieLd, and thz L<<~s of the ~ State of Oregan p3rtaining to the wopk described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY wiLL be made of any str'ucture without permission of the BuiLding Di- vision. I further certify that O:lZy contpactops and e~pLayees who are in compliance with CRS 701.05S win be used on this project Maintena~e Permit eurbcut I SidewaZk I Fence I Electrica"z .1 Mobile Home I Label '-Ifo35 (d ,2'0 3$ .(10 /.75 ~ , , . Sigm~d :3 'it! -&"0/ Date "1'1'1'1'..4 r AUflrHl'1' nllTi'-" I~ r- cf-s: j ~