HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-4-19 (2) ... .. RESIDilNTIAl.. APPLICAT!ffrv /PERMIT 225 No~th 5th St~eet Sp~ingfield~ Opegon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 , r: ::2-:;z r:::- ,o/~( --' C L. / Job Location: V),,,FJ'J t" U r Assesllorc Map # \'f\ D~ ~ ~ 00/ Subdivision: Ouner: ~Ira.- fQi)f-lf,t:t'lvj 5/:59' p' ~T: ~iD~?I.),,, c>/-=f I' Address: City: I I I I IXI , Np.w SPRINGFIELD ~~~f$7" 01 '-J..f\/\ Ta.x Lot II LJl.A.) Phone: ?2b- Y779 . Zip: DellcP"~be '.'or": j(l9{{-w~th- Additien Remodel !.fobi le Hom:J Date of Applicatien Lj-/B'~Z:;/ Value - Rcce~pt.q ,r3.,G "':.:< B j Sigr:ed: t.f- /7- &::2 ///~e'-=-r ~-----, "/ - c- -' /' 'Ex~i~es Phnnp hb/-7/Y:;/ Date: Y-'7&/ ~ t!:) ::;>>:S- ~ /b..a? 7Y7-~// It is the responllibility of the permit ho~er to see that all inspections aI'e made at the proper time. that each ~ess is readab~e from the street, and that the PCl'mit aard is l.:x:ated at the front of the property. ~BuiZding rr:vi::ior. apprOl;ed Flan shall l'emain on tha Buildin(l Sit::; at all times. (\ICLJ Contractors Address Lise. U' Bldrs Board Reg. s . General ~M~.~ ~/?/e-~_I/GE~i~~ZJ'JA"7': ~7"/2 : Plumbing i Hechanical Electrical $~€ Rcc,-'. SUP~I,!ising Elec n)c Ian ' Pl?OCEDURE FOR INSPEcTION RE:QPEST:CALL 726-3769 (reeorder) state your City designated job number, requcsted ar.d when you wiZl be ready for inspection, Contraetors 01' Owners name and phone number. :..'iZ l be made the, same dcy, requests made after 7: 00 am wi ZZ b() made the next :.JOrking day. job address, type of inapee;icll Requests received befol'e 7: 00 c:." !?emdY'p.d TnSDp.ct1:cnfl O SITE INSPECTION: To be made after exeavation, but prier to set up of forms. , D. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made befoy-e any wo~k is ~overed. ' D 10 -~ ~LJ o -0 CJ [J FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made after trenehes are exeavated and forms aI'e erected, but prior to pou~ing eoneret~. UNDSRGROUND PLUMBINC, SE:r-lER. WATER, DRAINAGE: 7'0 be made prio!' to riZ- Zing trenehes. . UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to installation of j100r insulation or deeking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of floo~ ins~lation or decking. ROUGH PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be covered ,ur:til thcse inspeetioT'.s have beer. made and approve:!. FIREPLACE: Prior to plaeir~ faeing materials and before framing inspee- tion. FRAMING: Must be requested after approval of rough plumbing, eleetri- cal & meehani:Jal. A rz roofing bracing & ehimncys, eta. ~~st be . completed. No work is to be eon- , cea led unti l this inspeetion has 'been made and approved. , Your City Desigr~ted Job Number Ill: g'7t!93Y'/ D INSULATION/V~.POH BARR~ER' jNS~EC'l!f~,r,'~ I11f!!WOlT.t~~m\~mo/'o.V~p,~1f4'!l",'~, ,r~~.!"'1I,'~~fi'~I, !'lllrrll~'llll."!I: To b~ made aJ tel' a l ~ 'l-nsu lat,,:on <:IrE! 1/111,' !' i. : I ,:!~ I "J' I : I' II' { II ,: I: 'I I 'i.' ii, r . ~equ~red vapor bar~'l-e~s are 'l-n' place --" pan'l-tar~ seuer ~apped atlpropcrfY' Z'l-r-e but eefore any lath, gypsum bOaI'd or ---l . LXlU aovering is applied, and befo~e ---, Septia tank p=ped and fiZZed with gra;;eZ any insulation is eoneeaZed. ---J D DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after aU drywa U is in p laee, but prior to any taping. ---, Ft.naZ - ,,'hen above items are completed ---1 ar:d when demo Zitior:is compZete or Stl'li:l- ture moved and premises cZeaned up. . Mobi Ze Hemes =:B' BZocking and Set-up ~ PZumbing connections SeLJer and water '\71 EZectricaZ Conneation - BZocking, set-u? ~ and pZumbing connections mr~st ee approved before requesting electrieaZ 'inspee;ion =.J AcceSsol"d Sui ld,ing I/t FinaZ - After porches, skirting, deeks, ~ etc. are completed. D AU pr'o.]cct conditions, <lUC,!; as the 'tllstaLZation of str'eet t~aes, co.':-rpletion of tile . l'equiY'cd land:wcp-ir-g. c~te., must be satisfied before the BUILDINC FINAL call be Nlqucst()d. D FINAL PLUMBIt/G o FINAf, t'W~'I/ANICIi/, D FINAL ELECTRICliL o D MASONRY: SteeZ Zoeation, bond beams, grouting or' vertieaZs in aceordanee with U.B.C. Seetion 2415. WOODSTOVE: After instaZZation is ecmpZeted. o , P1NM, BU(1;f)[NG: '/'Iw Vinal Building InDpcation must be requellted aj"t:el'. tlw Pillal P!.wl//;illg EiiJctl"ioal, and Meehar-ical l1wpectionD have been made and approvad. ,. D D CURB & APPROACH APRON: After- forms aI'e ar~cted but prior to pouring ~on{)l"ete. ~Al.L MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fENT TO BE M.1DE AT NO COST TO CITY 'pa[w' oj" :; o SIDE'-IALK & DRIFE'-IAY: Fo~ aZZ eon- erete paving within st~ect right- of-wc:y, to be made after aZZ exca- vating compZete & form work & sub- base material in place. , D fENCE: h'her- compl6te -- Provide gates or movabZe seetiens through P.U.E. o -..v - - SOL A R Ace E S S R E Q.- OccupanCl/ 'croup_ . L - CO G~ JO B NO. Zona: Lot Sq. Ftg. Z "f lot Coverag;J # of Stories Total Height Topography' " ITEM , SQ. FTC Main GaI'aae Carport Aeeessorlj, S.D.C. TOTAL VALUE, . (va~uc) 1.5x BuUding Permit State Surcharge Total Charges x LOTTYFE Interior Corner ,Panhandle Cul-de-sae Value , NO. CHARCE lITEM I Fixtures . , .... . ' Residential (1 bath) Sanitary Sewer FEE Water k"UP7~)J-",,-, /~~ . . Plwnbing Permi t State Surcr.arge Total Charges ITEM NO. ' Res. Sa. fto.. I Naw/Extend Circuits Temporal'Y Service Cc.r.c./. ~>p~~? ~. Eleatrieal Permit State Surcharge Total Charges ITSM ' NO. F'W'naee ETU' S I Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan I I Woodstove I I Permit Issuanca' Meahanical Permit State Surcharae Total Charcres I -- ENCROACHMENT -- Ise~Kritlj Daposit I . Storage ' Maintenanae I Pcrmi t I Total Charl108 CUI'bcut FEE FEE Sidewalk' I PCllae I Electrical Label I Mobile Home :;;~<tf=' ~ i .~, i I I '1'rvrA T. AMf111M'1' n1l1?' ~ " /s -c:> pS: -- ";)15- ~~": A5 - ~ CHARGE I /5'~ I ~C;;:~ I I ;. :::?) Ih~;/c5 ~ ClIAReE " ' , ~,-- /-"~) C:? 7~. ~ Bedrooms: Tijpe/Cor:st: . ,.. TilDe Lot Faces - Ener(/l/ Souroes Heat Aceess. Watel' !/eatel' I Rallge I Fireplace r Wood:;tove " ." Setbaeks !louse r.amge '\... , ' Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the express oondition ,t}~t the said eonstruetion sha'L'L, in aU respcets, eonform to'the Ordinance adopted b'y the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Qrdinance, regulc.ting the eonstruation and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at c.ny time upon vie- Zation of any provisions of said ;c)rdinances. . \ '< , , ., - -. ~ A ?'Lan Cheek Fee: Datc Paid: Reedpt II: Signed: Plumbing Permit No person sha'L'L construet, insta'LZ, alter. or ,ehange any new or existing plwnbing or drainage syste~ in whoZe orin part,' unless sueh person is the legaZ possessor of a valid pZwnber's Zieense, except tr~t a person may do pZwnbi~g'work tg property which is owned, leased or operated by the appZi- cant. . ",' " -. . , Electrical Permi t , ! Where State &aw requires tr4t the eZeetrieaZ work'be done by an EZeatrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the ZabeZ }~s b;Jen signed by the Eleetrical C:Olltraetor, Mechanical Permit ~ ~~/~ --~ PZtflj?i!xam{ner . /' r ' 0/' ry9 - :::r;; Uate I HAVE CAREFUL&Y EXAMINED the eompleted appZieation for permit, and do hereby certify that aZl information hereon is true and corrcet, and I further certify that any ar.d all work perfoI':1led s}~'L'L be done in accor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springficld, andth~&~~s of tha ~ State of Oregon pertaining to the work deseribad herein, c.nd tll/lt NO OCCU- PANCY wiZZ be made of any structura without permission of the BuiZding Di- vision. I further certify that o~Zy contraators and e~pZ"yees who al'e in eompliance with CRS ?01.05S wilZ be used on this pl'ojeet #r€":" ~t'E :)~4<'C. ~~#/?//Y/'5l ' //J/,6//?,?~~ ~~ /C::>~7: C:C.:c~~~#c-~~ ,;r-o ,-?Z-<lfr/#Cc#'/ ~~ce ~~...-,.:7' ~~ ~rr 7z:> ~e::>>d>;Pr ?/4P~t:!? ,- '#{~" ~Mb?,/UA.-LL~' ~/-I?-8'i Signed ',(J Va te