HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-4-4 .. RESID.iNTIAL'. APPLICA~/PERMiT 225 North 5th Street Springfield~ Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 ~. I ' '- SPRINGFIELD Job Location: 1) "5 ~~~ idtli?:5"2O" :s /.. #' 9t,; Asoesoo1'$ Map # / 1 () 2 .3 3 Y ()O" T= Lot # Subdivision: () (3 ()1) Or.mel': t1(4Y~/]/P 7 6v,;5/f./~ _nr5C:#//~ Address:.~t:;'t? I1w999 5.':'<:;> 7/' 2? 3 Phone: 9Y"7~~/// City: ~6/"7 7-~ 4/f'.ofc&'; -c?7< Zip: 97 q';? Y' I I I I IXI I~ ~7?f?C-L ~)< b;o~ ~~/C 2 fy ?;~/7/'~ /17#;7-> ~" New Addition Remodel .',[obi le lloma '1- 0/'- B '7' Descroibe f>'ol''': 'A ~'l?-~ VaZue Date of Application Contractors Address ,General ~;t?-~~7 ~?/e::-/?:N . : Plumbing 'I( e:--/ i Hechanical Electrical c::!?Wr/~X Supervising ~Jec t r:ic i;Jn Reosipt ,II / ,350 to Signed: Date: .cd LfJ L/ -L/ .J- '1('1 , Ex~ires Phnnp Lise. {I Bldrs Board Re~. YOUl' City Deoigr~ted Job Number 10: o DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after' aU drywaU is in place, but priol' to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bond beamo, grouting 01' verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVE: Aftel' installation is completed. It is the responoibility of the permit holder to see that all inopections are made at the proper time, that each ~ess is l'cadab:e from the street, and that the permit card is located at the front of the property. ~Bui!ding Divi[:ior: approved plan shaU l'emain on tho Building Sit::: at aU times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccol'der) state yo Up City designated job number, job address, type of in3pec-;icll l'equestcd ar:d when you wiU be l'eady fol' inspection, Contr>actol'S or Or.me!'s name and phone number. Requests received befol'e 7: 00 a-. :,.'ill be made the same day; requests made after 7:00 am'wiU b::: made the next :.JOrking day. Requil'ed InsD~cticn~ O SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation, but pl'iol' to set up of forms. D, UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & NECHANICAL: To be made befoI'c any work is ~overed. D o o o D D D FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made after trenches al'e excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring ccnCl'et~. UNDSRGROUND PLUMBING. SEf-lER. W,1TER, DRAINAGE: To be made pI'ior' to fi l-" lir.g, trenchee. UNDERFLOOR'PWMBING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to installation of 11001' insulation 01' decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made pl'ior to installation of flool' ins!.lation or decking. ROUGH PLUMBING. ELECTl/rGA:.. ,P, MECH- ANICAL: No :.J01'1: is to be co~'er'ed until these inspections haJJe been made and appl'ovec. FIREPLACE:, Pl'iol' to placing facing mater'ials and befol'e fl'aming inspec- tion. FRAftlINr:: Must be l'eques ted aftel' approval of rough plwnbing, alectri- cal & mecha.nioal. At! l'oofing bracing & chimneys, eto. ~~st be ,completed. No wOl'k is to be coo- , cealed until thio inspection has . been made and app~oved. &>9(;/<70 u , ,4 'Li I ~t, O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPEciJ!'itJN~" 'DEMOiiTi6.;1'IOR ',~:aVEDI;BUILDi; as :' To be made after aU insulation ai'.d I ' I, " requil'ed vapor barriers are 'Lb' n ~.~C!., '"' .......1. ~~.~,:~~" ~.~.Jer "oapp~d ,at prop<::I'ty but before any lath, gypsum oaI~ 01' ' ,~ uall covel'ing is applied, and before any insulation is concealed. o D D CURB & APPROACll AP."?ON: After forms are areot~d but pI'ior to pouring .:!on~pete. .",..,\1, '" "h "r-: W' line D SIDEf{ALK & DRIVEf';/.Y: For aU con- crete paving within stl'eet right- of-way, to be made after "all exca- vating complete & form work & sub- base mater.iaZ in plaoe. ~ Septio tank pumped and filled with gl'a~el --, Final - f.'hen above items are completed ..-.I and when demol.itior: is complete 01' stl'U:J- ture moved and premises oleaned up. I Mobi le llomes ~locking and Set-up ~Plumbing connections scwer and wa:el' ::i1 Electrical Connection :- Blocking, set-u;; ~and plumbing conr:ections ffl'~st be approved beforc requesting elec:rical inspec-;ion tl Acoessory Building ~ Pinal - After porches, skirting, decks, ~etc. are completed. ,: " ;-. D - All pl'oject cond-i tions, such as the 1',nstaZlation of'street trees, cO.':7pletion of the l'equil'ed landscaping, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be rsquestsd. o FINAL PWMBING D FINAL MECllANICAl, o FINAL ELE'CTRIGAL o D PENCE: f,'Iwr: compl:::te -- Pl'ovide gates 01' movable sections through P.U.E. ([) PINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspection must be requested after the Final Plwnbing Electrical, and Mechanical InspectionD have been made and approvad. , ,0 . AAU MANHOLES AND CLEIiNOUTS NIJST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fENT' TO BE M.1DE AT NO COST TO CITY I Pa[7e ' of :; v Lot Sq. Ftg. % of lot Coverage # of Stories Total Height Topography NO. ~02'7b 50(AR ACI' '55 Occupancy GrouP. LOT TYPE REQ.- L - CO G~ I JOB I Zone: Type/Const: ..... Bedrooms: ~ Enerr!ll Sources I" .'Ieat '. . ,,~.,~}i1 Access. :' I r';ater !lea tel' ". ~'':.J'' I Range I I Fireplace I Woodotove I ,,' . ' ,,' .- Lot Faces - , TilDe lITEM Interior I P.L. Corner North Panhandl.e East Cul.-de-sac South West Fees SQ.FTG X Val.ue Setbacks House Carage " " >,.1 , " Main Building Value & Permit CarpOl't "7..? "&- /. ~ :.-&.r;...:;;~.Q , ' This permit iG granted on the express condition that the said construction shall., in all. respects, conform to the Ol'dinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinmwe, regulc.ting the Cci18tructicn and UGe oj' buildings,. and m:lY be sUGpended or revoked at CI:Y time upon vic- l.ation of any prov'isionG of Gaid Ordinances. Garaae Accessol'l/ I Is.D.c. TOTAL VALUE (vaLue) 1.5 :r: ~ NO; /5:~ ~7' I fS:7~ ~ I CHARGE Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: I Recdpt 1/: \ Signed: Building Permit State Surcharge" Total. Charges lITEM I Fixtures I Residential (1 bath) FEE Plumbing Permit ITEM NO. FEE I I ?):'--z:? 1. 6:~ .--- ./5' L-'):-Z;- ~ CHARGE No person Ghall. construct, instalZ, aUer or change any new or existing pl.umbing or drainage syst~~ in whole or in part, ur.less such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a perGon may do pl.umbing work to property which is olu'l1ed, leased or ppe1'ated by the appli- cant. Sani tary Sewer ' Water "P).V/?/"Z5~ ~;4~P . - Numbing Permit State Surcr.arge Total Charqes Electrical Permit Res. Sa. fto. Where State Law requires th.at the electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until. the label. has been signed by the Electrical ~ontractor. " New/Extend Circuits Temporary Service 'B'CC/: /e:..--~~,b I Electrical. Permit b--:~ / '=):' --=-- ''>7S /"/;): 25 -~ State Surcharge Total. Charges ITEM NO. FEE CHARGE Meche nical Permit Furnace ETU' S I Exhaus t Hood I Vent Fan I I Woodstove I Permit Issuance Mechanical Permit State Surcharae Total. Charaea -- ENCROACHMENT -- ~ Se~~rity Deposit Storage ~~~---~ t/-'r--8-5. Uate Total Charqes I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the compLeted appLication for permit, and do hereby certify that aLL information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar~ al.L work performed shall be done in acaor- dance with the Ordinances of the city of Springfield, and th~ L~~s of the ,~ State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, ~nd that NO OCCU- PANCY will. be made of any structure without permission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that onLycontl'actors and e,~ployees who are in c~~pliance with ORS 701.055 will. be used on this project Maintenan.:::e Permit eurbcut Sidewalk I F<;')31,. , I n;~~:llaber#. .c/ ~r-..s B I Mobile Home~2YC~W/~ I ~':/~/~ I 4 "LO ;;::)",:=6> ~7S tJ1-gnad p;u;/ l?t- I 'fOTAL AMOUNT DUE: ~ I ~ 2Z> . ~ '-"-"--'---'~'-.:-:1",~" .... ;-- ... -- - .. '1----' -. , -- ; i" I' iA!:: I: 1 . ~~~._......-.....~.t:':"'~=~-'~~-:=~~~=~''''('''~~--~I---~-~-~-~i'-:l=T:-:-. '-~--:~"'-~I'.'T--.i-->I'''-r-'i "'r--r j (".j i - . , . . . .1 . II I ,! I J2 ! I ' i' "k' I ' '. 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'" :.' ...... ',. :.... .... . . '. ." . " , " ..... ,.' " .:. . .. , '. " ' ,"",\ . .. RES I D.E N T I A L · · APPLIC~N/PERMIT 225' North 5th Street Springfield~ Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 ~'--: Re()e~pt # SPRINGFIELD ~'?1~~ ill\l\t ~'~ .' # \f\C)d0~()() - ~j T= Lo;" D\~l~ Job Lo()ation: Asoesaol'S Nap SUbdivision: \Q519L\ (A.mel': V-C\~\\ 1.:1~,/ b 1 Q DUt \ ffi[)?\, Addl'ess:(~&~~) \X~.'!\ #4 Phone: f\~\O~ D\C\'Z.. 6. city~~'\l N)~G~ru1f:)f---, Zip' qrytr\B Il/""r Np.w I I Addi tien I I II Desc1'ibe rioT'/(: , , " ::::'H~" A Ii) on ~~( of Appli()atien '--r ~ L-( _) -..,;\. VaZue f\ A Date 1 ~ ' s,gr.",,(J\ lJfl) _,'_ ,Date: '-....J~,:.\II_r-t51 _ Lise ~ 1/ I Bldrs Board Reg. Vf') ~'\~15S, ' ~~,)_5'~ BDt _'li~ ~\}i(\.\\() Expires /J/9-LJ \ ,r ;-\ Phon." Contractors _ Address General "':\S\l\..\'\.\::i.-t f')L (d\ffi Q \rl (\ l'A.J : Plumbing \, l)' ,"- i Hechanical I Electrica 1 I SUDervisinl-\_IUec t J".i I: LI n It is the reaponaibility of the pe"f'mit hoUieT' to see that alt inopections are made at the propel' time. that ea()h ~ess is readab:e from the street, and that the pC1'mit card is located at the front of the property. ~Bui!ding Ir:visior: appr'oved plan sJu:ll l'emain on the; Building s.its at all times. , PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 rl'ecol'del'J state YOUI' City designated job nwnbel', job address, type of inspe()-;icli roeqtwsted ar:d when you wi II be l'eady fol' inspection, C01ltT'actol'S 01' (A.mel"S ncme and phone mUlzbcr. Requests I'eceived befol'e 7: 00 a:.j :.'ill be made the same dcy, T'equests made after 7:00 a:n will bs made the next :JOrkiYI{J day. RQ02D3 Re01liroed Insvf?ct7:ells O SITE INSPECTION: To be made aftel' exoavation, but prio~ to set up of f 017llS . ' O UNDERSLAB PLUt>mING. ELECTRIC,IL & '''fECHANICAL: To be made befoT'e any WOl'k is covol'ed. ' D FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made after tl'enches are excavated and forms are eT'ected, but pl'i01' to poul'ing cencret~. UNDSRGROUND PLUMBING, SEr';ER, W,1TER, DRAINAGE: To be made pT'ioT' to fiZ- lil".g trenches. o o o UNDERF'LOOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: To be made pl'iol' to inatallation' of 11001' insulation 01' decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made pl'iol' to installation of flooT' ins~lation 01' decking. ROUGII PLUMBIlIG. ELECTR!CAL ,~ MECH- ANICAL: No WOl'K is to be covel'ed ,ur.til these iltspections have beer. made and appl'ove~. FIREPLACE: Priol' to placil".g facing matel'ials and before fl'aming inspec- tion. FRAMING: Must be l'equeated aftel' apPl'oval of 1'0ughplumbing, electl'i- cal & mechanical. AU T'oofing 'bl'acing &'chimncys, etc. nr~st be : completed. No work is to be con- " cealed until thio inspection has 'been made and appT'oved. D D D - " YOUI' City Deaigl"~ted Job Numbel' 10: D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insulation ar>.d l'equil'edvapol' baPl'iel's aPe in pZa()e but befol'e any lath. gypsum boaPd 01' wall aoveT'ing is applied, and befol'e any inGuZation is concealed, D DRyrML!. INSPE:CTION: Te be made after' all dPywall is in pZace, but pl'ior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bond beama, gl'outing 01' vel'ticals in accol'dance with U,B.C. Section 2415.. WOODSTOVE: Aftel' installation is ccmpleted. DEMOLITION OR ,\JOVED BUILDINGS :=J Sanitary SelJel' capped at P~OPC1'ty Zir.e :=J Septic tank pumped and filled with gT'a~el ---, Final'- h~en above it~~s aPe completed ---l and when demoZition is complete 01' struc- tUl'e moved and premises cleaned up. 'Mobile Homes 1::J~~locking and Set-up ~umbiYI{J ()onnections sewer and watel' ~lectri()aZ Connection - BZocking, set-u? ~ and pZumbing connections nr~st ce apPl'oved befol'e l'equesting eZe()tl'ical inspec-;ion ~ Accessol",j Building ~ ~ - Aftal' pOl'ches, skil'ting, decks, ~tc. aPe completed. D ,'. " - ,All.projeet eond-itions, :;uch as the i'1lstallation of stl'eet tl'ees, co,-:rplation of tire l'equired landscaping, etc., must be satisfied befol'e the BUILDING FJNAL can be l'equestsd. D FINAL PLUMBING D FINAL MECHANICAT. D FINAL ELECTRIC!.L o o D D CURB & APPROACH AP.WN: After f017lls aPe cl'ected bUtPl.iol' to poul'ing aoYU!rete. o ,FINAL BUnnING: The Final Building Inspectio1l must be l'equeated aftel' the f.ina'z Plwnbillg 'El~ctT'ical, and Mechanical Inspectiona hava been made and approved. o SIDEr';ALK & DRIVEr';AY: Fol' all eon- Cl'ete paving within stl'eet l'ight- of-way, to be made after all exca- vating complete & fol'm WOl'k & sub- base matel'ial in place. 'AU, MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fENT TO BE MADE AT NO COST TO CITY I Pa~7a 1 oj' :; D PENCE: ~~er: compl~te -- Pl'ovide gates 01' movable sections thT'ough P.U.E, o v JOB NO.~(~SOLAR ACCESS Zone:, Occupancy Group_ Lot Sq. Ftg. WT TYPE % .:;;f lot C.:;;verag;; Interior ,# of Stones Corner Total Height Panhandle Topography , Cul-de-sac REQ.- L -CO G~ Type/Cor.st: .... Bedrooms: ' ,.,. EnelYll1 SOla'ces I !leat Access. I r-latel' !lea tel' I Range I Fireplace I Woodctove I f ---,'\ I Lot Faces - I I P.L. Worth lEast ISouth lr-lest T!iDe Setbacks House Carage Fees ITEM SQ.FTG x Value , Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the express conditi.:;;n that the said construction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the ccmitructicn and use of buildings, and may: be suependedor revoked at c.I:Y time 'upon vic- lation of any pr.:;;visions of said Ordinances. Main I GaraGe Carpcrt' t1ccessorll Is.D.c. TOTAL VALUE (va~ue) . ,1. 5 x I * Building permit 'State Surcharge TotaL Cha."gea * I Plan Check I Date Paid: IRecdpt H: \ Signed: Fee: lITEM I Fixtures NO. FEE CHARCE Plumbing Permit " Sanitary Sewer No person ehall construct, instaZZ, aUer 01' change any neW cr existing plumbing or drainage syst~~ in ~hoLe or in part, unless such person is the legaL possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a pe~son may do plumbing work to property which isow~ed, leased or opel'ated by the appLi- cant. , Residential (1 bath) Water N\~ , \ , ~~tD t <6. (YJ . U)C) ~* , Plumbing Permi t state Surcr.arge Tctal Charges j ITEM NO. I Res. Sa. fta. New/Extend Circuits . FEE CHARCE Electrical Perm it Temporary, Sel'Vice . ,y\.~ I \ Where State Law requires th.at the electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the Zabel has b;;en signed by the Electrical Contractor. State Surcharae Total Charges I~,OO 15.'00 , i_ r) !5 l~./~ls * Electrical Permit lITEM NO. I FEE CHARGE F'UI'nace ETU'S Exhaust Hood I Vent' Fan I I Woodstove I " , Mechanical PermH I Permit Issuance Mechanical Permit State surcharae . , Total Charqea ' I -- ENCROACHMENT -- Ise~~rity Deposit I Storage' I Maintenance I Permi t * I. Plan Examiner Vate fj" , I HAVEjcAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for' permit, and do hereby.certify that all ir.fo~ation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.a all work performed shall be done in accor- dance lJJith the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th;; Lcr.,;s of the * State of Oreg.:;;n pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY lJJill be made of any structure without permission of the Building Di- vision.I further' certify that only contractors and ~~ployeeswho are in compLiance with ORS 701.05S wiLL be used on this project " I' TotaL Char(1os Curbcut I Sidewalk I Fen:Je Electrical Label Mobile Home C!)S.CU I .c!1C\ \ . ~,; ?i~~h7 Date' / i ! I 'f07'AL AMOUNT DUE: ~ Gf) f) S / ,.~' .' i e ( (..J 6 e /\ l ~ ,~ ~, /\'- \ :\,- 533S \)chD\0( ~2>~\J "