HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, Pre PLANNER 6/29/2010 . . '~ RECEIVED Date Distributed: ~/ 2&/-10 JUN 29"2010 By: -PICE -j)a(lJe<< I Df IL/p~ PRE-SUBMITTAL DISTRIBUTION LIST: t/ Dave Puent - Building v Gilbert GordonlMelissa Fechtel- Fire V" Jesse Jones - Traffic . v. Matt Stouder- Public WorkslEngineering V Chris MO~UTI'eying Planner City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726-3689 Fax . . ..T ..,< Pre-Submittal Meeting , ~'. Case Number Assigned: PRE201O-00011 Date Submitted: 6/2812010 APPLICANT: LIBERTYBANK 355 GOODPASTURE IS LAN EUGENE OR 97401 Proiect Name: LIBERTYBANKlHA YDEN 2-LOT PART Project Description: Pre-Submittal for 2 lot partition of Tract A of Westwind Estates Application Type: Job Address: Partition Tentative .,''' Assessor's & Tax Lot #: 4750 DAISY ST 1702320002200 DISCLAIMER: Applications will not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur between the time of the Pre-Submittal Meeting and Submittal of the Application for Development Review. Please contact our office at 541-726~3753 with any questions or concerns. A Planner will be assigned the following business day and will contact you to confirm the meeting date and time. S u.l:. pvy..ct P~WID-u I'^.~~ f'lD~W;- f!<::rW::,5 -veeP" ".-."" -,H.i>';' 1/- PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JUN 2 J 2010 PlanJobPrint.rpt . _.'. _ "'. ,~_"" _ . , ':.~';i. 6/28/2010 1 :50:45PM . . Pre-Submittal Meeting Development Services Department Room 615/616 PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING DATE: Friday, July 9, 2010 1. PRE-SUBMITTAL MTG#PRE2010-00011 (PART TENT) LffiERTYBANK Assessor's Map: 17-02-32-00 TL 2200 HAYDEN HOMES Address: Vacant - Tract A ofWestwind Estates Subdivision Existing Use: Vacant The applicant submitted plans to partition one lot into two parcels. Meeting Date/Time: Friday, July 9, 2010 11:00 - noon nsn 616 Planner: Steve Hopkins PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JUN 2 8 2010 . . :City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 ~:.. Land Division Tentative Plan Partition, Subdivision '. . , ,. . ., Partition Tentative Pre-Submittal: Partition Tentative Submittal: A licant Name: Saul Weinstein Phone: 541-681-4845 Com an : LibertyBank Fax: Address: 355 Goodpasture Island Rd, Eugene OR 97401 541-344-1739 A licant's Re .. Michael Reeder Phone: 541-484-0188 Com an : Arnold Gallagher Percell Roberts & Potter Fax: Address: 800 Willamette Street, Ste 800, Eugene OR 97401 541-484-0536 Owner: Com an : Hayden Homes, LLC Phone: 541-923-6607 Fax: 541-548-0761 Address: 2622 SW Glacier Pl, Ste 110, Redmond OR 97756 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-32 TAX LOT NO S : ~ 2-ZcO Address: Size of Pro e Pro osed Name of Subdivision: none Acres ~ S uare Feet 0 Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Pro osal: The owner is proposing a two parcel partition to separate the zonings, thus increasing the marketability to developers. Existin Use: 2 Av. Lot/Parcel Size: 125,235 our name and date in the a '. , , . . Associated A lications: '/'~ U1R-ffi1:? C (\)\M Pre-Sub Case No.: rK 201D..- ns: :/ Date: Reviewed b Case No.: A Iication Fee: Date: Technical Fee: - - ""',;::.,.-,;:,,<-..c.... ."'..oo.,.._.."..... - - ,.~ 7''''',~,~",:... _-.~'.'.'L":.;".. . PRE ~b'lIHfQ:'" R: firz.J!ui 0- (pee> ~ .,,~ -,,,....c~,.c;; ""~,_."..,,' '.,..~l"'."-::.:''''':.-,.."''~=.:c,."1;::;''"~''''~;''''O<4>'R',.;-.:_:.;...,...,~'.,''' c':;"",",;;.:,, ''::0"",,,,,,",,,,.:<,:;0: JUN 2 8 2010 1 of 10 TOTAL FEES: Revised 11.19.09 . . Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. I/we do hereby acknowledge that I/we are legally responsible for all statutory timelines, information, requests and requirements conveyed to my representative. Owner: JA "Signati:i"re _fA ' f\ Date: June 28, 2010 Michael Reeder, Power of Attorney Print Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to 'a complete application. Owner: Date: Signature Print PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D .lUN 2 8 ;>010 Revised 11.19.09 2 of 10 . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP PRE2010-00011 Vacant - Tract A Westwind Estates Subdivision ---.- -. .... ....-. 1VRP<f:5P c:r/II!liIN--sr-<-l ~ SITE Map 17-02-32-00 Tax Lot 2200 Iii .. North PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JUN 2 8 2010 . . ~ ~ * ~ ;1 ~ " ;; . . .", " , '" . " . .. , .. / , , : 't. 1\. i -. , ~_l ;I'~ " .., . , it .", , , , , , , , . , , , . , .", , " , , , , , , , / " . J' Ii! " {' i' , , I. , , i ~~J " 'i - . , \ ... , , , , / , \..-- il&~ -' .~ , . ... / . ... ;:' 111'1111:11 !; ), J I ~j 1! I : ~ 'i I I i I: e il IIII I: 1',11 IIII1I1I111 I: !li1l!!!!I' p II ! ji .! ~. ~ ~ I 11 ; II lJ ~ '" 11111111111 1",11111111 if! i I I ~ I II IiI!!! l'lliii! iili! ~ II!" I I,.! "" ~ 1 I'; 1 Ii I' i:1 a Ii 'I"" 1"> "1 . "11 ~ll! '" I! jil I! ,'1'1 ~::: ~ . '. . 'I S ~ i I ; ~~'Q I ! ;'1 Ij!lii '! ~ l-'!'ii:i ~ I I' I, '" I,," II ~ <II i' !:l 1111 il ! 'I I! a:C . ~ - '" !'!'l~' a .11 1,;1 "11'11 Iii :'I! II'M !i m . I ,I 1 ,! I PRE.SUBMITTAL R C'D JUN 2 g ZOlC '__~\ltl-';:: .-'._ . __ ~- I ~ ~---;;:~ l..~~- ... . ~-;-; "II '" ~ ~i ;1 ~ !" FROJr~T mu. l't 5~~~6i~ ~ ~ BranchEnnmlll'In".~__ TENTATlVEPART/T/ONPLAN .!:l a ~ ~ . ;:: -=-- ~ FOR LIBERTY BANK .... t\. ... ~ ......... toI_ om.. ,- --- SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 1'" 9: t _ l =--=-fl"" ~C~.OI.. -:::- ~ T ~ ig ~ u't:: 1"')'_ SoI__ml1 ...- OCSCR'I'roOI<, 5 ~ " n ~ l; IMI)m-1m -,"-"- LAND DIVISION TENTATIVE PLAN :E: >: . ~ ..............."".....'...0-.... .-....- ~. "'"' """._.~._......... ~ ~ISIONS ..........0UCJlI~ "" . . Renee Clough From: Sent: To: Subject: MCEACHERN Clayton [emeeaehern@eLspringfield.or.us] Tuesday, February 16, 20101:12 PM 'Renee@branehengineering.eom' RE: stormwater seoping sheet I agree that there is currently no need to improve drainage onsite as part of a land division. We can handle the stormwater issues with a development application. We did discuss, during the Development Issues Meeting providing a small strip of land south of the zoning boundary to handle stormwater runoff from the commercial property. This would allow a full development of the commercial property, without affecting too much of the residential value since development of that looks to be problematic. Call me if you have any questions From: Renee Clough [Renee@branchengineering.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 11:08 AM To: STOUDER Matt Subject: stormwater scoping sheet Matt, Attached is a stormwater scoping request for Tract A of Westwind Estates (currently a portion of TM 17-02-32, TL 104). The site is split zoned which makes it hard to sell since commercial developers generally don't want residential land and residential developers generally don't want commercial land. LibertyBank has taken ownership of the property as payment" for a debt and wants to maximize the property's marketability. There is currently no knowledge of how each of the zoning areas will be developed. To be developed planning applications and building permits will be needed. It is proposed that the design of a stormwater treatment/conveyance system be delayed until those future planning actions and building permits so that the system meets the needs of the future development. Renee Clough, PE, PLS, AICP Principal Surveyor Branch Engineering 310 5th Street Springfield OR 97477 ph 541-746-0637 fax 541-746-0389 PRE.SUBMlTIAl REC'O JUN 2 820m " . '~,- 1 . . WRITTEN STATEMENT FOR THE LIBERTyBANK TENTATIVE PARTITION APPLICATION This application is a proposal to partition the vacant property at the southwest comer of the Main Street/Weyerhaeuser Haul Road intersection (Map 17-02-32, Tax Lot 104) into two parcels. LibertyBank has an option to purchase the commercially zoned portion of the site. This option gives LibertyBank the right to act as applicant for the partition process. The option becomes void if the plat is not recorded on or before December 15,2010. Therefore, it is requested that this application be reviewed as expeditiously as possible. Approximately 10 years ago Branch Engineering, Inc. performed existing conditions survey work for the City of Springfield on this site as part of the connection of Daisy Street across the south edge of the site (City Project Number P20198). The survey data gathered included wetland flags, but it is unknown at this time if a delineation report was submitted to the state. It is assumed that the northern edge of the flags can be taken to be roughly the northern edge of wetlands on the site. The site is split zoned with Community Commercial in the north and Low Density Residential in the south. This partition is proposed to separate the two zonings, thus increasing the marketability and property value. The zoning boundary was previously monumented in CSF 41715 by Richard Skinner. This location was determined by extending a previously defined zone line easterly through the site. During the Development Issues Meeting, city staff stated that the zoning boundary is flexible. LibertyBank and the current title holder considered moving the zone line approximately 90 feet southerly of the monumented location to place the zone line on the northern edge of the wetlands. However, the two parties have decided to leave the zone line as monumented. This has the benefit of being consistent with surrounding lands and existing . documentation for the site, thus eiiminating possible confusion now or in the future. It is not necessary to dedicate any land to the city. Since the layout and location of future construction or further divisions is not known at this time, no earthwork, tree removal, etc will occur with this partition. Although it is known . that at some time in the future, two trees near Main Street will need to be removed to allow installation of an access to Main Street. Main Street and Daisy Street are fully improved so no off-site improvements are necessary now or in the future. Weyerhaeuser Haul Road is a private road. The Lane CoUll$y Soil Survey shows the site as having Courtney Gravelly Silty Clay Loam (34) and Pengra Silt Loam, 1 to 4 percent slopes (l05A) in the southern portion of the site, Oxley-Urban Land Complex (101) in the middle portion of the site and Salem-Urban Land Complex (119) across the northern portion of the site. The Soil Survey indicates that all the soils except the Salem-Urban Land Complex have a seasonal high water table. The Survey also indicates there may be problems with the construction of roads and buildings on the Courtney Gravelly Silty Clay Loam and Pengra Silt Loam. Geotechnical reports are most helpful and cost efficient when based on a development concept. Since no development concept is known for either parcel, a geotechnical report was not obtained even though the code technically requires one to be submitted. The future development on both parcels will be subject to the same code criteria and can provide a geotechnical report customized to their development. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JUN 2 8 2010 . . This project does not require any additional City of Springfield planning applications. An ODOT access permit application has been submitted for the northern parcel concurrent with this submittal to the city. A copy of the submitted application is included with this application. PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D JUN 2 8 2010 1 1t= . Oregon Departmen~f Transportation Application for State Highway Approach FOR OFFice USE ONLY <:'i:' 'v,,: . pJiiliitsb;';t:iali~t'" '.' "., ". " f>~rrnlttyp~':;NeIJVChangeof Use Temporary" Restricted J0R~Jn~~,Hp,r6f fxisting: 0 Yel>E1 ;f\J() 'D!'lyiFitior\: :0 Yes. NOT;ES::;;.,:.,......"',., '.,' ".' " '. . ',,', , .,c':' ',',:;' ''';;,,''';;, ",' ,', 't;lv.iy;:t{,;X;':/;"Milepoint: .' '';'iceStati6ri:\' '.. ""~'~::, 'X;'t'l:-:D~t~'R~~eived Stam6;:,i, '^ " ". .~. .. '. ~: '.' . , " . _i: - ,'. ,,~ , . o No" "'", - " ,S';,:.". '.... .. ,"". -.,..,:,""" .>, .:. . 'Q~A~~~f[g',#;/ :;:" >.;,. ;'.' " Required Information The applicant must submit the following information with the Application for State Highway Approach. ODOT will notify the applicant if additional information is required. . All attachments required by answers on the application form, including applicant signature, . If the applicant is not the owner of the property to be served by the approach, then the property owner must authorize the applicant as a designated agent The applicant must have the property owner complete the Authorization of Designated Agent block on this form OR submit a signed letter from the property owner authorizing the applicant as the designated agent. . Site plan and vicinity map approved or currently being reviewed by the local government . A Land Use Compatibility Statement (LUCS) for a State Highway Approach (page 4 of this application) must be completed by the local government . A copy of the current County tax lot map for the property served by the approach. Map must highlight all property that would be served by the approach and list all owner name(s) on adjacent properties. Make a note on map if ownership of adjacent property is same as subject property. Identify the location of the proposed approach on map. . A copy of the recorded easement(s), if the subject property has an existing easement(s) for access to the property. . A copy of any existing state or local government approach permits for the property. In addition to the above submittals, the applicant may be required to place stakes or markings near the highway shoulder at the proposed approach location. Definitions for commonly used terms are in the attached brochure. The brochure is also available on the ODOT website located at: http://www.oreqon.qov/ODOT/HWY/ACCESSMGT/ Applicant Information "''::'-.,''"'.''::':.i.'''':' :....... . ... '.-.: Last Name: Gilbert. PE I First Name: Damien I CompanY:Branch Engineering Street Address: 310 5th Street City: Springfield I State: OR Zip Code: 97477 I County: Lane - Mailing Address: Same City: I State: Zip Code:. I County: Phone Number: 541-746-0637 FAX Number: 541-746-0389 Cell Phone Number. E-mail Address: damien@branchengineering.com Is applicant working as an Agent of the Owner? YES: IKI No:D If YES, the owner must complete the Authorization of Designated Agent section below, OR ATTACH a letter from the owner authorizing applicant to act as hislher agent Approach Location ' '. ,. , Highway Name - May be a statewide highway name such as Pacific Highway, or a local name like East Main Street RDute Number - The pDsted highway number, e.g. 1,5 Dr US-84 Highway Name: McKenzie Hwy. Route Number. 126 County: Lane Mile Point: 5.25 Side of Highway: North 0 South IKI East 0 West 0 Is the highway in a national forest area?: Yes 0 No IRl Pri~.~! IKM1TT.AI RW'f) .JUN 2 8 2010 734-2680 (8108) Page 1 of4 . . . Authorization of Designated Agent I (printed name of property owner) authorize (printed name of applicant) to represent: me as Damien Gilbert, PE my agent in the matter of this highway approach permit application. Owner Signature: I Date: Applicant Signature . .'" . .. :., . '. ., NOTIFICATION TO APPLICANT: The ODOT District Office will contact you when your application has been reviewed. If additional documents are required to continue the application process you will be notified. When all of the necessary documents have been received, the application will be deemed complete. If your completed application is approved, preliminary construction specifications will be issued. A performance bond and liability insurance will be required before any construction work. can begin on the highway right of way. For the complete rules regarding approach permitting, see OAR Chapter 734 Division 51. The Applicant declares, certifies, and affirms under penalty of applicable state or federal laws that all info"natJon provided on this form and attachments are true and complete to the best of his/her knowledge. , ,., Printed Name: Damien Gilbert, PE I Signatu~. 54t::./ /.;. Cr I Date~_.:l.>_1 0 'Additional 'Approachlriformatiori . . ." ,f '::'i::.. .... . .', ',' ...,...::..::.>..... . ':'.;':' Application is a request for (check all that apply) IX! New Approach - There is no existing permitted or grandfathered approach road at the location requested in this application D Temporary Approach - The approach requested will be removed after a specified period oftime. D Existing Approach - This application affects, or may affect, an existing approach D Restricted Use Approach - The approach requested is for emergency services, government, utility access or similar soecific uses with limited traffic Vehicle Turnina Movements Turn movements requested (check all that apply) All movements: [g] OR Right In: 0 Right Out: 0 Left In: 0 Left Out: 0 Property Owner Infon'mltion (If different than applicant) . ..; Last Name: First Name: '. . . . Street Address: City: Mailing Address: City: Phone Number: Cell Phone Number: E-mail Address: Are there additional owners of the subject property? YES: D NO: ~ If YES, ATTACH the same contact information as above for each of the co-owners on a separate sheet of paper. Property Information (attach additional page(s) if space is insufficient) Subject property address(es): None City: Springfield Zip Code: 97478 I County: Lane Township(s) 17S I Range(s) 2W Section(s) 32 I Tax lot(s) 104 Currentzoning:commun~ty c~mmercial and low Proposed zoning: No change dens1t res1dent1al In the boxes below, describe the existing and proposed land use(s) on the property, including square footage or acreage. Existing: Current.ly the site is a vacant. split Proposed: The owner is proposing a two parcel zoned property totaling approximately 5.75 partition to separate the ZO~.~ b~.'.l.'.l +~.I ~1a~~,~e acres. marketabili ty to developers. rK.c-Jl,I):ijii i If~L f<t~"" 'U I State: Zip Code: I County: I State: Zip Code: FAX Number: I County: 734-2680 (8/08) Page 2 of4 JUN 2 is 2010 'I ':Site ~fal'i';'o\!Y@riitYNlap:R Local gciy~iri'rri'!!rifsltepliin " Has the local government approved a site plan or is the local governrnent currently reviewing a plan for the proposed land use? [29 Yes (If yes, attach a copy of the plans being reviewed by the local government.) o No ~'S:iS'r.\.iJi"S" --i.~:>rri''''''''~R' -.,.....J;..."'",.;,~"'-,"'-'\>......,..,..~!~~!.it~~~.:.il.J..W~'!f~' .~~4@';;'jl ,~~@1" ;,~&i~~liS'r~~;-~~f.:~~~iW.~Jt~;19.e:.t?~.8~!~r<'~~~~~~"'" ~y'..;I-~J~_ :1_~~xr.::.aD.fuc:.~L JJJr:@m.~Jl~~~kf!ili:i?f~~~m4. "~~'it-:M:.:....:"" ._~- i~it<~.,j{>ql~M;~:1&1i:g~if"~~~~~~~~di~~~ Submit drawing(s) no larger than 11" x 17" in size. Site plan(s) shall include all applicable information listed below: Property location and property lines, including: . North arrow . Show all lots or parcels that are part of the property or development with their corresponding tax lot numbers identified . Distance from the property lines to the center of the proposed approach Using solid lines, show: . Proposed approaches with requested width and turning movements shown . Proposed & existing buildings and structures to be retained . Proposed use of existing buildings and structures to be retained . Other proposed eCfuipment or facilities and their proposed Lise . Proposed access or "cross-over" easements with neighboring properties . Nearest approaches on both sides of the highway within 500' of the proposed approach center-line Using dashed lines, show: . Existing approaches with width and turning movements shown . Place an "X' on approaches to be removed . Existing buildings and structures to be removed . Existing equipment or facilities to be removed . Other existing facilities to be removed . Existing access or "cross-over' easements with neighboring properties Show proposed on-site circulation. including: . Travel lanes with travel directions indicated . Travel lane widths . Parking spaces or parking areas . Access locations to the parking spaces or areas Show nearest landmark or cross street: . Provide nearest cross street name . Distanc~ from the requested approach location to the nearest cross street PRE.SUfH,filT"i', I R!:C'D . All public streets that abut the property(s) . . . 01,1.1 In.. .. JUN 2 8 2010 734-2680 (8/08) Page 3 of4 1/r DATE RECEIVEO BY 00. Oregon Department of Transportation CHAMPS. ( Land Use Compatibility Statement (LUCS) What is a LUCS? A Land Use Compatibility Statement (LUCS) is the form ODOT uses to ensure that Highway Approach Permits are consistent with local land use requirements. Why is a LUCS Required? OOOT Coordination Rules, OAR 731-015, identify Highway Approach Permits as permits that affect land use. State law requires OOOT activities that affeelland use to be consistent with acknowledged local comprehensive plans... When is a LUCS Required? An OOOT LUCS must be submitted with every OOOT Highway Approach Perm~ Application. How to Complete the LUCS: The applicant completes Seelion 1. Section 2 must be completed by the local jurisdielion. The applicant then submits the completed LUCS to OOOT as part of the Highway Approach Perm~ Application. SECTION .1:~pplll:~nt& Site Infoi:!ri~tic:l~:<' ........'..... . 'f}'/!," '.. .......:....::':;...... /.:": . '. .. -', .'.,,-..' .. ',-":':" ; Print applicant name: Damien Gilbert, PE I Applicant signature: Property owner name: LibertyBank Subject property address: none Site description: vacant, split-zones property Oi}i'cribe the ,Prqposed activiir' use. or develoEmenl includinp ~pe and volume of traffic It will ~enE~rate. thus increasing the T e owne ~s propos ng a two p rce part t on to separate t e on~ngs, the marketability to developers. Township(s) Range(s) Seelion(s) Tax lot(s) 178 2W 32 104 SECTION 2 must be filled out by a local Planning Official SECTION 2: Determination of Complia!lcewith local land Use Requirements' . The subject property is: [!2(Inside 0 Outside City Limits 0 Inside 0 Outside UGB Current Comprehensive Plan designation: M U (L \.) R Current zoning: CG I L 0 ~ Is a Comprehensive Plan or zoning amendment proposed? YES 0 NO IB'"" If YES, list the proposed plan designation: proposed zoning: Ooes the activity, use, or deveiopment require land use review to determine compliance with land use regulations? YES !if NID 0 If NO, it means that no local land use review is needed. Skip to Local Planning Officiallnfonnation below. If YES. what is the status of the land use application: 0 Approved 0 Denied 0 Under review i:!lNot yet received List file number(s): Is the decision final: YES 0 NO 0 Comments: local Plann!n Official Information Re uired): Jurisdielion: c.;J 01 S rin' ; -f' \ d Print planning official's name and title: -=- +- '-" Cue Mailing Address: . -- - F oJ Z l:e:. t',. '7 City. . SPR}AJG FtC? j) Phone: 5.<\ ,- 7.<:.G, ~-41 Email: " V",CPt::iA...!? (ffJ cr. ~?)<:I..Lb[iL.\), . OJ<.. L'S Planning Official's Signature: () k;l\~ P/Qr'l/l ~r C Zip Code: Fax: sz:::=- Date: & _ k1: r) U 734-2680 (8/08) Page 4 014