HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Application 1998-4-15 . t: " SPRINCFIELD I , .- \1000 STOVE/INSERT INSPECTION APPLICATION CITY OF SPRINGFEILD BUILDING SAFETY DIVISION 225 Fifth SUeet ~~~ Office:.' 726'-3759 Springfield, Oregon 974 77 Tl\t.~etTJ:ON LINE;-' 726-3769 " . ~~~'.. ~O\ , . , '..... . 'I(0~ ~ .... \~ Job Location: S-2 y~ i)A)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~O~ /1/\ 2 D ~ J"~~\ ...\\)t;;.Y' ~\)\J\, u. 0 If 1- 2 I I Assesso r s Ma p :' /~ ::> j.~ \";;~~\) \)~",~ ~1!>1'l Tax Lo t ,. 'f III '-f . O,vner:_~:: 'A~CL . 'rv.ell ~\)~~, ,~~C~\) #\(.~O\)., ' , '....' t.) '. , CO'\-l\\" "f\),~i' -', ' " Address: ,S 24~ '_ AlsY ~J ,~\~ Phone:' ~';-7t.i(;,~'?~(~.. City: 'S,ptlJtJr.I=-/8-I{) .. . State: .~ ()~ZiP Code:. q74/1 Value ~f Uood Stove/Peliet, $tovelInsert: L~ Of ') . . ,. , , Const,ruction ContI;actors 'Regi'stI:'ation ft: Oc, 77'L...}I , , Preliniinat.y ~tion is 515.00 (pd9f to installation of. insert) , \lood Stove~elletjI~seI:'t Per~it is 515.00 +' $.75 state surcharge + $.'5 adminiitrative fee + $10.00 lssuance = $26.20 total ' Type of InsPri tion ,ReQues ten -r::l' AL- (, ,I (' , . . Contt-;actor: l~t.~DJ f/Il.t/Es;3SI 0 AJA-<. ~, ~)({.{-. , Addr~ss: 2-1-''' C J ~ 'r\. 4 J'e P'h'ne #:: If(l/- 9tr:n ' City: (~LX~ t=10E-, . Sta~e:_a ", ZipC;ode:Q74-0J' C(j9Y. Expires: ,By signing .this pet"mi tlapplication, I agree to call for inspect.ion(s) as required , (726-3769). I s ta te tha t all the information em this permi t/applica tion is correc't and .tha t I vas provided vi th the \lood Stove Safety' informa tion for vood burning appliances and prel~minary inspection standards. I turtherstateH,that-the appli?nce I Cim installing' meets smoke .emission standaJ~ds 'as set by the Oregon Department" of, , Environmental Quap ty or the Federal Environmental Protection Agency and I agree to provide the, testing approval number to the inspector at th~ time of inspection. I also understand that if I am requesting a pt"climinary inspection, the vall covering maybe required td, be removed. J;:~~ u4S..f ~/) Ec. . L c.. SIgnature 'i~ ~r.. . cccc=======================_== 1/. P. . 4pttt l., I ,Date ' ,Iqq~ " ======================================================== , ' , , , FOR OFFICE USE X PRELIMINARY.. REQUIRED INSPECTION(S), VO?DST9VE/PELLET/INSERT Date of Application:, 4/ IS/crt " , , . ' <1"}O/ Total Amount Collected:.:Dll.1. /100 Re~'eipt II: OI1tf3S Job II: 9 ~o.L/(j c; , Issued l3y: . ~. WI~ ,." . ,.. ;1; ,_ '~Checked for Deliquencies:-1l~ . ' . Checked for' HistoLi,cal S.tatu~:lJ fJh!._..-.