HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2-10-4 FRP1'1 : '~ " ' FA;\ NO. ., Community Services Div, Building Safety CITY OF SPRlNGFIELD, OREGON 225 5'" Street, Springfield, OR 97477 Ph,726-3759 I Jpb Address, I City Job # Dec. 27 2002 05:51PM P6 1J$f'l<er ?;fiN' ~s~, Mfidavit For Site Investigation Questionnaire Foundation Sub-Grade Approval for , Residential Building Site in Ambleside Meadows -.1 st Addition Subdivision The undersigned hereby affirms that the excavation, stnictural fill and moisture stabilization methods for the building site at the address shown above was ob.served by , me or an authorized e.mployee of my, firm and that the. following is true: 1. The foundation sub-grade is capable of supponing a minimum of lSOO.psf, and is ' adequate to support the building proposed for th.is site. ,2. ,The moisture content of the excavation Was adequately maintained during the site preparation pr()c~ss and was adequately' covered to stabilized moismre content, priOr to any si~cant change in moisture content of ~e sub-grade.. 3. The site is adequately graded and drained to prevent the collection of water in the , excavated area during construction. , , ,4. The accompanying report titled "Site Investigation Questionnaire for Consulting Design Professionals" containing field observations and insttuctio~, made on " I D /" /6 2.-. '{date) for the building site was completed either by myselfor tiy an employee of my firm under my supervision. To the best of my knowledge, the information contained in that report is complete and accurate. N~e of ~censed ProfeS~ional (print) ~4L\ ~ <sa. ~; Hs.tro^- Signature ~~.. ~~ Date lo/1 fb t.. ~1IUNU}\I~:tj/;:sU/ 43 j FR.m1 : FA>< NO. Dec. 27 2002 05:52PM P7 Communily Services Div, Building Safety CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 225 Sib Street. Springfield, OR 97411 Ph. 726-3759 Job AddreSs .:e>~1l1 City lob # :S~ '1'1' ", { ",'" ',,,: '" I~,' :\",' ,;."...,':, {', I....~:". ,;'I~I,'}~:\~'.' ',' ,~":l,,~",I'. .. AMBLESIDE MEADOWS SUBDIVIsION....tST ADD1U.ON I Site Investigation Questionnaire for Consulting Design Professionals I' foundation requirements- new structures' on residential lots . This fonD. may be used as a temporary verificatiOD to'aDow construction to continue on the job site until the consul!ant'sstamped affidavit on the site son C".I."j r ~"ction . , and stabilization is submitted to the City. This form nmst be completed bya ' licensed design professi~nal (engineer or architect) 'or hislher authorized employee, , and submitted to the building inspector prlor to'tequesting City inspections or placing foundation concrete. It is impOrtant that all questionS be ~ered completely for the foundation site to, be ap!.'A..' t ed for CODStructiO~ Ownerandlor Contractor C:::;OZ1- HOM ~ 1. Date of the designprotessionaI's site evaiuation? le>l &.t!fJ%' 2. Has the design professional reviewed a copy of the geotedmical information, ' fo~~be subdivision that was provided with the,buil(tin~p,e~t'l Yes~No_' lfnot, please contact this ()fficeforacopy ofthl! report- the design professional must be familiar with the geotechnical inf~rmation before completing this form. 3. .What was the size a~ depth' of th~excayati~~ J'Dd lor fill? -'t' Z'3oo it- ~ ~"I,,~; "" ' , W ~ existing non-sttuctural fill or ~pansiye soll encountered ori the lot? Yeso No_ If "yes"~ what types, depths and locations? . R~~ ~ M~ ,..,.-D~'~.D'I, -" What measures were taken to reme4,y the soil condition (include type of engineered fill uSed to stabilize th~ soil)? ' -~1\ . 6\Ja EitrAV):., :TY ..,.~ \ n~,"~, ~ .,~;t~t)'~6 '~u.....~" c...o~""90 ~,,~_ ' 1 FRJJM : FA>< NO. Dec. 27 2002 05:53PM P8 Community Services Div, Building Safely CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 225 5!b Street. Springfield. OR 97417 Ph. 726-3759 .Job Address ~ e:, ,"1, City Job # ~~ ~ lib -rrt Is the site as prepared adequate..8 inadequate 0 to maintain cOnstant moisture c9ntent in the sub grade? Note: ,Verification of moisture stabiiization in the sub grade is a requirement of the geotechnical report, and rn.{lst be affirmed before construction can continue. ' , If inadeQuate. what m~ures are needed to provide constant moiSture ~ontent iIi , the sub grade? . .,'':; . Is the site as prepared adequate~ iruuJequare 0 to sUPPort the }I~~l'<>sed structure? An affirmative answer is requisite to proceeding with construction. If inadequate, what additional work is neMed to p...., ~ :de adequate foundation support? . . ' , .\,: ' 4. Did the design professional witness pJaeement and eompadion of the. f'J J ,4. engineered fill, or is there a, spedallnspection report forthco~ from.a '{ j qualified. agency?! witnessed Placement 0_ Speciallnsp/compaction report 0 s. The design professional intends to us~ the fonowing ~ethod fO~~~OD , of perl'orated perimeter footing drains: ,'. . The design on the attached drawing provided by the designprofessional....~. 0 The method ~hown on the original construction drawings.....:........~..... ..... 0 The typicallFoundatiOD Drain' drawing a.ttached to permit ... ......... :.. .... ~. 0 Perforated perimeter drains are not requirecL .. .. . . .; ...... . ~ ; . . . ... ; .. ... .. .. ..... D' Comments: '"pO c- " ' ,- ' '., ,~~ 't:>~l t-J ~ Ar"r up "U"...l,.. ill 2.6.0" /4.\" ' .Wi", ."1" clu~lrm ~ I <boU._ 1~~A.L.G' I Note: City inspectors will inspect" installed drains prior to cover upon request... Call: n6-3769 to schedule inspec1ion. 2 FRpf1 FAX NO. Dec. 27 2002 05:53PM P9 Community Services Div. 8uilding Safety CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 225 Sell Street, Springfield, OR 97477 Ph. 726-3759 . Job Address City lob # ~~, 1 -3~-,1l Low-point crawl space drains are required to prevent the build-up of excess moisture inside the foundations during (and after) construction. This drain maybe installed after foundation placement onIv with, the eXDress oermJssion of the desi~ DrofessionaJ: ." , , II, The, design profegrionil han dotcmililed the follvw w~~. 1k crawlspace drain is required when the foundation is installed. .... 0 The low-poinr drain can be installe.d after foundation placement without a significant moisture, build-up problem within thefowidation....h.....~.;l!11 (The low-pomt drain may be installed at the. ~."f~ ",.' ~age ofconsrruction) ptw&betun.fra*;illg,rDDflllg, rn:. , , b.Has the design professional observed and approved me installaribn of the . dl ' , . d"? " V 11 requzre ow pomt ram. h................................. Les, ~.,o if 'yes", where is the low point drain located under the. building and ' : where does it terminate, at this time? (must be an approved location, i.e. . street g~er, storm sewer, swnp pump and discharge ltrze to the ~treet et~) , The des~gn professional must cietennine whether'the ~l'lV ved' permit drawings have adequate foundation steel. Is anY,additional foundation steel required that is not shown on the fOlindation drawingS for the building? Yes'r' No If "yes", describe additional steet'requlred (or provide draWing). The following statement must be .signed by the individual doing the observations and providing direction for the excavation and site preparation work on the property. 3 F~OI'1 FA>< NO. Dec. 27 2002 05:54PM Pi0 Community ServiCes Div, Building Safe[y CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 225 Sm Su-e~[, Springfield, OR 97477 Ph. 726.3759 Job Address ~-') City lob ## ~co"" Th~ undenigned design profeslionoJ (or authori:t,ed employee) latests that helshe observed required moisture stllbility procedures on this site, and t1ud sw:h procedures were accomplished before any changes occurred in the ,moisture content 01 the sub. grade under and ilTound the building (where expansive soils were encountered). The ,undemgnedfiirtJur attests thot the tub-grade, as prepared, is adequate to support the building proposedforthis site. . Additional comments: , (Note): A copy of this report shall be kept on site with the approved plans at an times. This report shall be followed by an affidavit, signed and staInped by the design, professional under whose auspices this report was completed, affirming the information herein. The signed/stamped affidavit together with a copy of this 'repOrt shall be submitted ~ this office prior to requesting 'framing inspection for the. building. Signature 0, -- !-- a..;{, ." Name CM,( ~ rL.......l;>~ ' Title EN(".. ',A, ~~. Company M [) ~,..\. &:J ce.. _~~-" \.~Ci1Qe.. Phone_ t.s.f!) \.{ ~ !, ~b~ Licensee. License # .p~k~l4.. <;'I..lli ~ e. ~. 14: ll\'~ T Ii. 0"'" expires. (t(?6/03 The geotechnical report for the Ambleside Meadows - 1 st Addition Subdivision recornm"'~ds immediate moisture stabilization of exposed ex.pansive sub-~s, and that expansive soils be over-excavated and repI,aced with at least 12 inches of fill ~mpacted to at least 95% of ASTM D698 for foundation preparation. The report also recommends that measures be taken to prevent water from collecting in. or tuPuna the foundation areas during and after the construction process, and that positive site drainage be provided to reduce the infiltration of suriace water into the expansive soili. . The geotechnical report further emphasizes that the fInish grade of landscape soil . . adjacent to the foundation should be at least 24" above the expansive bearing soils, firmiv . ~moacted to reduce the'infiltration of water at the surface. The adequacy of:fill soil material around the building must be veiitied to the satisfaction of the design " professional. , , 4